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1、国际音标,Jenny,?,为什么要学习音标?,妈 ma,声母,韵母,/bed/,辅音,元音,48个,20个元音,28个辅音,单元音,双元音,清辅音,浊辅音,国际音标表,英语元音 (English vowels),a o e i u,/ /,/,/,/ /,/ /,/,/,/u /,汉语拼音,/,/e/,一根手指宽,三根手指宽,舌尖不要紧贴下齿龈,不带任何摩擦. 口形扁平,和微笑时口形相似.上下齿 之间的距离很窄,约能 容纳一个火柴棍.,Words with i ,e-he she eve ee-deep sheep ea-sea teach ei-foreign,ey, ay - key qu

2、ay i - ski ie - believe field eo-people, ,上下齿 之间的距比/i:/ 稍大, 可容纳一个小指尖.,Words with I ,a -village e -English pretty i - it sing o - women u - busy minute y - fifty happy,Words with e ,e - end seven a - any many ea head weather,Words with ,a - back bad man ai - plait al - salmon,Contents,eI aI I,u au,I

3、e u, I ,上下齿 之间的距比/i:/ 稍大, 可容纳一个小指尖.,eI,先发 e 音,然后滑向I 音; 双唇稍平,口形从半开到合; 发音前长后短,前重后轻; 发音时声带振动。,Words with ei: a_e - cake name wave ai - rain waist railway ay - play stay day eigh - eight neighbor ey - they grey ea - break great,Practice,say may way,ay seI meI weI ,Practice,brake late gate fail,a-e breIk

4、 leIt eIt feIl ,aI,发音前长后短,前重后轻; 发音过程中,下颚迅速向上移动; 发音时声带振动。,i-e ie igh y,fly by cry,rice side time wide bike,night right fight high,lie tie die,aI,I,唇形由圆唇变为扁唇; 发音前长后短,前重后轻; 发音时声带振动。,oy oi,boy toy joy soy enjoy coy deploy destroy,oil coin noise boil choice soil join,I,Contents,eI aI I,Sum-up,u au,I e u,

5、Homework,u,u,发音过程中,下颚稍抬高,双唇由扁平收圆; 发音前长后短,前重后轻; 发音时声带振动。,Words with u: o - go no o-e - coke hope choke oa - boat road toast oe - toe foe ou - soul ow - know show,au,双唇逐渐收成圆形,并把舌后部稍稍抬起; 发音前长后短,前重后轻; 发音时声带振动。,Contents,eI aI I,Sum-up,u au,I e u,Homework,I,发音过程中,双唇稍稍展开; 发音前长后短,前重后轻; 发音时声带振动。,Words with i

6、:,ere - here mere eer - beer cheer ear - clear fear ea - idea theatre,e,双唇半开; 发音前长后短,前重后轻; 发音时声带振动。,ear air are ere eir,bear wear pear,air hair chair fair repair,dare share rare square,there where nowhere,their heir,Words with /e/,u,双唇由稍圆而展开; 发音前长后短,前重后轻; 发音时声带振动。,oor ua ure,poor poorly,January Febr

7、uary usual,pure sure cure,英语辅音 (English consonants) (共28个),/p/,/b/,/t/,/d/,/k/,/g/,/f/,/v/,第 一 组,第 二 组,/,/,/,/,/t/,/s/,/z/,/d/,/tr/,/dr/,第 三 组,/ts/,/dz/,/m/,/n/,/l/,/ /,/h/,/j/,/r/,/w/,ten tem si i tip i:p biz pin,lait neit i ti ek aiz lait raiv,nais wt w:t bk ri ja:d jip,knee h hang ni: yolk juk wh

8、ale ik ink weil,bad bd has hz map mp at t can kn,fat ft back bk hand hnd bag bg and nd,Dad have a fat cat. dd hv ft kt., e ,Examples 1: . . . . . . . . . photograph photographer photographical family familiar familiarity democrat democracy democratic diplomat diplomacy diplomatic politics political

9、politician,. . . . . . . . . . intellect intelligence intellectual human humanity humanitarian artifice artificial artificiality Interrogate interrogative interrogation personal personify personality,Words with more than six syllables o O o o O o industrialization / identification / Personification o O o O o o inferiority / impossibility O o o o O o o individuality / autobiographical,Thank you!,


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