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1、Unit 4 A garden of poems,English Poetry,Unit 4 A garden of poems,ENGLISH POETRY,Skimming:,What are the differences between poetry and other forms of literature? Whose poetry reminds Chinese readers of Du Fu or Li Bai? Whose of Su Dongpo,1. What are the differences between poetry and other forms of l

2、iterature?,Poetry plays with sounds, words and grammar.,Poetry is difficult to write,but interesting to read.,Poetry calls up all the colors, feelings, experiences and curious images of a dream world.,Skimming:,2. Whose poetry reminds Chinese readers of Du Fu or Li Bai? Whose of Su Dongpo?,William W

3、ordsworth,George Gordon Byron,John Keats,John Donne,A timeline,1600,1700,1800,1900,2000,William Shakespeare,John Donne,John Milton,Alexander Pope,John Keats,William Wordsworth,George G. Byron,Robert Frost,穆旦,Scanning:,Main ideas: Why we read poetry. Chinese poets and poetry. Early English poets. The

4、 19th century English poets. Modern English poets. The introduction of English poetry into China. Why more people are interested in English poetry.,Para.1 Why?,bring together,play with ,calls up,poetry,colours, feelings. experiencesimages,What do fine poems share?,Para. 2 Chinese poets and poetry,Ea

5、rly English poetry,Difficult to understand,The use of surprising images,Shakespeare Donne,The absence of rhyme at the end of sentence,John Millton,Pope,Romantic/long poems,Wordsworth Byron Keats,Stand close to us both in the language and images they use,Robert Frost(American),Be introduced to China,

6、By Lu Xun, Guo Moruo,English Poetry,(Para3-6),More and more people are interested to read modern poetry in English,Why,Give you much more choice,2.Open the door to finding new ways of expressing yourself in Chinese.,Disadvantage of reading the translation:,Something of the spirit of the original wor

7、k is lost in the translation edition.,Para. 7,3. Can be bridges between the East and the West ( understand.better ),Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again,Very quietly I take my leave,As quietly as I came here;,Quietly I wave good-bye,To the rosy clouds in the western sky.,The golden willows by the rive

8、rside,Are young brides in the setting sun;,Their reflections on the shimmering waves,Always linger in the depth of my heart.,To seek a dream? Just to pole a boat upstream,To where the green grass is more verdant;,Or to have the boat fully loaded with starlight,And sing aloud in the splendor of starl

9、ight.,But I cannot sing aloud,Quietness is my farewell music;,Even summer insects heap silence for me,Silent is Cambridge tonight!,Very quietly I take my leave,As quietly as I came here;,Gently I flick my sleeves,Not even a wisp of cloud will I bring away,How do you like the poem? Why?,Further-under

10、standing,If a poem is translated into another language, is it still the same poem? What are some differences?,Something of the spirit of the original works is lost.,rhythm,rhyme,figures of speech,etc.,Quietly, we embrace In a world lit up by words,静静地我们相拥 在这个用语言照亮的世界里。,Reading poetry brings people f

11、rom different places and different times together.,John Donne (1572-1631),Shakespeare (1564-1616),莎士比亚是英国文艺复兴时期伟大的诗人和戏剧家。曾被马克思誉为“最伟大的天才戏剧家”。他的诗歌造诣也相当高,其十四行诗在文学史上占重要的地位。,多恩,英国“玄学派诗歌”的代表人物,作品主要有海上风暴、圣十四行诗等。,John Milton (1608-1674),Alexander Pope (1688-1744),蒲柏, 是英国启蒙运动时期古典主义诗人。主要作品有批评论和人论。蒲柏翻译了古希腊荷马的史

12、诗,并且编辑了莎士比亚全集。,弥尔顿,英国诗人,政论家。主要文学作品是两首长诗:失乐园和复乐园以及诗剧力士参孙。在英国诗人中,弥尔顿的地位仅排在莎士比亚之后。,济慈,19世纪英国杰出的浪漫主义诗人。代表作夜莺颂、秋颂等。,John Keats (1795-1821),William Wordsworth (1770-1850),华兹华斯,英国浪漫派湖畔诗人.主要代表作有致云雀、致杜鹃。,弗罗斯特,美国诗人,四次获普利策奖。,Robert Frost (1874-1963),George Gordon Byron (1788-1850),拜伦,19世纪英国伟大的革命浪漫主义诗人。主要代表作 唐璜

13、和恰尔德哈罗尔德游记。,English has a short_, but there are still a lot of good English _ and great _ around, such as _ of the 17th century, Pope and Johnson of the _ century, Worldsword, Byron, Shelly and Keats of the _ century, and Auden of modern times. At the end of the 19th century, _ was introduced to _ b

14、y some famous writers such as _ and _. Nowadays, more and more people are _ in reading modern poetry in _. Reading poetry in English also _ finding new ways of expressing yourself in Chinese.,history,poems,poets,John milton,18th,19th,English poetry,China,Lu Xun,Guo Moruo,interested,English,opens the

15、 door to,Discussion:,Are poems good for our life? What can we get from poems?,1. Poems bring passion (激情) to our life.,2. Poems help us to understand life, virtues, beauty and romance,3. Poems make us know, we are here,we can make our life and the world more colorful!,Useful expression,put together

16、belong to intend to do play with call up stand out the halls of glory despite =in spite of,surprising images remind of the absence of rhyme lead to stand close to be translated into light up be absent from,The Isles of Greece,The isles of Greece! the isles of Greece! Where burning Sappho loved and s

17、ung, Where grew the arts of war and peace, - Where Delos rose and Phoebus sprung! Eternal summer gilds them yet, But all, except their sun, is set. The Scian and the Teian muse, The heros harp, the lovers lute, Have found the fame your shores refuse; Their place of birth alone is mute To sounds whic

18、h echo further west Than your sires “Islands of the Blest.“ The mountains look on Marathon - And Marathon looks on the sea; And musing there an hour alone, I dreamd that Greece might yet be free For, standing on the Persians grave, I could not deem myself a slave.,George Gordon Byron,哀希腊,希腊群岛呵,美丽的希腊

19、群岛! 火热的萨弗在这里唱过恋歌; 在这里,战争与和平的艺术并兴, 狄洛斯崛起,阿波罗跃出海面! 永恒的夏天还把海岛镀成金, 可是除了太阳,一切已经消沉。 开奥的缪斯,蒂奥的缪斯, 那英雄的竖琴,恋人的琵琶, 原在你的岸上博得了声誉, 而今在这发源地反倒喑哑; 呵,那歌声已远远向西流传, 远超过你祖先的“海岛乐园”。 起伏的山峦望着马拉松 马拉松望着茫茫的海波; 我独自在那里冥想一刻钟, 梦想希腊仍旧自由而欢乐; 因为,当我在波斯墓上站立, 我不能想象自己是个奴隶。,拜伦,Unit 3 单元测试 一.单项选择 ACCCD CDCBA BCDDD 二.完形填空 BACAB CCDBD BABAB

20、 CAABD 三.阅读理解 CDBAD CBABC BAADA ABCCB 四.短文改错 1.knowing-know 2.right 3.was-is 4.another-other 5.for walk -for a walk 6.off-for 7.when-than 8.away去掉 9.it-which 10.been去掉,You want to know what is going on in schools in China.In short,things have begun to improve since schools were called on to reduce l

21、earning load.I didnt know about others,but I used to have to even at weekends,doing endless homework and attending classes as well.Now I have more free time.I can follow my interests such as reading books,visiting museums,and taking computer lessons.In the evenings,I can watch news on TV or read newspapers.Whats more,I can go to bed earlier.As far as I know,everyone is happy about this new arrangement of things. Best wishes.,


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