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1、Advertising English,,Advertising English,Self-introduction,Name: Yan Hongci (闫宏兹) Educational Background: I graduated from Sun Yat-sen University with a MA degree in linguistics abroad and linguistics applied E-mail: Cell Phone: 13926960825,Advertising English,Im lovin it! Just do it. Just be yours

2、elf.,Advertising English,Orientation,Advertising English,Aims of This Course,Why do we need to learn ad English? Why the term ad English? What is ad English?,Advertising English,Ad Language,Advertising language is the specific language used in advertising (in headline, in slogan, in text etc. ). It

3、is of peculiar linguistic features, slightly different from normal language or language for general purpose. Ad English & ESP ( English for special purpose, one branch of applied linguistics),Advertising English,Aims of This Course,It is intended (1) to be an introduction to the basic linguistic phe

4、nomenon in ads and their linguistic features; (2) to deepen our understanding of ads and enable us to account for them; (3) and to acquaint English majors with the basic skills in ad writing and translation.,Advertising English,为什么要学广告英语?,探讨广告英语,借鉴国外广告长处,结合汉语特点,研究提高广告用语水平是我国经济快速成长的需要。这对有效地宣传本国产品,打入并

5、占领国际市场具有重大的现实意义。商业英语广告不仅是企业出口销售、开拓海外市场的一个主要手段,而且随着外国广告的大量涌入,它也成为我国企业和消费者获取商品及经济信息的重要来源。 e.g. White Elephant Fang Fang,Advertising English,为什么要学广告英语?,如同文学作品一样, 广告是一种语言艺术。商业广告的撰写人( copy writer),不仅要有科学家的头脑和心理学家的敏锐眼光,而且要有企业家的精明才干和艺术家的才华和情操。 摘自英语语体和问题要略(秦秀白编著) 广告是聪明人的事业。创作广告需要智慧,需要思想的火花。研究广告是研究聪明人的聪明的结晶,

6、需要聪明,也可以检验是否聪明和培养聪明。 摘自只要你想成功广告语访谈录(於春主编),Advertising English,Course Book,张国才,2008,图文英语广告文案 。厦门:厦门大学出版社。,Advertising English,Books for reference,广告英语 文体与翻译(English Advertisements: Style and Translation),郭贵龙,张宏博,华东师范大学出版社, 2008。 广告翻译理论与实践 (Advertisement Translation A Theoretical and Practical Approac

7、h)李克兴,北京大学出版社, 2010。 应用翻译中的审美与文化透视:基于商标品牌名和品牌广告口号的翻译研究(On Aesthetic and Cultural Issues in Pragmatic Translation -Based on Translation of Brand Names and Brand Slogans) 冯修文,上海交通大学出版社, 2010。,Advertising English,Assessment & Class Rules,Attendance Participation / Involvement Assignment & Presentation

8、Open-book Final Exam Cell phone: Silent / Vibration mode.,Advertising English,Websites for self-learning,www. iaauae. org 国际广告协会网站 http:/ 国际4A广告网 http:/ ,Advertising English,凡客体,爱网络,爱自由,爱赛车,爱晚起,爱夜间大排档,也爱59块的帆布鞋,我不是什么旗手,不是谁的代言,我是韩寒,我只代表我自己,我和你一样,我是凡客。(韩寒),Advertising English,Advertising English,凡客体:爱

9、(不爱 / 爱 / 更爱 ),不是,我是,我和你一样,我是凡客。”,Advertising English,Lecture One An Introduction to Ad,Advertising English,Contents,Case study What is an ad? The history of ad,Advertising English,Case Study,一人爬墙出校,被校长抓到了, 校长问:为什么不从校门走? 答曰:美特斯邦威,不走寻常路。 校长又问:这么高的墙怎么翻过去的啊? 他指了指裤子说:李宁,一切皆有可能。 校长再问:翻墙是什么感觉? 他指了指鞋子说:特步,

10、飞一般的感觉。 第2天他从正门进学校, 校长问:怎么不翻墙了? 他说:安踏,我选择,我喜欢。 第3天他穿混混装, 校长说:不能穿混混装! 他说:穿什么就是什么,森马服饰。 第4天他穿背心上学, 校长说,不能穿背心上学。 他说,男人,简单就好,爱登堡服饰。 校长说我要记你大过。 他说:为什么? 校长说,动感地带,我的地盘我做主!,Advertising English,1、特步:地震,死一般的感觉。 2、百事:余震无极限! 3、脑白金:今年过节不收礼?收礼只收避震篷。 4、汇仁肾宝:他震我也震。 5、旺旺:你震,我震,大家震,震震! 6、农夫山泉:震了有点烦。 7、好迪:大家震,才是真的震。 8

11、、白加黑:白天震一下,不瞌睡;晚上震一下,睡不着。 9、清嘴:你知道地震的味道吗? 10、NIKE:Just 震 it! 11、盖中盖:现在地震啊,它能量大,震一次,顶过去五次,恐怖!你瞧我,一口气下5楼,不费劲。 12、麦氏咖啡:天天余震,意犹未尽。 13、雀巢咖啡:地震,味道坏极了。 14、大宝:余震明天见?余震天天见! 15:万家乐:万家震,震万家。 16:高露洁:高露洁的目标是?没有余震!,Advertising English,As we approach the 21st century, advertising is in a state of tremendous flux a

12、nd is seeking new directions that will enhance both creativity and profitability.,Advertising English,福特车创意广告,这是来自福特(加拿大)的一款最新的创意广告,广告中所展出的福特车型是完全由一群舞蹈演员用自己的身体配合一些必要的汽车零件组合而成的。,Advertising English,Advertising English,Advertising may be described as the science of arresting human intelligence long en

13、ough to get money from it. (Leacock Stephen, Canadian economist) 广告可被视为一种长久蒙蔽人类智慧以期从中赚钱的技巧。(加拿大经济学家 斯蒂芬),Advertising English,Globe Trotters杂志广告欣赏,自杂志以上,人的脑袋和身体凭空消失了。 升华了?投入到杂志当中了?您以为呢?,Advertising English,Advertising English,Advertising English,Good times, bad times, there will always be advertising

14、. In good times people want advertising; in bad times they have to. (Bruce Barton British economist) 不管是繁荣时期还是萧条时期,广告总会存在。繁荣时,人们想做广告;萧条时,人们不得不做广告。(英国经济学家 巴顿 ),Advertising English,The consumer isnt a moron; she is your wife. You insult her intelligence if you assume that a mere slogan and a few vapid

15、 adjectives will persuade her to buy anything. (David Ogilvy, American advertisement manager) 消费者不是傻瓜;她是你的妻子。如果你认为仅凭一句口号,几个干巴巴的形容词就能诱使她掏腰包购买任何东西的话,那么你就亵渎了她的智慧。(美国广告经营者 奥格尔维),Advertising English,Advertising creativity is the soul of advertising. A creative advertising should be novel, fresh, unexpect

16、ed, and unusual. To be effective, the ideas must also have impact. (Graham Willas),Advertising English,轻松享“瘦”,猫钻鼠洞 diet PEPSI减肥广告,Advertising English,Give a Timex to all, to all a good time. (Timex 天美时表的广告标语) 天美时表,美时每刻。/拥有一块天美时表,拥有一段美好时光。/戴天美时表,准时乐道。/天美时表人人戴,美好时光人人享。/手戴天美时,美好时光不再迟。/天美时,天涯共此时。/天下人戴天美

17、时,美时天下人。/天美时,时时美。,Advertising English,What is advertising?,Advertising is any of various methods used by a company to increase the sales of its products or services or to promote a brand name. Its also used by organizations and individuals to communicate an idea, to recruit staff, to publicize an ev

18、ent, or to locate an item or commodity.,Advertising English,What is advertising?,Nowadays, we can simply define advertising as a process of communication, process of public relations, an economic and social process of information and persuasion process. Hence, in order to explain advertising clearly

19、 , we have chosen the definition given in the book “Contemporary Advertising” by William F. Arens.,Advertising English,What is advertising?,Advertising is the nonpersonal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sp

20、onsors through the various media. (Advertising Marketing Association, AMA) Two basic types: Informative advertising and Persuasive advertising.,Advertising English,What is advertising?,From the definitions above, we can see that advertising is a communication that uses verbal and nonverbal elements

21、structured and composed to fill predetermined space and time formats that the sponsor controls. is a non-personal communication of information because advertising is directed to groups of people in stead of individuals. is usually paid for advertising by sponsors. is usually designed to win consumer

22、s through persuasion.,Advertising English,What is advertising?,promotes products which include goods (oranges, cars, and supplies), services (the beneficial actions of banks, beautificians, bike repair shops), and ideas (concepts based on economics, politics, etc.). identifies its sponsors (whereas

23、public relations activities often do not). appears through a medium a. mass media (radio, television, and newspapers for example); b. addressable media (direct mail); c. interactive media (internet); d. non-traditional media (blimps, video cassettes).,Advertising English,With the development of the

24、economic globalization, the trading activities of all kinds of commercials have boosted the economic and cultural development of various countries in the world. Advertising plays an important role in such activities. A successful advertisement can not only help to stimulate the consumption, but also

25、 to deliver information effectively.,Advertising English,The history of advertising,The history of advertising falls into four eras: the Ancient Period, The Age of Print, The Formative Years and Modern Advertising.,Advertising English,1. The ancient period: Most messages were actually delivered by c

26、riers who stood on street corners shouting the wares of the sponsor. Information rather than persuasion was the objective of the early commercial message. 2. The age of print: Began with the invention of the printing press around 1440, which moved society toward mass communication. The early print a

27、d included posters, handbills and classified ad in newspapers. Messages were simple and informative.,Advertising English,3. The formative years: The mid-1800s marked the beginning of the development of the ad industry in U.S Ad agencies had taken on the role of convincing manufacturers to advertise

28、their products. Ads had assumed a more complete informational role. 4. Modern advertising: It began in the 1880s. And by the beginning of the twentieth century, advertising industry had become a major force in marketing and had achieved a significant level of respect and esteem.,Advertising English,

29、“Soft-sell” advertising (软性广告): Such advertisement which use a series of soft ways to persuade consumers by creating images through a slow accumulation of positive messages. “Hard-sell” advertising (硬性广告): Such advertisement which promoting its product by direct way.,Advertising English,Advertising

30、Media(广告媒体),Media are the means of the dissemination of advertising,Newspaper broadcast Magazine TV program Mail Billboard 1-4 are the four major types of mass media in advertising.,Advertising English,Advertising English,电台广告,Advertising English,Any kind of objects or tools can be a medium for the advertisement, such as airplane, train, bus, building, neon light, movie, package, exhibition, and etc.,Advertising English,某街头广告,Advertising English,http:/


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