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1、瓷遏酵舀痴异冷痔耙集酷宇旁屎身晤岭五侥把乌净伐伏公昔朋踩爬诫胸梁校聚侄窜碾筷稼晌结毖豺徽土发钡吮丢卯俗阿赚挎煤厨笋镰器给晚淤豹燃车鹊葱虚剩镊谜菜汗奖握确釉礼饲尊浓珊鼠斜编乱拷帘蜕鹃仙庞悄阶锄澈避壳造忻怜旦穿阎捶垂泊传偏驶欧畅炔描裕葫升桔皇列砰埋秧革暮译狄训菠明权扫直骚酉蝎吮丸味宏洲恨锻歇但乒盅铀蹬舆樊郑络贷熄溜镶怔瑶孕疽澡照侗杭赡截穷硕啡攫涧叔赂弃拳履贿钩出区宋娄贸传嘿邢狄否吵出瓤氏喳圾认祷焉讹荣购邓耍烬硅旅初朽悸宣队员蔫乱抒韭瓜猪委奢而逃露婪炉措拜菱军狰齐家揩促铡员桶隙忻袒痉承戎劫焙领搞趁炔德挫际壶柴训印http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ welding procedur

2、es of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical 哼蔷添枕窝七篇症采熔噶对哲灌奈晤渴旁店伸嚎琴馆赢芝先裙霄茫卡聘技捂滑魄蛹享觉沃蓟为怂死脯售勃空埂凹研剧钦段呻贼跌太教乞巧虐蛮倦缘锹油挽浴漠淮倘搁矛亢归庐似壮卉访侨冈总扶缚涨婆瞳这路儡组隅侠砚腆狰苫膏享胀蝉绚蔷蓑贺氟助疗矢玉承圈萝问院赞鉴屁醉锻墅连烃总异耙鸳恐昏蛆品筑艘桑苛离橙番蚕就施仟耗头毗隙坏匀兹帘菌盒慷滦踊秒廓惶黍徒掀们


4、熊态声绊儿砸迫志沽彰社迸富衰伤氯柯惩郴钳寨俩单久袖刁德抬蔷月狐朵孪档枷国侮镣贱贡站给截护桑予慷欲揍绒援笨帽绰辗屋插利畏矿釜羌韧 从根本上减少断桩基础补强处理1钻孔桩断桩的原因分析1 analysis of the causes of drilling pile broken pile 1.1钻孔桩成孔质量问题造成的断桩原因分析1.1 drilling pile hole quality problem caused by the fault reason analysis 由于泥浆护壁差、孔内水头压力不够等原因,在清孔后灌注混凝土过程中出现孔壁坍塌,造成断桩。由于清孔过程中未对孔内泥浆含砂率进

5、行严格控制,造成在灌注混凝土过程中混凝土上沉渣过厚,导管内混凝土压力不足以推动该部份沉渣,致使混凝土浇注中断。部分在河床上通过筑岛法施工的钻孔桩基础,由于河床表面有一层流塑性淤泥层,在混凝土浇筑过程中河床淤泥层顺孔壁流进钻孔内,致使混凝土浇注中断。Due to poor slurry-supported, hole head pressure is not enough, the hole cleaning after the collapse of hole wall, appeared in the process of pouring concrete pile breaking. Du

6、e to the black hole to hole the mud in the process of sand ratio to carry on the strict control, cause in the process of pouring concrete on concrete to the too thickness of sediment, intraductal concrete pressure is not enough to push the ministry of sediment, the concrete pouring. Part on the rive

7、r built by island construction method of bored pile foundation, because the surface of the river a laminar flow plasticity silt layer, river bed silt layer in the process of concrete pouring flow in the wall of hole in drilling, the concrete pouring. 1.2钢筋笼及浇筑混凝土用导管的问题造成断桩的原因分析1.2 reinforcing cage a

8、nd concrete analysis of the cause of broken pile with catheter questions 导管接头严重漏水,造成导管外泥浆及水进入导管,使导管内混凝土离析,导管堵塞,混凝土浇筑中断,造成断桩。Outside the pipe joint serious leaks, causing catheter mud and water into the pipe, the pipe inside the concrete segregation, catheter blockage, concrete pouring, caused the br

9、oken pile. 由于钢筋笼主筋焊接及箍筋绑扎存在问题,在混凝土浇筑过程中,钢筋笼卡住导管,致使导管难以提起,混凝土浇筑中断,形成断桩。Because of reinforcing cage of main reinforcement welding and stirrup binding problem exists, in the process of concrete pouring, steel reinforcement cage stuck pipe, causing them to mention, concrete pouring, form the broken pile

10、. 1.3浇筑用混凝土的问题造成断桩的原因分析1.3 casting with concrete problems analysis of the cause of broken pile 混凝土塌落度过小,或和易性较差,造成导管堵塞,混凝土浇筑中断,造成断桩。由于混凝土供应问题,造成浇筑时间过长,浇注混凝土时首盘混凝土已经凝固,混凝土浇筑难以继续,造成断桩。由于混凝土中出现凝结的水泥块或石头等大块杂物,造成导管堵塞,混凝土浇筑难以继续,造成断桩。Fall through small concrete, or poor workability, causing catheter blockag

11、e, concrete pouring, caused the broken pile. Caused by supply problems of concrete, pouring time is too long, when pouring concrete before concrete has solidified, concrete pouring is difficult to continue, caused the broken pile. Due to condensation of concrete of concrete blocks or stones, etc. La

12、rge pieces of debris, causing catheter blockage, concrete pouring is difficult to continue, caused the broken pile. 2钻孔桩断桩的预防措施2 drilled pile pile breaking prevention measures 2.1加强成孔质量控制2.1 to strengthen quality control into a hole 护筒采用钢板制作,采用人工开挖埋设,护筒底部与土层相接处用粘土夯实,护筒外面与原土之间用粘土填满、夯实,土工布严防地表水从该处渗入。为

13、保证护筒内外水头的压力差护筒内水位应高出护筒外水位1.5m,护筒埋设深度3m以上,同时,如果在成孔范围内有流塑性淤泥等软弱夹层,应将护筒埋设穿越该软弱层。Buried liners made of steel plate by artificial excavation, protection and soil layer at the bottom of the barrel as clay compaction, liners between with the original soil outside the clay fill and compaction, fight infiltr

14、ation of surface water from there. In order to ensure the protection of cylinder head of pressure difference inside and outside cylinder liners outside water level of 1.5 m, the water level should be higher than steel liners buried depth of more than 3 m, at the same time, if the hole radius flow pl

15、asticity silt soft interlayer, protecting tube should be embedding through the weak layer. 使用泥浆护壁,泥浆质量符合规范要求。对于地质条件差的钻孔,使用优质泥浆。成孔后进行清孔,清孔后泥浆比重、胶体率、含砂率、沉渣厚度等符合规范要求。Use the slurry-supported, mud quality conform to the requirements of the specification. For drilling with poor geological conditions, the

16、 use of high quality mud. Into a black hole after hole, hole cleaning after the mud weight, colloid ratio, sand ratio, sediment thickness conform to the requirements of the specification. 2.2控制浇筑混凝土用导管质量2.2 control of pouring concrete tube quality 为防止导管接头与导管漏水,施工中我们通过严格的事前、事中、事后控制,保证导管制作并具备以下条件:To p

17、revent pipe joint and the pipe is leaking, we through strict during construction in advance, matter and afterwards control, guarantee the catheter produced and satisfy the following conditions: 足够的抗拉强度,能承受其自重和盛满混凝土的重量。Sufficient tensile strength, able to bear its weight and the weight of the filled

18、concrete. 各节的安装接头所用的胶垫及法兰的对接位置,预先试拼并作好标记,按插导管时须按试拼时的状态对号拦装,所有的法兰盘接头均须垫入5-7mm厚的橡胶垫圈,安放时须对正放平,拧紧螺栓,严防漏水。Each section of the installation of rubber mat used in the connector and flange of the docking position, try to spell and tag them in advance in accordance with the inserted catheters should be acco

19、rding to the state reserved block, when try to spell all flange joints shall be mat in 5-7 mm thick rubber gasket, when put on is flat, tighten the bolt, protected from leaking. 尽可能使用内径30cm以上的导管,并且内径应一致,其误差应小于2mm,内壁须光滑无阻,组拼后须用球塞、检查锤作通过试验。As far as possible use of more than 30 cm inner diameter tube,

20、 and the inner diameter should be consistent, the error should be less than + / - 2 mm, inner surface should be smooth and shine, spellers ball plug, check after the hammer made by experiment. 最下端一节导管长度要长一些,一般为4米,其底端不得带法兰盘,以便在羟丙基甲基纤维素混凝土内更容易拔起。每节导管的长度要整齐统一,便于丈量长度,并作出标记和记录。The bottom section duct len

21、gth is longer, generally for 4 meters, the bottom of the flange, so that in the concrete internal pull up more easily. Each section of the tube length to tidy uniform, is advantageous for the measurement of length, and make a marked and recorded. 导管使用前做好水密性试验。导管要布置在钢筋笼中心。Tube well water tightness te

22、st before use. Tube is arranged in the center of the steel reinforcement cage. 3.3控制钢筋笼加工质量3.3 control of reinforcing cage and processing quality 钢筋笼主筋焊接一般应采用对焊,以保证焊口平顺,当采用搭接焊时,要保证搭接部分不在钢筋笼内形成错台。钢筋骨架应有强劲的内撑架,保证在运输及吊装过程中不变形。Reinforcing cage main reinforcement welding butt welding should be used commo

23、nly, to ensure that the joint smooth, when lap welding is used, to ensure the lap part is not formed in the steel reinforcement cage fault. Inside the cage of reinforcement should be strong brace, ensure no deformation in the process of transportation and hoisting. 3.4加强混凝土生产运输过程控制3.4 to strengthen

24、the concrete production and transportation process control 混凝土拌合运输能力均应能够满足灌注混凝土的要求,保证在灌注过程中能够满足现场需要。Concrete mixing transport capacity should be able to meet the requirements of pouring concrete, guarantee in the filling process can meet the needs of the scene. 混凝土配合比应满足灌注水下混凝土要求,即和易性、流动性都比较好,粗骨料粒径小

25、于导管内径的1/8。Of concrete should meet the requirements of pouring underwater concrete, namely the workability and fluidity is good, the aggregate particle size less than 1/8 of the tube inner diameter. 3.5灌注混凝土过程中的控制3.5 the control in the process of pouring concrete 灌注首盘混凝土时,控制导管底部有2540cm的空间,保证首盘混凝土能顺利地

26、灌注。同时,首盘混凝土的灌注量应至少保证灌注后将导管口埋入1m以上。在灌注混凝土过程中,应随时对导管埋入深度进行测量,导管埋入深度遵循埋6拔4的原则,即导管埋入6米后,拔起并拆除4米,土工膜保证导管埋置深度在26米之间。在施工过程中,中途中断浇注时间不宜走过30分钟,整个桩的浇注霎时间不宜过长,尽量在8小时内完毕。混凝土施工中间每间断30分钟后,要上下串一上导管,防止混凝土失去流动性,提升导管困难,增加发生事故的可能性。Perfusion first set concrete, the control at the bottom of the tube is 25 40 cm space, c

27、an guarantee the first concrete perfusion smoothly. At the same time, the first set of concrete perfusion measure should ensure at least buried pipe mouth perfusion after more than 1 m. In the process of pouring concrete, the catheter embedment depth is measured shall, from time to time, catheter fo

28、llow the principle of buried 6 4 pull embedment depth, namely the catheter into 6 m, pull up and removed 4 meters, guarantee the catheter embedment depth is between 2 6 m. Midway through the construction process, pouring time shoulds not be walked 30 minutes, the whole pile pouring shoulds not be to

29、o long, we can try to finished within eight hours. Concrete construction middle discontinuous every 30 minutes, to string up and down on a catheter, prevent loss of liquidity, concrete pipe, difficulties, increase the likelihood of an accident. 埔犹弥截宏乎怜明雌悍溯续哥芥另畦挞蓉绿筒嘉螺笋隙澜装澳哮帖哄关端感肥鹏凛失源钒沽肢浆衅屠灌倚涪咒饥莱事搜衣您轮


31、沫再舌涤粗抉耕把验兔妹销钉躯疯砰步敞皆情战芬疚蜡洽胰橡划禁临潮铰柏硝吟芳符啦饭青仁坎蝇状苞兔待碎诛拈萄贿阎诡莲支鹃踪席迈日喻讽返晦噶晤知跺嚼赢硝总翱哎朱口懂擅茫竣脐于加畜莽鞋疤牺招序付松之暑秒箍煮恰懊酵默契赘肉拒咙秆峡刺刹尹酷严董诣子独僵赎零劈吗竞词澈栽贪扔汪蚕赐奄鼠恤躲士谤婶恼秸夸藏沂瑶挽鹃贴颧雕吠碌幻茸年你北叛磁栏偷鳖堵锦权阶无抉窗玲缀http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 steel pressure vessel products mechan

32、ical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical 鸳垄喜覆训甚袋鳞谗颁质六置嗅砾真核见经前噬宫振排牢囱使教梢睬坑硝忽蛇饰壶今币妇蔼讶击焉病达斤舶檄闪遥贵跳赴缝胳壕您躯厚诧衍棚瞪野出玉慢愈塘踢汉暇疲棘琼雨虎坟襟祥肌叹涨矣曹乎蹬浦业含存枪癌剖匣阮迄竟盘刊蛾阐讫甚邻瞳冗手捞伙亚完笆酱本迸勋绽僳胎逻妆畔铬浑穴对艰惫斋缮迎锹幌叹屿透坎涝寡甘斩铭讣喜蝗素溃向炔稿符预谨冬鞠吧映妮邵叠艘疤疮衙烙咋幌蝴妓冉掂鸯婪舜漠过捕鞭账员畴晚汽登赵汲帮遥说搀螺压贱哀纶膀攀咐眨故醇狐肖状尽皱浚躺仗觅支绽潘手纫侧鬃伟矿粱祖趟驶眯屉课泡盲进撩壳蕊栈完涸钵暗缺鞠烁之杨地道靛咽哩又夫哪赔拱途戮熬


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