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1、1,Case Grammar,-A semantic analysis of sentences,2,Outline,1.The Propose of the Theory 2.Traditional Grammar & Case Grammar 3.Semantic Case 4.Deep Case Frame 5.Reference,3,1.The Propose of the Theory,In 1968, in Charles J. Fillmores article The Case for Case . Case Grammar is an important part of ge

2、nerative semantics. It is the development of Chomskys transformational generative grammar.,4,2.Traditional Grammar & Case Grammar,一提到语法,传统语法的句子成份分析:主语,谓语,宾语,补语,定语,状语。 该分析方法是对句子的表层结构的分析。(Surface Structure Level) E.g.:Mary likes apples.,5,2.Traditional Grammar & Case Grammar,格语法: 从语义的角度出发,即从句子的深层结构来研究

3、句子的结构的。(Deep Structure Level) 着重探讨句法结构与语义之间关系的一种语法理论和语义学理论。 E.g.: 1.John broke the window with a hammer. 2. A hammer broke the window. 3.The window broke.,6,3.Semantic Case,所有的语言都有表示深层结构的语义格 这些格是由NP 在句子中所起的作用来决定的: 1.Agent(执动格)(animate actor) 2.Instrument (工具格)(inanimate cause) 3.Experiencer (受格)(ani

4、mate receiver) 4.Object (宾格)(the thing manipulated),7,3.Semantic Case,5.Location (方位格) 6.Benefactive (受益格) 7.Result (使成格) 8.Goal (终点格) 9.Source (起点格) 10.Time (时间格),8,3.1 Agent (执动格),a. 有生命的 b. 是动作的执行者 c. 是有意识的动作执行者 E.g.: John opened the door with a key. The boy smashed the window with a stone. The c

5、ouple were shot by their own son.,9,3.2 Instrument (工具格),是无生命的东西 执动者用它来执行某一动作或达到某一目的 在无执动格的句中方可作主语 E.g.: a. The knife cut my finger. Lets contact by phone. b. The loss of blood killed the man. The idea scared himself.,10,3.3 Experiencer (受格),有生命的 动作的接受者 在一定条件下处于某种状态或有某种经历的人或物 E.g.: John scared Mary.

6、 Many people died of hunger in Africa. Peter likes music.,like, love, enjoy, believe, appreciate, experience, etc.,11,3.4 Object/ Objective(宾格),无生命的 动作的接受者 在一定条件下处于某种状态的事物 E.g.: He picked some tulip from the garden. The bell rang and the class was over. The tree fell down in the storm.,12,3.5 Locati

7、on (方位格),表面看来,只要是表地点的就是方位格 既可在主语的位置上也可在状语的位置上 E.g.: Beijing is windy in spring. Its windy in Beijing in spring. 表层结构中的地点状语并不都是深层结构中的方位格。 E.g.: John flied to London yesterday.,13,3.8&9 Goal & Source,The bottle fell off the table. John run out of the door into the street. Our soldiers fell on the enem

8、ies like tigers.,14,3.6 Benefactive (受益格),有生命的人或物 句中动词动作的受益者或受害者 E.g.: He made a toy for his son. Her sharp words hurt Tom deeply. E.g.: He washes the dishes for Mary. 终点格?受格?受益格?,争议颇多,15,3.7 Result (使成格),由某一动作或状态所产生的结果 绝大多数下是无生命的 E.g.: John ruined the table. (宾格) John built the table. (使成格) 桌子是“制造”

9、这一动作产生的结果,而不是“毁坏”这一动作的直接结果。,16,3.7 Result (使成格),动词paint, complete, produce, manufacture等的宾语常是使成格。 NOTE: The door was painted white.(方位格) This painting was painted in 18th century.(使成格),17,3.10Semantic Case,Fillmore: 每一个在深层结构中一般都与某个或几个介词相连接,经过一定的转型才形成表层结构。 在表层结构中,有的格保存了与之相连的介词,但有的却隐去了介词。 需注意的是:无论是哪一格

10、,当其处于表层结构的主语或宾语位置时,与其相连的介词必须隐去。,18,3.10 Semantic Case,Agent by Instrument with/ by Experiencer to Object Location in/ at Bebefactive for Result Source from Goal to/ toward,19,3.11 Subjectivalization 主语化,工具格的主语化: E.g.: Peter opened the door with a key. (With) The key opened the door. 方位格的主语化: E.g.: J

11、ohn(执动格) smeared paint (工具格)on the wall.(方位格) John smeared the wall with paint.,20,4 Deep Case Frame,John opened the door with a key. (A) (O) (I) OPEN 的深层框架结构: Open:【_AOI】 框架中的_表示任何可以适合这个框架的动词,此框架还适用于break,smash,etc.,动词的深层框格,21,4 Deep Case Frame,Tommy enjoyed the film very much. (E) (O) 我们得出框架: 【_EO】 这个格框架适合表示心理,生理状态或动作的动词:enjoy,like,love,appreciate,believe,hear,see,etc.,22,5 Reference,伍谦光,1985, 【J】当代语义学理论与英语词汇教学,现代外语(27); 李曼钰,1991,格的语法述评,【J】湖南大学学报(18,5),23,Thank you(*_*),


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