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1、新建铁路武汉至广州客运专线乌龙泉至花都段站前工程第标段第七单元 隧道施工作业指导书新建铁路武汉至广州客运专线乌龙泉至花都段第标段变形量测作业指导书编 制 人: 审 核 人:技术负责人:单位负责人:中铁五局武广客运专线XXTJIV标项目经理部工程部二00六年十月 湖南郴州目 录1、适用范围- 2 -2监控量测项目- 2 -21 必测项目- 2 -22 选测项目- 2 -3量测断面的间距和量测频率- 3 -31 洞内、外观察- 3 -3.2 隧道周边位移量测- 4 -33 地表下沉量测- 5 -4量测的管理及人员、仪器配备- 6 -41 量测的管理- 6 -42 量测人员、仪器的配备- 6 -5测

2、点的埋设- 7 -6量测的方法及数据的处理- 8 -61 水平相对净空变化量测- 8 -62 拱顶下沉量测- 11 -63 地表下沉量测- 12 -变形量测作业指导书1、适用范围 “新奥法”的最大特点是采用与围岩密贴喷混凝土、锚杆、钢筋网等 ,并积极利用围岩本身的支承能力来达到衬砌结构的稳定。监控量测工作是采用新奥法设计、施工的隧道在监视隧道围岩稳定性过程中必不可少的重要施工程序,它为初期支护和二次衬砌设计参数的调整提供依据,是确保施工及结构运营安全、指导施工程序、便利施工管理的重要手段。2监控量测项目隧道监控量测的项目应根据工程特点、规模大小和设计要求综合选定。量侧项目分为必测项目和选测项目

3、两大类。本标段主要监控量测项目有:21 必测项目必测项目是在采用锚喷构筑法施工时必须作为一道工序进行的项目,它包括:(1)洞内外观察;(2)水平相对净空变化值的量测;(3)拱顶下沉量测。22 选测项目选测项目是根据围岩性质、隧道埋置深度、开挖方式等条件有选择地进行的项目,它包括:(1)地表下沉量测;(2)围岩内部变形量测;(3)锚杆轴力量测;(4)围岩压力量测;(5)支护、衬砌应力量测;(6)钢架内力及所承受的荷载量测;(7)围岩弹性波速度测试。3量测断面的间距和量测频率31 洞内、外观察洞内、外观察是直接利用肉眼对隧道内外围岩及其支护、衬砌结构变化进行观察,以了解围岩稳定状况,对隧道施工其指

4、导性作用。311 洞内观察洞内观察分开挖工作面观察和已施工段观察两部分。(1)开挖工作面观察开挖工作面观察在每次开挖后进行,观察内容包括围岩围岩等级变化、节理发育程度、岩层及裂隙走向、地下渗水情况等。每次观察后必须及时绘制开挖工作面地质素描图、填写开挖工作面地质状态记录表和施工阶段围岩级别判定卡(见附表1),对于易引起坍塌的岩块及时进行锚杆支护或喷射混凝土封闭。(2)已施工段观察对已施工段的观察每天进行至少一次,主要观察内容为:喷射混凝土、锚杆、钢架和二次衬砌的工作状态,并作好详细的记录。3.1.2 洞外观察洞外观察应每天进行一次,观察重点在洞口段和洞身浅埋段,其观察内容为:地表开裂、地表沉陷

5、、边坡及仰坡稳定状态、地表水渗透情况等。3.2 隧道周边位移量测隧道周边位移量测包括水平净空变化值量测和拱顶下沉量测,在同一断面内进行。其量测断面的间距应根据围岩级别、隧道断面尺寸、埋置深度等确定(具体见下表)。量测频率(具体见下表)根据变形速度和距开挖面距离较高的一个频率选取。当围岩达到基本稳定后,在以1次/7d的量测频率量测23周后可结束量测;若位移长期没有收敛趋势,应当适当延长量测时间,直到位移速率小于0.5mm/d时方可结束量测。拱顶下沉及周边收敛量测间距表围岩级别量测断面间距(m)(浅埋)1015(深埋)2030(浅埋)1015(深埋)2030405050100拱顶下沉及周边收敛量测

6、间距表变形速度(mm/d)量测断面距开挖面距离(m)量测频率5(01)B12次/天15(12)B1次/天0.51(12)B1次/2天0.20.5(25)B1次/2天0.25B1次/周33 地表下沉量测地表下沉量测根据隧道埋置深度、地质条件、地表有无建筑物、所采用的开挖方式等因素确定是否进行。其测点应布设在隧道中线上,且与测点在同一断面上。其量测的间距按下表布置,量测频率与周边位移量频率相同。当需要进行横断面方向地表下沉量测时,其同一断面取711个测点,测点间距取25m。地表下沉量测在开挖工作面前方H+h(隧道埋置深度+隧道高度)处开始,直至衬砌结构封闭、下沉基本停止为止。地表下沉量测断面间距表

7、埋置深度量测断面间距(m)H2B2050BH2B1020H1.延伸性极差差中等好极好粗糙度明显台阶状粗糙波纹状平整光滑有檫痕平整光滑张开性(mm)密闭1.0黏土充填风化程度未风化风化轻微风化颇重风化严重风化极严重简要说明地下水状态渗水量 L/(min10m) (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. Two is is

8、sued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promo

9、te the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adher

10、e to the who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. The leadership responsible system. Production safet

11、y of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of one vote veto award and recognitio

12、n system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but ther

13、e are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of ten prohibitions, to solve

14、the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on let things drift, get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some i

15、nvolving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were- 13 - 中铁五局(集团)武广客运专线XXTJ标项目经理部


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