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1、1. Writing Practice Directions: You are to write in 100-120 words about the title “The Two-day Weekend”. You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below: 1. 双休日给大学生带来的好处。 2双休日可能给大学生带来的问题。 3. 我应当怎样过好双休日。 The Twoday weekend The two-day weekend not only allows us to relax, but al

2、so gives us the chance to take up some hobbies. However, the two-day weekend has caused a few problems. The most serious one is that the weekdays are filled with too many lessons. Because our classes are limited to 5 days, Monday through Friday, we have to take more lessons each day than in the past

3、. This leaves us little time to catch our breath during the weekdays. In order to benefit most from the two-day weekend, I have decided to make a good plan for that rest period. During the weekend, I will not only rest and take up some hobbies, but I will also set aside enough time to study. 点评:本文依照

4、提纲展开,首段说明了双休日的种种 好处,第二段段首的however转折的同时,也起了 承前启后的作用,最后一段说明了自己将如何过好双 休日的计划。 2. “How to Deal with Cheating”. 1.当今的校园里出现了各种各样的作弊手段。 2.作弊的原因。 3.怎样杜绝作弊。 How to Deal with Cheating Many students tend to cheat during exams. Some will copy the answers from their books. Others will physically communicate with

5、each other to get the right answers. There are even some that write down information on their hands or arms. There are several reasons for cheating. Firstly, some students just want to achieve high scores without having to work hard. Secondly, some are under great pressure and they are fearful of fa

6、iling exams. Finally some are afraid that they will fall behind others in the exams. There are at least two ways to eliminate cheating. One way is to explain to students that cheating is harmful. Another way is to take strict measures to prevent cheating. 点评:本文紧扣三点提纲展开讨论,每段的首句点明 了该段的主题大意,结构层次一目了然,词句

7、运用得 当。 3. “On-campus Students Marrying”. 1.如何看待在校大学生结婚的问题 2.国家允许在校学生结婚 3.在校学生结婚对学生的影响 4.你的观点 On-campus Students Marrying There is a new debate: Is it legal for Chinese on- campus students to get married before they graduate? Some people say “yes” while others say “no”. In fact, the government allows

8、 on-campus students to get married before they graduate. Some argue that if they get married, their schoolwork could be affected and they may not graduate. In my opinion, it is unnecessary to ban on-campus students from getting married before they finish college. However, it should not be advocated

9、or encouraged. Students are required to study. So, I believe that all on-campus students should deal with this issue in a sensitive明智的way. 点评:本文基本符合提纲要求 4. “Protection of Relics” 1.经济的发展在一定程度上破坏了历史建筑( relics) 2.需要对历史建筑进行保护 3.保护历史建筑的具体措施。 Protection of Relics Although economic development has brought

10、 so much convenience to us and made the earth a better place to live in, we cannot deny that modernization has destroyed some of our relics. The high publicity公众的注意 about damaged relics has brought our attention to protect them, for relics are not only significant, but also valuable. They represent

11、the development of human beings civilization and thus should be preserved. Otherwise, the younger generation will have little idea of what their forefathers祖先were like and how they lived. In order to fully protect our relics, government should play a major role. And, as individuals we should arouse

12、our consciousness towards preserving our forefathers assets财产 and try our best to protect them. 点评:本文结构清晰,层次分明,遣词造句较得当,论 述较为充分。 5. “My View on Disposable Products” 1. 随着人们生活节奏的加快,一次性用品( Disposable Product)越来越多。 2. 使用一次性用品的利与弊。 3. 我的看法。 My View on Disposable Products Life is becoming increasingly con

13、venient, and especially for busy people who are always on the move, disposable products are a convenience factor. By using disposable lunch cans, people can have their lunches without worrying about dishwashing. At the same time however, using too many disposable products will harm the environment.

14、The high quantities of accumulated garbage resulting from the use of disposable products have become a pollution problem. In my opinion, the existence of disposable products is perfectly justified, but its use should be restricted限制 . More eco-friendly保护生态的 methods such as thorough cleaning and reus

15、ing should be introduced to achieve both convenience and conservation of the environment. 点评:本文紧扣提纲展开,每个观点仅用一到两句话就 点明主题、论证观点,简洁明了,词汇运用得当。 6. “Family Education” 1.现今父母非常重视家庭教育。 2.家庭教育的优、劣势。 3.你的看法。 Family Education Parents in China are nowadays paying more attention to the training of their only chil

16、d. At present, many children in cities have family tutors and more children have to take lessons before they go to school. Family education has both advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage is that children can learn much more and can develop themselves as early as possible. The disadvantage

17、 is that too much family education may cause children to lose their sense of living and studying. Also, children will have less time to play or to do what they like. In my opinion, too much or too little family education will both do harm to children and even lead to disastrous极坏的,很糟的 circumstances境

18、况 . 点评:本文详尽地论述了提纲中的各点要求,每段的段首 句点明该段的主题大意,层次清晰,结构分明,用词准确 ,举例恰当。 7. “On a Harmonious Dormitory Life”. 1. 宿舍生活有时会出现不和谐的情况。 2. 一个和谐宿舍生活的必要性。 3. 如何创造和谐的宿舍生活。 On a Harmonious Dormitory Life Dormitory life is an indispensable必不可少的,必需的 part of a students life. But sometimes the harmony in the dormitory will

19、 be disrupted扰乱 . For example, some members listen to music late at night and cause light 欠缺 的、不够的sleepers(容易醒的人) to be restless焦躁不安的;静 不下来的 .(heavy sleeper不容易醒的人) As is commonly known, a harmonious dormitory life is important to students or workmates and benefits all members. It allows us to relax

20、and focus on our studies or work. Also, we will get along better and enjoy喜爱 each others company同伴(们 ). There are several ways to create and maintain a harmonious dormitory life. Firstly, you have to get rid of your bad habits, if there are any. Secondly, when an annoying situation arises, youll jus

21、t have to learn to discuss this with the persons involved and hopefully抱着希 望地 have a solution, or else否则,要不然you will just have to tolerate容忍,忍受 and co-exist和平共处 with each other. 写作提纲提示: 第一段:举例说明宿舍生活的不和谐之处。 第二段:从正反两方面论证和谐的宿舍生活很重要。 第三段:提出营造和谐的宿舍生活的三个方法。 点评:本文是一篇贴近学生生活的议论文。从叙述 问题着手,阐述和谐宿舍生活的重要性,提出创造 和谐

22、宿舍生活的方法。 8. “My View on the New Tuition Policy” 1.高校收费是一个客观事实,人们对此认识不一。 2.高校收费带来的一系列影响。 3.你的观点。 My View on the New Tuition Policy According to Chinas new tuition policy, students will have to pay for their education. Some people think this will be detrimental不利的 to students and their families, while

23、 others think this policy will be beneficial in the long run从长远看 . The new tuition policy has profound深刻的influences on students. Firstly, it will be inevitably必然地 stressful for families. Secondly, the new policy radically.根本地 alters the traditional obligation义务,责任 of the state to fund 给拨款 university

24、 tuition fees教学费 . I think we need to advocate the new policy. It relieves the government of the burden of supporting higher education. At the same time, we should help those students who cannot finance提供资金 their tuition fees, making sure that they will not drop out because of financial problems. 点评

25、:本文结构清晰,层次分明,遣词造句得当,对提 纲各点的论述较详尽合理,观点明确。 9. “Psychology in Our Life” 1. 试着谈谈心理健康的重要性。 2. 结合自身情况,谈谈如何保持心理健康。 Psychology in Our Life Psychology plays an important role in our daily lives. If you are psychologically healthy, you will have the confidence to cope with difficulties. If not, you may feel s

26、ad and frustrated throughout your life. So having a healthy psychology is necessary. There are at least three methods of staying psychologically healthy. First, try to control yourself when you are in a mess脏乱状态;困境 . Second, believe in yourself after you have assessed评价 your situation状况 carefully. T

27、hird, you should be self disciplined自律 , which allows you to be sensible明智的 when you are really at the edge of an outbreak爆发 . As far as I am concerned as far as.be concerned 就而言, applying these three methods is important to stay psychologically healthy. To me, this is the psychology in our life. 点评

28、:论题稍显抽象,但心理健康问题是近年关 注的热点问题之一。本文结合实际情况进行阐述 ,层次分明。 10. “Long-distance Education” 1. 在中国,远程教育发展迅速。 2. 远程教育加强了发达地区与贫困地区、国内院校与国 外院校之间的联系。 3. 然而,中国的远程教育还很不发达。 Long-distance Education With the popularization of computer and information technology, long distance education has developed at a rather surprisin

29、g speed in China and proves to be an effective way of learning. Thanks to distance learning, many people in less developed areas can enjoy equal opportunities as those living in developed areas. What is more, it enables students in China to have the same access to information, as those students livi

30、ng abroad. However, long distance education in China is still far from perfect and needs to be improved in two areas. First, facilities such as computers, and information network for distance learning are still lacking in some areas and should be installed. Second, more information and courses in Ch

31、ina should be available through distance education to meet the growing needs. 点评:目前远程教育是一个比较热门的话题,本文按照 提纲的三点要求顺次展开,层次分明,段与段之间联结 紧密。 11. “Wealth and Health” 1.有人认为财富意味着一切。 2.实际上健康比财富更重要。 3.试比较说明。 Wealth and Health When asked what the aim of their life is, the vast majority of people say “making money

32、”. For one thing, wealth can ensure them a comfortable life. However, as far as I am concerned, if I had to choose between wealth and health, I would prefer health. On the one hand, rich people can afford everything they dream of. But sometimes wealth cannot buy health. On the other hand, people who

33、 are healthy but not wealthy can make money through their own efforts and can enjoy the fruit of their labor. In conclusion最后,总之, health is more important than wealth. Those who are rich but are not healthy, and they are actually suffering痛苦 . 分析:本文紧扣提纲展开论述,观点明确,条例 清晰,用词较准确。 12. “Woman in Modern Soc

34、iety” 1.Role of women in modern society. 2.Prejudices偏见 and discrimination .歧视 against women. 3. My comments. Woman in Modern Society Women play an important part in modern society. Nowadays, many women go into specialized fields such as medicine, law and engineering. They comprise构成,组 成 a large par

35、t of the workers in businesses and factories and they are making outstanding contributions to modern society. However, people are still asserting肯定地说,断言 that men are superior to比优越(好 women. First, there are many jobs which cannot be carried out by women because they are not physically strong enough.

36、 Second, most of the world-famous scientists and statesmen are male. Finally, most of society上流社会 seems to be dominated占首要地位 by men. Personally亲自;就个人来说 , I am a feminist男女平等主义者 and stand for womans rights. Since both men and women are equally important in human life and activities, they should have

37、equal standing地位 . 分析:本文紧扣提纲,立足于实际,展开论述。论点鲜明 ,用词较丰富。 13. “The Role of Migrant Workers” 1.外来工对城市建设的贡献。 2.外来工带来的问题。 3.我们应怎样面对。 The Role of Migrant Workers As is commonly known, migrant workers have made a great contribution to the prosperity of cities. They are an indispensable必不可少的 part of our workfo

38、rce. However, migrant workers also bring problems. First, they have trouble getting their children into child care centers and schools because they are unregistered residents in the city. Second, most of the migrant workers swarm云集 into big cities just to make money. Being unskilled and inexperience

39、d, some of them can barely几乎不 afford to live a basic life. Therefore, they are a potential threat to the peace and stability of the society. In my opinion, we should appreciate the great contribution they have made, but at the same time monitor the resulting problems. 点评:本题是近年来讨论的热点问题,本文紧扣提纲 ,展开论述。首

40、段先明确了外来工对城市建设的贡献 ,第二段一一列举出外来工潜在的问题,最后一段提 出个人见解。 14. “What does friendship mean?” 1.友谊是认识永恒的主题。 2.友谊到底意味着什么。 3.友谊的重要性。 What does Friendship Mean? What does friendship mean? There is no definite answer. As on eternal无休止的;永恒的 theme主题 ,题目 in literature, friendship is indispensable to daily life. Friends

41、hip is very important to our life. When you are happy, friendship is like adding flowers to carpet; when you are sad, having friends are a consolation安慰,慰 藉 ; if you are in trouble, friends will surround you and remove the barriers for you; if you are facing difficulties, you can turn to friends for

42、 help. We admire钦佩,羡慕 the great friendship between Marx and Engle, which drew them together and pushed them on the road to exploring and fulfilling communism. Friendship is not almighty全能的,万能的 , but no one can live happily without it. 点评:本文类似抒情式的议论文,第二段中运用了排比 句,并巧妙地运用恩格斯和马克思的例子来证明友谊的 重要性。 15. A Lett

43、er to a Schoolmate You do not need to write your own address and your real name. The letter is to a good friend John, congratulating him on his admission准许进(加)入 to a prestigious.有名望的,有威信的 university. You should base your composition on the following outline: 1.对朋友进入大学表示祝贺。 2.介绍大学生活和中学生活的异同。 3.对如何成功地

44、过好大学生活提出自己的建议。 A Letter to a Schoolmate August 16th, 2006 Dear friend, The last time that I met you, I was surprised to find that your eyes were swollen and your face was pale. Later I was told that you have been addicted to online gaming for a long time. As is commonly known, it is very harmful to

45、spend too much time playing games online. Firstly, it is a waste of time. Secondly, it does great harm to your health if you often stay up late at nights. Thirdly, your mental health身心健康will be seriously affected too. I hope you will shift your attention to your studies and work. Try to take regular

46、 exercises, communicate with others more often and concentrate on your studies. In this way, you will have a more富有成效的 lifestyle. I look forward to your reply. Yours Sincerely, Chen 点评:本文是一封建议信,信中劝告朋友戒玩网络游戏,说明沉溺于 网络游戏的危害,并提出如何摆脱网络游戏的忠告。 写作提纲提示: 第一段:得知朋友玩网络游戏成瘾,非常吃惊,同时感到非常痛心。 第二段:分析沉溺于网络游戏的种种危害损害身心健康

47、,浪费时 间和精力。 第三段:劝告朋友及时从沉迷网络游戏中摆脱出来。 16. Writing a letter to a friend who is looking for job August 17th, 2006 Dear friend, I am writing this letter to advise you to apply for the position of English translator in our company. We are in urgent need of good translators and I am sure that you have a goo

48、d chance of getting this job. As for this position, there are some requirements. Firstly, a TEM-8 certificate is a must. Secondly, you must be able to translate an English article of 2,500 words into Chinese within a day. Whats more, your translation should be fluent, and be as close to the original

49、 meaning as possible. You should read some reference books on translation skills. Also, it is necessary for you to broaden扩大 your vocabulary, as you will not be allowed to look up words in the dictionary during the test. I wish you success. Yours Sincerely, Huck 点评:本文属于建议信。信中说明了建议的内容以及理由,提醒朋友 主义应聘的要求以及所应该做好的准备。最后,向朋友表示良好的祝 愿。写信时,要主义段落之间的过渡要自然。 写作提纲提示: 第一段:建议朋友应聘翻译一职并说明原因。 第二段:告知应聘翻译的基本条件。 第三段:给出建议,如看一些翻译技巧方面的书籍,并扩大词汇量。 第四段:祝愿朋友应聘成功。 17. “Annual Expenses on Learning English 某市大学生购买英语资料的年人均投入 时间 90年代初 2005年 年人均投入 60 170 1.上图为某市90年


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