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1、U4T1SDSection D. Material analysis本课是九年级第四单元第一话题的第四课时。主活动是1a和Project。1a 通过介绍古今人们如何定位来继续学习一般过去时的被动语态,同时让学生初步接触并理解现在完成时的被动语态和含情态动词的被动语态。语法和功能部分则让学生通过填空来归纳总结过去时的被动语态和一些常用的功能句。Project部分则体现了“在做中学”的理念。让学生用英语来介绍自己的发明,无疑会巩固本话题的语言知识并进一步培养和提高学生“用英语做事情”的能力。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,归纳总结一般过去

2、时的被动语态。2. Skill aims: 能够理解其他形式的被动语态。如: 现在完成时的被动语态和情态动词的被动语态。能够在听、说、读、写活动中正确地运用被动语态。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: mark, explorer, system, man-made, find out, as long as, be used to do sth.Sentences: This method worked well at night as long as the weather was g

3、ood and the stars could be seen. Today, the problem has been solved by the Global Positioning System. It can also be used to study the shape of the earth.Grammar: was/were +pp2. Difficult points: The GPS is a great invention that helps us explore our planet and discover where we are. . Learning stra

4、tegies 通过语法和功能部分的归纳总结来内化所学的语言知识。 通过参与讨论1a的问题来感知、预测文章大意。 通过Project的设计活动,介绍自己的发明来提高口头表达能力。. Teaching aids 指南针/小黑板/ppt等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Revision (12mins)Individual workClass activityGroup workStep1: Let the Ss complete G

5、rammar and Functions and check the answers.T: Boys and girls, lets begin our class with some exercises. Please complete the blanks in Grammar and Functions. When you finish, raise your hand.T: I am going to check the answers. You had better answer in full sentences. xxx, would you like to answer the

6、 first one?T: Great! How about the second one?Step2: Let the Ss sum up the usage of passive voice.T: You all did very well just now. Next, lets sum up the passive voice. What kind of passive voice did we learn first?T: Could you tell me how to use it?T: Superb! What was the second?T: How about the s

7、tructure?Step3: Write down some Chinese sentences on the Bb or on the screen. Let the Ss put the sentences into English alone and then check the answers in groups. Let the group leaders collect all the mistakes.T: Now, look at these sentences and put them into English alone. Check the answers in gro

8、ups. The group leaders should collect the mistakes in your group. When you finish, raise your hand.Example:1.这种火箭是由中国在二十世纪七十年代制造的。2.我的自行车昨天被盗了。3.第一部手机是由马丁库伯(Martin.Cooper)发明的。4.这条毛巾是用竹子做的。5.X光机被用来诊断疾病。T: Now, lets check. Group 1, what are the mistakes in your group?T: Who can solve this problem?T: G

9、ood explanation! How about you, Group 2?Complete Grammar and Functions and check the answers.S1: Yes. The radio was invented by Guglielmo Marconi in 1895.S2: When was the digital camera developed? It was developed in the 1970s.S3: Where was it developed? It was developed in Japan.S4:Sum up the usage

10、 of passive voice.Ss: 一般现在时态的被动语态。Ss: am/is/are+ppSs:一般过去时态的被动语态。Ss: was/were+ppPut the sentences into English alone and then check the answers in groups.S1:xxx has difficulties in choosing present passive or past passive.S2:通过观察时间标志词来确定。如第1,第2题都有时间标志词。第3、4、5题虽然没有明显的时间标志词,但是我们可以通过常识判断。S3:2Pre-readin

11、g (3mins)Class activityStep1: Present a compass. Ask and answer questions. Move to 1a.T: What is it?T: Yes. Its a compass. When was it invented, do you know?T: Who invented it?T: What is it used for?T: Yes, you are right. Today, well learn how people know the directions. Step2: Let the Ss read the q

12、uestions on page 88. Learn the new word explorer.T: Now, before reading the passage, you had better read the questions on page 88. You can learn the word “explorer” by word formation “explore (v)+er=explorer(n)”.Answer questions.Ss:指南针。Ss:北宋。S1: Its said that Emperor Huang invented it. S2: Its used

13、for giving directions.Read the questions on page 88. Learn the new word explorer.3While-reading (8mins)Individual workGroup workStep 1: Let the Ss read 1a and find the answers to Question1, 2 and 3.T: Now, read 1a and find out the answers to Question1, 2 and 3. When you finish, raise your hand.T: I

14、think we should check the answers now. xxx, could you please answer Question 1?T: Wonderful! Question 2, who?T: What is a GPS, who knows?Step2: Let the Ss discuss what the GPS will be used for in the future.T: We know GPS is useful to us. What is it used for now?T: Oh, you have good knowledge of GPS

15、. Now, please discuss what the GPS will be used for in the future.T: Have you finished discussing?T: Which group wants to be the first?T: Smart idea. But how do you make it come true?T: Other groups?T:Read 1a and find the answers to Question1, 2 and 3.S: The early explorer used the stars to know whe

16、re they were.S2: In bad weather, people couldnt see the stars, so this method didnt work.S3: GPS is like a man-made star. Its very useful to us. People can use it to find out their position.Discuss what the GPS will be used for in the future.S1: Its used for transportation.S2: Its used for sending s

17、atellites.S3: Its used for planes.S4:Ss: Yes.S1: We can use it to find the missing old people or children.S1: We can put it in the pocket or in the shoes.S2:.S3:.4Post-reading (10mins)Group workLet the Ss read 1a again and find out the new words, the difficult points and key points in groups.T: Now,

18、 read 1a again. Find out the new words, the difficult points and key points in groups.T: First, lets solve the new words. What does “guiding marks” mean?T: Sounds good! How about “man-made”?T: And “system”?T: Second, what are the difficult points, Group 2?T: Good question! Its a kind of passive voic

19、e. The structure is “modal verb+ be+pp”.T: What else?T: Another good question. Its a new grammar. Well learn it later. Its called attributive clauses. We can change the word “that” into “and the invention”.T: Have you found any useful expressions?Read 1a again and find out the new words, the difficu

20、lt points and key points in groups.S1:指路标志。S2:指引标志。Ss:人造的。Ss:系统。S3: What does “the stars could be seen” mean in Para 1?S4: How do we understand the last sentence in Para 2?S5: guiding marks, as long asS6: at any time, in any place, in any weather, find out老师在解释含情态动词的被动语态时,最好用汉语,言简意赅。不要讲太多,点明即可。对于本课的

21、定语从句,不要重点讲,让学生知道这种语法现象就行了。最好用汉语解释。5FinishingProject(10mins)Group workIndividual workIndividual workGroup workStep 1:Let the Ss discuss Kangkangs invention.T: Look at Kangkangs invention. Discuss in groups and then express your opinions about it.T: Which group is ready to share your opinion?T: Im ver

22、y happy that you all have your own ideas.Step 2: Let the Ss take out their HMK in Section C, draw a picture of their inventions and make a card as Kangkangs.T: Now, take out your HMK in Section C. Draw a picture of your invention and make a card as Kangkangs.Step3: Let the Ss take their inventions t

23、o the front and describe it to the class.T: Who would like to share your invention with your classmates?T: Wonderful invention! Someone else?Step 4: Let the Ss discuss in groups to decide which invention is the most useful/interesting/funny one.T: Now, discuss quickly and decide which is the most us

24、eful/interesting/funny invention.T: Whose is the most useful invention, class?T: The most interesting invention?T:.T: I hope you will work harder from now on. I wish you all success.Discuss Kangkangs invention.S1: We think it is a great invention. There will be less traffic jam and traffic accidents

25、.S2: We think there may be more traffic accidents, because there will be too many cars flying in the sky.S3:Draw a picture of their inventions and make a card as Kangkangs.Take their inventions to the front and describe it to the class.S1: My invention is Magic Pen. It looks like the pen we are usin

26、g. Its made of metal and plastic. But it can speak. It is the best “teacher” in the world. It has a brain. It knows all the subject we are learning. Whenever you have problems, you can just press “Help” and it will tell you what to do.S2: My invention is Discuss in groups to decide which invention i

27、s the most useful/interesting/ funny one.Ss: xxxsSs: xxxsSs:9Summarizing and assigninghomework (2mins)HMK:Let the Ss sum up the key points and write them down on the exercise book.T: We have finished this topic. After class, I hope you will sum up all the key points and write them down on your exerc

28、ise book. Blackboard designWhen was it invented ?Section DWords and phrases:explore+er =explorerman+made=man-madeguiding markssystemas long asGrammar:passive voiceam/is/are+ppwas/were+ppmodal verb+be+pphas/have+been+ppSentences:and the stars could be seen.Today, the problem has been solved byIt can also be used to study the shape of the earth.13


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