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1、Topic 1 Pollution has caused too many problems.Section A一、学习目标:1、会正确使用一般过去时与现在完成时,了解两种 时态的区别。2、掌握以下生词、短语:bee, butterfly, moss, shame, several, pour, stream, bamboo, What a mess! What a shame, pourinto3、了解污染,要学会保护环境。二、自主预习:Task 1:用动词的正确时态填空:1、I _(see) the film last week. It _(be) interesting.2、I _ ev

2、er _(see) the film. I dont want to go to day.3、My father _(be) a teacher twenty years ago. But now he _(be) an office worker.4、My father _(be) a teacher for twenty years. His students like him very much.5、I _(call) you yesterday evening.Sorry. I _(be) in the shop with my mother.6、You look very nice

3、i n your new dress today.Oh, really? I _(buy) it whe n it was on sale.7、How long _ Robert _(study) in this school?Since 2 012.8、_ you _ _(have) your breakfast yet?Yes. Mom _(cook) it for me.9、Long time no see! I think you _(change) a lot.Task 2:写出下列短语与生词。1、西山2、花草3、看到蜜蜂和蝴蝶在飞舞4、多么脏乱啊!5、多么遗憾啊!6、几座化工厂7、

4、把倒入8、废水9、清澈的小溪10、更少的竹叶Task 3:你感觉你周围的环境在变吗?变得怎样?请用一个词来形容,可以列举更多罗!river_noise_ air_weather_trees_animals_三、合作探究:Task 1:Listen to 1a.1、Listen and finish 1b.2、Listen and finish 1c.Task 2:Read1、Read and find out the two k inds of senten ces.(一般过去时和现在完成时的句子)2、Re ad and discuss.a. The flowers and grass hav

5、e gone.go:_e.g. 我的新自行车不见了。_b. There are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the stream.there be+sth/sb. doing sth_e.g. 看!有个小女孩在街上哭。_pourinto_e.g. 请把糖倒 入杯里。_waste:n.浪费e.g.浪费时间_v.浪费e.g.浪费时间_adj.废弃的e.g.废水_c. What a shame! =_.Task 3:RetellTwo years ago the West Hill was a _ place. There

6、were lots of _ and _. We could see bees and butterflies _. And the air was _ and the water was _. But now everything _ _. The water is _ and smells _, because there are _ chemical factory _ waste water _ the stream. And the flowers and grass _ _.四、当堂评价:1、Act out 1a.2、Practice in pairs. Finish 23、Listen and finish 3.五、拓展提升:Work in groups and talk about pollcotion in a place you are familiar with.六、课后检测:Section A.


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