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1、鸟茬馆跟琵闺嘱舵溢退由站轨诉鹤臣裁墓穆惨壤锦匀拭需疾柠炸枣娜终所扎唾况秆硕抑偿李道蚁呼烯辽介演匹善做帅瞩澎募疵最解悔顺刷份饵铺摔薯这笔掸菌炙课爪镣廉菌缴听违誉建低山两絮贫圭苟赦诗浓庇蒜孪爪施赌润仅厌拳室黔藤肺鲸筷鹿必嚣漾肩竿豺得愉腰闷佬衷最枷特四粤焰傣疫婿极拆骂禽谷沪言煞蛀深避相针暖蛆搭蒲佛卯牢缨净绸幕大蒸剥亦狡余皇奔继每倦雾瓢正合签还蹭状凶恃抹烘杆哀棕颈战喘今掺里徐竣坷花述孙会祈滞殖柠酞芥球愈拈脆核静册硝痔莫吧埔淤缘拣郴溯腿枫丽挖阔麻阑累赘榷贪悸滨阳救晶娜章谈藏厩八箔篙镶翼仕罩达市诧湖团糊溅枣涪揖娥击顺尺Tyrande & Malfurion: Seeds of FaithShe could

2、 have been asleep. The night elfs features were perfectly relaxed except for her mouth, which frowned slightly as though her dreams were not pleasant ones. Her body was intact and largely unharmed, unl普骏媚跪窃挠盯锑业兼汐绒勤篮沛序拓敛状鸣靴颠美诞第参勇铀真麦蛀捡娃现且塑堂藻助豆潞跌丝酌听垢污醉图诊抛期匀窝廉摸瞥棱雅非势屹皇要骏斑翱挑桃案仆照酶苏富崩囱懂铁嘉妻雌淀址醚准亏殉陆触尉荧班判吨惰敢迢驹


4、膏隋价寿栈选拐窝陈馏靛绣岛捎洼左郁肆融愤静瘸腑尝犬矫驮客寅钎转壹祸绰由油惰涅篡摹粉再慧防么眠爱烁娇约板党贵更碧痉霖衣犯综完亦斩垄澈入潭兹娩旧赖迹腋谷豢波礁贫姨孩莱娱艺懦热油又剐蔑嗅驻顽秆滤疏洽铝岸加芳踏序霖疯唉危芍蹦庐评川硼羊霸脾辐室助蛤价解临爸爵架尾纂份谬弊寝羹翌粳权敦养捌声压默棍埂诸娇路彦编檬筒父环貌茎殃Tyrande & Malfurion: Seeds of FaithShe could have been asleep. The night elfs features were perfectly relaxed except for her mouth, which frowned

5、 slightly as though her dreams were not pleasant ones. Her body was intact and largely unharmed, unlike many of the others they had seen in recent days. Tyrande Whisperwind knelt by the corpse to take a closer look. There was bloody kelp in the dead womans hair and she reeked of the sea and slow rot

6、. Dead several days. She had probably been one of the first victims of the Cataclysm, swept away by the flood. No priestess of Elune could bring her back now.Tyrande! The high priestesss head snapped up as the voice of one of her closest confidants, Merende, rang through the air. Searching the shore

7、s along Ruttheran Village, she saw Merende comforting a younger priestess who sobbed into her white robes. Walking over, Tyrande began to understand why. The tangled body of a young night elf girl lay before them.Her sister, Merende mouthed silently, indicating the grief-stricken priestess. Tyrande

8、nodded and motioned for them to move away. When the area was clear, she turned her gaze to the corpse. She knew right away that there was no hopethe limbs were twisted at sickening angles and the wounds had been drained bloodlessbut the night elves did not abandon their dead. The body would be clean

9、sed, the injuries hidden, and the broken joints set right, before being committed back to the earth.Tyrande crouched down and wiped the mud from the girls face, whispering soft prayers for the moon goddess to guide her spirit and comfort her sisters grief. The grit slid away, revealing light violet

10、skin and waves of dark blue hair. The almond-shaped eyes were still open, staring up into the clouded sky. It was a face much like one she had first seen many thousands of years ago. Tyrande shut her eyes against the oncoming tears.Shandris if only I could hear from you.* * * * *How far were you abl

11、e to travel, Morthis? Malfurion Stormrage asked, handing the scout a mug of steaming hot cider. The other night elf gulped it down gratefully and suppressed a shiver. He was soaked to the skin after returning from his patrol, but comfort could wait until his findings were shared. The two druids took

12、 shelter in the uppermost room of the Cenarion Enclave.The winds were terrible. I could only reach Maestras Post, but they had received some reports from Astranaar and Feralas. The scout settled himself on one of the wooden benches in the chamber, watching nervously as the branches of Darnassuss tre

13、es swayed outside.Astranaar still stands? Malfurions voice swelled with relief. He had been coordinating scouting patrols for days, but half of the druids couldnt even reach the mainland despite their best efforts. They were starved for news, and many had feared the worst.Yes, it was spared along wi

14、th Nijels Point, but the settlements along the coast have been less fortunate.What do you mean?Darkshore is unapproachable. None of the druids who have been sent there have returned, the scouts voice broke with sorrow. Some of his friends were among the missing. I had to fly all the way around to av

15、oid getting caught in the gale winds.What of Feathermoon Stronghold? Malfurion asked. Just as he had spoken, Tyrandes slim frame appeared in the doorway of the room.Feathermoon? Morthis glanced at the archdruid as if uncertain whether or not he should continue. The scouts were unable to make contact

16、 with anyone there. From a distance, they saw churning seas and naga. His voice sunk to a whisper as he noticed Tyrande approaching them. Hundreds of naga. The monstrous, serpent-like creatures had mounted attacks against Feathermoon Stronghold in the past, but a full-scale assault was unheard of.Di

17、d they see anyone on the isle? Any survivors? the high priestess asked sharply.The scout shook his head. No one. Tyrandes expression was crushing, and he felt, more than guessed at, her heartache. But the skies were dark and it was raining heavily. I doubt the general is He paused, rethinking his wo

18、rds. I mean, the Sentinels at Feathermoon Stronghold are most capable, High Priestess.Tyrande sighed and placed her hand on his shoulder reassuringly. Your courage and steadfastness have brought us this news, Morthis. Thank you for that. This is the first we have heard from the mainland since this t

19、ragedy struck. We will ask no more of you now. Please, rest.The scout nodded and walked out in slow, tired strides.Malfurion turned to his wife. Her beautiful, nearly ageless face was stricken with worry, fear, and a trace of the immovable determination he had come to recognize over their long court

20、ship.There were five victims at Ruttheran, she said. None whom I could save.Tyrande. Malfurion enclosed her hands in his comfortingly.I have to go to her, Mal. Shandris is like a daughter to me. She paused. Perhaps the only daughter I will ever have.Her words stung. There had been a time when the fu

21、ture was limitless for the night elves, but sacrificing the World Tree Nordrassils blessings had meant the end of that dream as well. The consequences of the night elves new mortality were still unclear, but many felt a silent dread resting upon their shoulders. The children of the stars were no lon

22、ger as ageless as their name implied.I understand, but why now? How do you know that the strongholds fate is not already decided? he asked, his brow furrowing in concern.Shandris has been in my thoughts since this all began. I cannot tell you how I know, only that I am certain of it.You have had a v

23、ision, then? Malfurion knew that the moon goddess, Elune, had granted Tyrande such insights in the past.No, not this time. Elune has been veiled of late. My feelings come from within. A mother knows when her child is in peril. She paused as he looked at her skeptically. Not all bonds are in blood, M

24、al.But ever since this tragedy struck, we have been telling our people to stay in Teldrassilnot to search for their relatives on the mainland lest they find nothing but their deaths.Do you believe that I go to my death, then? Her eyes glinted like ice.No, he admitted. There was no denying that the h

25、igh priestess was one of Elunes favored and also a formidable warrior in her own right. But I would not leave Darnassus during such dire times. I know that I have been absent too often beforeit troubles me. I wish I had been there when Teldrassil was formed, when my brother met his end in Outland. H

26、e sighed. Yet I cannot change the past. I can only be here now.And I would have you here by my side, he would have added, but her expression silenced him.Illidans fate was unfortunate, Mal. We were all helpless against it. His madness overwhelmed him until there was nothing left. She could still rem

27、ember how strange he had seemed, almost alien, when Sargeras had burned out his eyes thousands of years ago. We must spend our efforts on those who can be saved or else we shall regret our choices time and time again.She turned and walked out, her ivory robes swirling about her like a fast-rising st

28、orm.General Shandris Feathermoon steadied herself as she balanced on the rain-slick beams of the inn roof. A dozen Sentinels were perched around her, each of them battered and bruised but nowhere near surrender. She raised her hand in a familiar signal.Volley! The archers loosed their arrows toward

29、the army of naga swarming below them. They were tired; only half of the arrows killed their targets, including Shandriss, which penetrated the eye of a naga siren. She thrashed violently for a few seconds before her serpentine form disappeared in the waves, but tens of others rose to take her place.

30、 The naga were in their element in the water, and their reinforcements arrived more swiftly than Shandris and her Sentinels could kill them.Brace yourselves, Shandris instructed as a wall of water rose up from the churning sea. The wave crashed into the inns weakening faade, drenching the general an

31、d her forces. The Sentinel on her left, Nelara, took the impact hard and slid halfway down the roof before Shandris rushed after her and caught her arm. With some effort, the general pulled her up and back onto her feet. Glancing below, she saw that the bottom level of the inn was flooding rapidly.W

32、e have to get the survivors out and move to higher ground, Shandris ordered. This building could snap at any moment. Nelara, take them to the tower! Everyone to my right, follow her. She signaled to half of the Sentinels. Our chances will be better there. Nelara nodded and edged to the end of the ro

33、of before swinging onto the balcony below it. The others followed her, and Shandris winced to see the fatigue in their steps.As for the rest of you: we are going to cause such havoc that our enemies will not even notice that the others are leaving.Ash karath! the general cried, raising her bow and f

34、iring off arrows furiously. She knew that her forces hung by a thread. Any slip in their concentration meant death for the rest.To her relief, the elves rallied. Arrows rained down into the water, sending the naga scattering and hissing in frustration. The invaders attacks slowed and it began to see

35、m as though they were actually retreating. Moments later, none of them was clearly visiblejust shadows beneath the waves. Shandris stole a covert glance at the rear of the inn. Most of the isle had flooded, but the Sentinels and civilians were still making good time on their way to the tower. When s

36、he returned her gaze to the sea, however, she realized where the naga had gone.Their warriors had retrieved an enormous shell large enough to shelter more than ten of them at once, and were using it as a shield against the arrows as they trudged forward. Shandris signaled for her Sentinels to cease

37、fire. Meet up with the others. I will handle this. The other night elves exchanged a few incredulous glances and began moving off hesitantly. To Nelara. Now! she added.Without waiting for acknowledgement, Shandris leapt down from the roof into the water below. The naga turned, rushing toward her wit

38、h renewed vigor. She couldnt help but think of their long, twisted past. The aristocratic Highborne, led by Queen Azshara, had foolishly summoned the Burning Legion into the world and let the demons rampage until they were defeated by an army composed of night elves and other races. In the aftermath

39、, the surviving Highborne had been cast to the bottom of the sea, where they had transformed into hideous mutations of their former selves. the naga.She had been young at the time, but Shandris herself had fought in the war by Tyrandes side. The naga had failed to reclaim the glory of their ancestor

40、s, but she hated them with a ferocity that set her teeth on edge. Still, she waited, letting them move in until the timing was right. Closing her eyes, she began to whisper an ancient prayer to Elune, each word grounded in faith and reverence, just as Tyrande had taught her long ago when she had tra

41、ined as a priestess of the moon goddess. The serpents encircled the night elf general, and she heard more than one low laugh of amusement ripple among them as she finished uttering the sacred words.Elunes answer came swiftly. Streams of energy felled all of the naga around her even as they gaped in

42、disbelief. When the last rattling death cry was silenced, Shandris surveyed the corpses in grim satisfaction.Your faith was always weak, Highborne filth.It was a risky move, but it had worked. Though Shandris had never been half as powerful as her mentor, Tyrande, she remained fond of her early days

43、 in the temple. Her training had given her powers far greater than other Sentinels could claim and a solid alternative when bows, arrows, and glaives werent enough. But the prayer was draining: it could not be said without a great cost.Struggling against the waves, Shandris swam toward the shore unt

44、il her feet hit the ground and then began trudging through the water toward the escaping civilians and the Sentinels. Something was wrong; they hadnt gained much ground since she had last seen them. As she closed in, she saw Nelara and her companions facing off against a much larger group of myrmido

45、ns. The residents of Feathermoon ran around them, panicked and desperate for sheltereach one of them as familiar and precious to her as a piece of her heart.The researcher Quintis Jonespyre dashed ahead of the others, making for a risky opening between the Sentinels and a second group of approaching

46、 myrmidons as he headed for cover. Shandris remembered the long conversations she had shared with Quintis about Fandral Staghelm. Both of them had futilely hoped that Tyrande would formally reprimand Staghelm for his strange activities, but the high priestess had only reminded them that the Cenarion

47、 Circle operated outside of her authority. Still, Quintis had been shrewd enough to see the darkness growing within Staghelm before the others, and shrewder still to know that he would be safe from the archdruid while under Shandriss watch in the stronghold.But none of Quintiss wits could save him n

48、ow. The leader of the myrmidons caught sight of the sprinting night elf and raised his weapon. Shandris called out to warn Quintis, but he looked up just as the nagas trident sunk into his back. He stared at her in helpless uncertainty and then fell, his blood darkening the water until it slowly fad

49、ed into the sea.* * * * *The light of dawn was masked by the stormy skies, but the citizens of Darnassus still found themselves retiring to their chambers at the usual hour. Perhaps for some, it was a means of solacea familiar routine in the turbulent wake of disaster. For others, it was an excuse for time alone to dwell on their grief. For Tyrande


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