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1、应用型大学英语综合教程,上海交通大学出版社,应用型大学英语系列教材,Book ,2,上海交通大学出版社,Language in Use,Enhancement of Language Abilities,Unit 3,Unit Five,Table of Contents,Language Skills Development,3,上海交通大学出版社,Focus1 content,Starter,Text: Unknown sister,Working with words and phrases,Discussion,Practice: interpreting,Practice: tran

2、slation,Practice: writing,Surfing the Internet,Highlights,Table of Contents,Part 1 Language Skills Development,4,上海交通大学出版社,focus1highlights,Highlights S: Lateral thinking quiz L: A cold case R: Unknown sister W: Using pronouns or transition signals to achieve coherence in a paragraph Internet work:

3、Searching for short mystery stories,Part 1 Language Skills Development,5,上海交通大学出版社,1. Starter,focus1starter,A. Lateral thinking quiz. Read the riddles and give your answers.,6,上海交通大学出版社,1. Starter,focus1starter,1. Johns mother has 3 children, two of whom are named April and May. What is the third on

4、e named?,John.,7,上海交通大学出版社,1. Starter,focus1starter,2. A mute person wants to buy a toothbrush. By imitating the action of brushing ones teeth he successfully expresses himself to the shopkeeper and the purchase is done. Now if a blind man wishes to buy a pair of sunglasses, how should he express hi

5、mself?,He simply opens his mouth and asks.,8,上海交通大学出版社,1. Starter,focus1starter,3. A woman lives on the tenth floor of a block of flats. Every morning she takes the lift down to the ground floor and goes to work. In the evening, she gets into the lift, and, if there is someone else in the lift she g

6、oes directly to her floor. Otherwise, she goes to the eighth floor and walks up two flights of stairs to her flat. How do you explain this?,The woman is of small stature and couldnt reach the upper lift buttons.,9,B. Listen to a passage and answer the following questions.,focus1starter,上海交通大学出版社,1.

7、Starter,10,focus1starter,上海交通大学出版社,1. Starter,1. Who was murdered 23 years ago?,A 38-year-old woman was murdered.,2. When did the murder take place?,The murder took place on October 13, 1985.,3. When did the victim die and what was the direct cause of her death?,She died 18 days later from head inju

8、ries resulting from the attack.,11,focus1starter,上海交通大学出版社,1. Starter,4. Who re-examined the case?,The Cold Case Unit re-examined it.,5. Who is the suspect and where is he now?,One of the womans ex-boyfriends is the suspect. He is currently in custody.,12,Police Solve 23-year-old Murder Case More th

9、an two decades after an Austin woman was found severely injured in her apartment, police are charging her ex-boyfriend with murder. Officials closed the 1985 murder case of then 38-year-old Austin resident, Natalie Antonetti. On October 13, 1985, Austin police were called to investigate an assault o

10、n a victim who was later identified as Antonetti. At about 5:15 a.m., Antonettis roommate said she found her attacked and on the couch, bleeding from her head. Police said EMS transported Antonetti to the hospital, where she died 18 days later from head injuries resulting from the attack.,focus1star

11、ter,上海交通大学出版社,1. Starter,13,focus1starter,上海交通大学出版社,1. Starter,The initial investigation went cold after authorities said they were unable to charge a suspect in this case. However, the case was re-examined in 2007 by the Cold Case Unit. In the examination, police said they followed up on an anonymo

12、us tip that was received that year. The 2007 tip produced more leads, which ultimately led to the charge of one of Antonettis ex-boyfriends. Some 23 years later, the case was presented to a grand jury on June 10, and resulted in a charge for first-degree murder against Dennis Davis. Though Davis was

13、 previously interviewed at the time of the murder, he was never listed as a suspect. Police said he is currently in custody awaiting a hearing.,14,focus1text,上海交通大学出版社,Text Lead-in,Text Organization,15,focus1text,上海交通大学出版社,Text Lead-in,16,focus1text,上海交通大学出版社,Text Lead-in,17,focus1text,2. Text: Unkn

14、own Sister,1 Lindsey, sitting on the couch in her living room, turned on the 5 oclock news channel. 2 “Supposedly, new evidence has been found identifying a person connected to a four-year-old robbery case in Portland, Oregon, and a fingerprint was able to be matched with one of the perpetrators at

15、the last crime scene,” reporting from Channel 10 news scrolls across the TV screen in bold letters. A picture was shown on the screen, identified by the fingerprint. (To be continued),Translation,上海交通大学出版社,supposedly: ad.据信;据称 e.g. Supposedly, shes a rich woman. This picture is supposedly worth more

16、 than a million pounds.,Scroll can be used as a verb meaning “to move information on a computer screen up or down so that you can read it (滚屏;滚动)”. e.g. scroll down to the bottom of the page scroll a page of text,Also note that in the present context bold means “written or drawn in a very clear way粗

17、线条的,粗大醒目的”. e.g. His drawings were done in a few bold lines. But its more common meaning is “fearless and daring (大胆的,无惧的)”. e.g. Mr. Jordan made a bold speech.,家有姊妹不相识 1 琳赛坐在起居室的沙发上,打开电视,收看新闻频道5点的整点播报。 2 “据称,新证据已确认一名嫌犯,该嫌犯与四年前在俄勒冈州波特兰市发生的一起抢劫案有关,现场采集的一枚指纹与上起犯罪现场中一名凶犯的相吻合。”这条新闻在第10频道以粗体字形式在电视屏幕上滚动播出

18、。而根据指纹所鉴定的嫌犯照片也一同出现在屏幕上。,18,personality: n. 1) C, U个性,性格 e.g. Though their personalities differed, they got along as friends. 2) U魅力,气质,气度 e.g. He won the election more on personality than on capability.,focus1text,Lindsey looked at the photo and went into shock because it was her or her twin sister

19、 Sara being accused of the robberies. Lindsey and Sara were identical twin sisters and their personalities were the only key to telling one from the other. Lindsey was quiet and conservative, while Sara enjoyed partying with her friends. Sara was killed last year in a car accident. She was hit by a

20、drunk driver and died instantly, before the paramedics arrived on the scene.,Translation,上海交通大学出版社,看到照片,琳赛陷入了震惊,因为被指控犯下这些抢劫案的正是她或她的双胞胎姐妹萨拉。琳赛和萨拉是同卵双胞胎,她们之间唯一的明显区别是性格不同:琳赛文静保守,而萨拉则外向开放,喜欢和朋友聚会。萨拉去年死于一场车祸,被一个醉酒的司机撞倒,当场死亡,医务人员根本来不及到达现场进行抢救。,Questions about Para. 2,Meaning: As twin sisters, Lindsey and

21、Sara looked exactly alike. The only way to distinguish between them is by observing their character and conduct.,be accused of: 被指控犯有罪 e.g. He is accused of murder.,identical: a.完全相同的 e.g My opinion is identical with his. We are identical in our views of what should be done.,2. Text: Unknown Sister,

22、19,1. What was reported from Channel 10 news scrolls across the TV screen in bold letters?,focus1text,That new evidence has been found identifying a person connected to a four-year-old robbery case in Portland, Oregon and a fingerprint was able to be matched with one of the perpetrators at the last

23、crime scene.,上海交通大学出版社,2. Text: Unknown Sister,20,2. What was the only key to telling Lindsey from Sara?,focus1text,Their personalities were the only key to telling Lindsey from Sara.,上海交通大学出版社,2. Text: Unknown Sister,21,focus1text,3 Furthermore, Lindsey had been getting these strange dreams recentl

24、y at night, in which she was the perpetrator. Some dreams involved her robbing an elderly couple in broad daylight of their vehicle and expensive jewels. (To be continued),Translation,3 除此之外,最近,琳赛夜里还经常做一些怪梦,梦见自己是一名凶犯。有时,她梦见自己在光天化日之下,抢劫一对老夫妇的汽车和贵重珠宝。,上海交通大学出版社,involve: vt. 1) 包含 e.g. Dinner at Joes a

25、lways involves at least six courses. 2)卷入,涉入 e.g. Thats no concern of mine. Im not involved. Dont involve me in your quarrel!,broad daylight: 光天化日 e.g. The crooks ripped off a car in broad daylight. Thieves had broken into the house in broad daylight and stolen the jewels.,2. Text: Unknown Sister,22

26、,focus1text,Other dreams involved her torturing and burning an old man on his chest and face with an iron pipe as he was tied to his bed in his home. Lindsey was unclear as to why she was having these images, nor did she know where these crimes had taken place. She replayed the broadcast message in

27、her mind and wondered if her images and the robberies had any connection.,Translation,有时,她梦见自己在一个老人的家里,老人则被她绑在床上,她正用一根铁管折磨和灼烧他的胸部和脸部。琳赛不知道为什么会有这些梦境,也不知道这些犯罪行为发生在哪儿。然后,她又想了想刚刚播放的消息,心里纳闷:这些梦境和抢劫案究竟有没有关系?,上海交通大学出版社,Question about Para. 3,torture: vt. 1)拷打,拷问;严刑逼供 e.g. He tortured his prisoners. The pol

28、ice tortured him to confess his crime. 2)使痛苦,使焦急 e.g. He was tortured with anxiety.,be tied to: 1)系,栓 e.g. The kite was tied to a post. 2)联系在一起;依附于 e.g. The flat is tied to the job.,2. Text: Unknown Sister,23,3. What kind of strange dreams had Lindsey been getting recently at night?,focus1text,In th

29、ese strange dreams, she was the perpetrator. Some dreams involved her robbing an elderly couple in broad daylight of their vehicle and expensive jewels. Other dreams involved her torturing and burning an old man on his chest and face with an iron pipe as he was tied to his bed in his home.,上海交通大学出版社

30、,2. Text: Unknown Sister,24,focus1text,4 “Hello, Mom, did you see the picture of me or Sara on the news a few minutes ago?” Lindsey asked in a slow tone of voice. 5 “Yes, honey, why is your photo on the news?” 6 “Its not me, Mom. Its Sara. Ive never lived nor stayed in Portland, Oregon.”,Translation

31、,4“嗨,妈妈,你看到几分钟前新闻里那张我的或是萨拉的照片了吗?”琳赛缓缓问道。 5“看到了。亲爱的,你的照片怎么会出现在新闻里?” 6“那不是我,妈妈,是萨拉,我从来没在俄勒冈州波特兰市住过或待过。”,上海交通大学出版社,Question about Paras. 5-6,a tone of: 语气,口气 e.g. an interrogative tone of voice The questions of the driver had the tone of a subtle examination.,2. Text: Unknown Sister,25,4. What did Lind

32、sey say when asked why her photo was on the news?,focus1text,She said that the photo wasnt hers and that shed never lived nor stayed in Portland, Oregon.,上海交通大学出版社,2. Text: Unknown Sister,26,7 琳赛没等妈妈回答,就挂断了电话。她意识到,要洗脱嫌疑,就得靠自己去做大量的调查。而且,她还必须确定,四年前案件发生前后萨拉住在哪儿。于是琳赛开车来到萨拉的住处,寻找一切遗留下来的能将萨拉和波特兰地区联系起来的线索。

33、,focus1text,7 Lindsey hung up the phone before her mom could say another word. She realized that an extensive search on her part was going to be required to remove herself from the case. Moreover, she was going to have to locate the place Sara was living in four years ago around the time of the crim

34、es. Lindsey drove over to Saras home in search of anything left behind linking her with the Portland area. (To be continued),Translation,上海交通大学出版社,Meaning: She knew that she should do a lot of investigation by herself to prove her innocence.,in search of: 查找,搜寻 e.g. He plans to go to the Himalayas i

35、n search of yeti.,left behind: 丢下,遗留 e.g. The rubbish left behind by the Cup Final crowd begs description. If you dont keep up with the times, youll get left behind.,2. Text: Unknown Sister,27,萨拉家里面貌依旧,她们的妈妈在萨拉去世之后负责料理这所房子。琳赛走进客厅、餐厅和厨房。客厅看起来非常干净。萨拉买这所房子的时候,琳赛和她在一起。现在,她不在了,琳赛再次走进屋子,总感觉怪怪的。房间也很干净整洁,对此

36、,琳赛一点都不感到意外,但当她走进浴室的时候,却大吃一惊:浴室里一片狼藉,瓷砖地板上到处都是垃圾,浴缸里还有一圈污垢。,focus1text,Her home was still the same, because their mom kept it after Sara passed away. Lindsey entered the living room, the dining room, and the kitchen. The living room looked very clean. Lindsey was with Sara when she bought the home a

37、nd it seemed weird walking back into the home without her sister around. Lindsey wasnt surprised at the neatness and cleanness of the rooms. She looked shocked as she entered the bathroom, which was a mess with trash on the tiled floor and a dirt ring around the tub. (To be continued),Translation,上海

38、交通大学出版社,mess: n. 1) C 凌乱,脏乱 e.g. The kitchen was a mess. leave the yard in a mess 2) C (由于错误或疏忽所造成的)困境,麻烦 e.g. With divorce and bankruptcy, his personal life was in a mess.,2. Text: Unknown Sister,28,接着,琳赛走进了卧室,看见萨拉的内衣和短裤被扔在床上和地上,电视就在水床旁边,插头已经被拔出来了。之后,她又回到厨房,发现柜子上放着萨拉的通讯录。她找到带有俄勒冈区号的三个号码,分别是两个女性朋友和萨

39、拉前男友约翰尼的号码。,focus1text,Next, Lindsey walked into her sisters bedroom and saw her bras and panties thrown on the bed and floor, with an unplugged TV sitting by her water bed. Lindsey proceeded back into the kitchen and found Saras address book on the counter. She found three numbers with Oregon area

40、codes, which were for two female friends and an ex-boyfriend named Johnny.,Translation,上海交通大学出版社,Question about Para. 7,unplug: vt. 拔去的电源插头 e.g. Unplug the TV before you go to bed. Be careful when you unplug the machine.,proceed: vi. 1) (向某一方向)前进,移动 e.g. He proceeded to his destination. 2) 继续进行 e.g.

41、 She paused to clear her throat, and then proceeded.,2. Text: Unknown Sister,29,focus1text,5. Why did Lindsey drive over to Saras home?,Lindsey drove over in search of anything left behind linking Sara with the Portland area.,上海交通大学出版社,2. Text: Unknown Sister,30,8 于是,琳赛试着和这两位女士通了电话,她们同意琳赛第二天她们家里见面。第

42、二天,琳赛搭乘前往波特兰的第一班飞机,抵达后,住进了机场附近的一家宾馆。一办完入住手续,她就给两位女士打电话以确认下午的会面。,focus1text,8 Lindsey took a chance and spoke with both women, who agreed to meet with Lindsey the following day at their homes once she arrived. The following day, Lindsey boarded the first flight out to Portland and arrived at a hotel

43、near the airport. Once she checked in she immediately called both women to confirm the meeting for that afternoon. (To be continued),Translation,上海交通大学出版社,take a chance: 冒险;投机 e.g. He took a chance to hire her. He took a sporting chance in jumping across the ditch.,check in: 登记,入住(旅馆) e.g. Would you

44、 check in at the reception desk and sign your name in the book, please?,2. Text: Unknown Sister,31,focus1text,Lindsey took a cab over to the first young womans home and spoke with her for about an hour, and then she left and went to the other womans home. She was given pictures and took notes on som

45、e of their conversations. Lindsey took a cab out into town and did some shopping and sightseeing for a few hours. Later, she returned to the hotel and rested for the meeting with Johnny the next day. (To be continued),Translation,首先,她坐出租车去了第一位年轻女士的家里,和她谈了大约一个小时后,又去了另外一个女士的家里。这两位女士给了她一些照片,而她也记录下了部分谈话

46、内容。之后,琳赛搭乘出租车去了市区,只花了几个小时购物、观光。随后,她回到了宾馆休息,因为第二天还要和约翰尼会面。,上海交通大学出版社,2. Text: Unknown Sister,32,initial: a. 开始的,最初的 e.g. The government underwrote the initial costs of the operation. After shed overcome her initial shyness, she became very friendly.,focus1text,She arrived at the restaurant near the h

47、otel the next morning. Lindsey was there 15 minutes early to gather her thoughts and to prepare herself for the initial conversation with Johnny. A young man walked into the restaurant, needing more sleep by the look on his face. His clothes looked worn and his sneakers were covered in mud, and his

48、hair was all over his head. Lindsey knew that this wasnt Johnny because he wasnt the type of guy that her sister was attracted to.,Translation,第二天早上,她去了宾馆附近的餐厅。琳赛早到了十五分钟来整理思绪,为和约翰尼的初次见面做准备。到了约定时刻,一个年轻男子走进了餐厅,他看上去睡眠不足、一脸倦容,穿一身破旧的衣服,运动鞋上满是泥巴,头发也是乱蓬蓬的。借此,琳赛判断这不是约翰尼,因为他不是萨拉喜欢的类型。,上海交通大学出版社,Question abou

49、t Para. 8,Meaning: Lindsey got to the restaurant 15 minutes ahead of the appointment time to think over the matter and get ready for the first exchanges of words with Johnny.,Meaning: A young man who looked tired and sleepy entered the restaurant.,2. Text: Unknown Sister,33,focus1text,6. What had Lindsey thought of Johnny before the young man introduced himself?,She had thought it wasnt Johnny because he was not the type of guy that her sister Sara was attracted to.,上海交通大学出版社,2. Text: Unknown Sister,34,9 然而,年轻男子


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