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1、大学英语(B)统考模拟 Model Test 6,Contents,阅读理解,正确的解题顺序,以节省时间 阅读时一定要“忘我” 解题时一定要在文章中找到根据,词汇与结构,broke down 损坏, 发生故障 Our car broke down and we had to draw it to a garage. 我们的车坏了, 不得不把它拖到修车厂去。 broke out 突然发生, 爆发 Something unexpected always breaks out in this area. 在这一地区总有意想不到的事情发生。,词汇与结构,broke up 结束;(使)破碎, (使)破裂

2、,分解 The party breaks up and the neighbors hurry home. 宴会就此结束, 邻居们匆匆地赶回家去。 We dont know the reason why they have broken up with each other. 我们不知道他们的关系为何破裂。 broke in 打断, 插嘴说;闯入 Dont break in when he is telling the story. 他讲故事的时候别打断他。 We were watching TV when he broke in. 我们正在看电视, 他突然闯了进来。,词汇与结构,某物在树上使

3、用的介词用on还是in: 树上有的,是本身长着的,而不是人为的放上去的,就用介词ON 如果是人为的放上去的,就用IN 如: The birds are in the tree singing. The red apples are on the tree.,词汇与结构,hear: 表示“听见”,强调听的结果 listen:表示“听”,强调听的动作” (可能什么都没听到) hear是瞬间动词,listen是持续动词 比如: I heard what you said. 我听见了你说的话。 I listened to him carefully, but I didnt hear his word

4、s. 我仔细听但是确没有听见他说的话。,词汇与结构,in common: 共有 We have a lot in common. 我们有很多相同之处。 in total: 总共,共计 That will cost you 7.50 pounds in total. 你总共要花7.50英镑。,词汇与结构,in general 一般地,大体上,通常 In general, your plan is practical. 大体上说, 你的计划很实际。 in particular: 特别,尤其 Among all the merchandise, I was interested in the cot

5、ton piece in particular. 在所有商品中, 我对棉布特别感兴趣。,词汇与结构,need用法小结: need既可以作情态动词,也可以作实义动词,还可以用做名词,但是它们的用法不同。 need做情态动词,表示必须,直接加动词原形,往往用于否定句,neednt do sth. 不必做 need做实意动词,表示需要,常用结构: 人need to do 物need doing 物need to be done,词汇与结构,You neednt do it again你不需要再做了。 We need to tell him the truth我们需要告诉他真相。 My car nee

6、ds repairing我的汽车需要修理。 =My car needs to be repaired. 我的汽车需要修理。,词汇与结构,Bring in:把拿进来;收获(庄稼等) ;赚(钱), 挣(钱) Bring him in with you. 你把他带进来。 The farmers are bringing the apples in early this year because of the warm weather. 由于今年气候暖和, 农夫们正提前摘苹果。 The sale brought in 250. 这次拍卖获得250英镑。,词汇与结构,Bring down:使(某物或某人

7、)掉下(倒下) ;击败 ;降(价) In American football, you have to try to bring down your opponent. 在美式橄榄球赛中, 你必须设法把对手弄倒在地。 At the next vote, we must try to bring down the government. 下次选举时, 我们一定设法击败政府。 A nationwide good harvest soon brought down the price of rice. 全国性的大丰收很快使米价回跌了。,词汇与结构,Bring out:取出 (某物) ;使清楚; 使明

8、显 Suddenly the man brought a gun out and threatened the driver with it. 那男子突然掏出手枪威胁司机。 The new dress brought out her hidden beauty. 那件新衣服把她潜在的美展现出来了。,词汇与结构,Bring about:造成,引起,导致(某事) Gambling had brought about his ruin. 赌博终于毁了他。,词汇与结构,make room for:给让出空地方 Move down the bus, please make room for others

9、! 请往公共汽车里面走,给别人留个空。 make use of :使用,利用 We must make use of our spare time. 我们必须善用我们的业余时间。 take the place of:代替 The helicopter may take place of car some day. 也许有一天直升机会取代汽车。 supply with:把提供给 Cows supply us with milk. 奶牛为我们供应牛奶。,词汇与结构,Think well/highly of: 表扬,尊重,给予高评价 We think highly of their research

10、 in this field. 我们对他们这方面的研究评价很高。 What makes China think so highly of South-east Asia? 什么原因使中国如此看重东南亚? Think badly/ill/little/nothing of: 看不起,给予差评 You think too little of that boy. 你太过看扁这男孩了。,词汇与结构,It 作形式主语或形式宾语 在英语中,如果句子的实际主语或实际宾语过长(往往是非谓语动词形式或从句),为了避免头重脚轻,往往采用it作形式主语或形式宾语。 It doesnt matter who you

11、are, but it does matter who you love. (it 作形式主语) We think it our duty to clean our classroom every day. (it 作形式宾语),词汇与结构,very much 很,非常 (一般用在句末) 如:Thank you very much. so much + 不可数名词,表示“如此多的” 如: so much water too much后面接不可数名词, 太多 (侧重much) eg. Too much food made him ill. much too 后面接形容词,表示“太” (侧重too

12、) eg. Hes much too stern with his children.,词汇与结构,The +比较级,the + 比较级:越,就越 比较级+and+比较级:越来越 the more careful you are , the fewer mistakes you will make. 你越认真,你犯的错误就越少。 The more, the better. 越多越好。,完型填空,昨天你睡得好吗?也许很多人会说:不。事实上,全球有1/3的人睡不好。如果你说你没有休息好,这意味着早醒后无法再入睡,睡觉的时间断断续续,或一连数小时无法入睡。你可能总是感到疲劳、焦虑或易怒;你的记忆力和

13、集中注意力都可能受到不良影响。 那么出现这样的问题你该如何做?不要太担心。首先,我们来看你是否可以自己入睡。方法如下: 首先,确保你的床不是太冷也不是太热。保持黑暗和安静。 睡觉前小时不不喝茶,咖啡,可乐,不吃巧克力。少喝点水这样你就可以少上,或者不上厕所。 调整你的生物钟,每天固定时间起床,睡觉。最好不要睡午觉。,完型填空,培养床上放松的好习惯。阅读或者听音乐,然后洗个热水澡。如果你真的不能入睡,吃点面包、米饭或者喝点牛奶。这些可以帮助你入睡。 每天散步。自然光有助与调节你的生物钟。如果可能的话,到户外去运动。 忘掉一天中烦恼的事。上床之前,把烦恼的事、思绪或者问题写下来。把这些写下来之后你

14、就可以少想事了。这样你入睡就更容易了。,英译汉,56. In no other country in the world can you find such plants as this one. 像这种植物在世界上的其他任何一个国家中都找不到。 57. I was having a nap when suddenly the telephone rang. 我在睡觉的时,电话铃突然响了。 58. All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的东西,未必都是金子。 59. He told me that he had lived in America for ten ye

15、ars before he came to China. 他告诉我:在来中国前他在美国已生活十年了。 60. All things are difficult before they are easy. 凡事总是由难而易。,命题作文,第一段: Cell phones do play an important role in peoples daily life.(主题句1)To start with, as a wireless mobile phone, its convenient for the user at any time to contact others. (扩展句2)Seco

16、ndly, its a helpful companion. (扩展句3) 第二段: However, the cell phone has many disadvantages. (主题句4) For one thing, the cell phone service is very costly. (扩展句5)For another, the radiation from the mobile phones might do harm to the users health.(扩展句6) 第三段: In my opinion, with its expenses being reduced sharply after Chinas entry into the WTO, its development will have a brighter future.(扩展句7) Therefore its advantages will far outweigh it disadvantages. (结尾句8),谢谢大家!,


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