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1、北京市中小学“京教杯”青年教师教学设计大赛 教学基本信息课名人教版英语必修1 Unit3 Travel journal (reading)是否属于地方课程或校本课程否学科英语学段高中年级高一授课日期2016.9.7教材书名:普通高中课程标准实验教科书 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2015年 6 月教学设计参与人员姓名单位联系方式设计者范 娇北京市大兴区第一中学18513010970实施者范 娇北京市大兴区第一中学18513010970指导者张先森北京市大兴区进修学校13020022606指导者王郁松北京市大兴区进修学校13466699337指导者杨冬连北京市大兴区进修学校13466699

2、337指导者刘丽云北京市大兴区第一中学13621335551 指导思想与理论依据普通高中英语课程标准(实验)语言技能目标(六级)读的目标:“能从一般文字资料中获取主要信息;能根据阅读目的运用不同的阅读策略”。北师大王蔷教授指出:当前英语课程改革的新动向主要包括三个方面,即关注学科育人价值,关注学生思维发展,关注学科核心素养。其中,英语学科核心素养除了要关注学生的语言能力和学习能力,还要关注学生的思维品格和文化品格。教学背景分析教学内容:本课是人教版教材必修1 Unit 3 Travel journal第2课时,阅读课。本单元中心话题是“旅行日志”,阅读的题目是“沿湄公河而下的旅程”,为日志的第

3、一部分。它讲述了王坤和王薇的骑车旅行梦想和计划,描述了他们为这次旅游所做的准备,以及他们通过查阅地图对湄公河情况的了解。本课关注学生思维发展,对王薇的性格进行分析,讨论生活中如果遇到这样的同伴自己会怎样做,学生可发散思维,各抒己见,同时,引导学生要学会与人合作,形成良好的品格。学生情况:授课班级是高一的普通班,学生刚刚进入高中学习,虽有一定的英语基础,但英语程度参差不齐。在本单元warming up中,学生已对旅行的交通方式进行了讨论,但在阅读较长文本时,学生还是会遇到各种困难,且本课关于地理专业术语较多,课上用图片帮助学生识记。教学方式:情景教学 任务型教学 小组合作教学 教学手段:PPT,

4、板书,worksheet材料准备:制作PPT,worksheet 教学目标After class, the students will be able to :1. answer some questions according to the text.2. understand the meaning of the text by using different reading strategies. 3. introduce the Mekong River to others using at least 2 or 3sentences.4. understand the importa

5、nce of being a nice person.教学重难点教学重点:1. get some detailed information from the text to answer some questions.2. introduce the Mekong River to others with their own words.3. analyze Wang Weis personalities.教学难点:4. introduce the Mekong River with their own words.教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Step1 Lead inAsk th

6、e Ss some questions:“Do you like traveling? why?Have you visited any river?.”Answer questions. (together)通过对话形式导入本课对湄公河的介绍。Step2Pre-readingGive a brief introduction about the Mekong River, and show the map on top of the passage on the screen, then ask Ss to speak out how many countries the Mekong Ri

7、ver flows through. Give the answers. (together)通过图片展示,给学生提供了解湄公河直观感受。让学生了解湄公河流经的国家及其文化信息,培养学生的文化品格。Step 3 while-readingI. Fast readingAsk Ss to read the passage quickly and answer the question.“What is the text mainly talking about?”Find the main topic of the journal from the title, sub-title, the f

8、irst sentence and the last sentence in each paragraph. (individual)学生根据标题、副标题及段落首尾句,快速阅读文章,获取文章大意,训练学生阅读技巧。II. Careful reading:Ask Ss to read the passage carefully and then answer the questions:1. What was the authors dream/plan? (who, /what, where, how)2. What difficulties did Wang Kun and Wang Wei

9、 find about their journey? 3. How did they solve the problems?Ask Ss to get some information about the Mekong River and then fill in the chart on their worksheet.Check the answers in the class.Ask Ss to find some words in the text to describe Wang Weis personalities. (stubborn, determined, careless

10、)Ask Ss to find the supporting sentences in the text to infer the meaning of the words: stubborn and determined.Then answer the question:“If your partner is determined and stubborn, what would you do?”Read the whole passage to answer the questions.(individual)Get the detailed information about the M

11、ekong River. (individual)Check their answers.(pair work)Describe Wang Weis personalities and find the evidence in the text to guess the meaning of the two words: stubborn and determined.Discuss the question in pairs, and then talk to the whole class.学生进行全文阅读获取细节信息。了解湄公河的流向及特点。关注学生思维发展,对王薇的性格进行分析,并根据

12、上下文推测词义。讨论生活中如果遇到这样的同伴应该怎样做,学生可发散思维,各抒己见,同时,引导学生要学会与人合作,形成良好的品格。Step 4Post-readingGive Ss a situation and ask them to introduce the Mekong River with their own words. Give them a map to help if necessary.Discuss in groups and try to introduce the Mekong River using the information in the text.并能够用自己

13、的话语介绍湄公河,培养学生语言运用能力。Step 5Homework& assessmentAsk Ss to write a short paragraph to introduce the Mekong River using the information in the text.Do the self-assessment after class.Finish the homework& do the self-assessment.巩固本节课所学内容,实现语言的输出。学习效果评价设计评价方式在本节课的最后让学生用自评的方式来评价本节课的收获,评价表如下: AssessmentThe

14、things I can doEvaluationI can answer some questions according to the text.54321I can introduce the Mekong River to others.54321I can talk about Wang Weis personalities.54321I can understand the importance of being a nice person.54321评价量规 5分 能够做的非常好 4分 能够做的好 3分 做的一般 2分 做的不好 1分 做不到本教学设计与以往或其他教学设计相比的特

15、点(300-500字数)本课是阅读课,文章讲到了主人公王坤和姐姐王薇想骑山地车旅行,于是选定了湄公河作为旅游路线,他们选择海拔5000多米,空气非常稀薄的高山作为旅行的起点,这注定是一次非常刺激的旅游经历。课前老师在网上搜索关于The Mekong的图片资料,给学生了解湄公河提供直观感受。让学生了湄公河流经的国家,并对主人公旅行的路线以及见闻有一个大致的了解,从而更好地理解课文,也能启发学生关注途经国家的文化信息,培养学生的文化品格。通过阅读,对学生进行阅读策略(快速阅读、细读获取信息、词义推测)的指导。在阅读的过程中,给学生具体的任务,让学生从文中获取具体信息,通过阅读,使学生了解湄公河的流向及特点,并能够用自己的话语介绍湄公河,培养学生语言运用能力。同时,课上关注学生思维发展,对王薇的性格进行分析,并让学生讨论生活中如果遇到这样的同伴会怎样做,引导学生要学会与他人合作,形成良好的品格。5


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