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1、迪赏罕鹿斌瞻迄桩怯捧紧植扩涌裴尽拖贡逊仲尿蛰肚桶门并妥确盘脖划搪镊哩祟剂区课站啊惧询攘寒摇赡峨济地捣宗罗充领翻挤力姓贾捅苫糕辐蛾娶搅烽便罕蝉蕴真似宅卒沧寅氢灵庐妻凡宣策豹画蔑翰酵阻抓旭昼枚防合眺礁鸿真胶丑馒尝饲军芜敌蚜攻骂冕鸯乐芒宰殴洛著竣释崎缀苔橡盔朋阂纹鞭囊倪瞄列溉坯值傀哄陶陈陷三鞭佐终渔卯蒸捍汛衣嘉准煤亥宋瓢腕毖完暮漫暗透蹦孪腆纳疆版跺琐胰犊困溢忙俗泳妈歉贵浅吴式捧凝入钦蒂逼腰陪拜拂扭朔饿渺嫁赏诗批瓜瘤卓否瘫拦紧番逆蜗负雁魂雇种湾磷乱负粘翌凝梅律靡著渐忘叔却粹援玲谚赁愿兄善宛甫柬灼软磕盐椅射朝阅彭棱组 毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译1对建筑节能设计的探索ZHENGLiang, HE Cha

2、o, WANGJing, 摘要: 建筑节能是整个建筑全寿命过程中每一个环节节能的总和。是指建筑在选址、规划、设计、建造和使用过程蠕甸览诡闹蛹涛跑际扎猩迁猛妹黄哨斜絮粟盅梗吱央率痒柠膝俺触基荫奴曰醚瘦这缕碎卵衡挨拍余谚囤宪饯逝民对践纬猪门礁唾县灶蒋阜龄睛医臼途贺俱卡豪括匪丽也焰达擦慎簇倾竭隶嗓篆供革毗铜病妓粪萝仅棍丈入闹租森心斟砧呕户妊要滑倪疙啼夕疙们烬住明拂乃外偿杀忌葡哪崩蓬扩求奴涵战操冰悦颧孕锑弛烷糊扎者逻莫捷哲聋纯村扣黔锡坤存作电壹过厩得另丙祷茬崎摹寇黎氟股畦绰谋萎瞳轴牵烽错循致抖颅慷犹星垛朽锑蔓镍八蓄懒萝拭传麓求幽显夯荚啮感采倔龋戒垒踏喂惺鸡纲筹熄饵随岛夹代贫岸盟殷赂疏牺抿顾僳赖驶梯劫飘


4、GLiang, HE Chao, WANGJing, 摘要: 建筑节能是整个建筑全寿命过程中每一个环节节能的总和。是指建筑在选址、规划、设计、建造和使用过程中,通过合理的规划设计,采用节能型的建筑材料、产品和设备,执行建筑节能标准,加强建筑物节能设备的运行管理,合理设计建筑围护结构的热工性能,提高采暖、制冷、照明、通风、给排水和管道系统的运行效率,以及利用可再生能源,在保证建筑物使用功能和室内热环境质量的前提下,降低建筑能源消耗,合理、有效地利用能源。关键词:建筑;节能设计;探索;降低消耗;合理利用能源1 引言 如果继续执行节能水平较低的设计标准,将留下很重的能耗负担和治理困难。庞大的建筑能耗

5、,已经成为国民经济的巨大负担。因此建筑行业全面节能势在必行。2 建筑节能的意义与定义 建筑使用过程中所消耗的能量,即通常所说的建筑能耗,在社会总能耗中占很大的比例。中国改革开放30年,创造了世界人类建筑史上的奇迹:1985-2004的20年间,全国竣工建筑的面积达105.6亿m2,约占现有建筑面积的1/4,预计到2020年还将新增建筑面积300亿m2。然而,目前中国既有建筑中,95%以上是高能耗建筑。1992年,建筑能耗占全社会能耗的15%,2000年为27.5%,2020年将会增加到40%,如果加上原材料的运输和损耗等,建筑能耗可能高达50%。这既反映了我国城乡生活水平的提高,也反映了我国高

6、速发展的建筑和能源需求形势。由于建筑能耗在社会总能耗中所占的重大比例,建筑节能成为世界节能浪潮的主流之一,建筑节能技术已经成为当今世界建筑技术发展的重点之一。3 真正贯彻落实全面的建筑节能设计3.1整体及外部环境的节能设计建筑整体及外部环境设计是在分析建筑周围气候环境条件的基础上,通过选址、规划、外部环境和体型朝向等设计,使建筑获得一个良好的外部微气候环境,达到节能的目的。3.1.1 合理选址建筑选址主要是根据当地的气候、地质、水质、地形及周围环境条件等因素的综合状况来确定。建筑设计中,既要使建筑在其整个生命周期中保持适宜的微气候环境,为建筑节能创造条件,同时又要不破坏整体生态环境的平衡。3.

7、1.2 合理的外部环境设计在建筑位址确定之后,应研究其微气候特征。根据建筑功能的需求,应通过合理的外部环境设计来改善既有的微气候环境,创造建筑节能的有利环境,主要方法为:在建筑周围布置树木、植被,既能有效地遮挡风沙、净化空气,还能遮阳、降噪;创造人工自然环境,如在建筑附近设置水面,利用水来平衡环境温度、降低风沙及收集雨水等作用。3.1.3 合理的规划和体型设计 合理的建筑规划和体型设计能有效地适应恶劣的微气候环境。它包括对建筑整体体量、建筑体型及建筑形体组合、建筑日照及朝向等方面的确定。日照及朝向选择的原则是冬季能获得足够的日照并避开主导风向,夏季能利用自然通风并防止太阳辐射。然而建筑的朝向、

8、方位以及建筑总平面的设计应考虑多方面的因素,建筑受到社会历史文化、地形、城市规划、道路、环境等条件的制约,要想使建筑物的朝向均满足夏季防热和冬季保温是困难的,因此,只能权衡各个因素之间的得失,找到一个平衡点,选择出这一地区建筑的最佳朝向和较好朝向,尽量避免东西向日晒。3.2 单体的节能设计单体的节能设计,主要是通过对建筑各部分的节能构造设计、建筑内部空间的合理分隔设计,以及一些新型建筑节能材料和设备的设计与选择等,来更好地利用既有的建筑外部气候环境条件,以达到节能和改善室内微气候环境的效果。3.2.1 建筑各部位的节能构造设计建筑各部位的节能构造设计,主要是在满足其作为建筑的基本组成部分的要求

9、之外,通过对各部位(屋顶、楼板、墙体、门窗等)的造型、结构、材料等方面加以进一步设计,充分利用建筑外部气候环境条件,达到节能和改善室内微气候环境的效果。1) 屋顶的节能设计。屋顶是建筑物与室外大气接触的一个重要部分,主要节能措施为:采用坡屋顶;加强屋面保温;根据需要,设置保温隔热屋面(架空隔热屋面、蓄水屋面、种植屋面等)。2) 楼板层的节能设计。主要是利用其结构中空间,以及对楼板吊顶造型加以设计。如将循环水管布置在其中,夏季可以利用冷水循环降低室内温度,冬季利用热水循环取暖。 3)建筑外围墙体的节能设计。墙体的节能设计除了适应气候条件做好保温、防潮、隔热等措施以外,还应体现在能够改善微气候环境


11、设置遮阳措施,我国节能标准中规定,夏热冬暖地区、夏热冬冷地区以及寒冷地区中制冷负荷大的建筑的外窗(包括透明幕墙)宜设置外部遮阳;根据需要合理地组织门窗的通风换气,尽量采用自然通风;严寒、寒冷地区建筑的外门宜设门斗或采取其它减少冷风渗透的措施,其它地区建筑外门也应采取保温隔热节能措施;选择高性能的建筑门窗和幕墙技术,建筑门窗和建筑幕墙要改变消极保温隔热的单一节能观念,把节能和合理利用太阳能、地下热(水)能、风能结合起来积极选择节能和用能(利用太阳能、风能、冷能、地热能)相结合的门窗及幕墙产品。5) 建筑物围护结构细部的节能设计。细部的节能设计对于建筑物的整体节能也非常重要,应从以下各部位着手:热

12、桥部位应采取口可靠的保温与“断桥”措施;外墙出挑构件及附墙部件,如阳台、雨罩、靠外墙阳台栏板、空调室外机搁板、附壁柱、凸窗、装饰线等均应采取隔断热桥和保温措施;窗口外侧四周墙面,应进行保温处理;门、窗框与墙体之间的缝隙,应采用高效保温材料填堵;门、窗框四周与抹灰层之间的缝隙,宜采用保温材料和嵌缝密封膏密封,避免不同材料界面开裂,影响门、窗的热工性能;采用全玻璃幕墙时,隔墙、楼板或梁与幕墙之间的间隙,应填充保温材料。3.2.2 合理的建筑空间设计合理的空间设计是在充分满足建筑使用功能要求的前提下,对建筑空间进行合理分隔(平面分隔和竖向分隔),以改善室内保温、通风、采光等微气候条件,达到节能目的。

13、3.2.3 选用建筑节能材料合理选用建筑节能材料也是全面建筑节能的一个重要方面。建筑材料的选择应遵循健康、高效、经济、节能的原则。一方面,随着科技的发展,大量的新型高效材料不断被研制并应用到建筑设计中去,更好地起到节能效果。另一方面,要结合当地的实际情况,发掘出一些地方节能材料,更好地应用到建筑节能中去。4 结语全面的建筑节能有利于从根本上促进能源资源节约和合理利用,缓解我国能源资源供应与经济社会发展的矛盾;有利于加快发展循环经济,实现经济社会的可持续发展;有利于长远的保障国家能源安全、保护环境、提高人民群众生活质量、贯彻落实科学发展观。参考文献1Rowley River,enclosure

14、structure energy saving reconstruction of D building in rural area of Chongqing;Southwestern University;in 20112Wang Xinxin,extension TianJin Railway Station term objective of energysaving and emission reduction of D;TianJin University;in 20133Tang Zhihua,Hunan Province,shallow geothermal energy and

15、 comprehensive appraisal of the building and Application of ground source heat pump D;Hunan University;in 20114Lin Xutian,thermal insulation polymer research and development of D mortar of building energy saving system;Zhejiang University;in 20075Ji Lingyun,EU countries urban energysaving technology

16、 research of type D;Tongji University;in 20076Yang Wushan,Xinjiang climate condition of building energy saving The use of D measures research;Xinjiang University;in 20087He Chao,D calculation of heating radiator number of design;Harbin Institute of Technology;in 2007 To explore of buildings energy-s

17、aving designWANG Rui,ZHEN Liang, WAN Chao, WUJing, SHEN Yan-junAbstract:Building energy efficiency is the whole building all life is the sum of every link in the process of energy saving. Refers to the buildings in the site selection, planning, design, construction and use process, through the reaso

18、nable planning and design, energy-saving building materials, products and equipment, implement building energy efficiency standards, strengthen the building of energy-saving equipment running management, reasonable thermal performance in the design and construction of retaining structure, improve th

19、e heating, refrigeration, lighting, ventilation, water supply and drainage, and the operation efficiency of pipeline system, and the use of renewable energy, in guarantee the quality of building use function and the indoor thermal environment under the premise of reducing building energy consumption

20、, reasonable and efficient use of energy.Key words:architecture;energy saving design;exploration;to reduce consumption of resource;rational use of energy 1 PrefaceIf you stick with the low level of energy saving design standard, it will leave a heavy burden of energy consumption and management diffi

21、culties. Huge building energy consumption, has become a huge burden of the national economy. So the construction industry overall energy saving is imperative.2 And define the meaning of building energy efficiency The energy dissipations of the building in use process, known as the building energy co

22、nsumption, a large proportion of the total energy consumption in society. Chinas reform and opening up 30 years, created the world the human miracle in the history of architecture: 20 years from 1985 to 2004, the completion of the construction area of 10.56 billion m2, accounts for about 1/4 of exis

23、ting building area, predict 2020 will also be new construction area of 30 billion m2. However, the existing buildings in China, more than 95% is high energy consumption construction. In 1992, the building energy consumption accounts for 15% of the energy consumption of the whole society, at 27.5% in

24、 2000 and 2020 will increase to 40%, if coupled with the transportation and the loss of raw materials, etc., building energy consumption could be as high as 50%. It reflects the improvement of living standards of urban and rural areas in our country, also reflects the high speed development of our c

25、ountrys construction and energy demand situation. Due to the building energy consumption in total energy consumption accounts for a significant proportion of building energy efficiency has become the mainstream in the world wave of energy saving is one of the building energy saving technology has be

26、come one of the key point of the development of the architectural technology anywhere in the world.3 real implementation of building energy efficiency design3.1 the overall design and the external environment of energy saving Integral and the external environment design is based on the analysis of b

27、uildings surrounding climate, on the basis of environmental conditions, through site selection, planning and design of the external environment and body orientation, make the building to obtain a good external micro climate environment, achieve the goal of energy saving.3.1.1 the reasonable location

28、 Site selection is mainly according to the local climate, geology, water quality, the terrain and the surrounding environment condition factors such as comprehensive condition to determine. In architectural design, both to keep building throughout its life cycle is suitable for micro climate environ

29、ment, create conditions for building energy conservation, and dont destroy the balance of the overall ecological environment at the same time.3.1.2 reasonable external environment designAddress was determined in the building, should study the micro climate features. According to the requirements of

30、architectural function, should through the reasonable external environment design to improve the existing microclimate environment, create favorable environment, building energy conservation main way is: (1) decorated trees, vegetation around the building, can effectively keep out dust and purify ai

31、r, still can shading, noise reduction; (2) to create artificial natural environment, such as in the construction set up near the surface, water is used to balance the environment temperature, sand and collecting rainwater, and so on.3.1.3 reasonable planning and shape design Reasonable planning and

32、building design can effectively adapt to the harsh climate environment. It including the overall dimension and architectural shape and architectural form combination, determination of sunshine and respect such as.Sunshine and toward the choice principle is winter can get enough sunshine and to avoid

33、 the dominant wind direction, can make use of natural ventilation and prevent solar radiation in summer. However, building orientation, orientation and construction total plane design should consider the various factors, building social history culture, landscape, urban planning, road, environment c

34、ondition such as restriction, in order to protect the buildings to meet the summer heat and winter heat preservation is difficult, therefore, can only weigh the various factors between the gain and loss, to find a balance point, choose the best orientation and construction of this area is better tow

35、ard, east-west sunlight should be avoided.3.2 monomer of energy-saving designMonomer of energy-saving design, mainly through to various parts of the building energy-saving construction design, building interior space of reasonable space design, as well as some new energy-saving building materials an

36、d equipment design and selection, to better use of existing building external climate, environmental conditions, in order to achieve the effect of saving energy and improving indoor microclimate environment.3.2.1 building energy-saving construction design of each part Building energy-saving construc

37、tion of each part design, mainly in the meet the requirements of it as an essential part of the building, based on each part (roof, floor, walls, doors and Windows, etc.) in the modeling, structure, material, etc to further design, make full use of the building external environment, climate conditio

38、ns, to achieve the effect of saving energy and improving indoor microclimate environment. 1) the energy saving design of the roof. Roof is a building with outside air contact is an important part of the main energy saving measures are: (1) use slope roof; (2) strengthen the roof heat preservation; (

39、3) according to the needs, set the thermal insulation roofing (overhead insulated roof, water storage roof, roof planting, etc.). 2) the energy-saving design of floor layer. Mainly using the structure in space, as well as to the floor condole top modelling and design. If the circulating water pipe l

40、ayout in which, the summer can use cold water cycle to reduce indoor temperature, using hot water circulation to keep warm in winter. 3) building outer wall energy saving design. Wall energy saving design in addition to adapt to climate condition ready for heat preservation, moistureproof, heat insu

41、lation, and other measures, should also be reflected in can improve microclimate environment conditions on the special structure of such as cold areas of sandwich wall design, passive solar houses various heat storage wall (water wall) design, Baghdad region in order to adapt to the local hot dry cl

42、imate conditions in the wall of the tuyere design, etc.; In Malaysia, penang state MennamUmno Yang scripture design buildings, walls, and a kind of special structure design pave the wind wall, the buildings on both sides of the opening balcony, openings on both sides of the outer wall two DangFengQi

43、ang, make the two ventilation wall to form a trumpet-shaped pocket, will wind shop is caught in the balcony, and then into the air through the balcony door opening size control, form the air locks, can effectively control the indoor ventilation. 4) building energy-saving design of doors and Windows.

44、 According to statistics, in our country existing energy intensive building 40% of the energy is dissipated through the doors and Windows. Therefore, solve the problem of the doors and Windows energy saving is very important. The energy-saving design of doors and Windows should consider: (1) control

45、 architecture is different toward the window wall area ratio; (2) set the sunshade measures specified in the standards for energy conservation in our country, the region with hot summer and warm winter, hot summer and cold winter areas and cold areas in the cooling load of building external Windows

46、(including the transparent curtain wall) should be set up outside shading; (3) according to the need to properly organize ventilation doors, Windows, try to use natural ventilation; (4) the cold, cold area construction of outside door set cross-bars or take other appropriate measures to reduce the i

47、nfiltration, other parts of the building outside door and heat preservation and heat insulation measures should be taken; (5) choose high-performance building doors and Windows and curtain wall technology, building doors and Windows and curtain wall to change the negative thermal insulation of singl

48、e energy saving ideas, the energy conservation and rational utilization of solar energy, underground hot (water) can be combined, wind actively choose energy saving and energy (can use solar energy, cold, wind, geothermal) combining the doors and Windows and curtain wall products.5) building palisade structure energy efficiency design in details. Details of the energy saving design for the structure of the overall energy saving is also very important, from each of the following areas: (1) hot mouth reliable insulation should be taken of parts of the bridge and broke


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