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1、宾语从句是历年中考必考语法点,中考对宾语从句的考查主要集中在三点:1. 连词的选择;2. 语序:任何从句都使用陈述句语序,宾语从句当然也不例外。3. 时态 当主句是现在时态时,宾语从句可以根据需要使用任何时态;当主句是过去时态时,宾语从句必须是一种过去的时态;当表示客观事实或普遍真理的句子做宾语从句时,任何时候都用一般现在时。( )1.Itssodark. Icantfind out itsaboy agirl.A.if,and B. that,and C.either,or D.whether,or( )2.Could youtellmeifhe toShanghai?A. hasgone

2、B. had gone C.went D.go( )3.Hetoldme she would catchthe earlybus.A.which B. whether C. why D.that( )4.Mrs.Greenaskedme I would go with her.A.what B. which C. why D.that( )5.Idontknow thecoat cheapenough.A. if,is B. where,were C.that,was D.if,were( )6.Canyoutellmewhy yesterday?A.you didnt come B.didy

3、ou notcomeC.didntyou come D.you dont come( )7.Hesaidthat they Yunnan.A. havebeen to B.had gone toC.have gone to D.hasgoneto( )8.Jackisntsure students thereareinhisclass.A. howmany B. what C.which D.whether( )9.Canyoutellme yesterday?A.whatthey do B. what they didC.what dotheydo D.what didthey do)10.

4、Iwanttoknow hishomeworkyesterday evening.A. ifhefinished B.whether hehadfinishedC.hadshefinished D.hasshe finished( )11.Doyou know what thistimeyesterday?A. they aredoing B.arethey doingC.they weredoing D.were they doing( )12.Excuseme,canyoutellme ?A.why wasthetrainlate B.why thetrainwaslateC. why i

5、sthetrain late D. why thetrain is late( )13.Do you know where ? Someoneislooking for him.A. heis B.he was C.ishe D.washe( )14.Hewanted toknowhowlong inhospital.A.she is staying B. shehadstayedC.did she stay D.she stay( )15.LiLeitold Jim .A. howmuchyuan is thesweaterB.howmuchisthesweaterC.howmuchthes

6、weater is D.howmuchthe sweater was( )16.He toldmethathe toLondonthe next day.A.would go B.go C. went D.hasgone( )17.Hesaid thatlight muchfasterthansound.A. traveled B. will travel C. travels D.istraveling( )18.Ourteacher said thatthemoon around theearth.A. turn B.turned C.hasturned D.turns( )19.Hesa

7、id thatApril the monthofa year.A. is,third B.is, fourth C. was,fourth D.was,third( )20.Do you know ?A. is itwhose pen B. whose penisitC.whose penitis D. itis whose pen( )21. Canyou tellme ?A.whoareyou B. whoyouareC. youarewho D.whoyou be( )22.Do you know ofthethree?A.which bookshe likesbestB.which b

8、estbook doesshelikeC.that whichbookshelikesbestD.which bookshe bestlikes( )23.Ihear the teacher will comebackfromthe UK soon.A.which B.that C.when D.whether( )24. Canyou tellme languageshespeaks?A.which B. what C.that D.whether( )25. Canyou tellus you grow cotton inyour country?A. that B. whether C.

9、 which D.whose( )26.Idontunderstand yousaid.A.when B.that C. where D.what( )27.Do you know themeeting will begin?A.when B.that C. where D.what( )28. Canyou tellme themeetingwill begin?A.what B.whether C. when D.where( )29. surprisedmemostwas hedidnt gotoschoolyesterday.A.What, how B.What,that C.That

10、,that D.Whom,that( )30.Iwondered theyhadbeen toAmerica.A. if B.what C. who D. that( )31. Canyou tellme Mr.Green livesinRoom2318?A. that B. where C.until D.if( )32.Do you know Jack left soearly?A.what B. why C.until D.though( )33.Theywill be thankfulfor you havedone.A.what B.that C.which D.who( )34.T

11、he boy asked howfar the moon fromthe earth.A.was B. were C. is D.was( )35.Itold themthatthesun intheeast.A.rises B.rose C.has risten D.wasrising( )36.Youmustremember thetrain .A. that,leaves B.when,leaves C.when,willleave D. if,leave( )37.Do you know shewill gotothecinemawithus?A. if B. where C.who

12、D.which( )38.The children said they themselvesverymuch.A. if,enjoy B. why,enjoyedC. where,enjoy D.that,enjoyed( )39.Idontthink I outthe problem.A. if,canwork B. how,will workC.that, canwork D.when, willwork( )40.Sheisafraid he acold atnight.A. that,will catch B.that, catches C. whether,will catch D.

13、is, catches( ) 41.Wearesure he to speakEnglishwell.A. that,learned B. that,haslearnedC.if, learned D.if, haslearned( )42.The boy asked I anynoise fromoutside.A.when, heard B. why,hadheardC.whether,hadheard D.what, heard( )43.Who cantell us about over there?A.whatthey talk B. whatdo they talkC. whata

14、re they talkingD. what they are talking( )44.Wecouldntfind out ,so weasked apoliceman.A.whosebikeitwas B.whose bikewasitC. whoseitwasbike D.whosewasitbike( )45.Do you know taketo gettothe hospital?A.whichway mustwe B.whichmustwewayC. whichwaywemust D.which wemustway( )46.Tomasked to schoollate.A.who

15、did oftencome B. who often cameC. whyhadsheleft D.why she had left( )47.Idontremember theboy byhimself.A.why did she leave B.why she leftC. why hadsheleft D.why she had left( )48.Have youforgotten when hedied?A. how oldhewas B.how oldwas heC. whatdid hesay D. what hedidsay( )49.Nobody knows tovisito

16、urschool.A.whenwill become B. when doeshe comeC. when he willcome D.when hedoescome( )50.Pleasetell us totheScience Museum.A. how can wereach B.howwecanreachC.how can weget D. howwecan get( )51.Dont you believe tothemoon byspaceship?A. thatmandidfly B.how did the manflyC.ifmanfly D.whether manfly( )

17、52.The teacher toldus .A. is theearth round B. the earth wasroundC.theearth is round D.was theearthround( )53.Itsfoggy today.Icantfind out itsaman agirl.A. if,and B.that,and C. either,or D.whether,or( )54. Couldyou tellmeifhe toBeijing?A. hasgone B.hadgone C. went D.go( )55. Mrs.Whiteasked me Iwould

18、 goshoppingwith her.A.what B. which C. whether D.that( )56.Idontknow theshoes cheapenough.A. if,are B.where,was C. that,was D. if, was( )57.LiLeididnttelltheteacher why yesterday?A. hedidnt come B.did henotcomeC.didnt hecome D. hedontcome( )58.Hesaid thatthey Zhangjiajiefor aholiday.A. havebeen to B

19、.hadgonetoC.have gone to D. hasgoneto( )59.Lucytoldmeshe mewithmyEnglishthatafternoon.A.will help B.tohelpC.would help D.ishelping( )60.Jack isntsure workers there are inhisfactory.A. howmany B.what C. which D.whether( )61.Who knows dictionary itis?A.whos B.whose C. whom D.who( )62. Couldyou tellmei

20、fit a lotinsummer in your hometown?A.rained B.rain C. rains D.israining( )63.Icantremember I sentthebook to.A. that B. which C. where D.whom( )64.None ofusknowswhichfloor on.A. is she B.she living C. she is D.didshe live( )65.Wedidnt know tovisitourschool.A.when didhecome B. whenwould hecomeC. when

21、he wascomingD. when hecame( )66.Do you know when take off?A.we will B. we are C. shallwe D. willwe( )67.Iwanttoknow willgo with us.A.who B.whom C.what D. that( )68. Canyou tellme the trainleaves?A.what B.where C.when D. how( )69.Hesaid he mebefore.A. hasmet B. met C.wasmeeting D. hadmet( )70.-Idont

22、know ifhe .-Hewillcomeifit .A.comes,wontrainB.will come,doesntrainC. comes,doesntD.will come,wontrain( )71.Do you know what time ?A. thetrain leave B. doesthetrain leaveC.willthe trainleave D. thetrain leaves( )72.-Couldyoutellme with thebike?-Itsbrokendown.A.whatsthematter B.whatthe matter isC.what

23、sthewrong D.what thewrongis( )73.Shesaid it wouldntmatter much.A. that B.if C.which D.what( )74.Wewanted toknow the answer wasright ornot.A. if B.that C.whether D.what( )75.Do youremember you the look?A.where,put B.if,have putC.what,put D.where,are putting( )76.Shehasmadeitclear shewill have nothing

24、to do with him.A.what B. which C. whether D. that( )77.Forcenturies,peoplehavewondered thiscontinentisreallylike,sinceitiscoveredwith solidthick iceanddeep snow alltheyearround.A.what B.how C. which D.whether78. Iwas surprised at .A.whatheissaying B. what hesaidC. what did he say D.what said he( )79

25、.Hereally doesnt know the overheadbridgewill be finished.A. how long B.howfar C.how soon D. how often( )80.The teacher cameup tosee .A.whatwasthematter B.what thematter wasC. whatthematteris D.whatsthematter【参考答案】1.D2.A3. D4. C5. A6.A7.B 8.A9.B 10.A11.C12.B 13.A14. B15.D16.A17. C18.D19. B 20.C21.B22.A23.B24.A25.B26.D27.A28.C29.B30.A31.D32.B33.A34. C35.A36. B 37.A38.D39.C40.A41.B42.C43.D44.A45.C46.B47.B48.A49.C50.D51.A52.C53.D54.A55.C56. A57.A58.B59. C60.A61.B62.C63.D64. C65.C66. A 67.A68.C69.A70.B71.D72.A73.A74.C75.A76.D77.A78.B79.C80.A


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