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1、高中英语写作教学,训练应循序渐进,训练书面表达不是盲目地练,应从基础练起。首先写好简单句,掌握好五种基本句型;然后学写并列句和复合句,注重句型转换和重点句型操练;最后再进行篇章训练。在进行篇章训练时,要注意遣词造句,布局谋篇,要学会用适当的连接词使全文逻辑意义正确。,不同阶段的侧重点,高一:兴趣、习惯 高二:规范、仿写 (体裁、结构) 高三:提炼、升华 (遣词造句,逻辑修辞等),不断积累是关键,要写好英语作文,积累是很关键的。积累应包括生活知识的积累和语言表达的积累。“厚积”才能“薄发”,只有平时做个有心人,才有可能在考试时写出佳作。,写作需要积累,阅读基础 背诵积累 摘录优美句子 写正确的句

2、子 复述和写课文概要(controlled) 用适当的词和词组还原课文概要(语感) 听写句子、课文概要、小故事等(语感) 排序题(逻辑思维),几种写作训练形式,基于生活的写作 基于阅读的写作 基于话题的写作 基于项目的写作 基于体裁的写作 基于应试的写作,基于阅读的写作,没有一定的目的语的输入,输出很难产生。(Krashen) “Nothing can be written before its read”.(Alexander) 阅读帮助学生: 1)获取语篇知识,丰富形式图式; 2)获取语言知识,丰富知识图式; 3)获得话题内容,丰富内容图式; 4) 获得写作技巧,丰富策略图式;,选材(典型

3、),阅读和分析,归纳特点,练习(仿写),讲评,结构,语言,输入,输出,策略指导,重要,基于体裁的写作,Narrative Descriptive,Organization (format),State it- who? what? How? Explain or illustrate it- examples Restate it- comment,Sample 1,Everyone has a hero in his mind, and mine is Deng Yaping, a talented woman player of table tennis. Why was she able

4、 to make such brilliant achievements in spite of being short? It was because of her hard work and determination. As a little girl of four, she began to play table tennis under the strict guidance of her coach. She kept struggling until she became a member of the National Training Team. Although she

5、won many championships and medals, she remained modest and continued working hard. On her way to success, she proved that it was not height but hard work that mattered. She will always be a good guide to my action.,Sample 2,Today our class organized an activity to visit Hongxing Farm (点题). In the ea

6、rly morning, We started excitedly from the gate of school on foot. One hour later, we arrived. The farm workers gave us a warm welcome. Then the head showed us around. We knew much about crops. At noon we had a picnic lunch on the grass. How tasty the food and drinks were! After lunch, we began to a

7、muse ourselves in group. Some danced and sang. Some chatted together. Two of us even played a game of chess. After the sun set, we had to leave and said good-bye to the workers. What an enjoyable day it was!,News report,Organization,Introduction Paragraph1 Summary of the event (time, place, people i

8、nvolved) Main body Paragraph23 Development of the event in detail, causes, consequences Conclusion Final paragraph Peoples comments /action taken,Student volunteers Brought Sunshine to The Elderly,On May Day, LiYue and Zhang Hua, students from Class Three, Grade Two, went to Sunshine Nursing Home an

9、d did some voluntary work. Upon their arrival, Li Yue and Zhang Hua were warmly welcomed, and respectfully, they presented the elderly with flowers and fruits. Then they started working at once, cleaning the windows andsweeping the floor. Everything done, they sat in the yard chatting with the elder

10、ly people.,when,who,where,what,detailed information,When it was time for the volunteers to leave, the elderly people thanked them for their kindness. They said it was such a beautiful day that they would remember it forever. LiYue and Zhang Hua were very happy. What they did has brought joy to other

11、s and enriched their own lives. By Chen Jie, School Newspaper,detailed information,comments,An Upside down Pyramid,introduction,main body,comment,新闻语体,simple words, but vivid expressions pictures the event in readers minds cause people to think objective brief but appealing ,应用文,信函 通知 演讲稿 便条,2019/3/

12、17,How to write a letter,invitation thanks recommendation asking-for-help complaint refusal congratulations application,A letter of,letter format 1,(Receivers address),(your address),Date,greeting,Dear xx,signature,Yours sincerely,xxx,To Whom It May Concern:,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

13、xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.,Body,letter format 2,(Receivers address),(your address),Date,greeting,Dear xx,signature,Yours sincerely,xxx,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx

14、xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.,Body,2019/3/17,A sample letter of application for a job,P1 Where you read the advertisement and the exact name of the job you are applying for (e.g., ful

15、l-time or part-time) P2 Details of your education (e.g., school and grade; best subjects or exams passed; first language and other languages) P3 Brief details of any interests, hobbies, or activities,Source of information,Personal information,P4 Brief details of other jobs you have done (if any) P5

16、The reason why you want the job P6 A request for an interview (say when you are free to attend, e.g., any time / day, any day after),Request,Personal information,reason,演讲稿,Organization Greetings Introduction of your topic Main body of the speech Closing of your speech,范例,学校将组织竞选新一届学生会主席,你准备参加竞选。现在请

17、你根据以下要求写一篇竞选发言稿: 1. 胜任条件:能力、爱好、性格 2. 如果当选,将为本校同学做 词数:120-130左右,A Campaign Speech,Good morning, everyone! Today I am very glad to run for the president of the Students Union. I am junior in English Department and I firmly believe I am competent for such a position. Several factors contribute to my co

18、nfidence. For one thing, since I came into the school, I have always been the monitor in my class. I have done a very good job for my classmates, and both the classmates and teachers give me a good praise. For another, I am good at communicating and organizing. Moreover, I have a variety of hobbies,

19、 for example, basketball, football, etc. Therefore, I am sure that I am qualified for this position.,Besides, if I become the president, I will try my best to do well. I will organize some suitable activities for all the students in our school. I will do many things for you to meet your demands as w

20、ell. I am sincerely hope that you will give me a chance, and please believe me that I will be a good president. Thank you very much for listening!,看图作文,一,感性认识过程,即通过画面直接获得信息的过程(究竟画面展示了一个什么情景); 二,理性认识过程,即针对画面发挥想象力,挖掘画面间的内在联系融入自己的思想与见解(画面的内涵是什么)。,一、只做描述的看图作文(记事) Description of the picture. 二、要求描述并简评的看图

21、作文(漫画) Description of the picture. The writers opinion or comment on the event.,Organization,Illustration of the chart / table / graph / pie Explanation of the result Conclusion your opinion,2000年,假设你是李华,在美国探亲。2000年2月8日清晨,你目击一起交通事故。警察局让你写一份材料,报告当时所见情况。请根据下列图画写出报告。 注意: 目击者应该准确报告事实;词数100左右;结尾已为你写好。 Ab

22、out two minutes later I stopped a passing car and took the old man to the nearest hospital. Li Hua,It was 7:15 on the morning of February 8, 2000. I was walking along Park Road towards the east when an elderly man came out of the park on the other side of the street. Then I saw a yellow car drive up

23、 Third Street and make a right turn into Park Road. The next moment the car hit the man while he was crossing the road. He fell with a cry. The car didnt stop but drove off at great speed heading west. I noticed the driver was a young woman and the plate number was AC864. About two minutes later I s

24、topped a passing car and took the old man to the nearest hospital. Li Hua,2000One possible version,党中央号召全国人民树立“八荣八耻”荣辱观,仔细观看下面这组漫画,根据要求以 Beauty Comes From Action为题写一篇120词左右的短文。,五个环节,一“抓”: 抓主题。首先,根据图片内容确定好题材与体裁是写人还是写景,是说理还是叙事,是书信还是日记或其他应用文体。这一环节可采用: 1. 求同法,即寻找画面中相同的人物、地点或时间等,来确定主线,不致于跑题; 2. 求异法,即观察几幅

25、图的不同之处,挖掘出它们之间的内在联系从而确定体裁。,二“列”: 列要点。由于书面表达是以一定的情景为基础,考查具有一定的针对性,因此要点要全面,无遗漏。 要点主要是结合图片中的情景用自己熟悉的结构与词汇列出,忌用生疏的结构与词汇按汉语思维盲目罗列,原则“不求难,不求异,唯求准”。,三“变”: 变要点为句子。将第二个环节中所罗列的要点,先按一定的时间、空间及逻辑顺序排列;然后选定恰当的主语与人称,再根据动作发生的时间与主谓关系拓词成句。结合学生实际,要求用他们熟悉、简单的结构来表达,避免因用长句和大量的复合句而出现过多的语法错误。切勿用汉语思维生造句子。,四“连”: 连句成篇。这一环节是最关键

26、的一环。首先,要根据题目所要求及画面展示确定好题材与体裁。其次,要确定好行文的人称与时态的基调。再次,要在句与句以及段与段之间加一些表转折、递进和因果等关系的关联词与过渡句,使文章前后照应,行文流畅。最后结合题目要求字数适当加入一些表达自己思想、见解的内容,使文章丰满显得有血有肉。,五“检”: 文章检查。文章写成之后错误在所难免,检查这一环节不能省。检查可从如下几方面入手: 1. 文章的体裁格式是否正确。 2. 要点有无遗漏。 3. 句子(人称、时态、语态、主谓一致、结构、词语搭配等)。 4. 词汇(意义、拼写、时态语态,形容词与动词的形式,名词单复数)。 5. 标点符号是否有遗漏与错误。,说

27、 明 文,Organization, Introduction Main body: Fact A Fact B Fact C Conclusion,范 例,某制药厂研制了一种新中药,药品已被外商订购。请你根据提示为该产品写一份使用说明书: 1. 本品为中药,对心脏病疗效显著。 2. 常量:每天三次,一次两粒(pill),根据情况可加服一至二粒。 3. 服药后,身体不适要停服。70岁以上老人和10岁以下的小孩禁服。 4本药品应存放在阴凉干燥处。 5. 使用本药品要严格遵从医嘱。 注意:1. 词数:100左右 2. 包括要点,但不要逐句翻译。,One possible version,This

28、is a kind of Chinese medicine and has a good effect on heart disease. Take two pills each and three times a day. You can take one or two extra pills each time according to your own condition. It depends. Cautious: If you feel uncomfortable, stop using it at once. Kids below 10 and adults above 70 ar

29、e forbidden to use it. Youd better use the medicine under the guidance of a doctor. Always put it in a cool and dry place.,基于应试的写作,限词量 限框架 限时间,质量要求,要点全面、表达准确、语句连贯。 基本语法和常用句型无严重错误,意思表达清楚。 鼓励使用复杂结构,新颖词汇和顺畅连接。所谓复杂结构包括定语从句、强调句型、倒装、被动、虚拟、非谓语短语、so.that和with加复合宾语等。 能用书写体熟练清楚地书写,格式、连笔、词距、标点正确。 书写格式、行文及礼貌用语等

30、无严重错误。,几个方面的问题,词汇基础薄弱。主要表现在写作中单词拼写错误多,数的概念模糊,同义、近义词辨析不清,时态、语态误用,词语搭配不当或画蛇添足等。 句子结构模糊。一些考生刻意追求写长句或优美句,反而使得文章的句子结构混乱,读了让人感觉不知所云。,母语痕迹明显。在书面表达阅卷过程中发现很多中国式英语。考生用汉语的思维去构思和组织文句,可是其英语水平远没有达到这个水平,结果自然是词不达意,错误百出。 篇章逻辑混乱。综观全篇,无论是段与段的转换,还是句与句的连贯,都让人觉得突然,没有做好各个环节的顺利过渡和主题内容的更迭,使文章缺乏整体性、层次感和可读性。,训练要点,第一轮复习跟课练(词组、

31、句型) 第二轮复习练体裁、以话题为主线 考前练热点 重视谋篇布局(各类体裁的架构) 重视遣词造句 重视拼写、标点、书写、大小写、语法 重视对学生范文的积累和讲评,写作教学中的注意事项,写作教学中: 教师的作用在于帮助学生形成一套可行的写作策略; 1)动笔前的酝酿(选题、收集资料、构思、明 确中心思想、拟提纲、定步骤), 2)起草 3) 修改(增补、删减、更改、调整思路), 4)以及校订(注意修辞、句子结构和语法等),学生习作,讨论和点评,修改润色,再次点评,上次作文,当堂写,定稿上交,抽样,同一样本,修改应考虑下列内容,主题是否突出,有没有中心句。 段落安排是否合理。 语言是否流畅,地道。 有

32、否重复使用的词语和表达方式。 有否拼写错误。 文章格式是否正确。 文章的开头和结尾是否合理、正确。 文章是否有条理性和逻辑性。,对作文的评改途径,学习评分标准(高考) 学生自评互评 课堂点评,课后修改,重视范文的示范作用,范文的作用是不可忽视的。优秀的范文有很大的借鉴作用。所以建议考生阅读,甚至可以背诵各种文体的优秀范文,也可进行模仿写作,并力求有自己的创意。,作文范例,How to describe a person.,Narrative Descriptive,Organization (format),State it- who? what? How? Explain it- examp

33、les Restate it- comment,A good friend of mine by Sherry,Do you have a friend who always cheers you up when you are down, always ready to give you a hand when you get into trouble, and always be at your side? Im lucky enough to say “yes”. I have a precious friend and weve known each other for ages. S

34、he is a lovely girl full of love and patience. Whenever I have problems, shes always the first to help me. So I think she is also quite selfless. Whats more, being generous and tolerant is her good quality, too. Shed like to share a lot of things with me, and she chooses to forgive me instead of sco

35、lding me when I make mistakes.,A good start with a question!,The first example,The second example,However, she is not a perfect person, so we both get a good understanding of each other. Although we have entered different schools now, I believe our friendship will keep green.,A nice conclusion.,Frie

36、nds,Teenagers love making friends with a lot of people, because they learn new and fresh ideas from these people. Since they are about the same age, teenagers find that it is easier to communicate with their friends. Whenever they have a problem, they always seek help from their friends to solve the

37、 problem.,Faithful friends are great treasures to us. They are reliable and will surely offer their help willingly whenever we meet difficulty. However, faithful friends will never try to cover our mistakes for us. We should not blame them for this because this act helps us become more responsible i

38、ndividuals. Not only human beings, but also animals and things can become our friends. Friendship is normally based on understanding. As long as you can understand an animal or a thing, you can become its friend.,Once friendship is established, the most difficult thing in maintaining it is to be sin

39、cere. To be a sincere friend, one should first be considerate. Besides this, one should share his friends happiness and sadness. A sincere friend will be very happy when his friend is successful and will feel worried if his friend is in trouble. It is not easy to obtain a faithful friend. If you do,

40、 please cherish him/her, because he/she may be the only faithful friend you will meet in the whole life.,作文讲评,How to express your opinion.,The first step,Make a list of the reasons . a global language a working language many books/ movies in English to use computers/ the Internet to study abroad to

41、trade with people from to learn its culture ,The second step,Ask yourself which reasons come first. 1. a global language a working language 4. many books/ movies are in English 5. to use computers/ the Internet 2. to study abroad 6. to trade with people from 3. to learn its culture ,Organization,Put

42、 forward the question you are going to discuss in the passage. Give your reasons one by one. Sum up what you have discussed.,An example -by Summer,As we all know, more and more people are learning English nowadays, especially the Chinese people like most of us. But why should we spend much time in l

43、earning a foreign language? Is it only a task? The answer is definitely “No”. Learning English has many special reasons. Fisrt of all, it is a useful tool of communication. English is now spoken in many different countries all over the world as as offical language. It helps a lot if you can speak En

44、glish quite well, especially when you travel abroad.,Secondly, if you can speak English as those native speakers, youll be able to make a better living easily. As a student, learning English well is the first step to enter these excellent schools abroad. And if you want to be a businessman, an inter

45、pretor or work in some other careers, it is one of the most important skills for you to reach success. Thirdly, a language is always the symbol of a nation, conveying its culture. And so is English. It is even a mixture of many different cultures based on its long development. So when we learn Engli

46、sh, try to treasure it. It will be valuable and useful in our lives.,Ways of Improving Reading - by Kevin,As we all know, English mainly contains five skills, namely, listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translating. I think I am Ok with them except the skill of reading. I always find that my

47、reading speed is not quick enough. Sometimes, I try to speed up on purpose, but soon find I can only remember less things than before. I didnt come up with a good solution to this problem until a talk with a friend of mine yesterday.,He told me that reading fast is not really difficult. He suggested

48、 me moving my eyes properly. In other words, controlling the movements of my eyes. He also told me that I could practise skimming or scanning in order to improve the reading speed, but my brain should keep up with that speed simultaneously. But the process should be taken step by step, just like the

49、 other parts of English. Its an accumulation, a process of long-run practice. He added in the end.,I followed his advice, and soon, to my surprise, I could really read faster! Now I believe that , to do something well, a good method is especially important, and then comes the practice and perseverance


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