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1、Topic 1 How do you usually come to school?编写:梁 娜 责任编辑:涂有连Section A【学习目标】学啥我知情。加油!我能听、说、读、写下列单词:gate,by, subway,always, Plane, train,ship, boat我能认读并理解下列词组和句型:come on, on foot, by bus, by bike, by subway, Happy New Year! The same to you. How do you usually come to school? I usually come to school by b

2、us/subway. Its time for class. 能熟读字母组合:ee, ea, ei, dge, 和字母:e, d的发音。【重点难点】掌握各种交通方式的表达法。【快乐预习】不打无准备之仗,只有准备充分,才能取得成功。我相信我是最棒的。我可以自己试读并识记本课的新单词和短语,为课堂学习做好准备。一. 完成下列空格1. A:Happy New Year!B: .2.Your bike (看起来)very nice!3.How do you (通常)come to school?4.I come to school (坐地铁). 5.Its time (到上课的时间了).二. 我在预习

3、中的疑惑:【自主学习】专心 细心 留心 成功会属于我【合作学习】任务一: 阅读1a对话并角色扮演;任务二: 完成1b;任务三: 根据1a完成1c对话;任务四: 完成2a, 了解各种交通方式的表达法。任务五: 听2b,结合2a完成相应练习。【展示交流】挑战一: 对话表演,机会就掌握在你手中。勇敢地向同学们秀出你们的风采吧。1. 1a对话分角色朗读比赛;2. 根据1a对话,编写1c对话, 相信你一定行!Come on! 挑战二: 完成2a,班级展示。【你探我究】 1.Happy New Year! 新年快乐! The same to you. 你也一样(新年快乐) The same to you.

4、 意为“也同样祝你”, 用于公共节日,假日等别人向你祝福时的回应, 相当于You, too. 如: Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐! _ 你也一样(圣诞快乐)!注意: Happy birthday! 生日快乐! _! 谢谢!2.How do you usually come to school? 你通常怎样来上学?I usually come to school by subway. 我通常坐地铁来上学!(1)此句中的how用来询问交通方式。(2) by subway 意为 _。“by+交通工具的单数名词”是一种常见的表示乘坐某种交通工具的介词短语。常见的此类短语还有:_注意: 。

5、 在“by+表示交通工具的单词名称”的时候,by后不能加a/an, 也不能加 the, ones, this, that等限定词。如: We often come here by plane我们经常乘飞机来这里。come to school 意为“来上学“。这时在school 之前不能加a, an,或the等限定词。类似的短语有go to school。 如:I often go to school on foot. 我经常步行上学。3. Oh, its time for class. Come on! 哦,到上课时间了,赶快!Its time for class. 意为“到上课时间了“。 “

6、Its time for +名词”意为“到时间了“。 如: Its time for school! 到上学的时间了!. come on 快点;加油;来吧。 如:_, Peter! 彼得,加油啊!_! Lets dance together. 来吧!我们一起跳舞吧!注意: Its time to do sth.=Its time for sth. 如: Its time for lunch.= Its time to _.当堂检测 今日事,今日毕!运用今天所学知识,完成下面任务。我能行:一、英汉互译1.新年快乐_ 2、Come on!_3.坐地铁_ 4、by train_5.坐船_ 6、on

7、foot_二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1、I usually (come)to school by bus. 2、Jane usually (come)to school by bike. 3、Does Michael often (come)to school on foot?4、Kangkang (go)to school on foot. 5、How does Jane usually (come)to school?6.、Lily (go)to school (坐地铁).7、Michael (come)home (坐公交).8、Helen (go)home (步行).9、Kangkan

8、g (go)shopping (骑自行车).10、I (go) to Hainan (坐飞机).11、I usually come to school (步行).12、Jim usually comes to school (坐公共汽车).13、Do you always come home (骑自行车)?三. 单选:()1、The students usually drive to the park on Sundays. But today they go to the park_ .A. on feetB. on foot C. by foot D. on the foot( )2、It

9、s time to .A. breakfast B. have breakfast C. has breakfast D. for breakfast四.英汉互译1. on foot _ 2.回家_3. by ship _ 4.去上学_5. by plane _ 6.骑自行车_7. by car _ 8.加油!_9. by bus _ 10.新年好!_【学后反思】快乐学习,快乐反思。本课中我学会的新单词有:_ 我记住并能灵活运用的新单词;_有用的短语和句子有:_; 我还学会了_和 _的用法: 。我的困惑是:_ 。Section B【学习目标】学啥我知情。加油!我能听、说、读、写下列单词:wee

10、kday, early, bird, catch, worm, sometimes, seldom, walk, never, ride, park, watch, TV, television, watch TV, soccer, football, movie, film我能认读并理解下列词汇: always, usually, sometimes, seldom, often, never等频度副词我能认读并理解下列句型:1.I usually come to school on foot, but sometimes by bike. 2.I seldom walk to school

11、. I often come by subway. 3.I never come to school by subway.【重点难点】1.学习用频度副词来进行日常活动频率等的有关表达,2.学习和操练用两种不同的表达(介词by加交通工具和动词短语)对交通方式进行问答及切换。【知识回顾】“温故而知新”,我能行! 上一个单元关于交通方式的短语有:_【快乐预习】不打无准备之仗,只有准备充分,才能取得成功。我相信我是最棒的。我可以自己试读并识记本课的新单词和短语,为课堂学习做好准备。1、Jane usually_ (go)to school_ (坐公交).2、Michael_ (come)to scho

12、ol_(步行).3、I usually_ (go)shopping_(骑自行车).4、Does Helen often_ (go)to school_(坐小汽车)?5、What time do you usually get up?I usually get up_ .6、How do you usually come to school?I usually come to school_ .同义词组转换7.go home by bike 8. come to school by bus 9. go to park on foot 10. go shopping by subway 【合作探究

13、】专心 细心 留心 成功会属于我 任务一: 听1a录音,完成1b. 任务二: 根据1b,完成1c. 任务三: 根据1a, 完成2b.【合作学习】1. 小组互学: 检查快乐预习完成情况。互学单词,大声朗读,互相纠正发音。2. 小组对学:大声朗读1a对话, 为对话表演做好准备;3. 分组讨论: 完成1c,区分各个频度副词用法。【展示交流】挑战一: 对话表演,机会就掌握在你手中。勇敢地向同学们秀出你们的风采吧。1. 小组分角色表演对话1a,班级展示。注意你的语音语调哦!相信你一定行!2. 复述对话。 小组成员先相互复述对话1a,然后推荐一人全班展示。你是最棒的! 挑战二: 完成2a.【你探我究】1.

14、 Michael, what time do you usually get up on weekdays? 麦克尔, 工作日你通常几点起床?On weekdays 意为“在平日,在工作日“。 这是习惯表达法,其中介词on不可改为at. 但weekend(s)前可用介词on, 也可以用at,意为“在周末”。如: I always get up very late on/at weekends . 周末我总是起得很晚。2. I always get up at about six oclock. 我总是在大约六点钟起床。.always 意为“总是,一直“。 英语中,常见的表示不定时间的概念的频度

15、副词还有usually(通常), often(经常), sometimes(有时),seldom(很少), never(从不,从没有)。 如: The sun_ rises in the east. 太阳总是从东方升起。 What do you_ do on Sundays? 你星期天通常做什么? I_ walk to school. 我经常步行去上学。I_ write to him. 我有时给题写信。 She_ goes out in the evening. 她晚上很少外出。They _play computer games. 他们从不玩电脑游戏。. about 在句中为副词, 意为“大约

16、,大概“。 如: The man is about thirty years old. 这位男士大概30岁左右。注意:about 还可以作为介词,意为“关于“。如: a book about English一本关于英语的书3. Maria sometimes takes the subway home. 玛利亚有时乘坐地铁回家。take the subway 意为“乘地铁“。一般情况下,乘坐某种交通工具有两种表达方式:“take a (an)/the+表示交通工具的单数名词”和“by+表示交通工具的单数名词”。 如: take a taxi或by taxi(乘出租车)。. Take the s

17、ubway home 意为“乘地铁回家”。 此处home为副词,因此在home 前不用加介词to. 如:_, I meet Jane. 在回家路上,我遇到了简。4. watch TV in the afternoon 下午看电视watch 动词,意为“观看,注视,注意”,通常用于观看电,比赛。如: watch a football game 看足球比赛注意: watch 还可以作为名词, 意为“手表”, 复数形式加es当堂检测 今日事,今日毕!运用今天所学知识,完成下面任务。我能行:一.、英汉互译take the subway _ride a bike_take a bus_有时候 _ 很少_

18、 从不_二.同义句转换:1.The old man usually walks to the shop.The old man usually goes to the shop _ _ .2.Mike often goes to the zoo by bus. Mike often _ a _ to the zoo.3.We often go shopping by subway.We often go shopping_a_.4.Jane always go home by bike.Jane always_home.5.I sometimes go for a picnic by car.

19、I sometimes go for a picnic_.【学后反思】快乐学习,快乐反思。本课我学会的新词有:_等;短语有:_。我还学会了询问交通方式的句子及答语:_。我的困惑是Section C【学习目标】学啥我知情。加油!1.我能听,说、读、写下列单词:begin, after, bed, basketball, swim, listen, music, library, week, once, twice 2. 我能听,说、读、写下列短语:at school, after school, listen to, go to bed, have classes, meet friends,

20、once a week3.能熟练运用usually, often, always等频度副词和两种交通方式的表达,4.能用一般现在时第三人称单数表达日常活动,能对频率进行提问与回答;5.我能认读并理解下列词组和句型:(1)I usually get up at . in the morning. (2)At . oclock I have breakfast. (3)How often do you come to the library?Three times a week.【重点难点】我会用英语描述某人的一天。【知识回顾】“温故而知新”,我能行!完成下列句子:1.Jane_(从不)goes

21、to school_(步行).2.Michael_(很少)goes home_(坐公交).3.We_(经常)go shopping_(骑自行车).4.They_(有时候)go home_(坐地铁).5.I_(通常)to the Great Wall_.(坐火车)【快乐预习】不打无准备之仗,只有准备充分,才能取得成功。我相信我是最棒的。我可以自己试读并识记本课的新单词和短语,为课堂学习做好准备。一.英汉互译1. have a short rest _ 2.放学_3. eat out _ 4.去游泳_5.on school days _ 6、一年四次_7、in their free time_ 8

22、、踢足球_9、and so on_ 10、Nice talking to you. _11、take a yellow school bus(英译汉)_12、walk to school(同义词组)_13、吃午餐(汉译英)_14、打篮球(汉译英)_15、four times a week(英译汉)_二. 完成句子:1、I_(经常)come to school_(步行).2、Jane_(有时)goes shopping_(坐公交).3、We_(很少)go to park _(坐地铁).4、Maria_(从不)goes to school_(坐小汽车).5、They_(总是)go to the z

23、oo_(骑自行车).合作探究专心 细心 留心 成功会属于我【合作学习】1. 小组互学:检查快乐预习完成情况,互学单词,大声朗读,纠正发音;小组对学:大声朗读1a,找出重点短语和疑难句。2. 分组讨论,模仿1a,与同伴描述自己的一天。【展示交流】任务一:以小组为单位讨论完成1b.任务二:按1c的要求写作并以小组为单位板书,及时准确的进行校正。任务三:同伴互相问答完成2,着重练习动词短语。任务四: 师生互问完成3,练习How often 句型及频率副词和短语。【你探我究】1. Classes begin at eight. She has four classes in the morning.

24、八点开始上课,她上午上四节课。(1). begin 开始,着手;begin to do sth.或begin doing sth. 开始做某事。如: He usually begins to work at 7:30 a.m. every day. 通常他每天早上七点半开始工作。(2).have classes 上课,又可以写作have a class。如:We have an English class at 8:00 a.m.on Monday.我们周一早上八点上英语课。2. After dinner, she often does her homework and then watche

25、s TV for a short time.晚饭后,她经常做作业,然后看一会儿电视。 for a short time 一会儿。 介词for 用于一段时间之前,表示时间长度。如: He wants to play for one day.当堂检测 今日事,今日毕!运用今天所学知识,完成下面任务。我能行:一.填空:1、He usually_ (踢足球) in his free time.2、Li Ming never_(打篮球)in the school days.3、Maria seldom_(听音乐).4、We often_(看电视)at home on the weekends.5、I s

26、ometimes_(去游泳)in my free time.6、They always_(做作业)after the class.二.单项选择:( )1、Michael always play_soccer after class.A. a B. an C. the D.( )2、Jane often play_guitar in her free time.A. a B. an C. the D. ( )3、Li Ming sometimes go_in the pool.A. swim B. swimming C. to swim D. swiming( )4、Li ping usuall

27、y listens _music at home.A. B. to C. the D. a ( )5、-How often do you go to the park? -_.A. Two days B. Once a weekC. Three oclock D. In a week ( )6、-_do you go to the zoo? -Seldom.A. How old B. How much C. How many D. How often【学后反思】快乐学习,快乐反思。快乐学习,快乐反思。本课我学会的新词有:_等;短语有:_ 。我学会的句子有:_ _。我的困惑是 Section D

28、【学习目标】学啥我知情 加油! 我能听、说、读、写下列单词:great, wall, the Great Wall, life, American, or, over, more, talk我能认读并理解下列词组和句型:get home, a little while, a quarter to ten, be different from,come to the library【重点难点】1.总结频度副词结合一般现在时实意动词的用法;2.能结合话题,运用“谈论日常活动、了解学校生活”等交际功能意义的表达,进行对话操练并加以总结;3.复习含有新年问候、交通方式的表达。【快乐预习】不打无准备之仗

29、,只有准备充分,才能取得成功。我相信我是最棒的。我可以自己试读并识记本课的新单词和短语,为课堂学习做好准备。一、英汉互译1. 每天 _ 2.have lunch_3.一周两次 _ 4.four times a year_5.两周一次 _ 6、do ones homework_7、游泳 _ 8、and so on_9、去上学 _ 10、have classes_二我在预习中的疑惑:_合作探究 专心 细心 留心 成功会属于我【合作学习】任务一: 朗读本话题单词及音标。 任务二: 阅读P7的短文,并完成课后问题; 任务三: 用所给的短语和语法知识点编写对话【展示交流】挑战一: 对话表演,机会就掌握在

30、你手中。勇敢的向同学们秀出你们的风采吧。 对话分角色朗读比赛; 挑战二: 完成表格,班级展示。【你探我究】1.Wed like to know about the school life of American students. 我们想了解一下美国学生的校园生活。(1). know about与know of同义,意为“知道/熟悉/了解关于.的情况”。如: My brother knows about/of cars. Im sure he can fix it for you. 我弟弟熟悉汽车,我相信他能帮你修理汽车。 I dont know Mr. Smith, but I know a

31、bout/of him. 我不认识史密斯先生,但我听说过他。.在句中life意为“生活”, 它还有“生命”的含义。复数形式是:lives如:Many people lost their lives in the earthquake.2. What time is school over, then? 那么学校几点钟放学呢? Over用作形容词或副词,意为“结束的”,“完成的”,“过去了的”。如:The party is over . 聚会结束了。3. What do they do in their free time? 他们在空闲时间干什么? in ones free time=in on

32、es spare time 在空闲时间。如: I often play computer games in my free/spare time.我经常在空闲时间玩电脑游戏。4. They often play basketball and soccer. 他们经常打篮球、踢足球。 play 作动词时, 意为“打(球),玩;播放;演奏”,当play后跟球类名词时,球类名词前不加冠词。如: The students often play soccer after school. 同学们经常在放学后踢足球。 5. Well, Im sorry we have no more time.哦, 非常遗

33、憾我们没有更多的时间(谈话)。 more 用作限定词,意为“更多”。如: We will have more time. 我们会有更多的时间。 6. Nice talking to you. 这次跟你谈话真高兴。(1)谈话之后的告别用语 比较:Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴(初次见面的礼貌用语)。 Nice meeting you. 能跟你见面真高兴(用于初次见面后的告别)。. talk 意为“谈话,交谈”,是不及物动词,后接交谈对象时常与介词to 和with构成短语;后接谈话内容时常与介词about或of构成短语。如:They are talking about the g

34、ame. 他们在谈论那场比赛。当堂检测 今日事,今日毕!运用今天所学知识,完成下面任务。我能行:一.用所给词的适当形式填空:1、Jane writes to her father_(two)a week.2、He usually goes_(swim)in his free time.3、Betty sometimes_(ride)a bike to school.4、Linda always_(listen)to music in her free time.5、We often_ (go)to the park on foot.二.英汉互译1、6:20 _2、7:30_3、5:15_4、睡

35、觉_5、踢足球_6、 get home_7、a little while _ 8、a quarter to ten_9、be different from _10、come to the library_三.单项选择:( ) Its six oclock now. Its time _ supper.A. have B. has C. having D. to have( ) Look! The children _ games under the big tree.A. play B. to play C. playing D. are playing( ) Mr. Yang usually

36、 goes to work _.A. on foot B. on feet C. by foot D. by feet( ) How many _ would you like?A. bread B. apples C. milk D. cake( ) Do you want _ with us?A. play ping-pong B. play the game C. to play football D. to play piano( ) “ _ are the oranges?” “Theyre two Yuan a kilo.”A. How much B. How money C. H

37、ow many D. How many money( ) Sally never _ to school. She often _ on bus.A. walk; go B. walks; going C. walking; going D. walks; goes( ) I usually go to bed _ about eleven oclock _ the evening.A. in; at B. at; on C. at; in D. on; in( ) This is _ old book. Could you give me _ new one?A. a; a B. an; a

38、 C. an; an D. a; an( ) “_ do you usually come to school?” “By bike.”A. How B. What C. When D. Which四.用所给词的适当形式填空1. Your new watch_ (look)very nice! 2、Here_ (be)some news.3、Oh, come on! Its time_( going) to school.4、They usually go to school on_ (feet).5、In my class, forty of_ (we)go to school by bik

39、e.【学后反思】本课我学会的新词有:_等;短语有:_ 。我还学会了句子:_ 。我的困惑是 Unit 5Topic 1 How do you usually come to school?Section A【快乐预习】The same to you!2. looks 3. usually 4. by subway 5. for class/to have a class.【你探我究】I. The same to you. /You, too. Thank you. 2.坐地铁 by ship/bus/ train/ bike/ plane/car 3.Come on, Come on4.have lunch当堂检测 一、英汉互译 1.Happy New Year!2.、加油3


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