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1、 你的首选资源互助社区Unit 3Tomorrows world重点单词【1】 besides adv. & prep. 除以外(还有)They all went there besides Tom.除汤姆去了以外,他们也都去了。I dont like the color of the dress. Besides, its too expensive.我不喜欢这裙子的颜色,另外它也太贵了。【注意】beside prep. 在旁边,与相比He sat beside her all night.整个晚上他都坐在她身边。My painting looks childish beside your

2、s.同你的相比,我的画显得很幼稚。except, except for, except that, but, apart from(1)except 意思是“除了之外”,指仅有某事物不包括在内。I enjoy doing anything in the holiday except doing homework.假期里我什么都愿意干,就是不想做作业。(2)except for 是except引申出来的一个词组,它所指代的除去的部分和主题不是一个层次的。Your article is quite good this time except for some spelling mistakes.你

3、的文章很好,就是有几处拼写错误。(这里的文章和拼写错误不是一个层面上的东西)(3)except 从句除了He never goes out except when he needs to buy something.除了需要买东西外,他从不出门。(4)but prep. 除了,相当于apart from; except。I could come every day but Thursday.除了星期四,我每天都能来。(5)apart from 除外还,也指仅有某事物不包括在内,相当于besides和except综合的用法。Apart from the injuries to his face

4、and hands, he broke both legs.除了脸和手受伤外,他的两条腿也断了。I would go with you, _ I have to work that day.A. besides B. exceptC. besides that D. except thatD那天如果我要工作则不能和你一起去,所以选择except,同时其后跟的是宾语从句,从句的结构与意义均完整,用连词that引导。 【2】 set n一套,一组 vt.(set,set)设置(布景,背景),安排,布置,分配The novel is set in France in the early 19th c

5、entury.这部小说是以19世纪早期的法国为背景的。A committee has been set up to organize social events in the college.委员会的成立是为组织大学里面的社交活动。She has set herself a difficult task.她为自己安排了一个艰难的任务。a set of six chairs 6把成套的椅子setting n环境,背景It was the perfect setting for a wonderful Christmas.气氛环境无可挑剔,正是一个美好的圣诞节所需要的。set 相关短语参见M2U2

6、【3】 fear n&v. 害怕;恐惧,担忧Most older employees fear unemployment.大多数年长的员工害怕失业。Her parents fear for her safety.她的父母为她的安全而担忧。for fear that/of sth. 担心某事将会发生They wouldnt let their cat outside for fear (that) it would get run over.他们不敢让猫出门,因为害怕会被轧死。I didnt want to move for fear of waking her up.我不想动,担心会把她吵醒。

7、我们悄悄说话,以免惊醒警卫。_ the guards.我只好逃走,生怕他有一天把我杀了。_ one day.他的雇员都怕他。_We spoke quietly for fear of wakingI had to run away for fear that he might kill meAll his employees fear him.【4】 impress vt. 给留下极深的印象be impressed with/by 给留下深刻印象Were very impressed with the excellence of the childrens works.这些儿童作品水平之高,给

8、我们留下了深刻印象。impress (sth.) on/upon (sb.) impress on/upon sb./ sth. 使某人对某物印象深刻The great changes in China are strongly impressed on the foreigners.中国的巨变让外宾印象很深。My father impressed on me the value of hard work.我父亲让我明白了努力工作的重要性。impressive adj. 给人印象深刻的;感人的impression n. 印象;感觉leave/make a deep impression on

9、给留下深刻的印象She was very impressive in the interview.她在面试中表现得十分出色。My first impression of him was favourable.他给我的第一印象不错。The scenery here is _ and all the visitors are deeply _.A. impressive; impressB. impressed; impressionistsC. impression; impressionistsD. impressive; impressedD第一空是说风景“给人印象深刻的”;第二空的意思是“

10、对印象深刻”。【5】 deliver vt. 转交;投递;发表;宣布;接生;解救The doctor delivered a baby.这个医生接生了一名婴儿。They prayed to God to deliver them from danger.他们祈求上帝把他们从危险中拯救出来。The professor usually delivers his class in a lively way.这个教授总是以一种非常生动的方式讲课。deliver sth. to/over sb. 把某物交付某人deliver a message 带信,传话deliver a speech 发表讲话del

11、iver over/up (to) 移交,交给我们承诺在48小时内送到。_陪审团(jury)终于宣布了裁决(verdict)。_We promise to deliver within 48 hours.The jury finally delivered its verdict.【6】 voice v. 表达,吐露 n说话声,语态If you have any questions or comments, you can use this time to voice them.如果大家有任何疑问或评论,可以利用这个时间段来提出。Her voice shook with emotion.她激动

12、得声音颤抖。voice, noise, soundvoice 用作名词,多指人类发出的“声音”;用作动词,指“表达”、“吐露”。noise 名词,多指各种声音或响声搅和在一起时的“杂音”、“嘈杂声”。sound 用作名词,多指一下一下地“响声”;用作动词有“听起来”,“发出声音”和“使发出声音”之意。The construction site gives off too much _ day and night, and the people living nearby have no choice but to _ their complaints to the government.A.

13、sound; voice B. noise; soundC. noise; voice D. sound; noiseC第一空为名词“嘈杂声”,第二空为动词“表达”、“吐露”。 【7】 accuse v. 控告,告发Man often accuses nature for his own misfortunes.人类常把自身的不幸归罪于天。 accuse sb. of sth./doing sth. 指控某人做某事the accused 被告rob sb. of sth. 抢走某人某物inform sb. of sth. 通知/告诉某人某事warn sb. of sth. 告诫某人某事remi

14、nd sb. of/about sth./sb. 使某人想起某人或某事;提醒某人某事物或某人They _ him _ bribes.他们指控他犯有贿赂罪。Tom has always thought of himself as a good cook and never fails to_ everyone of it.A. remind B. rememberC. know D. introduceaccused; of takingA句意:Tom总以为自己是一个好厨师,并且总是使所有的人知道这一点。 remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起某事;提醒某人某事。【1】 put for

15、ward 调快(钟表,时间),提出(观点、议案等),推荐The clock slows down. Please put forward the hands of it.钟慢了,请把指针调快些。I wasnt convinced by any of the arguments that he put forward.他所提出的任何论据都不能说服我。She has decided to put her name/put herself forward as a candidate.她打算推荐自己作为候选人。put/set/lay aside 搁置一旁;把(钱,时间等)留存起来,储蓄;抑制(愤怒等

16、);忽视(忠告等)put away 收拾起来,放好;储蓄put asideput back 放回;拨回钟表的针put down 放下,使乘客下车;记下,写下;镇压put off 推迟;脱去,除去put on 穿上;增加(速度,体重等); 上演put out 伸出;扑灭;生产put together 组合,拼凑put up 举起;建造,挂起;提高(价钱)put up with 容忍put an end/a stop to 制止,使停止putto bed 使上床睡觉putto death 处以死刑,杀死Its reported that Changsha has _ the general pla

17、n for citybuilding.A. put out B. put forward C. put up D. put awayAs teachers and students, we need to _ our old ideas and prejudices and learn to be more _ in both our teaching and study. (2010江苏宝应学情调查)A. put away; flexibleB. put out; cleverC. put down; cleverD. put aside; flexibleBDput away 收起来;pu

18、t out 扑灭;put down 记下,镇压;put aside 储蓄;抛在一边。根据句意,我们应把我们旧的观念和偏见抛在一边,在教学和学习中学会更加“灵活”。故选D项。【2】 at the moment 在此刻Im afraid shes not here at the moment.恐怕她现在不在这儿。for the moment 暂时Stop discussing for the moment, please.请暂时不要讨论。at any moment 随时The firefighters rushed into the burning building though it might

19、 fall down at any moment.尽管正在燃烧的那栋房子随时都可能会倒塌,但是消防员还是冲进了大火中。the moment还可以充当连词,引导时间状语从句。He stopped what he was doing the moment the teacher came in.老师一进来,他就停止了手头上做的事。The classroom is big enough _, but well have to move if we have more students.A. for the moment B. on the momentC. in a moment D. for a

20、moment A【3】 at a speed of 以某种速度New maglev train nowadays can travel at an amazing speed of 430 km/h.目前的磁悬浮火车能以每小时430千米的惊人速度行驶。at top/full speed 以全速He was driving at top speed down the street when the accident happened.当事故发生时他正沿着街道高速驾驶。speed up 加速This drug may have the effect of speeding up your hear

21、t rate.这种药物能够使你的心率加速。at a safe/dangerous/low/high speed 以安全/危险/低/高的速度pick up/gather speed 加快速度【4】 come across 偶然碰到;走过来;出现于I came across his name on the list.我无意中在名单上发现了他的名字。She came across an old school friend in Oxford Street this morning.今天早上她在牛津大街碰到一位老校友。 Have you _ some new ideas? Yeah, I will t

22、ell you later.A. come about B. come acrossC. come up with D. come out withC考查come相关的词组的辨析。come about 发生;come across 偶然碰到;come up with 想出,提出;come out with 发表,公布;说出。【1】 Not only is every step of climbing Mount Qomolangma felt by the viewer, but also the cold, the tiredness, the food, the smells, the s

23、ights and the sounds of the mountain can all be experienced.观众不仅能够感受到攀登珠穆朗玛峰的每一步的艰辛,还能体验到寒冷、劳累,品尝到食物,闻到香味,欣赏到山上的风景,以及聆听到自然界的声音。(1) not onlybut also 应连接两个相对称的并列成分(主语、谓语、宾语、状语或分句)。She not only sings well but also dances beautifully.她不仅歌唱得好,舞也跳得不错。(2) not onlybut also 连接两个分句,并且 not only 位于句首时,第一个分句中的主语

24、和谓语要部分倒装。Not only does the sun give us light but also (it) gives us heat.太阳不仅给我们光,还给了我们热。Not only is this young man clever but also he is hardworking.这个年轻人不仅聪明,而且努力。(3) not onlybut also 不能用在否定句中。误: They dont fear not only hardship but also death.正: They fear neither hardship nor death.正: They dont f

25、ear either hardship or death.(4) not onlybut also 连接两个主语时,谓语动词要和与其最近的主语保持人称和数的一致。Not only the students but also the teacher was against the plan.不仅仅学生,而且老师也反对这个计划。Not only the teacher but also the students were against the plan.不仅仅老师,学生也反对这个计划。(5) not onlybut also 连接两个并列成分时,not only 不能分开使用,但 but als

26、o 却可以分开使用,而且可省略but或also。The area was not only hit by an unexpected heavy rain, but some bridges were also washed away.突如其来的暴雨不仅侵袭了这个地方,而且把一些桥梁也冲走了。I not only heard it but saw it. I not only heard it also saw it.我不仅是听说,而且亲眼目睹了此事。(6) 也可用 buttoo/as well 替代 not onlybut also 中的 but also。She not only sang

27、 well but danced gracefully too (as well)她不仅唱得好,而且舞也跳得很优雅。也可以用 besides, furthermore, moreover, in addition 等替代 not onlybut also 中的 but also。Not only was there no food, but also (furthermore, besides, moreover, in addition) there was no water.不仅没东西吃,还没水喝。也可用 merely, just, simply等替代not onlybut also中的o

28、nly。They not merely/just/simply broke into his office and stole his books but also tore up his manuscripts.他们不仅闯进他的办公室偷了他的书,而且还撕毁了手稿。(7) not only A but also B B as well as A, 但前者的强调重点在B, 后者的强调重点也在B。汉译时,要先译 as well as 后面的词。It concerns not only me but also you. ( It concerns you as well as me.)这件事不但与我

29、有关,而且也与你有关。New technology was used in teaching. As a result, not only _, but students became more interested in the lessons. A. saved was teachers energyB. was teachers energy savedC. teachers energy was savedD. was saved teachers energyB“新技术用在了教学中。结果,不仅老师可以节省精力,而且学生也对课程更感兴趣了。”考查倒装结构。not only分句一but(

30、also)分句二。当not only位于句首时,常用部分倒装语序,即分句一部分倒装。如何写好定语从句写好定语从句,掌握先行词与从句的位置非常重要。定语从句要置于先行词(即被修饰词)之后,译为:“的”,其次要掌握从句中引导词的用法。【句型1】()先行词 关系代词 从句点津:关系代词代替的是先行词,在从句中要充当主语或宾语。The child who is reading there is the monitor.在那儿读书的那个孩子是班长。 【句型2】()先行词 prep. which / whom 从句He teaches in a school, at the back of which t

31、here is a river.他在一所学校教书,学校后面有条河。点津:介词(短语)后的关系代词指物时只能用 which,指人时只能用 whom,都不可用 that代替。【句型3】()such / the same as 从句Children should read such books as are recommended to them by their teachers. 小孩子应该读他们老师所推荐的那些书。点津:as作定语从句连词时,一定要与such / the same搭配。as代替先行词在定语从句中充当主语或宾语。【句型4】()先行词 关系副词 从句The small mounta

32、in village where we spent our holiday last month lies in what is now part of Hunan. 上个月我们度假的那个小山村在现在的湖南的一个地方。(where at which)点津:先行词是表示时间、地点或理由的名词。在定语从句中用作状语时用相应的关系副词。翻译下列句子1. 想要学习这些课程的学生至少要有3年学习英语的经验。 _2. 约翰肯尼迪 (John Kennedy) 是美国最年轻的总统,他的名字为大多数美国人所熟悉。 _3. 这是我们都感兴趣的一个题目。 _4. 目前中国有约3.5亿吸烟者,其中75%是男性,25

33、%是女性。 _5. 请送给我们一些像你昨日送来的那种苹果。 _6. 他的感觉同我的感觉一样。 _7. 所有的邻居都羡慕这个家庭,在其父母对待孩子就像朋友一样这个方面。_8. 我来是为了向你解释我当时没到会的原因。_9. 这儿曾经有一段时间既没有广播,也没有电话或者电视。_1. The students who are going to take these courses have at least three years of English learning experience. 2. John Kennedy was the youngest president in America,

34、 whose name is known to most Americans. 3. This is a subject which we are interested in. 4. Currently China has about 350 million smokers, among whom 75% are men and 25% are women. 5. Please send us such kind of apples as you did yesterday. 6. He has the same feeling as I have. 7. All the neighbors admire this family,where the parents are treating their child like a friend. 8. I have come around to explain the reason why I was absent from the meeting.9. There was a time when there were no radios, telephones or TV sets here.


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