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1、强化训练: 非谓语动词短语和 强调结构等专练,根据汉语提示完成英文句子, 或用所给词的适合形式填空。 用非谓语动词短语 1. In the morning, we bicycled to the suburbs to plant trees, _ _(一路上有说有笑).,talking and laughing all the way,2. At about 1 o-clock this afternoon, Tracy called, _ _说他明天上午不能在咖啡屋(Bolton Coffee)同你见面 as she has something important to attend to.

2、,saying that she couldnt meet you at Bolton Coffee tomorrow morning,3. _ _(参加英语演讲比赛)is a helpful way to learn English. 4. Our parents are checking our bags or diaries _ _(是为了确定我们没有卷入任何麻烦事).,to make sure were not getting into any trouble,Taking part in English speech competition,5. _(被他的话所感动), I prai

3、sed him for his deeds and decided to sing _ (名叫“母亲”的一首歌) for the students.,Moved by his words,a song named “Mother”,6._(直到19世纪末才) shooting earned its status as a sport. 7. We should be thankful to our parents _(因为是他们把我们带到这个世界).,because it was they that brought us into this world,It was not until at

4、the end of 19th century that,用强调结构或倒装句式,8. Everyone knows that we are busy all day. Seldom _ _(我们知道国内外正在发生什么). 9. _(只有用这种方法我才能)gain more confidence. 用倒装句式,Only in this way can I,do we know what is happening both at home and abroad,10. _(只因为他有病了)did he not come to school. 11. _(只有那时, 我才认识到)that I had

5、 been wrong.,Only then did I realize,Only because he was ill,it句型 根据中文提示完成下列句子。 12. For the two reasons mentioned above, _(就不足为奇了)I have such a strong enthusiasm on the group dancing competition.,it is no surprise that,13. As I am away from my parents, _(对我来说有必学会)to live on my own. 14. _ (众所周知) some

6、 students cheat in examinations at school.,It is known to us all that,it is necessary for me to learn,15. As we haven t mastered enough English words, sometimes we may _(觉得困难) to follow the teacher.,find it difficult,16. I think _ _(在考试中作弊是错误的)because it breaks the rules of school.,it (is) wrong to cheat in examinations,


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