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1、牛津高中英语教学设计单元:Unit 2 Fit for life板块:Reading 1Thoughts on the design:本节课是一节阅读课,阅读课教学应当遵循循序渐进的规律教学,首先进行与话题相关的预热过程,其次进行精泛阅读教学结合,训练学生快速有效地寻找信息的能力,在阅读过程中穿插听力,训练学生捕捉细节的听力能力,在了解大意的基础上设置问题进行拓展性训练,培养学生思考问题的能力。本篇是一篇介绍药物的文章,大量出现了与药物有关的词汇,因此需要向学生介绍快速了解药物词汇的阅读技巧,帮助学生在此类文章阅读方面扫清障碍。最后,通过短文关键词填空的形式进行复习巩固。Teaching ai

2、ms:After this class, the students will be able to:1. gain the gist through first and second reading;2. practice students listening ability;3. improve students thinking ability through discussion;4. understand some medical terms.Teaching procedures: Step 1 lead-in1. Fill in the blanksA good _ tastes

3、bitter.Laugh is the best _ in the worldThere is no _ against death.2. QuestionsWhat medicines have you ever taken? And what do you know about them?How much do you know about the two medicines?Who invented the two medicines?What illnesses can the two medicines be used to treat?Step 2 First readingWhe

4、n was aspirin first sold as a tablet?What did Fleming, Florey and Chain share? Step 3 ListeningListen to the article and try to answer the questions in C1 on page 20.Step4 Second readingDevelopment of aspirin:Development of Penicillin:Effects of aspirin:Effects of penicillin:Step5 DiscussionDo you b

5、elieve that “wonder drugs” will be invented to treat diseases like AIDS in the future?Step 6 Reading strategyHow can we understand medical terms?Words coming from the same stem:Words that are compound words:Words with irregular plural forms:Step7 ConsolidationFill in the blanks with proper words according to the reading material.Step8 HomeworkReview the whole article, underline the phrases and words you dont know.Explanation本节课8个步骤5个层次安排:step 1 热身,引入话题;steps 2-4,通过快读和细节阅读以及听力训练了解文章大意;Step 5问题讨论,拓展性训练, 培养学生思辨能力;Stpe6介绍阅读策略,培养学生阅读和认知策略;Step7 通过段落巩固文章信息;Step8作业。整体教学设计由浅入深、梯度上升。第 2 页 共 2 页


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