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1、成才之路 英语,路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索,人教版 必修2(通用本),Computers,Unit 3,Section Warming up & Reading,Unit 3,.单词速记 1_(vt.)计算 2_(adj.)普遍的;通用的;宇宙的 3_(vt.)简化 4_(n.)革命 5_(vt.)解决;解答 6_(n.)真实;事实;现实 7_(adj.)可移动的;机动的 8_(adv.)(也作anyway)无论如何;即使如此 9_(n.)目标;目的;球门;(进球)得分,Calculate Universal Simplify revolution solve reality mobile

2、 anyhow goal,10_(n.)(电脑)操作员;接线员operate(v.)操作;手术operation(n.)操作,手术 11_(adj.)合逻辑的;合情理的_(adv.)逻辑上;合逻辑地;有条理地 12_(n.)工艺;科技;技术 _(adj.)科技的 13_(n.)智力;聪明,智能_(adj.)智能的;聪明的 14_(adj.)私人的,个人的;亲自的_(adv.)就个人而言;亲自,operator,logical,logically,technology,technological,intelligence,intelligent,personal,personally,15_(a

3、dj.)总的;整个的(n.)总数;合计_(adv.)完全地;整个地 16_(n.)应用;用途;申请apply(v.)申请,应用applicant(n.)申请人 17_(n.)金融;财经financial(adj.)财政(上)的,财务(上)的,金融(上)的 18_(vt.& vi.)探索;探测;探究exploration(n.)勘探,探测;探险explorer(n.)探测者,total,totally,application,finance,explore,.短语互译 1have sth. in common _ 2compare. with. _ 3according to _ 4from.

4、on _ 5流逝 _ 6结果 _ 7如此以至于 _ 8与分享 _ 9又,既 _ 10人类 _,有共同之处 把与相比较 根据 从时起 go by as a result so.that. share.with as well as human race,.完成句子 1我发展非常缓慢,差不多到了两百年之后,查尔斯巴比奇才把我制成了一台分析机。 I developed very slowly and it took nearly two hundred years_(before引导的时间状语从句) 2一年年过去,我被做得更小了。 _,I was made smaller.(as引导时间状语从句),

5、3随着时间的推移,我的记忆能力发展得如此之快,就像一头大象一样,我从来不会忘记告诉我的任何事情! Over time my memory has developed _, like an elephant, I never forget anything I have been told!(so.that.如此以至于) 答案:1.before I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage 2.As time went by 3.so much that,.课文理解 Step 1 Fast Reading 1Think it ov

6、er and summarize the general idea of the text in about 10 words. _ 2Skim the text and write down the main idea of each paragraph. Paragraph 1:_ Paragraph 2:_ Paragraph 3:_,Step 2 Careful Reading 1Choose the best answers according to the text. (1)When did the computer come into being? AIn 1640. BIn 1

7、642. CIn 1822. DIn 1936.,(2)Which of the following statements is TRUE? ACharles Babbage built an analytical machine in 1642. BAlan Turing wrote a book about how the computer could be made to work as a “universal machine” to solve any difficult mathematical problem in 1936. CThe computers were first

8、connected by a network in the late 1960s. DSince the 1960s the computer has been used to help with medical operations.,(3)When was the computer biggest? AIn 1642. BIn 1936. CIn the 1940s. DIn the 1970s. (4)According to the text, the computer has grown smaller mainly because _. Ait uses good material

9、 Bit was too large in the past Cits memory has improved a lot Dthere is less room on the earth,(5)What can we infer from the text? AThe computer can take the place of human beings. BThe smaller a computer is,the faster it calculates. CComputers can solve all the problems of human beings. DPeople can

10、 benefit more from computers in the future.,2Answer the following questions. (1)Who is the speaker in this text? _ (2)Who was the first person to make the earliest computer? _ (3)Who do you think really invented the computer? _,答案:Step 1 1.The changes and the applications of the computer. 2Over time

11、 I have been changed quite a lot.,These changes only became possible as my memory improved. Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me. Step 2 1.(1)(5)BBCCD 2(1)A computer. (2)Charles Babbage. (3)Alan Turing.,1.calculate v. (1)计算;核算 We havent really calculated the cost of the vacat

12、ion yet. 我们还没有确切地计算出度假要花多少钱。 It has been calculated that at least 47,000 jobs were lost last year. 据估算,去年至少丧失了47000个工作。,(2)预测;推测 Scientists have calculated that the worlds population will double by the end of the century. 科学家已推算出世界人口在本世纪末将要增加一倍。,归纳拓展 (1)be calculated to do sth.(be intended or design

13、ed to do sth.) 打算做、故意做、可能做某事 (2)calculate on sth./doing sth.(depend or rely on sth.)指望或依靠某事物 It has been calculated that. 据估算,(3)calculation n计算,推算 calculator n计算器,计算者 This advertisement is calculated to appeal to children. 这个广告是针对儿童设计的。 We cant calculate on(having)good weather for the barbecue. 我们不

14、能指望着(有)好天气才去烧烤。,活学活用 根据语境,使用与calculate相关的词或搭配填空。 The little boy usually _ using the _, whose _ is accurate, to _ those difficult math problems. 小男孩通常依靠计算准确的计算器来计算那些难的数学问题。 The factory _ of production. 厂家计算生产成本。,答案:calculates on;calculator; calculation; calculate calculates the costs,2solve vt. 解决;解答

15、 I think I can solve the difficulties. 我想我能解决这些困难。 It was clever of you to solve the problem. 你能解答那个问题真是聪明。 归纳拓展 solution n解决办法;处理手段 a solution to sth. 的解决方法 The solution to the problem is hard to find. 这个问题的解决方法很难找到。,易混辨析,He finally solved the difficulty of transportation. 他终于解决了运输的困难。 The two coun

16、tries dont agree with each other on some issues, which needs to be settled. 这两个国家在一些问题上意见不一致,这一点需要解决。,活学活用 At first, he thought he had already _ the problem, but that was not the case. Asettled Banswered Csolved Dexplained 答案:C 句意:开始他以为他已经解决了这个问题,可是情况并非如此。solve “解决;解答”,其宾语可以是problem,符合题意。settle “解决”

17、,其宾语一般是争端、争论等;answer“回答”;explain“解释”。,The Chinese government is still looking for all possible _ to the problem of unemployment. Aquestions Bmeans Cmethods Dsolutions 答案:D 句意:中国政府仍然在寻找各种可能的方法解决失业问题。solution to.“的解决方法”,为固定搭配。question“问题”;means“手段;方法”和method“方法;办法”要与介词of连用。,3application n应用;用途;申请 Sinc

18、e the 1970s many new applications have been found for me. 从20世纪70年代起,我又被开发出了很多新的用途。 Have you filled in the application form for a new passport? 你填写了领新护照的申请表没有? Barbara made an application for a job as a nurse. 巴巴拉提出应征护士的工作。,归纳拓展 (1)application form 申请表 make an application (to sb. ) for sth. (向某人)申请某

19、物 (2)apply v应用;适用;申请,请求 apply sth. to 把涂到;把应用到 apply to 适用于 apply oneself to. 致力于,集中精力于 apply for 申请/请求,Pupils in this school practiced applying what they had learnt to antiviolence exercises. 这所学校的学生们练习把所学的东西应用到反对暴力的演习中。 He applied himself to his new job. 他努力干好新的工作。 名师点拔 (1)make an application for

20、sth. apply for. 申请 (2)apply to. be applied to. 适用于,活学活用 句型转换。 This rule cannot be applied to every case. This rule cant _ every case. He made an application for the position last week. He _ the position last week. After 15 years in the USA, Jane finally decided to _ American citizenship. Aadd to Bap

21、ply for Clook for Dbelong to,答案:apply to applied for B 考查动词短语辨析。句意:在美国待了15年之后,简最终决定申请美国国籍。apply for申请,符合句意;add to增加;look for寻找;belong to属于,均不符合句意。,4explore vt. & vi.探索;探测;探究 I have even been put into space rockets and sent to explore the Moon and Mars. 我甚至被放置在航空火箭里去探测月球和火星。 What can we get by explor

22、ing space? 探索太空我们能够得到什么?,归纳拓展 exploration nC,U探索 explorer n探险者 The way to solve the problem is now under exploration. 该问题的解决办法在探讨中。,巧学助记 一语言尽explore Having explored the lonely island, the explorer took a short rest and then decided to make further explorations. 在探索完这座荒凉的小岛之后,这位探索者稍事休息,然后决定作进一步探索。,活学

23、活用 完成句子。 (1)我们一定要探究所有可能提高食品产量的方法。 We must _ to improve food production. (2)总有一天,我要去探测月球。 _, I _ the Moon. 答案:(1)explore all the possible ways (2)One/Some day; will explore,5anyhow adv.(也作anyway)无论如何;即使如此 Anyhow, my goal is to provide humans with a life of high quality. 不管怎样,我的目标是给人类提供高质量的生活。 I can s

24、ee as well as you, anyhow. 不管怎么说,我看得和你一样清楚。 She piled the papers in a heap on her desk,just anyhow. 她把文件在桌上随便搁成一堆。 Why are you calling anyhow? 你到底为什么打电话?,归纳拓展 somehow adv. 以某种方式;不知怎么地 somewhat adv. 有点;有几分 We must stop him from seeing her somehow. 不管怎么样,我们都不能让他见她。,活学活用 完成句子。 Im afraid we cant come,bu

25、t _. 恐怕我们来不了,即使这样还是谢谢你的邀请。 The boss tried his best to stop the news from being broadcast, but the press _. 那位老板尽力阻止这则新闻的播报,尽管如此媒体还是报道了它。,During the presidential election, although the 60yearold lady goes through a lot of difficulties, she will win the election _. Asomehow Banyhow Csomewhat Danywhere

26、 答案:thank you for the invitation anyhow reported it anyhow B 句意:在竞选中,尽管这位60岁的女士会经历很多困难,无论如何她都会赢得这次的总统竞选。anyhow副词,“无论如何”。,6goal n. (1)目标;目的 Youd better set a goal before you start the drill. 练习开始前,你最好设定一个目标。 (2)球门 The ball missed the goal by a few inches. 球差几英寸没进门。 (3)射门;进球得分 Our team won the game by

27、 two goals to one. 我们队以二比一赢了这场比赛。,归纳拓展 (1)kick/get/make/score a goal踢进一球;得一分 Its inweve got a goal! 球进了我们射门得分! (2)keep goal守球门 Who is keeping goal for China? 谁给中国队守球门?,(3)life goal/ones goal/aim in life生活目标 My goal in life is to help others. 我的人生目标是帮助他人。 (4)achieve ones goal/realize a goal 实现目标 He h

28、as achieved his goal. 他已经实现了他的目标。,巧学助记 goal的目标是进球门得分!,活学活用 完成句子。 He decided _ at all risks. 他决心不顾一切达到自己的目标。 With _, he kept on trying hard to realize it. 确定了生活目标,他持续努力来实现这一目标。 答案:to reach his goal his life goal set,7.in common共同;共同享有的 In common with many people, he likes dancing. 跟很多人一样,他喜欢跳舞。 Do th

29、ese achievements have anything in common? 这些成就有共同之处吗? They found that they had a lot in common. 他们发现他们有很多共同之处。,归纳拓展 (1)in common with sb./sth.在句中常作状语,意为“与某人/某物一样”。 (2)in common还常与have连用,构成以下短语:have something in common有一些共同之处;have much/a lot in common with sb./sth.与有很多共同之处;have little/nothing in comm

30、on 没有共同之处。,活学活用 完成句子。 和其他许多女孩一样,她也喜欢流行音乐。 _ many other girls, she likes pop music, too. 他们在摄影方面兴趣相投。 They share _ in photography. 他们的观点跟我的没有共同之处。 Their opinions _ mine. 答案:In common with a common interest had nothing in common with,8from.on 从时起 From then on, I grew rapidly both in size and in brainp

31、ower. 从那时起,我在体积和脑容量方面迅速成长。 He never returned home from that day on. 从那天以后他就再也没回过家。,活学活用 完成句子。 Hes been working in a bank _. 自从毕业后,他就一直在一家银行工作。 Park Geunhye became the first woman president in South Korea _ . 从2月25日起,朴槿惠成为韩国第一位女总统。 答案:since leaving school from Feb. 25 on,9as a result结果 As a result I

32、totally changed my shape. 因此,我完全改变了我的形状。 She tried hard to prepare for the competition; as a result, she won the Miss Universe finally. 她尽力准备竞赛;结果,她最终赢得了环球小姐。,归纳拓展 (1)as a result of 由于;因为 (2) result vi.发生,产生 result from 是由造成的 result in/lead to导致;造成 He was injured as a result of a car accident. 他因车祸而

33、受伤。 Let us hope that peace will result from their talks. 让我们希望,他们的会谈会带来和平。,易混辨析,巧学助记 巧述“因果”,活学活用 用result的适当短语完成句子。 _ the cold air coming,the weather here becomes colder and colder. 由于冷空气的到来,这儿的天气变得越来越冷。 _,he had to leave. 结果,他只得离开。 His failure _ not working hard enough. 他的失败是工作不够努力造成的。,His laziness

34、_ his failure. 他的懒惰导致了他的失败。 答案:As a result of As a result resulted from resulted in,10.As time went by, I was made smaller. 一年年过去,我被做得更小了。 句式分析 此句为主从复合句。as引导时间状语从句。主句中含有“make宾语宾语补足语”的复合结构。 As the college entrance examination comes near, senior three students are busy preparing for it. 随着高考的临近,高三的学生正

35、为此而忙碌地准备着。,To make his proposal more romantic, the man made a wedding dress out of roses for his girlfriend. 为使他的求婚更浪漫,这位男士用玫瑰为他的女友制作了一件婚纱。,易混辨析,活学活用 仿写句子。 随着时间的流逝,手机被做得更智能(smart)。 _ 随着科技的进步(advance),我们的生活条件变得越来越好。 _, our living conditions _.,句型转换。 With us becoming more familiar with each other, we

36、find that we have the similar interest. _, we find that we have the similar interest. 答案:As time goes by, cellphones are made smarter. As science and technology advances; become better and better As we become more familiar with each other,11Over time my memory has developed so much that, like an ele

37、phant, I never forget anything I have been told! 随着时间的推移,我的记忆能力发展得如此之快,就像一头大象一样,我从来不会忘记告诉我的任何事情!,句式分析 (1)此句为主从复合句。句中含有that引导的结果状语从句;而“I have been told”为省掉关系代词that的定语从句,修饰先行词anything。 (2)句中“like an elephant”为插入结构。,(3)so.that. 如此以至于。 The station looks so attractive that passengers are impressed deeply

38、. 这个车站看起来如此吸引人,以至于给乘客留下了深刻的印象。 The moving scene moved her so deeply that she burst into tears. 这个感人的场景令她感动至深以至于她哭了。,活学活用 仿写句子。 The weather _ I didnt like to leave my room. 天气很冷,我不喜欢离开房间。 Over time the two girls _ they always share everything that they each have experienced. 随着时间的推移,这两个女孩彼此如此了解,她们总是分

39、享她们经历的每一件事情。 答案:was so cold that have known each other so well that,.用所给词的适当形式填空 1Try to _(simple)your explanation for the children. 2There was a _(universe) agreement to keep the peace of the world. 3. Most of the participants in the test showed high _(intelligent) 4Even though the car is old, ther

40、e are no _(technology) problems with it.,5The new company welcomes _(apply) from graduates from Tsinghua University. 8Every month the boss of the company goes to the Nursery school near the seaside _(person) 7He likes to express himself in a _(logic) way. 8The school had to close for lack of _(finan

41、cial) 9Im sorry I _(total) forgot to email it for you. 10I havent _(calculate) the result of the math problem.,答案:1.simplify 2.universal 3.intelligence 4.technological 5.applications 6.personally 7.logical 8.finance 9.totally 10.calculated,.完成句子 1Someone once said that travel can help us _and learn

42、a lot more about ourselves. (explore) 有人曾经说过旅行能够帮助我们探索新的事物和更好地了解自己。 2After _ to the company, he was waiting for the result with patience. (application) 向这家公司交上申请之后,他在耐心地等结果。,3These intelligent boys, who are playing basketball together now, _.(equal) 这些聪明的男孩智力相当,他们现在正在一起打篮球。 4The activity to be held

43、in the hall _ last three hours. (calculate) 即将在这个大厅里举行的活动计划持续三个小时。,5In the performance, the actress dressed as a parrot was _ all the audience present. (so) 在表演中,打扮成鹦鹉的女演员非常吸引人,她吸引了在场的所有观众。 6Many workers had to give up _ _(result n) 由于大雪,很多工人只好放弃开车去上班。,7Read the introductions carefully and find out _.(solve) 仔细阅读说明,找出解决这个难题的方法。 8The athlete standing there is the first _.(goal) 站在那里的运动员是第一个达到目标的。,9They found they _, so they had to get separated. (common) 他们发现他们几乎没有共同之处,所以只好分手。 10_, they found the house was out of order. (as) 随着他们越靠近这座房子,他们发现这座房子一片混乱。,答案:1.explore


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