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1、Book 6_教案_U3-reading3-8丁荷花.doc牛津高中英语教学设计教材:牛津高中英语(模块六)高二上学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:Unit 3 Understanding each other板块:Reading 2 作 者:丁荷花Thoughts on the design:本节课是在理解课文的基础上的语言学习和运用。在语言学习过程中,没有一定的词汇,就无法与他人进行任何有意义的交流。历来有许多语言学家都力陈词汇在语言学习中的重要性。新语言学习通常包括老师讲解与例释和学生操练巩固。所以本节课的目的主要是帮助学生扫清生词障碍,对重要的知识点进行多种形式的训练,如:通过上下文猜词

2、,设置符合学生的语言情景,进行对话,翻译,挖词填空等练习来增加语言的灵活运用,达到积累语言知识并能培养学生对语言的运用能力的目的,为今后的英语学习打下夯实的基础。Teaching aims:After learning this part, the students will be able to:1. retell the cultural differences mentioned in the passage;2. try to remember useful vocabulary and sentences;3. master them by doing some practice.T

3、eaching procedures:Step 1: Revision &Lead-in (PPT4-6)Fill in the blanks according the passage and try to retell the short passage:Mali has to do her homework on 1)_ differences. So she goes to the student center to interview others and find some 2)_ she needs. There is the same 3)_ in the UK and the

4、 USA when they get presents. They like to open them as soon as they get them. There are many differences in wedding ceremony between different western and 4)_ countries. In Korea, guests are surprised to find that they had a live5)_ and a 6)_ which are supposed to 7)_ bad spirits away from the weddi

5、ng 8)_. Hens are thought to 9)_ luck for marriage.In Brunei, a male guests has to sit with the 10) _and the other men and a 11)_ guest has to be with the bride and the other women in a different area. Whats more, if you go to Brunei, you should point with your 12)_ instead of your first finger, whic

6、h can cause 13)._.Bonfire Night is a 14)_ that happens with plenty of fireworks. So remember when in Rome, do as the 15)_ do.Explanation这项任务的设计主要为了整理上节课所学内容并将重要词汇放在上下文的语境中加以运用。正如吕淑湘先生在论述语境和词汇学习的关系时所说的那样:“词语要嵌在上下文里头才有生命、才容易记住、才知道用法。”通过语境来进行词汇教学是一个行之有效的方法。设计的目的主要训练学生对这些词的读音,词性,具体用法等。Step 2: Language p

7、oints(PPT7-16)1. and hens are thought to ensure good luck for the marriage. (P34)ensure (ensured, ensured, ensuring)ensure success safety, supplies 保证成功安全, 供应1) I cant ensure his being on time. 我不能保证他的准时。2) I cant ensure that he will be there on time. 我不能担保他会及时到那儿。 3) This medicine will ensure you a

8、 good nights sleep. 这药将保证你一晚睡眠良好。 使安全,保护(+from/against)4) These are safety devices to ensure workers against accidents. 这些安全设施是为了保护工人不出事故2. And everyone congratulated the new couple because it was considered very lucky. (p34) 祝贺;恭喜(+on/upon)1) I congratulate you on your great discovery. 我祝贺你的伟大发现。 2

9、) I want to congratulate you with all my heart. 我衷心地祝贺你。 (后接oneself)自我庆幸(+on)He congratulated himself on having survived the air-crash. 他庆幸自己在空难中幸免于死。 3. Another difference is that while we serve food, soft drinks, tea and coffee, alcohol is not permitted at the wedding receptionin fact, alcohol is

10、altogether prohibited in Brunei. (p34)(1) permit (permitted, permitted, permitting)及物动词 vt.允许,许可,准许O1+v-ingO21) They permitted her to leave. 他们允许她离开。 2) I dont think they would permit this. 我想他们不会准许这事。 不及物动词 vi. 允许,容许(+of)1) I will write another novel if my eyes permit. 如果我的视力许可,我还要再写一本小说。 2) Well d

11、iscuss both questions if time permits. 如果时间允许,我们将把两个问题都讨论一下。 (2)prohibit vt. (prohibited, prohibited, prohibiting) prohibit sb. from doing sth. (以法令,规定等)禁止(+from)Smoking is prohibited in the office building. 办公楼内禁止抽烟。 妨碍,阻止;使不可能(+from)+v-ingThe high cost of the machine prohibits its widespread 4. In

12、 Brunei that can cause offence, so we use our thumb to point. offence n. 犯罪, 冒犯, 违反, 罪过, 过错n. 军 攻击习惯用语an offence against 违反 commit an offence against 违反;破坏5. Its quite funny watching the new foreign teachers trying to adjust to doing that.adjust vt. 调节;改变以适应(+to)She must learn to adjust herself to E

13、nglish life. 她必须学会适应英国的生活。 校正;校准;调整I must adjust my watch, its fast. 我的表快了,我得把它校准。 6. If you came to Brunei, you would have to take off your shoes before going into someones house.在这种情况下, 条件句中谓语动词一般用did结构,而主句中谓语动词用would/could/should/might do 结构。7. Many foreigners have trouble getting accustomed to i

14、t.Be/get used accustomed to sth.1) She was not accustomed to be away from home for so long 我习惯于在喧闹的房间里工作。 2) I get accustomed to working inside the room of noise and excitement. 8. its a celebration that takes place on November 5th every year.celebration n. (1) 庆祝 (不可数). All night long the celebrati

15、on of victory went on.(2) 庆祝活动(可数)There were celebrations in the streets. That evening we organized a celebration. (3) in celebration of The party was in celebration of mothers silver wedding.Explanation学生在课文呈现环节第一次接触到这些新语言之后,老师对新语言的各个层面的讲解。讲解的内容包括词汇讲解、结构讲解、语义讲解、语境讲解、语用讲解。然后就新语言给学生更多的例句,帮助学生更好地理解新语言

16、,更全面地了解新语言的运用形态。 以上语言点讲解的设置是基于高中阶段常考其用法的一些重要语言知识,以便学生通过具体的例子能掌握他们的用法,并起到积累丰富的语言知识的作用。Step 3: Practice:1. Learn and remember the following useful phrases: cultural differencesat the end-of-term ceremony go to an acquaintances weddingdrive bad spirits awayensure good luck congratulate the new coupleat

17、 wedding receptionsbe not permitted to do sth.prohibit sb. from doing sth.throughtout the nightcause offenceadjust to doing sth.get accustomed to familiar with2. Choose the right phrases to fill in the blanks with the right forms. get accustomed to sth. be familiar with prohibit sb. from doin

18、g sth. adjust one to in celebration of be permitted to do sth.1) You are not _ to smoke here.2) He _ quite _ the new surroundings now.3) These men must _ the qualities and properties of different steels in order to advise their customers.4) The body _ changes of temperature.5) Nuclear powers _ selling this technology.6) The party was _ Mothers silver wedding.Explanation只有通过语境进行词汇教学,学生才能获得运用所学词汇的能力,理解词汇在具体语言情景下的确切含义,使用词语得体地表达思想。这一活动的设置为了训练学生将文中所学的重要短语提取出来,并学会在其他的语境中用正确形式填空,起到加深和巩固作用。Step 4: Homework:1. A1 &A2 on page116 in workbook.2. Learn the useful language points by heart.- 4 -


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