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1、努力过,我无怨无悔!,1,大学英语词汇真题分析,湖南农业大学 龚维国 2010.2,努力过,我无怨无悔!,2,第一单元,练习是成功之父!,努力过,我无怨无悔!,3,1. He went ahead _ all warnings about the danger of his mission.,A) in case of B) because of C) regardless of D) prior to,努力过,我无怨无悔!,4,go ahead,ahead of 在.之前 ahead of time 提前 keep ones head 保持镇静 lose ones head 慌乱,仓皇失措

2、head on 迎面地,正面的 head for 前往 headache ahead 在前地(a+head头) aside,努力过,我无怨无悔!,5,head,cap, cipit=head,表示“头” capital首要的;首都;资本(capit+al头的首要的首都) captain首领;船长 cape海角,岬 caption标题;字幕,努力过,我无怨无悔!,6,mission,admit 承认 commit 委托,犯(错误) commit a blunder (crime) 犯错误(罪) commit suicide 自杀 omit 忽略,省略 mission 任务 commission

3、委托,委任,佣金,回扣 MIT 麻省理工学院 arithmetic 数学,算术 emit 发射 transmit (文化,疾病)传播,(广播,电视节目)传送 hermit 隐士,努力过,我无怨无悔!,7,admit 承认 admission 承认,允许进入 admission office 入学办公室 commit 犯(错误) commit a blunder 犯错误 commit a crime 犯罪 commitment commission 委任,委托,佣金,回扣 emit 放射,发射 emission 放射,发射 submit 屈服,服从 submission 屈服,服从 transm

4、it (疾病,文化,电视)传播 transmission (疾病,文化,电视)传播,努力过,我无怨无悔!,8,mit,summit limit limitation limitless committee imitate imitation,努力过,我无怨无悔!,9,regard,regard for 对.的注意,尊重 regard (as) 认为 as regards 关于,至于 regard 凝视,注视 best regards 最好的祝福 XXOO 亲亲抱抱 regardless (of) 不管,不顾 in regard to 关于,至于 with regard to 关于,至于,努力过

5、,我无怨无悔!,10,prior,prior to 在.之前 priority primary privilege 特权 deprive of 剥夺 superior to inferior to,努力过,我无怨无悔!,11,1. He went ahead _ all warnings about the danger of his mission.,A) in case of B) because of C) regardless of D) prior to,努力过,我无怨无悔!,12,2. We object _ punishing a whole group for one pers

6、ons fault.,A) against B) about C) to D) or,努力过,我无怨无悔!,13,object,objective 客观的 object to doing 反对。其中 to为介词。动词跟介词,则相应的名词形式也跟介词。 look forward to objection反对 UFO Unidentified Flying Object飞碟,不明飞行物,努力过,我无怨无悔!,14,ject投,掷,抛,subject 题目,主题,学科,服从的 subjective 主观的 objective 客观的 reject 拒绝 projectile 子弹 project 项

7、目,计划 inject 注射 eject,努力过,我无怨无悔!,15,ject,subject 主题、科目 subjective 主观的、凭经验的 arbitrary 主观的、凭经验的、武断的 empiric 主观的、凭经验的,努力过,我无怨无悔!,16,subject使服从,使受到 deject使气馁 reject拒绝,抵制 object反对,抗议,努力过,我无怨无悔!,17,fault,find fault (with) 找岔 fault 错误,带含责任。its my fault。 whose fault? mistake , I made a mistake。 错误,不带含责任意味。 e

8、rror 主要是技术上的错误。,努力过,我无怨无悔!,18,2. We object _ punishing a whole group for one persons fault.,A) against B) about C) to D) or,努力过,我无怨无悔!,19,3. Jack is good, kind, hard-working and intelligent; _; I cant speak too highly of him.,A) as a result B) in a word C) by the way D) on the contrary,努力过,我无怨无悔!,20

9、,intelligent,intelligent有头脑的,智慧的,往往指程度中等以上的智力,强调有较强的理解能力和学习能力。 smart聪明的,伶俐的。多用于年轻人,强调机灵、敏捷。 wise明智的,智慧的。指的不是一般的聪明,而是有智慧,有头脑,强调因阅历丰富,从而能作出正确的理解与判断。,努力过,我无怨无悔!,21,intelligent (adj.) 聪明的,智慧的,理解力强的 intelligible (adj.) 可理解的,能懂的 intellectual (n.) 知识分子;(adj.) 智能的,显示智力的,有智力的 CIA:Central Intelligence Agency

10、中央情报局 Microsoft Intel处理器,努力过,我无怨无悔!,22,result,as a result (of) 因此,由于 result in = 结果 ,result from = 原因 consult 咨询 consultant insult 侮辱,努力过,我无怨无悔!,23,by the way,byway小道(by+way小路) give way 让路,让步 lead the way 引路,带路 make ones way 去,前往 make way 让路,让出地方 by the way 顺便说说 by way of 经由,通过.方法 in a way 在某种程度上 in

11、 no way 决不 in the way 挡道 in ways of?,努力过,我无怨无悔!,24,contrary,contrary相反的 contradict反驳;矛盾 contrary to 违反 on the contrary 正相反 contradiction between 矛盾,不一致 contrast to/with sth 对比,对照 counter 前缀 代表相反的 counteract 反作用 相对作用 counterbalance 平衡力 countermand撤消,努力过,我无怨无悔!,25,contract订合同 contact接触,与联系 contrast对比,

12、对照 contrary相反的,努力过,我无怨无悔!,26,3. Jack is good, kind, hard-working and intelligent; _; I cant speak too highly of him.,A) as a result B) in a word C) by the way D) on the contrary,努力过,我无怨无悔!,27,4. The man to whom we handed the forms pointed out that they had not been _ filled in.,A) consequently B) re

13、gularly C) comprehensively D) properly,努力过,我无怨无悔!,28,form,multiform a.多种多样的 uniform一贯的,一致的 ; 制服 aeriform无形的,非实体的 cordiform心形的 reform改革 inform 通知 transform 改造,改变 format 格式,努力过,我无怨无悔!,29,form,perform表演 performance表演 performer 演员、表演者 formula F1方程式 formal正式的 Informal非正式的 deform变形, 畸形 conform to 符合需要及标准

14、deformation变态,努力过,我无怨无悔!,30,Friday 星期五 idleness 无事可做 lazy 懒惰的、懒散的 inform 通知 party 晚会 assemble 聚集 lady 女士 burst 阵阵 happy 高兴的 mercy 仁慈 fairy 仙女 lonely 孤单的、孤独的 appearance 外表,impression 印象 opportunity 机会 busy 忙着呢、繁忙的 indifferently 冷漠地 celebrity 名人 effective 有效的 really 真的吗? pose 姿势 lovely kitty 可爱的kitty猫

15、 honey 老婆、爱人fantasy 幻想 fantasia 幻想曲,努力过,我无怨无悔!,31,point,apply 申请 approve 批准 appreciate 感激 attention 注意 aggressive侵略的 attract 吸引 arrange 安排 appointment 约会 engagement 约会,努力过,我无怨无悔!,32,appoint指定,任命 disappointed失望的 beside point 离题的,不相干的 on the point of 即将.的时刻 to the point 切中要害,切题 key point,努力过,我无怨无悔!,33

16、,consequently,consequent on 随之而来 in consequence (of) 因此;由于 subsequent 继续连续 sequence 系列,properly,property 财产 poverty 贫穷,努力过,我无怨无悔!,34,regularly,irregular不规则的 regulate 制定政策法规,调整 regulation 政策法规,comprehensively,comprehensive 理解的,广泛的,全面的 comprehension 理解,努力过,我无怨无悔!,35,4. The man to whom we handed the fo

17、rms pointed out that they had not been _ filled in.,A) consequently B) regularly C) comprehensively D) properly,努力过,我无怨无悔!,36,5. I shall have companion in the house after all these _ years.,A) single B) sole C) alone D) lonely,努力过,我无怨无悔!,37,companion,accompanied by伴随 com / con 表示together commingle v

18、 混合 mingle with 混合 compose 组成 构成 decompose 分解 compile 聚集 编辑 (with) coincide 两件事 同时发生 (with) 意见巧合一致 事情同时发生 collaborate 合作 collapse 倒塌 concentrate 集中 专心 (集中营) concourse 汇流 合流 condense 浓缩 使简洁 conjunction 结合 连接,努力过,我无怨无悔!,38,com,combine联合,结合(com+bine捆捆在一起结合) compassion同情(com+passion爱国者同胞) compatriot同胞(c

19、om+patriot动大家一起动动乱) commend赞扬;推荐(com+mend信任;命令大家信任赞扬;参考;recommend) commemorate纪念(com+memor记住+ate大家一起记住纪念) commensurable相等的,相称的(com+mensur测量+able能放在一起的测量相等的) comparison比较(com+pari平等+son一起平等比较) compact紧密的;合同(com+pact压紧全部压紧紧密的) comfort安慰(com+fort加强精神强大安慰) commodious宽敞的(com+mod动+ious共同动有动的地方宽敞的) compete

20、比赛(com+pete追求一起追比赛),努力过,我无怨无悔!,39,component成分(com+pon放+ent放到一起的东西成分) compress压缩(com+press压一起压压缩) concentric同中心的(con+centric中心的) contemporary同时代的(con+tempor时间+ary同时间的) conclude结束;总结(con+clude关闭全部关闭结束) confirm坚定;证实(con+firm坚定) condense凝结;浓缩(con+dense 浓密的) consolidate巩固,加强(con+solid坚固+ate成为大家的财产没收) con

21、flict冲突(con+flict打一起打斗冲突) confluence汇流(con+flu流ence共同流汇流) congregate集合的,聚集的(con+greg集合ate集合到一起聚集的) console安慰(con+sole安慰一起安慰),努力过,我无怨无悔!,40,mono,monarch君主,独裁者(mon+arch统治者一个统治者) monogamy 一夫一妻制(mono+gamy婚姻) monologue独白(mono+logue说话一个人说话独白) monopoly垄断(mono+poly独家卖垄断) monotonous单调的(mono+ton声音+ous一个声音单调的)

22、,努力过,我无怨无悔!,41,un,unite统一,联合 union联合,工会 uniform一贯的,一致的(uni+form形状) unique独一无二(uni+que表形容词) unison和谐,协调(uni+son声音一个声音 universe 宇宙,世界 verse 诗歌,努力过,我无怨无悔!,42,solo,n. 1. 独唱(曲), 独奏(曲)2. 单飞 adj. 1. 单独的, 独自地2. 独唱的;独奏的 adv. 1. 单独地; 独自地 solitary n.独居者a.孤独的 console安慰 consolidate 巩固,加强 (社会地位,权力等) solid 固体 stre

23、ngthen 巩固,加强 intensify 加强,加剧,努力过,我无怨无悔!,43,5. I shall have companion in the house after all these _ years.,A) single B) sole C) alone D) lonely,努力过,我无怨无悔!,44,6. After a long and exhausting journey, they arrived _.,A) till the last B) at last C) by the end D) at the end,努力过,我无怨无悔!,45,exhausting,exhau

24、st 耗尽、精疲力尽的 robust 强壮的 luxury 奢侈 Nike 胜利女神 caste 等级制度 frugal 节俭的 miserly 小气的、吝啬的,努力过,我无怨无悔!,46,Journey West,Story of a Journey to the West or The Pilgrimage to the West journey旅行,旅程,常指空中或陆上长途旅行; travel旅行,旅游,但是泛指一地到另一地的旅行。 voyage指航海,航行,航程,常指海上航行。 tour商业的愉快的旅行或者循环旅行。 trip是短暂旅行。,努力过,我无怨无悔!,47,last,Last

25、 but not least(最重要的) at last 终于 at length 最终,终于 late later latest 指时间上的晚 late latter last 指顺序上的晚 ultimate 最终的,最后的 finally 最终 blast,blame,努力过,我无怨无悔!,48,at last只能指时间位置,而不能指时间顺序,在语义上指经过,周折,等待,耽搁后的“最后,终于”得到所期待的结果。 At last , he passed the exam . 最后他终于通过了考试。(可用in the end代替) finally 指一系列事物或论点的顺序,在列举事物时可以用来

26、引出最后一项内容 finally 在意义上与用法上与at last 有共同之处,但也有不同。finally 既可指时间位置(相当于at last和in the end),也可指时间的先后顺序。 eg. Finally Id like to thank you all for your coming . 最后我要感谢诸位的光临。(不能用at last),努力过,我无怨无悔!,49,6. After a long and exhausting journey, they arrived _.,A) till the last B) at last C) by the end D) at the e

27、nd,努力过,我无怨无悔!,50,7. None of the servants were _ when Mr. Smith wanted to send a message.,A) available B) attainable C) approachable D) applicable,努力过,我无怨无悔!,51,serve,preserve 保护,维持,强调保护不受危害等,常和environment 搭配使用 conserve保存,保护,保养,强调保护某种资源不让其浪费 reserve保留,储备,后常跟介词for. observation 观察,引用,评述 reference 典故 co

28、mmentary 评论,解说 penalty 点球,惩罚 observe 观察,遵守 reserve 储备 deserve 值得 conservation 保存 conservative 保守的 reservation 印第安人保留地,努力过,我无怨无悔!,52,serve,server服务器 service at your service听您吩咐;随时供您使用 do sb. a service给某人帮忙 conservation (楼房等)保存 conservative 保守的 conservation organization 动物保护组织 conservative organizatio

29、n 保守组织,努力过,我无怨无悔!,53,available,available 可获得的,可用的,可会见的 Are you available? 你是否有时间? available to sb for sth 可用,可供 inavailable,努力过,我无怨无悔!,54,attainable,attainable 可获得的,可获取的,可达到的 certain, mountain, curtain, Britain, captain, entertainment retain 保存,维持,保留 detain 拘留,阻拦 contain 包含,包容 detain 阻拦,拘留 retain 保留

30、,维持,保护 attain 获得 maintain 坚持,维持 continent 大陆 sustain 支持,支撑,经历,保持 for certain certainly obtain,努力过,我无怨无悔!,55,approachable,approach to 类似,办法,通道 reproach 责备、非难 be difficult of approach(指地方)难到达的; (指人)难于接近的 be easy of approach(指地方)容易到达的, 交通方便的; (指人)容易接近的 make an approach to对.进行探讨 make approaches to sb.设法

31、接近某人, 想博得某人的好感,努力过,我无怨无悔!,56,applicable,applicable to 适用于 apply application appliance用具 applicant申请者 application申请,应用,努力过,我无怨无悔!,57,7. None of the servants were _ when Mr. Smith wanted to send a message.,A) available B) attainable C) approachable D) applicable,努力过,我无怨无悔!,58,8. I cant _ what that obj

32、ect is.,A) make up B) make over C) make out D) make for,努力过,我无怨无悔!,59,make,make up for 补偿,弥补 makeup 外包装 make-up 补考 make for 朝.走去 make sense of 理解弄懂 make up 构成,组成,虚构 make out 辨认,区分,make friends 交朋友 make fun of 取笑,嘲弄 make ones way 去,前往 make sure 查明;务必 make the best of 充分利用 make the most of 充分利用 make u

33、p ones mind 下决心,打定主意 make use of 使用,利用 make way 让路,让出地方,努力过,我无怨无悔!,60,8. I cant _ what that object is.,A) make up B) make over C) make out D) make for,努力过,我无怨无悔!,61,9. I want to buy a new tie to _ this brown suit.,A) go into B) go after C) go with D) go by,努力过,我无怨无悔!,62,suit,suitable for/to 适合于 purs

34、uit追求 spacesuit suitability合适性 suitable suitcase suite(一批)随员, (一套)家具, 套房, 套, 组, 组曲,努力过,我无怨无悔!,63,go,go back on 背弃 背叛 go in for 以为兴趣 参加某件事 go through完成 经历 go through with 完成 做完 go along with 陪伴同意 go after 追求 go in to 研究,调查 go into 谈论,谈及 go with 伴随,与协调 go down 下降,降低 go off 爆炸,离开 go out 熄灭,外出 go around

35、 流行,流传,努力过,我无怨无悔!,64,9. I want to buy a new tie to _ this brown suit.,A) go into B) go after C) go with D) go by,努力过,我无怨无悔!,65,10. The newest satellite can _ a thousand telephone conversations and a colour TV program at the same time.,A) carry B) extend C) bring D) take,努力过,我无怨无悔!,66,conversation,ve

36、rsatile 多才多艺的 verse 诗歌 conversation 谈话 reverse 颠倒、倒转 diverse 不同的 diversity差异,多样性 controversy 相矛盾的、相背的 universe 宇宙 auto reverse 自动翻带 inverse 相反的 反向的 versus 在比赛中与相对 V.S.,努力过,我无怨无悔!,67,交谈,conversation chat dialogue discussion talk conversation 指“无拘束或非正式的谈话”, chat 指“闲谈”、“聊天” dialogue 指“双方对话或戏剧的对白” . dis

37、cussion 指“讨论”、“商议”. talk 指“非正式的讲话”, 用于较随便的场合。,努力过,我无怨无悔!,68,vert,vers转,adverse相反的 convert转换 university anniversary周年纪念,努力过,我无怨无悔!,69,program,diagram图表 program节目单,方案 telegram电报 epigram警句,格言 kilogram公斤 pentagram五角星形 grammar,努力过,我无怨无悔!,70,extend,tend,tens,tent 伸 extend伸开,扩展 attention 注意 content context

38、 extract抽出,拔出 exit,extension 延展,扩充,范围 intension 紧张,加强 import/export extensive广阔的 intensive 集中的,强化的,仔细的,深入的,努力过,我无怨无悔!,71,10. The newest satellite can _ a thousand telephone conversations and a colour TV program at the same time.,A) carry B) extend C) bring D) take,努力过,我无怨无悔!,72,11. I can _ some nois

39、e while Im studying, but I cant stand loud noises.,A) come up with B) catch up with C) put up with D) keep up with,努力过,我无怨无悔!,73,stand,outstanding 突出的 misunderstand standing adj 永久的固定的常设的 standing committee 常务委员会 abide 忍受孤独的, 遵守(法律法规) tolerance 忍耐力,耐受力 tolerate 忍受,容忍 abnormal 不正常的,异常的,反常的 endure 忍受、

40、忍耐 bear忍受 suffer忍受 endure 忍受、忍耐 put up with忍受、忍耐,努力过,我无怨无悔!,74,忍受,bear:为普通用语,泛指忍受精神上或肉体上不同程度的各种磨难。该词也可表示某人勇于承受住某种压力或经受住某种考验的意思。bear多用于否定句和疑问句,常与can,could连用。 stand:在表示容忍这一意思时,其词意与bear相同,但stand为口语,常用于否定句或疑问句中,用于肯定句时,其正面意义更强,暗示某人能经受得住各种磨难,具有不屈不挠的精神。 tolerate:常指以自我克制的态度对付令人生厌的人或事物。这种容忍往往不会给忍受者带来太大的痛苦。 e

41、ndure:为正式用语,多用于否定句中,特指忍受较大的或较长时间的磨难和痛苦。该词暗示忍受者具有持久的忍耐力。 suffer:为正式用语,常指被迫承受某件令人痛苦或有害的事,多用于承受抽象事物。 abide:在表示容忍这一意思时,含有忍耐并屈从他人或命运之摆布的意思。 put up with:为口头用语,一般指容忍较小的事情,具有宽容、默认、将就某人或某事的意思。,努力过,我无怨无悔!,75,come up with 赶上, 提出;提出,拿出 catch up with 赶上, 逮捕, 处罚 put up with 忍受, 容忍 keep up with 跟上,努力过,我无怨无悔!,76,11

42、. I can _ some noise while Im studying, but I cant stand loud noises.,A) come up with B) catch up with C) put up with D) keep up with,努力过,我无怨无悔!,77,12. When the whole area was _ by the flood, the government sent food there by helicopter.,A) cut away B) cut down C) cut up D) cut off,努力过,我无怨无悔!,78,flo

43、od,float漂浮 flower flight flow流动 flaw瑕疵,狂风 flee fly flu fragrance 芬芳, 香气, 香味 fragrant 芬芳的 flavor 气味,香味,努力过,我无怨无悔!,79,fl,lag 落后 flag 旗帜 lash 鞭打 flash 闪电 lame 瘸的 flame 火焰 are 是 flare 熊熊燃烧,闪耀 flip 轻击 lip 嘴唇 flight 飞行 light 光,努力过,我无怨无悔!,80,flake 雪花,薄片 flair 本能 flaunt 炫耀 flock 一群,(禽,畜等的)群 flout 蔑视 flatter

44、 溜须拍马,奉承 flack 严厉批评,努力过,我无怨无悔!,81,cut,cut him short(cut me short)请把我头发剃短 使中断 缩短 cut short 中断,打断 cut back削减,缩减 cut down杀死,削减 cut in打断,插入 cut off分离 ,隔离 cut out切掉,剥夺,努力过,我无怨无悔!,82,12. When the whole area was _ by the flood, the government sent food there by helicopter.,A) cut away B) cut down C) cut up

45、 D) cut off,努力过,我无怨无悔!,83,13. The bridge was named _ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.,A) after B) with C) by D) from,努力过,我无怨无悔!,84,be named after 以命名 be named by 被取名 in the name of以的名义;为了的缘故;凭的权威 prestige 声望,威信 nasty 肮脏的,下流的,恶心的 reputation 名声、声望,努力过,我无怨无悔!,85,13. The bridge wa

46、s named _ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.,A) after B) with C) by D) from,努力过,我无怨无悔!,86,14. There were no tickets _ for Fridays performance.,A) preferable B) considerable C) possible D) available,努力过,我无怨无悔!,87,consider,considerable 相当多的,值得考虑的 enormous= tremendous 相当多的,大量的 nume

47、rous 许多的,大量的 star 星星 planet 行星 comet 彗星 constellation 星座 nova 新星,努力过,我无怨无悔!,88,consider,considerate 为他人设想的,体谅别人的 thoughtful consideration,努力过,我无怨无悔!,89,14. There were no tickets _ for Fridays performance.,A) preferable B) considerable C) possible D) available,努力过,我无怨无悔!,90,15. Many new _ will be ope

48、ned up in the future for those with a university education.,A) opportunities B) necessities C) realities D) probabilities,努力过,我无怨无悔!,91,future,in the future 在未来 moisture潮湿, 湿气 furniture家具, 设备, 储藏物 sculpture 雕塑 culture文化, 文明 cultivate培养, 耕作 agriculture农业 temperature温度 lecture演讲, 讲稿 lecturer讲师 manufacture制造,加工,努力过,我无怨无悔!,92,literate识字的 literature文学 texture组织,结构 departure启程, 出发, 离开 departure from feature容貌, 特色, 特写 by nature 天性 adventu


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