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1、在英语阅读理解的细节题里,我们经常会碰到一词多义的题目,即给出一个我们都熟知的词,考察一个我们不太熟知的意思。这除了要求我们对整篇文章上下文的语境语义有充分的理解之外,还需要我们对词汇的掌握再提升一个高度。以下是对这类词汇的一个总结: 1.administer动词:给予,用(药等)Do not administer a sedative to this patient, please! 请不要给这个病人使用镇静剂。 2.approach动词: 要求,交涉Will you be approaching the bank for a loan?你会向银行要求贷款吗? 3.article名词:条款A

2、rticle 1 of the constitution guarantees freedom of religion.宪法第一条保障宗教信仰自由。 4.aspect名词:样子,外表,面貌His face wears amelancholy aspect. 他面带忧伤。 5.author名词:创始人,发起者As the author of this plan, I am responsible for its any result.作为该计划的倡导者,我要对它的任何后果负责。,6.avenue名词:途径,手段 We explored every possible avenue, but cou

3、ldnt find an effective solution. 我们探讨了所有可能的途径,但没能找到有效的解决办法。 7.barrel动词:飞奔,高速行驶He barreled down the road at 100 miles an hour.他以每小时100 英里的速度在公路上疾驶。 8.basin名词:内海,盆地 9.battery名词:炮兵连,炮组 10.make-believe名词:假装,假想 11.bid名词:努力 。,12.black 1) 形容词:没有希望的,前景暗淡的 Things were beginning to look pretty black for us. 看

4、来情况开始对我们有些不利。 2) 形容词:怒气冲冲的 The little girl knew not to irritate her daddy when he was in such a black mood. 小女孩知道她的父亲正在气头上,不该去惹他。 3) 动词:失去知觉,昏厥I completely blacked out after the car accident. 车祸发生后,我完全失去了知觉。 13. blind名词:百叶窗 14.blood名词:气质,天性Lying runs in his blood.说谎是他的天性。 15bow名词:弓(形),蝴蝶结 16.breed名词

5、:品种,种类 17.brim动词:注满,盈满Annas eyes brimmed with tears.安娜热泪盈眶,18.brisk形容词:兴隆的Wish you a brisk business.祝你生意兴隆。 19.cause名词:事业,事件,奋斗目标 She has determined to make a lifelong devotion to the cause of womens rights. 她已经决定毕生追求女权事业。 20.check名词:方格图案,格子织物 My sister bought me a check skirt as my birthday gift. 姐

6、姐买了条格子裙给我作为我的生日礼物。 21.choice形容词1) 上等的,精选的 I found a choice collection of literature in the library. 我在图书馆找到了一套精选的文学作品。 2) 尖刻的,刻薄的话 Mike got irritated, so he dismissed the objection in a few choice words. 麦克怒了,他用几句尖刻的话驳斥了反对意见。,22.clause名词:(正式文件或法律文件的)条款 New York choice of law clause may be subject to

7、 US Constitutional Restrictions. 纽约法律条款的选择受美国宪法的限制。 24.climate名词:风气,社会思潮 It is increasingly hard for those small businesses to survive in the present economic climate.那些小企业要在当前的经济形势下生存是越发得困难了。 25.delive 动词:接生 26 effectively 副词:实际上,事实上,W27.elastic名词:松紧带,橡皮圈 The ball was attached to the bat with a pie

8、ce of elastic球用一根橡皮带连在球拍上。 28.embrace动词:包含,涉及 This course embraces three different aspects of accounting. 这门课程包含会计学的三个不同方面。 29.extension名词:电话分机 Can you write down my extension number?你能记一下我的分机号吗?,30.fence 1) 动词:巧妙回答,用言语搪塞 She fenced with a question in the argument.她在争论时避免做正面回答。 2) 名词:sit on the fenc

9、e 保持中立,抱骑墙态度 The liberals prefer to sit on the fence while the other parties fight it out. 自由党宁可抱骑墙态度,坐待其他党派去斗争到底。 31.file名词:锉刀;动词:锉平 Mary is filing her nails with a file.玛丽正在用一把锉刀修指甲。 32.forward动词:转交,转递 Can you forward this email to me?你能把这封邮件转发给我吗?riting(满分30分,33.handsome形容词:数量可观的 George sold the

10、stocks and made a handsome profit for himself. 乔治卖掉了股票,赚了一大笔钱。 35.hatch名词:开口,活板门 Could you find the hatch between the kitchen and the dining room? 你能看到厨房与餐厅之间的小窗口吗? 36.hold名词:船舱 Hold is the part of a ship below the deck where goods are stored. 船舱是船的一部分,甲板底下储存货物的地方。,37.impress动词:印,盖印 Could you give m

11、e that T-Shirt to have a look? I like the patterns impressed in it. 你能把那件T恤给我看看吗?我喜欢印在它上面的图案。 38.impression名词:压痕,印记 I am taking an impression of the key.我正在压取这个钥匙的模子。39.knit动词1. 愈合Have your broken bone knitted?你的折骨愈合了吗? 2. 紧密结合,皱Why are you knitting your brows? Is there something happening? 为什么你皱着眉头

12、?出什么事了吗? 40. lace动词1. 系带,扎带 Lace up your shoes or youll trip over.把鞋带系好,否则你会绊倒。 2. 给饮料搀酒 I want a coffee laced with Irish whiskey.我想要一杯搀有爱尔兰威士忌的咖啡。,41. leaf 动词:leaf through, 匆匆翻阅 I was leafing through an old magazine when I came across your photo. 我匆匆翻阅一本旧杂志时发现了你的相片。 42.line名词1. 看法,态度He is a judge n

13、otorious for taking a tough line on drug users.他是一个以对吸毒者采取严厉态度而著称的法官。 2. 台词After 20 years on the stage, I still forget my lines. 尽管已有20年舞台生涯,我仍然记不住台词。 3. 谎言,借口“We just havent got enough time to do” “Oh, no, dont give me that line!”“我们实在没有足够的时间去做”“哦,不,别找借口哄我!” 4. 工作,兴趣 Do you know what line of busine

14、ss she is in? 你知道她是干哪一行的吗?,43.masterful形容词:善于控制的,老练高明的 Could you have a masterful analysis of the text?你能对这篇课文做个透彻的分析吗? 44. mechanical 形容词:呆板的,不假思索的 Lily was asked the same question so many times that the answer became mechanical. 莉莉被多次问到同样的问题,她的回答变得呆板起来。 45.mercy名词:at the mercy of:在的支配下 We were los

15、t at sea, at the mercy of wind and weather. 我们在海上迷失了方向,任凭风和天气的摆布。 46.merit动词:值得,应得Your suggestion merits serious consideration. 你的建议值得认真考虑。,47. minutes名词:会议记录 I am quite nervous, because this is the first time to do the minutes. 我很紧张,因为这是第一次做会议记录。 48. mock 名词:模拟考试Mocks are school examinations taken

16、as practice before official examinations. 模拟考试是在正式考试前作的练习考试。 49.moral名词:寓意The moral of this film was that crime dose not pay. 这部电影的寓意是犯罪会遭到报应。,50. mortal名词:平民百姓,凡人 He dines in the executive suite, while we lesser mortals use the staff cafeteria. 他在经理套房用膳,而我们这些小民在职工餐厅用餐。 51. need名词:短缺,困窘 It is very s

17、trange that cases of severe need happen in the inner cities. 旧城区中出现严重的食物短缺的现象是很让人费解的。 52.nominal形容词:微不足道的,象征性的 Golfers may play this course for a nominal fee in the off-peak season. 打高尔夫球者在淡季只需要付象征性的一点费用就可以在这块球场上打球了。 。,53.nut名词1. 螺母,螺帽Can you pass that nut to me? Thanks. 你能把那个螺母传给我吗?多谢。 2. 棘手的问题,难办的

18、事Sundays match will be a tough nut to crack. 周日的比赛将是场硬仗。 54.observation 名词:言论,评述 Have you ever read Darwins observations on the habits of certain birds? 你曾经读过达尔文对某些鸟类的习性的评述吗? 55.odd 形容词:各种各样的I had written the addresses in odd scraps of paper. 我把地址写在了各种卡片上。 56. odds名词1. 可能性If you are male, the odds are about 1 in 12 of being colour-blind. 如果你是男性,患色盲的可能性是1/12左右。 2. 困难 He has overcome enormous odds to get where he is today. 他克服了巨大困难才取得了今天的成就,


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