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1、Marine engines and auxiliary machinery船用发动机及辅机6.1 IntroductionThis Chapter provides an overview and typical examples of the main and auxiliary machinery and equipment found on ships. Machinery is often divided into the main or propulsion engines, electrical generation, systems such as electrical, pi

2、ping, refrigeration and air conditioning, fire fighting and protection, deck machinery and cargo handling equipment, bow thrusters and stabilizers, instrumentation and control, safety equipment and other auxiliary machinery and equipment. The auxiliary machinery may be in support of the main propuls

3、ion engines and include heat exchangers and compressed air, or in support of ship and cargo handling such as propellers and shafting, steering gear and deck cranes, or in support of ship services such as ballast water arrangements and sewage systems.6.1 简介本章主要介绍了船舶主机及辅机和船上其他设备并提供了典型例子。船舶机械通常分为主推进发动机

4、,船舶电站,系统包括电力、管路、制冷和空调、消防和保护、甲板机械和货物装卸设备,船首推进器和稳定器,仪器仪表控制系统,安全设备和其他辅助机械设备。辅机也可以用在主推进装置中,包括热交换器和空气压缩,或用在船舶货物装卸中,如螺旋桨、轴系、舵机、甲板起重机,或用在船舶服侍系统中,例如压载水系统和排污系统。6.2 Propulsion systemsThe range of propulsion systems that are either currently in use or have been under development are reviewed. The principal pro

5、pulsion devices are briefly reviewed by outlining their major features and characteristics together with their general areas of application.6.2 推进系统这一推进系统目前正在使用或者正在研发中的都是被审查的范围。主推进装置通过描绘它们在一般应用领域的功能和特点进行了简要概述。6.2.1 Fixed pitch propellersThe fixed pitch propeller has traditionally formed the basis of

6、 propeller production over the years in either its mono-block or built-up forms. Carlton (2007)6.2.1 固定螺距螺旋桨固定螺旋桨多年来已经形成了以单块或内置式为基础的形式。Carlton (2007)reviews the early development of the screw propeller. Whilst the mono-block propeller is commonly used today the built-up propeller, whose blades are c

7、ast separately from the boss and then bolted to it after machining, is now rarely used. This was not always the case since in the early years of the last century built-up propellers were very common, partly due to the inability to achieve good quality large castingsat that time and partly to difficu

8、lties in defining the correct blade pitch. In both these respects the built-up propeller has obvious advantages. Nevertheless, built-up propellers generally have a larger boss radius than its fixed pitch counterpart and this can cause difficulty with cavitation problems in the blade root section reg

9、ions in some cases.Mono-block propellers cover a broad spectrum of design types and sizes, ranging from those weighing only a few kilograms for use on small power-boats to those, for example, destined for large container ships which can weigh around 130 tonnes and require thesimultaneous casting of

10、significantly more metal in order to produce the casting. Figure 6.1 shows a collage of various types of fixed pitch propellerin use today. These types range from a large four-bladed propeller fitted to a bulk carrier and is seen in the figure in contrast to a man standing on thedock bottom, through

11、 highly skewed propellers for merchant and naval applications, to small high-speedpatrol craft and surface piercing propellers.As might be expected, the materials ofmanufacture vary considerably over such a wide range of designs and sizes. For the larger propellers,over 300 mm in diameter, the non-f

12、errous materialspredominate: high-tensile brass together with the manganese and nickelaluminium bronzes are the most favoured types of materials. However, stainless steel has also gained limited use. Cast iron, once a favourite material for the production of sparepropellers, has now virtually disapp

13、eared from use. Alternatively, for small propellers, use is frequentlymade of materials such as the polymers, aluminium, nylon and more recently carbon fibre composites.For fixed pitch propellers the choice of blade number, notwithstanding considerations of blade-to- blade clearances at the blade ro

14、ot to boss interface, is largely an independent variable and is normally chosen to give a mismatch to the range of hull, superstructure and machinery vibration frequencies which are considered likely to cause concern. Additionally, blade number is also a useful parameter in controlling unwelcome cav

15、itation characteristics. Blade numbers generally range from two to seven, although in some naval applications, where considerations of radiated noise become important, blade numbers greater than these have been researched and used to solve a variety of propulsion problems. For merchant vessels, howe

16、ver, four, five and six blades are generally favoured, although many tugs and fishing vessels frequently use three-blade designs. In the case of small work or pleasure power-boats two and three-bladed propellers tend to predominate. The early propeller design philosophies centred on the optimization

17、 of the efficiency from the propeller. Whilst today this aspect is no less important, and, in some respects associated with energy conservation, has assumed a greater importance, other constraints on design have emerged. These are in response to calls for the reduction of vibration excitation and ra

18、diated noise from the propeller. This latter aspect has of course been a prime concern of naval ship and torpedo propeller designers for many years; however, pressure to introduce these constraints, albeit in a generally less stringent form, into merchant ship design practice has grown in recent yea

19、rs. This has been brought about by the increases in power transmitted per shaft; the use of after deckhouses; the maximization of the cargo carrying capacity, which imposes constraints on the hull lines; ship structural failure and international legislation. For the majority of vessels of over 100 t

20、onnes displacement it is possible to design propellers on whose blades it is possible to control, although not eliminate, the effects of cavitation in terms of its erosive effect on the material, its ability to impair hydrodynamic performance and it being the source of vibration excitation. In this

21、latter context it must be remembered that there are very few propellers which are free from cavitation since the greater majority experience cavitation at some position in the propeller disc: submarine propellers when operating at depth, the propellers of towed array frigates and research vessels wh

22、en operating under part load conditions are notable exceptions, since these propellers are normally designed to be subcavitating to meet stringent noise emission requirements to minimize either detection or interference with their own instruments. Additionally, in the case of propellers operating at

23、 significant water depths such as in the case of a submarine, due account must be taken of the additional hydrostatic pressure-induced thrust which will have to be reacted by the ships thrust block.For some small, high-speed vessels where both the propeller advance and rotational speeds are high and

24、 the immersion low, a point is reached where it is not possible to control the effects of cavitation acceptably within the other constraints of the propeller design. To overcome this problem, all or some of the blade sections are permitted to fully cavitate, so that the cavity developed on the back

25、of the blade extends beyond the trailing edge and collapses into the wake of the blades in the slipstream. Such propellers are termed supercavitating propellers and frequently find application on high-speed naval and pleasure craft. Figure 6.2(c) illustrates schematically this design philosophy in c

26、ontrast to non-cavitating and partially cavitating propeller sections, shown in Figure 6.2(a) and (b) , respectively. When design conditions dictate a specific hydrodynamic loading together with a very susceptible cavitation environment, typified by a low cavitation number, there comes a point when

27、even the supercavitating propeller will not perform satisfactorily: for example, if the propeller tip immersion becomes so small that the propeller tends to draw air from the surface, termed ventilation, along some convenient path such as along the hull surface or down a shaft bracket. Eventually, i

28、f the immersion is reduced sufficiently by either the design or operational constraints the propeller tips will break surface. Although this condition is well known on cargo vessels when operating in ballast conditions and may, in these cases, lead to certain disadvantages from the point of view of

29、material fatigue and induced vibration, the surface breaking concept can be an effective means of propelling relatively small high-speed craft. Such propellers are termed surface piercing propellers and their design immersion, measured from the free surface to the shaft centre line, can be reduced t

30、o zero; that is, the propeller operates half in and half out of the water. In these partially immersed conditions the propeller blades are commonly designed to operate such that the pressure face of the blade remains fully wetted and the suction side is fully ventilated or dry. This is an analogous

31、operating regime to the supercavitating propeller, but in this case the blade surface suction pressure is at atmospheric conditions and not the vapour pressure of water. 回顾了螺旋桨的早期发展。在单块式螺旋桨普遍使用的今天,但那些叶片来自不同地方的内置式螺旋桨已经很少被人所用了。这并非总是如此,因为在上个世纪内置式螺旋桨相当的普遍,部分原因是无法实现那是的大型铸件保证好的质量和确定正确的螺距有困难度,在这两个方面内置式螺旋桨有







38、压力。6.2.2 Ducted propellersDucted propellers, as their name implies, generally comprise two principal components: the first is an annular duct having an aerofoil cross section which may be either of uniform shape around the duct and, therefore, symmetric with respect to the shaft centre line, or have

39、 certain asymmetric features to accommodate the wake field flow variations. The second component, the propeller, is a special case of a non-ducted propeller in which the design of the blades has been modified to take account of the flow interactions caused by the presence of the duct in its flow fie

40、ld. The propeller for these units can be either of the fixed or controllable pitch type and in some special applications, such as torpedo propulsion, may be a contra-rotating pair. Ducted propellers, sometimes referred to as Kort nozzles by way of recognition of the Kort Propulsion Companys initial

41、patents and long association with this type of propeller, have found application for many years where high thrust at low speed is required; typically in towing and trawling situations. In such cases, the duct generally contributes some 50% of the propulsors total thrust at zero ship speed, termed th

42、e bollard pull condition. However, this relative contribution of the duct falls to more modest amounts with increasing ship speed and it is also possible for a duct to give a negative contribution to the propulsor thrust at high advance speeds, see Section This latter situation would nevert

43、helessbe a most unusual design condition to encounter.There are nominally two principal types of duct form, the accelerating and decelerating duct, and these are shown in Figure 6.3(a), (b), (c) and (d) , respectively. The underlying reason for this somewhat artificial designation can be appreciated

44、, in global terms by considering their general form in relation to the continuity equation of fluid mechanics. This can be expressed for incompressible flow in a closed conduit between two stations a-a and b-b。By undertaking a detailed hydrodynamic analysis it is possible to design complex duct form

45、s intended for specific application and duties. Indeed, attempts at producing non-symmetric duct forms to suit varying wake field conditions have been made which result in a duct with both varying aerofoil section shape and incidence, relative to the shaft centre line, around its circumference. Howe

46、ver, with duct forms it must be appreciated that the hydrodynamic desirability for a particular form must be balanced against the practical manufacturing problem of producing the desired shape if an economic, structurally sound and competitive duct is to result. This tenet is firmly underlined by ap

47、preciating that ducts have been produced for a range of propeller diameters from 0.5 m or less up to around 8.0 m. For these larger sizes, fabrication problems can be difficult, not least in maintaining the circularity of the duct and providing reasonable engineering clearances between the blade tip

48、s and the duct: recognizing that from the hydrodynamic viewpoint that the clearance should be as small as possible.When the control of cavitation and more particularly the noise resulting from cavitation is of importance, use can be made of the decelerating duct form. A duct form of this type, Figur

49、e 6.3(d), effectively improves the local cavitation conditions by slowing the water before passing through the propeller. Most applications of this duct form are found in naval situations, for example, with submarines and torpedoes. Nevertheless, some specialist research ships also have needs which can be partiall


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