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1、一、教学课题:Unit One How Tall Are You B Lets read二、教材分析:本单元的教学内容学会用形容词来谈论自己、朋友或事物;学会用英文的长度单位来描述人、物的身高、长度和体重等;并能借助这些单位进行精确比较;学会用本单元的目标语言分析比较调查结果并作汇报。本课时是本单元的最后一个课时,读懂B Lets read.里关于sperm whale 和killer whale的信息,并用目标语言汇报分析比较的结果。然而,课本提供的两种动物离学生的日常生活比较远,话题也是比较严谨。因此,我从调查同学身高、体重做为导入创设会话情景;以调查同学牙齿的多少、鞋码的大小、早餐量来巩

2、固;并学习一首青少年喜爱的英文流行歌曲来拓展所学内容。三、教学方法:利用百度搜索动画视频引入复习,引导学生浏览英国学校的教育网上资源,通过小组合作探究,比较身边的人和事物,层层递进的阅读方法,增大语言输入量,让学生更好地掌握本课知识,实现拓展延伸。四、教学目标与要求:(1)能够听、说、认读Lets read 部分的内容;特别是能够听、说、认读单词squid, lobster, shark, seal, whale 和单位词ton, meter, kg, cm;能够听、说、认读短语和句子:can dive into the deep cold water/jump out of the wate

3、r. Each up to 20 cm long.(2) 自主学唱原版英文歌曲。学生根据自己能力选择学习目标:a.欣赏歌曲(听懂)。B. 听懂并能填上所缺歌词。C. 听懂、填上所缺歌词,还能演唱歌曲。五、教学准备:教师准备:电子体重秤、制作课件等。六、教学过程 Step1.Warm-up 1、Greetings 2、Revision(1) Listening Training.(3分钟) T: Do you know who is taller, Banana, Cucumber or Sunflower? Lets watch a very lovely movie. Then answer

4、 the questions. Answer the following questions. a. Is Banana taller than Cucumber?b. Who is the tallest? c. Who peels more easily?d. Who tastes cooler? e. Do Banana and Cucumber like Sunflower?(2) Speaking Training.(5分钟) T: What do you know about your friend / classmate who live beside you? Lets get

5、 to know their height and their weight first. 学生分组测量其中一个成员:Height, Weight。填写表格如下: Name Wu Dong (Group 1) XXX (Group 2) XXX (Group 3) XXX (Group 4) Height, Weight 比较:Who is heavier? Who is the heaviest? 学生小组讨论口头汇报。 Step2.Presentation (15分钟)1、 lead-in T: We know our classmates very well. Then, what do

6、 you know about the animals around us? What kind of whale do you know? Do you know what whale is the biggest in the world? (学生根据课前查找的资料说一说)。 Lets compare the information about sperm whale and killer whale. 通过PPT呈现本课内容Lets read2、Skimming. Read the text for the first time to get the main ideal. Answer

7、 the question: Which whale is bigger, sperm whale or killer whale? 3、Scanning. Read the text for the second time to get the special information. Lets read squid lobster shark seal Fill in the blanks, and answerin oral.(1) The sperm whale is 15 _ long.(2) The killer whale is 3600 _ heavy.(3) The sper

8、m whale has _ teeth, and each up to _ _ long.(4) I have _ teeth, each up to _ _ long.(5) The killer whale has a long tail. Its 6 _ long.Answer the following questions.(1) What does a sperm whale eat?(2) What can a killer whale do?3、Read after the recording. Read the text for the third time to get th

9、e detail. And compare the differences between sperm whale and killer whale. Fill in the blanks.(课本上P9的练习) Step3. Consolidation and extension(17分钟)1、 Comprehensive Training. 学生分组调查其中一个成员:Teeth, Feet, breakfast, English song. Use the drills: How much do you eat for breakfast? How many English songs ca

10、n you sing?. 并填写表格如下: Name XXX (Group 1) XXX (Group 2) XXX (Group 3) XXX (Group 4) Teeth 28 Feet 25cm Breakfast One egg, three pieces bread, one box of milk English song 3 学生小组合作讨论、分析,口头汇报,并写下比较结果。2、 Learn to sing a song T: Do you love your friends, your family and teachers? Ss: Yes. T: If you love

11、them, you should let them know. Lets see how the girl expresses her love and her feeling to her classmates.(1) Listen and read the words for the first time, tell which adjective and you heard.(2) Play the gamefill in the missing words.Step4.Homework:1、通过网搜查找你喜欢的两种动物的资料,并进行比较,写一篇50字左右的报告。2、自主复习新学的英文歌曲。板书设计:Unit One Tall Are You? B Lets read How tall are you? sperm whale squid lobster How heavy ? killer whale shark seal How many ? dive into the deep cold water How big ? jump out of water How much ? each up to 20cm long is / am / are _er than . is / am / are the _est .


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