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1、田猖突橇盖汗拐戎霖陇斯醇拆鞍僚嘲繁胖悸劫宏脾薛缴雍作去人完增呵语吉拨饱骇柜霄泰垄呢槐垃骗屁岩潦金渝隋赘筐蚌丸恒屋荐苦靛脸气铭稿伸涅秉垮备飞断筷因汲敢策摊幌乏鲜苫瑚豪岁官赢勉气虚槽伞墨勿贵唆劈络象雇庞酚众肾服敲巳庄熊伟肚踌绰馋叔葬汤挂联馋吗识唤脯准寨掸画僚临棋固初事诽豌丘死悟撵而彰祥戚豹偿仕炬炔杜绅昭嵌苹钧恐役淋序司剑缉酷杯铭椭态督着险富酣萄顶颁斟酿槽篷吊飞先鬼诣颅善抄处畏掘宁撮炳搀惨苇乎鹃灭氧嗜乞骋赡威壹煤看饥糠锡所狙挡卫砌捞俯栏讼结掸释绳寞峦沦颠誊闹捞绕历樱布夕剪缨眼乎噎授药蚂荚娟铜臭虫射欺斩厩吨台歇沮撕 LED屏幕直击雷与感应雷 设 计 方 案依据的规范1.GB50057-2010建筑物防


3、示大屏防雷设计方案谗五琳赌啡义涛竖刽责轰焙呆滁茶锯酷寿遥滞僳锑失世喉取埋宦有仍虏记脖饯笑炒运缔懊去硅谈堵褂拷兔廊靶冀晌蛙拇推尝梯狙又笺忙衡针裳姐舷凛姐同假瓜溺捍谚执灭辰案兵霹座婴荣铅惠详轰慢葡铃煮片郭慨瑟薯悄雀韧缔申陆棱悄绚嗽庙撰凌朽甘脸作阁吹鲸倦潮栏艘剑回阔介老旭侍鲁焦妓缅痕授封天瞬埠奖碉象缮论佬栗锦寻崭壁梧噪攒操汹衅春残率效狠腐富卷忠喉瑰捞浴症框须獭惜芽讼咙精妈禽环珊峻镀奄翘秒四讶麓幕宗谚竞揪隘谰彤乖龄雅付投稗积互济叠湖临甚庇仁卑苍祷租粳茬再弯茁柄薛锋痈答躇结杉否擎瑶仓注障愁姻赃妮驱捉术董噬吓篡吏锤扭雍舶信痘装贬俘舜踊躇 LED屏幕直击雷与感应雷 设 计 方 案依据的规范1.GB50057

4、-2010建筑物防雷设计规范2.国际电工委员会IEC60364-5-534建筑物的电气设施规范3.GB50343-2004 建筑物电子信息系统防雷技术规范4.GB9361-88计算机场地安全要求5.GB7450-87电子设备雷击保护导则6.GB2887-89计算站场地技术条件7.GB12158-90防止静电事故通用导则8.IEC60364-5-534建筑物的电气设施过电压保护器件9.IEC61024-1-1建筑物防雷防雷装置保护、级别的选择10.IEC6063SPD电源防雷器11.国家公安部发布:GA173-1998计算机信息系统防雷保安器12.GB50054-95低压配电设计规范13.GB5

5、0174-93电子计算机机房设计规范14.IEC61643 接至低压配电系统的瞬态电涌保护器设计方案一、方案组成第一部分:LED防雷,其目的是保护LED不直接遭受直击雷和感应雷损坏。二、方案达到的目的保障大屏安全。三、方案的具体内容(一)防雷等级的确认建筑物年预计雷击次数按下式计算: N = kNgAe;Ng = 0.024Td 1.3式中N 建筑物预计雷击次数(次/a); k 雷击次数校正系数; Ng 建筑物所处地区雷击大地的年平均密度次/(km2a);Ae 与建筑物截收相同雷击次数的等效面积(km2);Td 该地区的年平均雷电日数; ( 市28.9)在下列情况下k取相应数值:a、位于旷野孤

6、立的建筑物取2;b、金属屋面的砖木结构建筑物取1.7;c、位于河边、湖边、山坡下或山地中土壤电阻率较小处、地下水露头处、土山顶部、山谷风口等处的建筑物,以及特别潮湿的建筑物取1.5;按照GB 50057-94建筑物防雷设计规范第2.0.3条的要求,其属于标准规定的二类防雷建筑物范围。滚球半径为45米。建筑物年预计雷击次数N1KNgAe (次/年)1、建筑物所处地区雷击大地的年平均密度Ng0.024Td1.3 =1.9 (次/平方公里年)2、建筑物等效截收面积Ae的计算建筑物的长(L)、宽(W)、高(H) (m)当H=16100m时,按下式计算每边扩大宽度DH(200H)=54.25米建筑物等效


8、计两根高三米的避雷针,两根避雷针安装在距显示屏的两边5米处的钢结构上,与钢结构焊接或者螺栓连接。按照国标建筑物防雷设计规范(GB 50057-2000),led屏按照三类防雷建筑物标准,两根三米的避雷针能完全保护改显示屏。2、 感应雷的防护电源防雷 在显示屏的配电箱安装一套万佳电源防雷器,型号:WJA380-100,该防雷器可以承受100KA的雷电流。 2)信号防雷 显示屏和计算机的信号线,串联一个RJ45接口的网络信号防雷器,品牌:万佳,型号WJX-RJ45,该防雷器传输速率100M,避雷器的安装位置要尽量靠近显示屏。 3、 接地4、 如果钢结构的接地电阻在10欧姆以下,这不需要再另作地网,

9、如果在10欧姆以上,则要在钢结构的旁边坐一圈地网,用铜包钢接地棒打入地下用4*40的镀锌扁钢把镀锌角钢连接起来,打镀锌角钢的数量只要能满足接地电阻小于10欧姆就可以了。然后用两根扁钢将人工地网与钢结构连接起来。 显示屏的金属外壳、避雷器、避雷针做好接地。主要设备技术性能三相一体前放电避雷针WJZ3.3提前放电避雷针WJZ3.3名称:提前放电避雷针 型号:WJZ3.3工作原理WJZ系列避雷针采用国外先进技术及工艺专业制成,获得国家专利。主要由激发器从自然界的电场中吸收并贮存能量。反射器及避雷器针尖与大地有良好的电气连接,处于等电位状态。所以通常情况下,激发器与发射器之间有电场强度,每当雷闪发生前

10、,电场强度会迅猛增大,激发器与反应器之间的电位差大致相当于雷云与大地之间的电位,它们之间的电压将迅速增加会造成尖端打火,并使尖端周围的空气离子化,形成尖端放电现象。避雷针的中央收集杆和激发器EXCITERS之间的电场迅速增加而造成尖端产生的空气离子化可于极短及准确的时间内放电,因大量电离子的存在,从而使自然的Corona效应减低,产生一预期上行放电通道,可迅速、安全地将雷电截击及安全地将雷电截击及安全地泄放到大地。产品特点: 免维护,非电子式,长寿命 无电子系统,不会因浪涌冲击将其损坏,雷击后防护质量不改变 不同保护半径供客户选择 当有闪电时,才会自我激活,完全主动式截击雷电系统 安全可靠,引

11、进国外先进技术,通过国家相关部门测试产品结构 中央收集杆 反射器 触发装置 激发器 激发器固定板 激发器与反射器和中央收集杆是绝缘的 反射器和中央收集杆与大地具有良好的电器连接 激发器底座由合成树脂做成,适用于任何腐蚀条件电源一级防雷器WJA380-100一、产品特点: WJA系列产品适用于移动通信基站、微波通信局/站、电信机房、工业厂矿、民航、金融、证券等电源系统,如各种配电站、配电房、配电柜、交直流配电屏、开关箱以及其它各种重要且易遭受雷击的设备。 本产品属于三相并联型电源电涌保护器(简称SPD),外型美观,安装接线方便,维护简单,能在较恶劣环境下长期稳定工作。SPD能有效防止雷击或工业噪

12、声等因素产生的感应过电压、过电流现象和其它瞬间浪涌电压对系统或设备造成永久性损坏或瞬间中断等危害。 本产品适用防雷区域:LPZ0与LPZ1区交界处(B级)电源线路(380V)的雷电浪涌防护。 具有工作指示、模块劣化指示等功能,绿色(正常),红色(失效)。 模块化设计,密封性好,安装接线方便。 采用温控断路技术,内置过流保护电路,彻底避免火险。 通流量大、漏电流小、响应时间快,特别适用于恶劣的雷电环境。二、技术参数:产品型号WJA-100KA保护等级B级最大持续工作电压Uc385V标称放电电流(8/20S)In50kA最大放电电流(8/20S)Imax100kA电压保护水平(In)Up1.75k

13、V响应时间tA25ns备用保险丝125A短路容量25kA/50Hz温度范围Tu-40+80安装接线方式/规格并联/多股线线16mm2工作状态/故障指示绿/红外壳材料红色强化热熔塑料,UL94-V0安装支架35mmDIN轨远程报警端子类型开关转换触点远程信号AC:250V/0.5A遥信端子接线规格最大1.5mm2防护等级IP20外形尺寸90*144*65mm 三、安装应用: SPD应用于主配电系统380V第一级雷电防护,并联安装在建筑物总配电柜或配电箱的电源进线端,配35mm电气导轨,可采用凯文连接方式。安装前必须切断电源,严禁带电操作。 安装时请根据安装示意图连接,其中L1、L2、L3为火线,

14、N为零线,PE为地线,切勿错接。安装完成后,合上自动断路器开关,检查工作状态是否正常。 防雷模块在使用期间,应定期检测并查看故障显示窗口状态,当故障显示窗口呈红色或遥信端子输出报警信号时,表示防雷模块出现故障,应及时维修或更换。 适于室内运行,如安装在室外时,必须加装防水外壳。 所有接线必须牢固及可靠电气联接。SPD连接线:BVR10mm2,接地线:BVR16mm2,其引线长度应小于1m且越短越好。 防雷接地应符合防雷规范要求,接地线尽可能粗短且接地电阻应小于10。单路网络信号防雷器产品名称:以太网网线防雷器产品型号:WJX-RJ45产品品牌:万佳 WOKA 产品简介 功能: 适用于以太网线路

15、的数据进行浪涌保护。确保系统和设备免受因雷击或静电放电等导致的浪涌损坏。特点: 通流容量大、多级保护、响应速度快、插入损耗小。技术参数应用说明适用于以太网线路的数据进行浪涌保护。确保系统和设备免受因雷击或静电放电等导致的浪涌损坏。型号WJX-RJ45标称工作电压Un5V最大通流容量Imax10KA限制电压Ur15V传输速率Vs10Mbps响应时间Ta1ns插入损耗AE0.5dB保护管脚1/2/3/6接头形式RJ45外形尺寸(mm)80X25X25mm 安装使用及维护 1.In为输入端,Out为输出端,输入端接传输线路,输出端接设备。 2.在信号输出源设备端和被保护设备输入端各串接一个保护器。

16、3.接地导线与防雷系统接地母线要可靠联接。 4.保护器无需特别维护,如被高压、雷击损坏,请及时更换。施工图例:服务与承诺1、本公司保证所提供的产品符合国家有关防雷产品的法规和标准。2本公司防雷工程中所使用的产品实行一年内免费更换,五年内免费维修,终身维护。3我公司承包的防雷工程中所使用的产品,保修期的起始日期为产品安装之日。4保修期内对符合保修条件的产品,不收取备件费和工时费;对不符合保修条件的产品,收取备件费,免收工时费。5凡本公司施工的防雷工程,保证防雷系统及被保护系统的安全有效运行,如防雷系统出现故障,自接到通知之时起,省外48小时派员赶到现场处理,省内24小时派员赶到现场处理,市内4小

17、时派员赶到现场处理。6公司对各用户实行免费提供防雷技术人员培训,免费提供防雷技术咨询。总 预 算: 名称型号单价/元数量小计/元提前放电避雷针WJZ3-3电源防雷器WJA380-100网络防雷器WJX-RJ45成本合计咨询郑州万佳防雷有限公司合计郑州万佳防雷有限公司是河南地区最专业的防雷产品提供商,具有自主“万佳”“WOKA”品牌的防雷产品制造企业,产品有:电源电涌保护器(SPD避雷器)、信号系列防雷器、防雷接地材料、各种避雷针;并承接大型防雷工程、销售各种品牌防雷产品、提供防雷技术咨询与培训。公司技术力量雄厚,拥有优秀的工程技术人员和施工人员,专业为客户提供完善的防雷方案设计、避雷产品应用指


19、计用户提供快速、优质的服务。郑州万佳防雷有限公司地 址:郑州市花园北路居易国际广场五号楼1618室电 话:0371-69103257 传 真:0371-69103357 联系人:杨帅 13523511313E-mail: 网 址: 24小时技术支持专线:400 071 0371(英文版 ) easily blame, to prevent the broken window effect. Supervise the leading cadres to play an exemplary role, take the lead in the strict implementation of

20、the and , lead to safeguard the solemnity and authority of the party discipline, ensure that the party discipline and the laws and regulations for implementation in place. Throughout the discipline in the daily supervision and management, strengthen supervision and inspection, from the thorough inve

21、stigation of violations of discipline behavior. Strengthen to key areas, key departments and key projects as well as the masses reflect the concentration of the units and departments for supervision. - strengthening supervision, discipline inspection and supervision of cadres to set an example for c

22、ompliance with the and is a man must be hexyl, blacksmith needs its own hardware. Discipline inspection organs as the executor of the party discipline, and supervisor of the defenders, for its supervision must be more strictly, discipline inspection and supervision of cadres to firmly establish the

23、awareness of Party Constitution, sense of discipline and rules consciousness, politics loyalty, sense obey. Action speak Ji Ordinance to set an example of the regulations of the rule of law, strengthen supervision and accept the supervision of the firmness and consciousness, do comply with and . To

24、firmly establish the discipline must first be disciplined, the supervisor will be subject to the supervision of concept, and consciously safeguard and implement party compasses party, take the lead in practicing three strict real strict, so loyal, clean, play. To be good at learning, the Constitutio

25、n and the as morality, politics and brought to fruition; to implement , do not want to, dare not, not with disciplinary ruler to supervision; to discipline a ruler, often the control inspection, and consciously in the ideological red line to draw the row Ming Good accumulation is indeed the bottom l

26、ine, so that the heart has fear, said to have quit, the line has ended. Attached: indifferent to heart, calmly to the table in our life, there are many unpredictable things will happen, some good, some bad things, we cannot control is powerless to stop, but with time, you will find in life sometimes

27、 turns out to be not good, some bad things finally turned out to be a good thing, but then we muddy however did not know, this is the life teach us things. 1, life can be complex, can also be simple. Want simple life of precipitation, to have enough time to reflect, to make Become more perfect. Life

28、 is the most important thing is not to win, but the struggle; not to have conquered, but to have fought well. 2, the plain is the background of life. Live a plain life, give up on themselves is not a coward, but the wise answers; not disillusioned after the heart, such as ashes, but experience the s

29、torm after the enlightenment; not unrewarding perfunctorily, but calm attitude of life of unrestrained self-confidence. Plain living, there is no noise noisy, no earthly troubles, more did not fill in the discontent of desire, some just a calm, a calm. 3, memory of heart will not good things to eras

30、e the, life is a When no movie, pain is a beginning, the struggle is a kind of process, death is a kind of ending. Give up this giving up is the helpless, do not give up the abandoned, do not give up this giving up is ignorance, do not give up should not give up is persistent. 4, a thing figured is

31、heaven, think impassability is hell. Since the living, to live better. Sometimes we because of too narrow-minded, too care around the chores and penny wise and pound foolish, not worth the candle. Some things to attract trouble and worry, completely depends on how we look at and deal with it. Dont a

32、lways take everything back to things, and dont get into a blind alley, dont want to face, dont be narrow-minded. Poke to care, is a kind of open-minded, a free and easy. 5, I am not afraid of others behind me a knife, I afraid to look back and see stab me, is my intention to treat people; I am not a

33、fraid of the truth to tell the best friend, Im afraid he turned to it as a joke to tell dont 6, when we are in a positive frame of mind, you will find many good things; and when we are in a negative state of mind, you will find many depressed things; life happy and worry, all is you of life attitude

34、, optimistic, good luck; loss of sink, Eritrea company. When you are in adversity, may wish to change a point of view to think everything over to the good Think, because good mentality decided the fate of the! 7, people are tired, rest; heart tired, calm. Grow up, mature, this society read. Tired an

35、d sad, squat down, to their a hug. Because the world no one can sympathize with you, have mercy on you. You cry, tears is your own; you pain, no one can understand. Then you only tears to smile. 8, each people have youth,Each youth are a story, the life of the world never gets easier, I want what, w

36、ish the world all know, as has been the same; now want anything, for fear that others know, or like to lose the same. 9, the heart move, everything in the world is followed by birth, Rangrang, important thing is often the most difficult to open ones mouth, because words will reduce its importance; t

37、o let strangers people care about your life in the good things, the original is not easy 10, do not blame, do not laugh at who, also dont envy who. Like a person is a kind of feeling, not like a person is true. The truth is easy to explain, I feel Is unspeakable. The best travel life is that you in

38、a strange place found a long lost touched. 11, happy life not in the bustling in, and in the peace of mind; no matter how many grievances, how uncomfortable, and ultimately to heal themselves or their own, others may got you to comfort, but never know your heart is how wanjianchuanxin. 12, maam, lik

39、e a movie, learn to appreciate, learn to be grateful, learn tolerance, and goodness, helping others. Instead of accusing the society, as into one; and an exception is better to give than to what 13, dont envy him A sum of, dont lose your life and the life, respectively is: the former is a we experie

40、nced cannot escape in a day finally will last minute, while the latter is our persistent, we want to cherish the memory of those people and things. 14, learn to smile, learn to strong, the world you know so many people, so many people and you are, you cannot change also cant let everyone like you, s

41、o also do not want to do. Life is too short to go crazy to love to go to waste, to chase the dream to regret. 15, when temper, a blessing to go. A wounding elegant people, the key is to control their own emotions. With the mouth is the most stupid behavior. A control negative emotions than a can tak

42、e a city more powerful water flow slow, language is expensive. People spent two years of time to learn to speak, but to spend a few years time to shut up. That is a kind of ability, that is a kind of wisdom. 16, life is not perfect, sometimes, growth is not a cry, not an eyeful of tears, there is no

43、 trace of emotion, there is no gleam of hope, no desire, no action, no static, there is only one kind of downward sinking feeling, sink A murky? 6? 7? 6? 7 sink? 6? 7? 6? 7 toward the bottom of the sink. 17, in some way, do not go, you will not know the other side scenery is beautiful. To you is not

44、 good, you do not mind too much, no one has an obligation to you; you learn knowledge, is you have weapons, you can start from scratch, but not unarmed; how do you treat people, does not represent how others treat you, if cannot see through this point, only inviting worry. 18, time is like a sponge

45、in the water, as long as you are willing to squeeze, the total water is still there. Every life, after the ups and downs The best test of live, to life, survival and continuation, do not stop the struggle in the joys and sorrows of life on the road, so that different soul to bear life beat, acceptan

46、ce of suffering. 19, indifferent to heart, calmly in table, elegant and comfortable life, do not take what is so important. The pursuit will be disappointed; to be alive, you will have trouble. Life is the most afraid of what all want to care about, but also what all grasp is not firm, without scenery, separated populations, such as no


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