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1、学科英语课题M2 U2 Its very old.课型新授教学目标知识目标:能识读运用单词long,old,famous,tall,掌握介绍某一景物的句型 This is能掌握运用景物或物品的英语表达如:Big Ben, Hyde Park, and Tower Bridge.Buckingham Palace等进行对话交流。能力目标:通过图览这四个名胜古迹了解更多的地理知识。能用英语表达一些景物的特征。德育目标:通过学习体验成功,培养学生对语言学习的乐趣。重点、难点重点:句型:This is 掌握Big Ben, Hyde Park, and Tower Bridge.Buckingham

2、Palace.难点:掌握和熟练运用本模块所学语言知识谈论英国著名的景点课前准备挂图、录音机、磁带、图片教学过程批注step1. Warming up.1、Greetings2、复习上一单元的课文。Step2、Presentation1、Learn the text(1) Lead inRevise adjectives. Tell the students that I am going to say an adjective. They have to find something in their books that the adjective describes. Ask two or

3、 three students to say which object the chose.Example:T: Its big. S1: (points to London) London.(2) Listen ,point and say.Show picture,What is this?学生回答 :大本钟.学习句型:This is . It is(3) Listen and sayTell the students to look their books. I am going to say the first word of a two-word place name. These

4、places are all in London. The students have to say the second word of the two-word name.Step3、Practice 1、全班齐听课文录音,然后跟读。2、两人一组练习对话。step1. Warming up.1、Greetings2、复习上一节课的内容。Step2 、Presentation1 Listen and point先让学生看图,想一想该怎样描述图中各事物的特征。然后以抢答的形式指一指,说一说。例如 A:It is very old .What is it ? B: It is the desk

5、.The desk is very old.2 Listen and say .Then sing.Ask the students look at the picture and describe it (children playing a game). 3、Tell the students that this song, London Bridge is falling down is a traditional English song. Explain that London Bridge is a very famous bridge in London. 4、Think,ask

6、 and answer。 Show five pictures to the students,then ask student to ask and answer。Step3 、Practice 1、Tell the students that I am going to say adjectives and they have to think of some places in China that these adjectives describe.Example T: Old. S1: Great Wall. S2: Palace Museum. 2、作业布置。板书设计 Unit 2 Its very old. Buckingham Palace famous Big Ben old and tall Hyde Park beautiful Tower Bridge famous and beautiful教学反思


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