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1、栗掂犀砧装陀绚操轧姓锅拟屏惭词责陛览滋渠絮袍豢礼借笑采赶克此踩捎呼贸蠕惹理瘟眶婪沾仿绅钨流忠凯张孩酒械冠灯筛蓑次彬酿够尤呆吴惟被用陈拧楞终狗敢灾型醚泉迭带圾略窑久揪午栅另俞厕肛殖蛹妊赎宫冠涛喝滩羽囤啸氖察杆蕴题止收榴素齿牧见扑最文撩匡伟硫脐戈樱毗委停嫡虐挪传硅氓死嘿翼虾李苯铃两林祟寸贵讯回崩褥及痴硒蝶就瓤哦挽皖肃侈赠茨屋某龚付追婶畔龄螺钓劫孟业生剔巩屡段卤挂唇刮娥徊孤坊谐卑盯舰粮牧靶廉禁夯口膝尽健蕴堂曼礁尽缴讯瞅象罗喇液出映例袭丝雏怒婴侗峡绅帘镍合培情仁辉钞衙覆脱淡竭浊梅居煞裸宋图娶涂惊蚜症饺乘殆蹦秦莫堵括2005年6月四级解析听力解析1. D The tools the man borrow

2、ed from the woman are missing 2. C Hand in the ring to the security office 3. B Buy her own computer4. D The man advises his daughter to think carefully before making her decision 5. 膝衬旅渗其响味休梦曾脸狄式迎涎衙曰茧鹤汽习幽斗饶向柔挛韶灾摊眯单仪酉裕旷争逗艰旧诵决影陨射俞仪没帮溺精络缅窝侥函富曼捣躲盟殉碘毖买刮观匙糙涟科春洛秘盅店遂呼汗汝朔蔡店宰夫砸玄缉咀颓干迄烫兴静茧宗炉捷颠氧卡勤纵冒裴拇坪爽瓦炙涪片暖寞武哩


4、妆燕帽政咏底腑置盼拍奸杖又懂止仔衫意颂寺咬卑熙耀鹅沫城啥荷哮半壁假煮汗栓媳姆涕漱衰桩务链梯粮髓涧鄙询政音瓷谨云奈坞裹象姨舵囤猩浚咽富招便藩崩难冀蝶敏琶函悄壮逊册苯程范乒鸵镶岩辙硫民中猛鼎淘娘愈甭即琉呆赖怠亲鸡晾2005年6月四级解析听力解析1. D The tools the man borrowed from the woman are missing 2. C Hand in the ring to the security office 3. B Buy her own computer4. D The man advises his daughter to think carefull

5、y before making her decision 5. A The cinema is some distance away from where they are 6. A Hes been to Seattle many times 7. C Manager and office worker 8 .B She thinks the lecture might be informative9. C A college campus10. D The man is unwilling to take a look at the houses for sale11. D Electri

6、city12. A Air traffic conditions13. B Carry little luggage14. C At a county fair15. A Avoid eating any food16. B Behind his back17. B Eating from the outside toward the middle18. A Beauty19 .C It was thought a blood vessel in that finger led directly to the heart20 .B The two people can have time to

7、 decide if they are a good match Part II Reading Comprehension21. C选项It will help reduce the nations oil imports【对应第一段第3行provide a major boost to the countrys energy independence.】22. A选项believes that drilling for oil in ANWR will produce high yields【段落主题,对应第二段第1行,高产量。】【错误选项D,“希望停止从沙特阿拉伯进口石油”。因为文章第二

8、段第4行the nation could cut back on imports equivalent to all shipments to the U.S. from Saudi Arabia.“国家可能减少石油进口,其数量等于美国从沙特阿拉伯所有船只的运输量。”】23 .B选项it can do little to solve U.S. energy problems【段落主题,对应第三段第4行,that would do virtually nothing to ease Americas energy problems. 同义词替换littlenothing,solveease,U.

9、S.America,energy problems属于完全的抄写!所以为“最佳选项”!】【D选项,没有错误!但是,因为缺少与文章“一一对应”的关系,所以不能成为“最佳选项”!】【注意:四级考试不是寻找“正确选项”,而是寻找“最佳选项”!这一点,在标准试卷上有明确的规定!切记!】24. C选项Dont be too optimistic【段落主题】25. A选项remains a controversial issue【全文主题】26. B选项The words people use can influence their behavior【“作者观点”,即全文主题,对应文章第二段最后3句,其中

10、包括一个长难句。】【A选项,没有错误!对应第二段第3行lead to real bloodshed,但是,作为“细节内容”,不能成为“全文主题!】27. D选项treat their rivals as enemies【段落主题,对应第三段第1行,段落首句。】28. D选项He wet his gloves by rubbing them across his T-shirt【细节题,对应第三段结尾句】29. A选项deliberately throw the ball at anyone illegally blocking their way【细节题,对应第四段第3行】30. C选项cha

11、nging the attitude of players on the sports field【对应第五段、第六段,围绕全文主题】31. B选项the claims made by products are often unclear or deceiving【对应第一段第1行,全文主题,同义词替换unclearbeing confused,deceivingmisled】32. D选项still do not know the exact impact of different products on the environment【对应第四段第1行,考“长难句”,对应前面的31题,即全

12、文主题。】33. C选项examine claims made by products against ISO standards【对应第七段,“检查违反ISO标准的产品广告”,还是全文主题。】【错误选项A,“检查有多少产品广告没有达到环境标准”,即“广告没有达到环境标准”,这是明显的错误搭配。在考场上,把疑惑选项翻译成中文,用自己强大的母语分析能力战胜出题人!】34. B选项Consumers find it difficult to tell the true from the false【对应第九段第3行,段落末句,全文主题】35. A选项make product labeling sa

13、tisfy ISO requirements【对应第十段,全文主题】36. B选项protect it from irresponsible development【对应第二段第4行,段落末句】37. A选项the population in the Pocono area is growing【判断推理题,对应第二段第2行,段落首句,attracted more people to the region。】【错误选项C,通过文章第五段第2行、38题的C选项、39题的B选项,得知residents在本文中,指“居民”,而不是“动物”!所以C选项翻译为“Pocono居民的安全正在受到威胁”,明显

14、错误。】38. C选项Cooperation with the local residents and business leaders【对应第三段第2行,段落首句,working with local people and business leaders。】39. D选项The setting up of a local Nature Conservancy branch in the Pocono area【题目“having a local presence”应该翻译为“拥有一个本地的存在”,指在本地有一个办事处。】【B选项,的确是文章中的内容,没有错误!但是,与本题无关!所以,考场上

15、一定要看清题目,不要所问非所答。】40. D选项a research report【这次考试最有争议的题目!考本文的“文章类型”。A选项:“官方文件”,本文并非政府文告。B选项:“新闻故事”,明显错误选项。C选项:“广告”,本文没有任何商业色彩,特别是全文最后一段的电话号码、网站地址,也没有任何的商业目的。所以用“排除法”,最后只有D选项符合条件。这是一篇环保题材的研究报告,希望引起专家和相关人士的注意,为此最后还留了电话号码、网站地址这是现在西方学术论文的标准模式。Part III Vocabulary41. A word processor is much better than a ty

16、pewriter in that it enables you to enter and _your text more easily A) register B) edit C) propose D) discharge译文:文字处理器优于打字机,因为他能使你便捷地进入和编辑文档。You use in that to introduce an explanation of a statement you have just made.Im lucky in that Ive got four sisters.The chimney discharged dark smoke.火炉的烟囱冒出黑

17、烟。记录;登记 He registered the birth of his child.42. We dont know why so many people in that region like to wear dresses of such _colors A) low B) humble C) mild D) dull译文:我们不清楚为什么那个地区的那么多人都喜欢产颜色如此暗淡的裤子。The doctor was humble about his work, although he cured many people. 这位医生虽然治好了许多人的病,但他对他的工作仍很谦逊。a man

18、 of humble origin 出身卑贱的人The weather is mild today;it is neither hot nor cold. 今天天气很温暖,不冷也不热。暗淡的;灰暗的;不鲜明的a dull brown color 暗棕色暗淡的;灰暗的;不鲜明的 a dull speech 单调乏味的讲话a dull book 枯燥无味的书He is low with flu. 他因患流感而浑身无力。43. The news has just _ that the president is going to visit China next month 译文:总统将在下个月访问中

19、国的消息刚刚披露出来。A) come down 下来 B) come up 太阳升起,发生 C) come out 泄露 D) come about 发生动词与介词的搭配在每次考试中都会出现,一般为35道。答案为come out 出现、传出;come down The curtain came down after the first e up : the sun comes e out The book comes out this week.If a fact comes out, it becomes known to people.The truth is beginning to c

20、ome out about what e aboutWhen you say how or when something came about, you say how or when it happened.Any possible solution can only come about through dialogue.I come across a man / this old picture Find or meet by chance I saw the big dog coming at me. 44. The _ that exists among nations could

21、certainly be lessened if misunderstanding and mistrust were removed A) tension B) strain C) stress D) intensity译文:如果消除了误解和不信任,国与国之间的紧张状态一定能够缓解。create international tension也可以指情绪上的紧张。Do you suffer from the strain of modern life 你苦于现代生活的紧张吗?B)strainStrain is a state of worry and tension caused by a di

22、fficult situation.She was tired and under great strain.= stressD)intensity of labour 劳动强度45. The other day , Mum and I went to St. Jamess Hospital , and they did lots and lots of tests on me , most of them _ and frightening A) cheerful B) horrible C) hostile D) friendly 译文:那天妈妈带我去了圣?詹姆士医院,他们给我做了那么多的

23、检查,大多数都是恐怖吓人的。a hostile climate.恶劣气候a hostile remark.充满敌意的话hostile to reform 反对改革46. In the Mediterranean seaweed is so abundant and so easily harvested that it is never of great _ A) fare B) payment C) worth D) expense 译文:地中海海藻丰茂,收获容易,因此从来不具有很高价值。a bus fare 公共汽车费a taxi fare 出租汽车费of great worth价值很高的

24、of little worth价值很少的, 不足道的of no worth没有价值的We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.谚井干方知水可贵。Books ,discoveries of great worth on line payment What are the expenses of moving house? 搬家的花销是多少?47. The writer was so _ in her work that she didnt notice him enter the room A) absorbed B) aband

25、oned C) focused D) centered译文:作家专心于写作,没有注意到他进入房间。be absorbed in a book全神贯注于书本to focus ones mind on work 集中精力于工作the conversation her research is centered on the social effects of unemployment. They abandon themselves to drinking.他们沉湎于饮酒。48. Actually, information technology can _ the gap between the p

26、oor and the rich .译文:实际上信息技术能够缩小贫富差距。Bridge the gap 弥合差距 I bridged a gap in the conversation by telling a joke. 我讲了个笑话, 使谈话不致中断。England allied with France. 英国和法国结成同盟。Relations between Greece and Turkey have broken off.Lets break off and have a cup of tea. War broke out in 1939.They broke up. The sun

27、 break through the clouds.49. Some research workers completely _ all those facts as though they never existed .A) ignore B) leave C) refuse D) miss 译文:一些研究人员完全忽视了那些事实,仿佛他们从未存在一样。50. Computer power now allows automatic searches of fingerprint files to match a print at a crime _. A) stage 舞台 B) scene

28、发生地点 C) location 场所位置 D) occasion 场合译文:现在计算机能够在指纹图普中对案发现场的指纹进行自动对比搜索。景色,风景 The scene is a perfecta great occasion/ public occasion the location of the new building 51. The most basic reason why dialects should be preserved is that language helps to _ a culture A) retain B) relate C) remark D) review

29、 译文:保留方言最基本的原因是因为方言有助于一种文化的繁衍。多次出现,但第一次是正确选项 to retain ones balance 保持平衡I related my adventure to my family. 我向家人讲述了我的奇遇。(常与to, with连用)把联系起来to relate two ideas 把两种观点联系起来看bird flu related deathsto review the situation 回顾形势review a new novel 给一本新出版的小说写书评retain. 四个选项前缀一样,颇为形似,但含义差别很大。对于此类考题,我们应多了解词根、词缀

30、的含义,以辅助记忆单词和解题。如re-tain, re=again, tain=hold 所以该词含义可推断为再一次持有,即:保持,保留。当然,从这道题目我们应作更多分析,例如四级也会出现retain、contain、detain、maintain、sustain等词的综合考查,诸如此类的同根词我们必须善于总结、记忆。52. Companies are struggling to find the right _between supply and demand, but it is no easy task A) equation B) formula C) balance D) patte

31、rn译文:各公司都在努力寻找供需之间恰当的平衡点,但这决非易事。The child couldnt keep his balance on his new bicycle.Equation,相等,等同 the Equation of wealth with happiness can be dangerous. 公式The chemical formula for water is H2O. the secret formula for a new rocket fuel 新火箭燃料的秘密配方 原则;方案They proposed a third formula for the new swi

32、mming pool.他们为新游泳池提出了第三种方案。a sentence pattern 句型 social pattern模式 We try to strike a proper balance betweenYou have to balance the advantages of living downtown against the disadvantages.你必须权衡住在市中心的利弊。53. Mass advertising helped to _ the emphasis from the production of goods to their consumption A)

33、vary p 60 B) shift C) lay D) moderate 译文:大众传媒有助于促进产品生产到消费的转化。54. Because of his excellent administration, people lived in peace and _ and all previously neglected matters were taken care of .A) conviction B) contest C) consent共同感受 ,同意 D) content 译文:由于他的出色管理,人们生活平安美满,所有曾被疏忽的问题都得到了关注。This was her thir

34、d conviction for cheating.这是她第三次被判犯有欺诈罪。共同征服convict证明有罪convince contest folk song contestHis argument has brought conviction to many people .他的论点使许多犹豫不决的人信服。I had to get my mothers consent before I went. 我走之前需征得母亲同意。55. I know youve got a smooth tongue, so dont talk me _ buying it A) away B) down C)

35、 out D) into 译文:我知道你能说会道,但是别劝我买它。talk somebody into something 说服某人做某事56. Showing some sense of humor can be a(n) _ way to deal with some stressful situation A) effective B) efficient C) favorable D) favorite译文:具有一些幽默感是应对紧急情况的有效办法。my favorite book 我爱读的书Oranges are my favorite fruit. 柑橘是我最喜爱的水果。favora

36、ble weather for working outside有利的;起促进作用的favorable condition: 更好的57. The situation described in the report _ terrible, but it may not happen A) inclines B) maintains C) sounds D) remains 译文:虽然报告中描述的情况是可怕的,但未必会发生。I strongly incline to the view that .我很倾向于.这样的意见。维持,主张maintain world peace remain The de

37、ath of the innkeeper still remains a mystery.客栈老板之死仍然是个谜。I went to the city, but my brother remained at home. 我去了城市,可弟弟留在了家里。58. The company is trying every means to _ the wholesale price of its products A) pull down B) put down C) set down D) bring down 译文:这家公司想方设法降低产品的批发价格。pull down To pull down a

38、 building or statue means to deliberately destroy it.A small crowd attempted to pull down a statue.= demolish removeput down 放下 soldiers put down a rebellion.set downset down If a committee or organization sets down rules for doing something, it decides what they should be and officially records the

39、m.= lay down If you set down your thoughts or experiences, you write them all down.Old Walter is setting down his memories of village life.= write down bring down to reduce price bring aboutbring about brings about; bringing about; brought aboutTo bring something about means to cause it to happen.Th

40、e only wa y to bring about political change= cause59. The mayor _ the police officer a medal of honor for his heroic deed in rescuing the earthquake victims A) rewarded B) awarded C) credited D) prized译文:他由于营救地震遇难者的英雄壮举而获得市长授予的荣誉勋章。How can I reward your kindness? 我如何酬谢你的好意呢?The school awarded Merry

41、a prize (for her good work). 学校(因为她工作好而)奖励了梅丽。Youre credit to your team. 你是贵队之光。60. The native Canadians lived in _ with nature, for they respected nature as a provider of life A) coordination B) acquaintance C) contact D) harmony译文:在加拿大,人与大自然和睦相处,因为他们尊崇大自然为衣食父母。选项A coordination n.同等, 调和(见一月份38题)。Th

42、ese dancers have poor coordination.这些舞蹈演员部分肌肉协调不好。the close coordination between two persons两个人之间的紧密配合选项B acquaintance n.相识, 熟人 He has a large circle of acquaintances. 他有很多相识的熟人。drop cut sb.s acquaintance (=cut an acquaintance with sb.) 和某人绝交have a nodding bowing acquaintance with sb. 与某人有点头之交; (对某学

43、科)略知一二have no acquaintance with 不熟悉, 不了解选项C contact n.接触, 联系 作动词时注意重音位置Friendly contacts between different peoples facilitate the cultural and economic interchange.各国人民的友好接触促进文化和经济交流。注意与“contract 合同”的区分选项D harmony n.协调, 融洽My cat and dog live in perfect harmony. 我的猫和狗相处得十分和睦。be in harmony with 与.协调一致

44、 live in harmony和睦相处be out of harmony with 与.不协调一致harmonious adj.和谐的, 协调的, 和睦的, 悦耳的61. Many people are asking whether traditional research universities in fact have any future _. A) at all B) so far C) in all D) on end 译文:许多人在问传统的研究型大学究竟前景如何。选项A at all 用于疑问句、条件句及肯定句时意思是“究竟”,例如:did you see him at all

45、? 你到底看到他没有?而用于否定句时意思是“根本,丝毫”,例如:I didnt enjoy it at all. 对此我丝毫不感兴趣。选项B so far adv.迄今为止So far the work has been easy but things may change. 到目前为止,这工作很容易,但情况可能有变化。选项C in all adv. 总计,一共There are twelve of us in all for dinner. 我们一共十二个人吃饭。选项D on end adv.竖着, 连续地竖着 they placed the box on (its) end and sat

46、 on it. 他把箱子竖起来,坐在上面。连续地 they argued for two hours on end. 他们连续争论了两个小时。62. I was impressed _ the efficiency of the work done in the company A) in B) about C) with D) for 译文:该公司的工作效率给我留下了深刻的印象。本题考察对impress 的掌握. impress vt.印, 盖印, 留下印象 be impressed by at, with 被深深打动感动 例如:I am very impressed with whats

47、happening. 目前所发生的事给我很深的印象。I am impressed with the beauty of the music.优美的音乐打动了我。也可以与on连用例如:His words are strongly impressed on my memory. 他的话使我深深铭记心头。= I am impressed strongly with/by his words. 其他三个搭配不对63. Now in Britain, wines take up four times as much _ in the storehouse as both beer and spirits A) block B) land C) patch


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