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1、外研版六年级上册英语Module2 Unit 2 教案设计 保安镇中心小学 梁甜甜Module 2 Unit 2 There are lots of beautiful lakes in China.教学目标知识与技能:1,学生会听说读写单词:strong.2,学生会说句子:There are many mountains in China.There are lots of beautiful lakes in China . There is a very famous river.3,学生会用there be 句型来描述某物。过程与方法:任务型教学法、情景教学法。 情感、态度和价值观:学

2、习介绍中国名胜古迹,从而热爱祖国的大好河山。重点:用“There isThere are”介绍事物难点: there be 中be动词的选择。教学过程:(一)导入:In America, there is lots to see. In China, there is lots to see,too. Look, there are many interesting places in China. Today, boys and girls, Lets travel together. Now Miss Ling is a guider, and I will take you to vis

3、it these famous places. Lets go!T show these pictures: the Huangshan Mountain, the Changjiang River,The West Lake, the Great Wall. Ss know these places.(二)呈现新知:1,Activity 1Now lets listen a Chant about these places. T play the tape of Activity 1, Ss listen to it and understand it. T show the new wor

4、d: strong. Ss learn and know more meanings of it. T play the tape of A1 again, Ss Chant together and do some actions. Attention these words: high, long, beautiful, strong.2,Activity 2T show ppt and say:Look, these are my postcards from China. Are they beautiful ? Ss: Yes, they are. T: Next, lets mov

5、e to Activity2. Listen to the tape and find these sentences structure: there be. T play the tape of Acticity2. Ss find these sentences and say out. T and Ss learn them together. T play the tape of A2 again. Ss follow the tape and read it. (三)巩固新知:Ss read Activity2 by groups( four students one group)

6、 and then show it on the front of our class. T show PPT and Let Ss fill in the blanks correctly. Choose Ss to finish it. Next, boys and girls, Imagine that you are a guider and introduce any place that I showed to our class. (四)操练和检测:Just now, we say: there is/ there are. We always make mistakes in

7、this: Attention! Now lets review it then lead Ss to review these knowledge points: There is +可数名词单词/ 不可数名词 There are+可数名词复数 there be 中的就近原则。T give Ss some exercises and Ss finish it.(五) 质疑:After this class ,Do you have any questions? Ss ask questions freely and T help Ss solve the questions.(六)小结:De

8、ar children, What have you learnt? Can you share it to us?S1: strong.S2: There is a famous mountain in Anhui There are many mountains in China. There are lots of beautiful lakes in China/S3.(七)作业布置:Introduce one place to your best friends.(八):板书设计:There are lots of beautiful lakes in China.strong There are lots of beautiful lakes in China . There are many mountains in China. There is a famous mountain in Anhui.(九)课后反思:学习英语的目地是让孩子们学以致用,本节课呈现出的东西稍显死板,应该多给孩子们展示一些景点,让他们学会用所学句型来描述介绍。另外新课标要求六年级的孩子学习写一些简单的东西,所以在平时的课堂中我们就应该去渗透,这一点在课堂上我是有些忽略的,以后,在备课中更应该高标准要求自己!


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