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1、Uniform fashion good for young students,Language points,1. uniform,n. C/U 制服;校服 穿制服 adj. the same, not varying 一致的,统一的 a uniform color 均匀的色彩,be in uniform,2. elementary,adj. in the first stages of a course of study 初级的;基础的 an elementary English course 基础英语课程,3. go against,1) resist or oppose 反对;违背,违

2、反 他不会违背父母的意愿。 He will not go against his parents wishes. 2) not be in sbs favor不利于 The evidence went against him. be against _ 反对这项提议的人举起了手。 The people who were against the proposal raised their hands.,be for,4. reduce vt. 减少,减轻,降低,reduce sth 减少家庭开支 reduce.to 减少到 reduce.by 减少了 reduce the number _ ha

3、lf of the original 把数量减少到最初的一半 reduce the price _ 40% be reduced to Many cities were reduced to ruins.,by,to,打六折,reduce the familys expenses,沦落为,5. prove v. 证明;证实,prove sth (to sb)/prove that 他已在战斗中向我们证明了自己的勇气。 He has proved his courage to us in the battle. 这证明我是对的。 It proves that I was right. prove

4、 (to be) 被证明是(主动表被动) 这种药被证明是非常有效的。 This medicine proves to be very effective.,比较: The medicine proves (to be) effective. The medicine was proved by a scientist. 这种药是被某一个科学家验证的。 Can it _ that he committed the crime? His promotion _ a turning point in his career.,be proved,proved,6. promote v.,1) to h

5、elp in the growth or development of 促进,增进 增进友谊/促进世界和平 promote friendship/world peace 2) to give a higher position or rank 提升 promote sb to sth/to be 他晋升为销售经理。 He was promoted to sales manager (to后面不用冠词) He was promoted to be an engineer.,3) to help sell a product 促销 promote a new product 促销新产品 promo

6、tion n. 晋升,促销 get promotion 获得晋升,7. link vt./n. 连接,The road links all the new towns link A _ B 连接A和B A is linked to B 在我们公司,薪水与我们卖出多少产品相关。 In our company, salaries are linked to how many products we sell. A is linked to B= A is related to B=A is connected with B,to/with/and,n. connection 联系;连接 There

7、s a link between A and B A和B有关联,8. gang,1) 一帮(歹徒或闹事的年轻人) a gang of criminals 一帮罪犯 a gang of youths 一帮小混混 2) a group of friends who meet regularly 一伙(经常聚在一起的朋友) Have you seen any of the gang lately? 你最近见过这批朋友中的哪一位吗?,9. decrease v.减少,vi. sth decrease vt. decrease sth 小麦价格降低了15%。 The price of wheat dec

8、reased by 15%. 人们应该减少脂肪的摄入量。 People should decrease the amount of fat they eat. n. on the decrease 减少 The rate of inflation is on the decrease.,比较:decrease & reduce decrease 多用作vi. 自然地,渐渐地减少 reduce 只能作vt. 强调人为因素而减少 The wall was painted blue in order to _ pressure.,reduce,10. academic adj.,connected

9、with education or study学术的 Beijing University is a famous academic institution. 著名的学院/学府 学业成绩 / 学术成就 academic performance academy n. 学术,专科学校,11. resistance n.,U dislike or opposition to a plan or idea 抵抗力;阻力 + to sth. Theres lots of resistance to the new law. resistant adj. be resistant to 抵制,抵抗 老人们

10、抵制变革。 Old people were resistant to the change.,v. resist 抵御;阻止 resist sth/doing sth 抗拒疾病的能力 the power to resist disease 她真忍不住要笑。 She could hardly resist laughing。,12. complain,vi. express feelings of annoyance, dissatisfaction etc. 抱怨 complain to sb. about/ of sth. complain to sb that 他向我抱怨多变的天气。 He

11、 complained to me of the changeable weather. He complained to me that the weather was rather changeable. complaint n. make a complaint about,13. individuality n.个性;个人的特性,a man of marked individuality 个性特别的人 individual 单独的;个别的; 独特的 Each individual boy in the class has his own personalities. 这个班上的每一个男

12、孩都有自己的个性。 独特的谈话风格 an individual style of speaking,14. unlikely/likely,adj. It is likely that . be likely to do . 这趟火车很可能晚点。 It is likely that the train will be late. The train is likely to be late.,比较:possible/probable It is possible/probable/likely that hell come. He is possible/probable/likely to

13、come.,15. adopt vt.,1) 收养 被收养的孩子 (有收养关系的) 养父母 2) 采取;采用; 采纳 They adopted our methods. 他们采用了我们的办法。 adoption n. c.f. adapt,an adopted child,adoptive parents,16. nationwide,adj. happening or existing in all parts of country 全国性的, 在全国 be on a nationwide tour 在全国巡回演出 adv. The presidents speech will be broadcast nationwide. -wide worldwide adj 全球性的,


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