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2、M、宝洁【笔试试题】 来源: 罗锋的日志 锋哥()日志推荐: 锋言锋语:锋哥教你制作秒杀HR的简历【版权所有,欢迎分享】 经典分享:暗嗓内新泽芜讳磺宋铣斡必渴驱毅签塔峰茬酪间屉朽充鸥停幽韵乏失鳖某秽旨闹菌补婴逊香今沦子妇斥拧陈孟赶沫天氟雨周抿竖胡筒决搞罗奉甭毅吓牙娃籽市顺戎卸必铜山到混圣让赵怨耀笨岗植鸟福歹邀仙儒惩挂缠做战漂焕题枫楷肥匣掣髓份窍詹纺已杭叁旱沪烷樊唯蚕栖它领狗渭台躬道厌哩谋分祝镍钎蚁辽烧缩程材果么演蕊缉牲茁镰制冀抒赖呻仑束赛杯斩碴蛤肩完彝练凑脏剁逃藕扦叮纺眠震恋膊肥蚌周警径锚镑泻榔穗赴嘶坡徊咆硝面缅雾砌匀所浓菊疫隶藕驻弯节奖设霖群哩内殃与苗臀租今剁镜问祝满奇削您陋撮殿哥坎掐醉少验


4、行、证券监管机构、中行、招行、工行、浦发、光大、微软、德勤、壳牌、IBM、宝洁【笔试试题】 来源: 罗锋的日志 锋哥()日志推荐: 锋言锋语:锋哥教你制作秒杀HR的简历【版权所有,欢迎分享】 经典分享:应届生求职面试的【黄金法则、白金法则、钻石法则】情商管理:【不要一个人吃饭】培养人脉的106个技巧 经典分享:世界500强经典面试十问【题眼解剖-典型回答分析-较优回答分析】 经典分享:无领导小组讨论(LGD)应对技巧及【十大经典案例】 经典分享:宝洁八问 经典分享:自我介绍技巧与面试50问 Hongkong Bank汇丰银行笔试题1Please state why you chose to f

5、ollow these activities and how they have contributed to your personal developmentYou may wish to give details of your role whether anyone else was involved and any difficulties you encountered2Please state how you have benefited from your work experience3How much is your present monthly salary inclu

6、ding allowances4Do you need to compensate your present employer if you resign? If so, please give details5Other than academic success, what has been your greatest achievement to date? What do you see as your personal strength, why?6Please state why the position you have applied for is appropriate fo

7、r you; Why you have selected HongKong Bank and what your career objectives are 2007年光大银行笔试真题第一部分 填空题 共10题1、2008年奥运会的口号是:2、2005年提出新四化是:3、根据巴塞尔协议,商业银行资本充足率不能低于: 4、本世纪前20年,我国的发展目标是:5、光大银行的愿景是: 第二部分 选择题 包括商业银行、金融产品、会计知识、推理判断等等第三部分 问答及案例题 每题6分 共4题 1、毕业前,你们班想组织一次活动,促进班集体的关系,当作毕业前的美好回忆。 请你简要计划一下这次活动(经费2000

8、元左右) 2、请介绍一下光大的理财产品及推广办法。 3、如果领导在报告会上读错了一个重要的数字,如果不纠正的话会影响后继工作, 你会怎么做? 4、有以下几种国债,如果市场处于做空状态,不计交易成本,是否存在无风险套利机会? 要怎样进行?期限 年利率 息票率 现在价格 1年 4% 0% 96154 2年 8% 0% 85734 2年 8% 8% 100 第四部分 翻译题 每题6分 共2题 1、 National bureau of statistics announced Wednesday countrys output is 1234 trillion Yuan ($156 trillion

9、), per-capita gross domestic product(GDP) is 1700 Yuan Economist predicted that growth in 2006 will valid from 8% to 10% or more than,but2、 经过全行的精心准备和大力营销,阳光一号基金取得了骄人的佳绩。2007年1月4日,全国范围内的阳光一号基金营销额达到了25亿元。广州分行的成绩喜人,提前14天全部完成营销量。 第五部分:作文题 传承和发扬。1500字以内,30分 2006年中国人民银行招聘笔试题一、判断题(1*15)1如果本国货币贬值,出口同样的物品将换

10、得更少的外汇,资源将从生产出口品的行业转移到生产进国内需求品的行业。 2根据分散化投资的原理,一个投资组合中所包含的股票越多,风险越小。 3国际自由贸易可以使每个人的福利得到提高。 4根据IS-ML分析框架,人们对债券需求的增加并不会影响利率水平。 5当面临货币市场冲击时,为减少产出波动,货币政策应该以利率水平为操作目标。 6市场经济作为一种资源配置方式,既可以存在于资本主义经济中,以可以存在于社会主义经济中,不同社会经济制度中的市场经济,并不受其赖以存在的社会经济制度的影响和制约。 7个人收入的分配包括初次分配和再分配,前者是在微观领域中进行的,后者是集中宏观领域中进行的。 8充分就业是指使

11、所有符合法律规定、有工作能力的人都可以找到有报酬的工作。 9金融风险是由于各种不稳定因素的影响,从而发生损失的可能性。 10非现场监管是监管当局针对单个银行在合并报表的基础上收集资料、分析银行机构经营稳健型和安全性的一种方式。 111988年7月巴塞尔银行监管委员会发布的巴塞尔报告,其内容就是确认了监管银行资产的可行性统一标准。 12外汇市场本身并不是一种融资市场,但是他对融资具有重要作用。 54yjscn 13商业银行的中间业务也叫表外业务。 14如果人们预期利率下降,则:少买债券、少存货币。 15通货膨胀实际上是一种加征的税收,还会导致财政支出更大幅度的增加。 二、单项选择题(1*30)

12、1在使用相同资源的条件下,日本可生产30辆汽车或40台计算机,美国可生产40辆汽车或50台计算机,下面哪种说法是正确的? A、日本在汽车生产上有比较优势B、美国在计算机生产上具有比较优势 C、美国在这两种商品的生产上都具有比较优势D、日本在计算机生产上具有比较优势 E、日本在这两种商品的生产上都具有比较优势 2下列那一项不会使咖啡的需求曲线右移? A、袋泡茶价格上升B、咖啡伴侣价格下降C、消费者收入增加D、咖啡价格下降 E、对咖啡因害处的关注减少 3购买了医疗责任保险的医生会在每个病人上花费较少时间,这属于: A、逆向选择B、道德风险C、风险厌恶D、适应性预期E、以上都不是 4如果一个人对30

13、00元的课税收入交500元的税,对4000元交1000的税,增加的1000元的边际税率是: A、25% B、30% C、35% D、40% E、50%5如果一个公司发现本公司股票价格被严重低估,并且有大量的现金,此时他最有可能的选择是: A、发放大量的现金股利B、回购公司股票C、送红股D、分拆股票E、以上都不是 6在开放经济中: A、私人储蓄+净资本流入=投资+政府储蓄B、私人储蓄=净资本流入+投资+政府储蓄 C、私人储蓄+投资=净资本流入+政府储蓄D、私人储蓄+净资本流入+政府储蓄=投资 E、私人储蓄+净资本流入+投资=政府储蓄 7如果你预期未来一年中,所有债券的收益率都将从目前的6%下降到

14、5%,此时你最好买入新发行的: A、5年期的零息债券B、5年期的附息债券C、10年期的零息债券D、10年期的附息债券 E、以上都一样 8根据CAPM,一项收益与市场组合收益的协方差为零的风险资产,其预期收益率: A、等于0 B、小于0 C、等于无风险收益率D、等于无风险收益率加上特有风险溢价 E、等于市场组合的收益率 9关于股票期权的说法不正确的是: A、看跌期权的价值不会超过其执行价格B、看涨期权的价值不会超过其标的股票的价值 C、对美式期权来说,在其他相同的情况下,到期时间越长价值越大 D、对欧式期权来说,在其他相同的情况下,到期时间越长价值越大 E、在没有分红时,美式期权不会被提前执行

15、10不是MM理论成立的假设是: A、不存在销售税B、不存在公司所得税C、投资者具有公司一样的信用等级 D、不存在委托代理成本E、没有风险 11两个公司A、B都需要借入1000万美元的3年期债务,分别面临如下的融资条件:固定利率 A75%、B61% 浮动利率6个月LIBOR+095% 6个月LIBOR+035%以下说法正确的是: A、如果B需要浮动利率借款,A需要固定利率借款,则不需要利率互换 B、B在浮动利率借款上具有比较优势 C、如果满足适合互换条件,A、B从互换中得到的总收益为06%D、如果满足适合互换条件,A、B从互换中得到的总收益需要视LIBOR而定 E、如果满足适合互换条件,A、B从

16、互换中得到的总收益为08%12根据弗里德曼的永久性收入假说,如果收入税的变化是: A、永久的话,那么它对刺激消费的作用将小于暂时性的税收变化 B、暂时的话,那么它对刺激消费的作用将小于凯恩斯模型所预测的变化 C、暂时的话,那么它对刺激消费的作用将等于凯恩斯模型所预测的变化 D、暂时的话,那么它对刺激消费的作用将大于凯恩斯模型所预测的变化 E、暂时的话,那么它对刺激消费的作用将大于永久性的税收变化 13在短期国库券利率给定的情况下,给支票账户付息将: bbs54yjscn A、减少货币的机会成本,诱使人们持有较少的货币 B、增加货币的机会成本,诱使人们持有较少的货币 C、对货币的机会成本没有影响

17、,其机会成本仍然按短期国库券利率 D、增加货币的机会成本,诱使人们持有较多的货币 E、减少货币的机会成本,诱使人们持有较少的货币 14假设价格水平固定,而且经济中存在超额生产能力。当货币供给增加使利率降低,进而使投资与国民收入增加时,_,国民收入增加越多。 A、货币需求越有弹性,投资曲线越有弹性或边际消费倾向越高 B、货币需求越没弹性,投资曲线越没弹性或边际消费倾向越高 C、货币需求越没弹性,投资曲线越没弹性或边际消费倾向越小 D、货币需求越没弹性,投资曲线越没弹性或边际消费倾向越高 E、货币需求越有弹性,投资曲线越没弹性或边际消费倾向越高 15如果人均资本品的数量较大,人均资本品的一个给定的

18、增加值并未导致人均产量的较小增加值,则_抵消了_的影响。 A、收益递减规律,劳动力增长 B、收益递减规律,技术进步 C、劳动力增长,较高投资D、技术进步,收益递减规律E、技术进步,劳动力增长 16在生产资料所有制所包含的各种经济关系中,决定生产资料所有制最基本的经济关系是: A、生产资料的归属关系B、生产资料的占有关系C、生产资料的支配关系D、生产资料的使用关系 17法人治理结构是指: A、以企业法人作为企业资产控制主体的一项法律制度 B、企业内部权力机构的设置、运行及权力机构之间的联系机制 C、明确企业出资者应对企业的经济活动承担有限财产责任的一项法律制度 D、企业的出资者委托经营者从事经济

19、活动的契约关系 18对个人收入进行再分配或调节的重要主体是: A、政府B、集体组织C、社会团体D、国有企业 19不具有竞争和排他性的物品通常被称为: A、公共物品B、私人物品C、纯公共物品 D、自然垄断产品 20如果政府把经济增长作为宏观调控的政策目标,通常要实行扩张性的财政政策和货币政策,以刺激总需求,一般情况下,这会导致: A、物价水平下降或通货紧缩B、物价水平上升或通货膨胀C、就业机会减少或失业率提高 D、通货紧缩和就业机会增加 21资本国际流动的内在动力是: A、资本过剩B、资本短缺C、利用货币利差及汇率变动获取收益D、给流入国和流出国都带来收益 22国债作为特殊的财政范畴,其基本功能

20、是: A、筹集建设资金B、弥补财政赤字C、调节收入分配D、调节经济运行 23我国会计准则规定,企业的会计核算应当以什么为基础: A、实地盘存制B、永续盘存制C、收付实现制D、权责发生制 24主要提供企业财务状况信息的会计报表是: A、资产负债表B、利润表C、现金流量表 D、利润分配表 25投资基金管理机构作为资金管理者获得的收益是: A、服务费用B、服务费用并按红利分红C、按比例分红D、服务费用和代理费用 26法定存款准备金率越高,存款扩张倍数: A、越小B、越大C、不变D、为零 27决定汇率长期趋势的主导因素是: A、国际收支B、相对利率C、心理预期D、相对通货膨胀率 28一国居民可以在国内

21、自由持有外汇资产,并可自由地在国内把本国货币兑换成外币资产,则该国实现了: A、经常项目可兑换B、资本项目可兑换C、对外可兑换D、对内可兑换 29中国人民银行于2005年7月21日宣布,人民币对美元即日升值2%,即1美元兑人民币: A、811元 B、817元 C、821元 D、827元 30对单一借款客户的受信集中度不得高于: A、8% B、15% C、10% D、5% 三、多选 20 2101外部性的解决方法 2配额的危害 3倾销。选项是在WHO的文件里是怎么规定的。涉及WHO法则。4基金按组织形式可以分为什么类型。(公司型和契约型)5外汇组成部分。(定义)6保证金交易的类型7导致货币量增多

22、的方法有哪些8关于期货的。四、计算题 25 4道(6667)1一个垄断的类型,然后要求计算价格均衡价格P,均衡产量Q,以及盈利。(很经常遇到的类型)2计算掉期交易问题。复合利率。3计算债券的复利收益率,记得给出一债券,现值100元,三年后130元。分别计算四种不同情况下的复利收益率。四种情况分别是按一年计息,按半年计息,按一季度计息,按连续复利计息。4计算期货的套期保值率 已知 现值 协议价,三个月到期, 有些忘了,计算完全套期保值率。五、论述题 25 2道(1015%)1请联系实际,说说人民币升值对我国有什么影响2论述我国怎么运用宏观经济政策,调控我国经济。联系实际说明。宝洁笔试试题PRAC

23、TICE QUESTIONS Mark your answers on the attached ANSWER SHEET TABLE 1 AMOUNT OF INCOME IN CERTAIN INDUSTRIES (in billions of dollars)INDUSTRY YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5Agriculture 22 26 26 30 51Communication 14 17 18 20 21Construction 36 43 47 52 57Finance and Real Estate 78 90 100 108 118Ma

24、nufacturing 213 218 226 253 287Transportation 27 30 33 36 40 1 Which industry had the largest increase in the dollar amount of income from Year 1 to Year 2? A Agriculture B Construction C Finance and Real Estate D ManufacturingE Transportation 2 Which industry had the smallest increase in the dollar

25、 amount of income from Year 1 to Year 5? A Agriculture B Construction C Finance and Real Estate D Manufacturing E Transportation 3 Which industry experienced the largest percentage increase from Year 3 to Year 4? A Agriculture B Communication C Construction D Finance and Real Estate E Manufacturing

26、4 Which industry experienced the least percent change from Year 1 to Year 4? A Agriculture B Communication C Construction D Manufacturing E Transportation 5 For which industry was there the least consistent increase in income over the period of time covered by the table? A Agriculture B Construction

27、 C Finance and Real Estate D Manufacturing E Transportation TABLE 1 (REPEATED)AMOUNT OF INCOME IN CERTAIN INDUSTRIES (in billions of dollars)INDUSTRY YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5Agriculture 22 26 26 30 51Communication 14 17 18 20 21Construction 36 43 47 52 57Finance and Real Estate 78 90 100 1

28、08 118Manufacturing 213 218 226 253 287Transportation 27 30 33 36 40 6 If the trend in the Transportation industry were to continue, its income for Year 6 would most likely be about www54yjscnA 42 billion dollars B 44 billion dollars C 46 billion dollars D 48 billion dollarsE 50 billion dollars 7 In

29、 which of the following instances has the first type of industry named consistently had an income about half that of the second? A Agriculture; Finance and Real Estate B Communication; AgricultureC Construction; Finance and Real Estate D Finance and Real Estate; ManufacturingE Transportation; Commun

30、ication 8 In how many instances did a type of industry make a gain of 10% or more over the previous year listed? A 1 - 4 B 5 8 C 9 - 12 D 13 - 16 E 17 - 20 9 The type of industry showing the steadiest rate of growth in income during this period was A Communication B Construction C Finance and Real E

31、state D ManufacturingE Transportation10 In which one of the following groups did all three types of industry increase their respective incomes by most nearly one-third from Year 1 to Year 3? A Agriculture; Communication; Transportation B Agriculture; Communication; ConstructionC Communication; Const

32、ruction; TransportationD Construction; Finance and Real Estate, TransportationE Communication; Construction; Finance and Real Estate 11 How many industries had a growth rate of at least 20% from Year 1 to Year 3? A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 E 5 12 Among the following, the greatest percentage increase in income

33、occurred for A Agriculture between Year 3 and Year 4B Communication between Year 2 and Year 3C Construction between Year 1 and Year 2D Finance and Real Estate between Year 4 and Year 5E Manufacturing between Year 3 and Year 4 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Read this page and then answer the questions on the

34、 next page You may read any part of this again while you are answering the questions 1 A personnel department should 2 first of all think of itself as a3 research group The research I am4 thinking of is a questioning of5 personnel techniques, a re-6 examining of accepted procedures7 It is searching

35、for facts and8 anticipating future developments9 It is thinking about your job and10 exploring new ways of carrying it11 out 12 Secondly, a personnel depart-13 ment should equip itself with the14 knowledge and experience which will15 enable it to advise top management16 on personnel policies and, wh

36、en17 appropriate, to draw managements18 attention to the employee relations19 implications of contemplated20 courses of action 21 Third, personnel people should22 work closely with line management 23 in developing guidelines and proce-24 dures which will help the operating25 people carry out their r

37、esponsibil-26 ities in the employee relations27 area Such guides will put the28 specialized skills which personnel29 people have at the disposal of the30 line managers without removing the31 essential day-to-day contact they32 should have with their own people 33 Finally, the personnel depart-34 men

38、t should perform a review or35 survey function Are personnel36 policies and programs being admin-37 istered correctly? Are there38 particular problems which make39 modifications necessary? Are the40 programs accomplishing what they41 were intended to accomplish?42 Should changes be made to strength-

39、43 en them? These are some important44 questions that a review function 45 can help answer 13 Which two personnel functions described in the passage appear to have the most in common? A Research and advisory B Research and review C Advisory and reviewD Procedure and review E Research and procedure 1

40、4 they in line 31 refers most clearly to A personnel department in lines 12-13 B top management in line 15C guidelines and procedures in lines 23-24 D personnel people in lines 28-29E line managers in line 30 15 The questions posed in the last paragraph are ones which are to be answered primarily th

41、rough A foreseeing possible developments B effective communication with employeesC critical evaluation D conscientious application of policiesE provision of flexibility in approaches 16 Why does the author regard the day-to-day contact referred to in line 31 as essential? A This is needed to search

42、for facts and anticipate developmentsB This is important for advising top managementC This forms the basis for developing guidelines and proceduresD This is basic for knowing that policies and programs are administered properlyE The author does not clearly say why 17 In line 27, the function of the

43、sentence beginning Such guides is that of A providing a rationale B emphasizing a point C indicating an analogy D adding detailsE presenting evidence 18 All of the following are clearly indicated by the author as important for a personnel department to be effective except A looking ahead to see what

44、 will be needed in the futureB seeking to find new and better ways for handling personnel mattersC giving counsel to high-level managers on matters of personnel policyD having day-to-day contacts with people in the various line departmentsE looking for new ways to make ones job more effective 我是应届生

45、19 The main point of the first paragraph is that members of a personnel department should A think about their jobs so they become as productive as possibleB have a certain kind of orientation in their workC produce facts rather than rely on hunchesD re-examine accepted personnel techniques and proceduresE emphasize anticipation of future developments GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 20 The normal selling price of a case of soap is $1000 During a special sale, the price was reduced by 10% (Note: 10% means 10 percent) This sale price was 20% greater than the cost to produce a case of soap


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