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1、,快乐阅读,Module 1,Passage 3 Quick work Passage 5 Whom do you believe?,招远市魁星路中学 宋 玲,A famous saying,Reading serves for delight, for ornament, and for ability. 读书足以怡情,足以傅彩,足以长才,Enjoy Reading Enjoy Ourselves,Learning Tasks,1.To understand the main idea of the passage. 理解短文大意. 2. To use some reading strate

2、gies to develop reading abilities.使用阅读策略. 3.To learn something more about life.,Warm-up,Have you ever been to the police station? Will you be happy if you are asked to visit the police station?,Passage 3 Quick Work,Fast reading,Task one,Tell if the sentences are True or False. (判断正误),( )1.Dan Robins

3、on is a famous doctor. ( )2.Dan was very happy to receive the letter from the police station. ( )3.Now Dan is not worried any more.,T,F,T,Competition(竞赛),一. Choose the best answer. ( )1.Why has Dan been worried these days? A. He lost his job. B. His bike was stolen. C. He had to stay at the police s

4、tation for a while. D. He didnt know why the police wanted him. ( ) 2.Which of the following is true? A. Dan had probably forgotten all about his bicycle. B. Dan expected to find his bicycle again. C. Dan probably expected to get a letter from the police. D. Dan was probably sorry to learn that his

5、bicycle had been found.,Task two,D,A,Competition(竞赛),Careful reading,二. Try to answer the questions.,Task two,Competition(竞赛),1.How old was Dan when he lost his bike? 2.How old is Dan now? 3.Is it real quick work?,He was fifteen years old.,He is thirty-five years old.,No, it isnt.,What happened?,Dan

6、, worried ,receive a letter from the local police,the police found his bicycle,Retell the story in your own words.(复述),went to the station,isnt worried now.,surprised but amused,挑战自我,Competition(竞赛),Group work,Task three,What happened?,Dan Robinson was worried because he had received a letter from t

7、he local police. So yesterday he went to the station and was told that the police had found his bicycle stolen twenty years ago when he was fifteen. Dan was not only surprised but amused as well.,?,Passage 5 Whom do you believe?,True or false,Careful reading,( )1.Nasreddin Hodja didnt want to lend h

8、is donkey to the young man. ( )2. Nasreddin Hodjas donkey was really not at home. ( )3. Nasreddin Hodja was very clever and had a sense of humor.,T,F,T,Task one,Competition,Put the following sentences in correct order (排序),Pairwork,The young man asked Nasreddin Hodja if he could borrow his donkey. T

9、he young man heard the sound of Nasreddin Hodja s donkey. The young mans donkey was ill. Nasreddin Hodja told the young man that his donkey wasnt at home. Nasreddin Hodja asked the young man whom he believed.,1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._,c a d b e,Task two,Competition,Read the sentences in the correct order.

10、,c. The young mans donkey was ill. a. The young man asked Nasreddin Hodja if he could borrow his donkey. d.Nasreddin Hodja told the young man that his donkey wasnt at home. b.The young man heard the sound of Nasreddin Hodja s donkey. e.Nasreddin Hodja asked the young man whom he believed.,Fill in th

11、e blanks as quickly as you can.,The young mans donkey . The young man Nasreddin Hodja if he his donkey. He told the young man that his donkey wasnt . The young man the sound of Nasreddin Hodja s donkey. Nasreddin Hodja asked the young man whom he .,was ill,asked,could borrow,at home,heard,believed,C

12、ompetition,Read the passages freely and find some questions you dont understand, then discuss in groups. 朗读并找出问题,小组讨论解决.,智者善于动脑, 勇者敢于提问!,Who is the best?,Task three,Learn by yourself (Group work),Im willing to accumulate. (我要积累).,Task four,My vocabulary builder,local 当地的 figure 人物 pick up 意外地找到 beat

13、 打 expect 期望,预料 polite 有礼貌的 steal(stole, stolen)偷 call at 拜访,访问某地,Im willing to accumulate. (我要积累).,My favorite sentences,1.Read the two passages again, which sentences do you like best? Write them down. 2.Share with your partners.,Group work,我阅读 我收获,Summary,1.Learn to read with proper strategies. 2

14、.Your gains: Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand. 脑中有知识,胜过手中有金钱。 3.My gains: God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者。,Homework,Extensible homework(拓展性作业): Group A: Retell the story “Whom do you believe?” in your own words Group B: Write a short passage about something unforgettable that you have experienced.,Practical homework(实践性作业): Read more interesting stories about Nasreddin Hodja.,Thank you for listening!,


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