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1、Welcome to our class,高考书面表达复习,澄迈县第二中学 王卫东,Writing steps,1审题要细 把握好文体、人称、和时态。,2编拟提纲 简洁列出要点,防漏或过度发挥。,3表达 用“拿手句”,忌生般硬套、胡编乱套。,4扩展句子,并连句成文。,5仔细检查 文体格式、人称、时态、语态;要点是否遗漏,是否正确;大小写、拼写是否正确; 上下文是否连贯,过渡是否自然,语言是否得体;句子结构是否多样化等。,How to Beautify Your Essay,1.丰富的词汇,2.多样的句型结构.,3. 恰当的连接词.,1. 多实少虚 :,nice,2. 短语优先:,I canno

2、t bear it. I want it.,generous, humorous, interesting, smart, gentle, warm-hearted, easygoing,I cannot put up with it. I am looking forward to it.,.弃旧取新:,There are potential safety dangers.,There exist potential safety dangers.,1.We all think he is a great man.,We all him .,The plan to be a failure.

3、,Our school twentysix classrooms.,speak highly of,turned out,is made up of / consists of,2. As a result the plan was a failure.,3. In our school, there are twenty-six classrooms.,4. You can find my house easily.,Youll finding my house.,A good idea me.,have no difficulty in,I suddenly a good idea.,oc

4、curred to / struck,hit on / came up with,5. Suddenly I thought out a good idea.,运用多种语法结构,句式灵活多变,可以使文章文采飞扬。, please give me an e-mail.,On his arriving,He came in ,with a baby in his arms.,1. He came in and there was a baby in his arms.,2. When he arrives, please give me an e-mail.,3.I had just reache

5、d the station, and at once the train started.,had I reached the station the train started.,Hardly / No sooner,when / than,4. He cant get in touch with Mary because he doesnt know her telephone number.,It was not until that,,he cant get in touch with Mary.,Not knowing her telephone number,he knew wha

6、t had happened.,5. He did not know what had happened until he had read the news in the newspaper.,6. We can only do this in order to get a good mark.,get a good mark.,Only in this way can we,what had happened.,Not until did he know, we will go outing tomorrow.,he spoke, excited he felt.,The more the

7、 more,Weather permitting,8. When he spoke, he felt more and more excited.,7. If weather permits, we will go outing tomorrow.,一篇好的书面表达,还应该行文连贯流畅,具有“逻辑美”。恰当的连接词,能使上下文衔接自然、紧凑,使文章更为地道,更具“英语味”。如:,表起始:,firstly, first of all, at first ,to begin with, in my opinion, according to , so / as far as I know, as

8、we all know.,表因果:,because, since, for, as, thus, so, therefore, thanks to, due to, owing to, on account of, because of , as a result / consequence (of), for this reason, one reason is thatanother reason is that,表并列:,and, or, meanwhile, as well as, neithernor, not onlybut also,however, nevertheless,

9、but, yet, while, though, otherwise, or else, despite / in spite of, but at the same time, but on the contrary / other side,表列举:,表转折对比:,for example/instance, takeas an example, such as, like, that is (to say), as follows, in other words, and so on,whats more, besides, in addition (to), moreover, furt

10、her more, whats worse / worse still, on one handon the other hand, still, also, apart from,表总结:,表推进:,finally, in conclusion, in short, in belief, in a word, on the whole, to sum up, in my personal opinion,1. This village is very small. It has nearly 100 families and about 500 people. It used to be v

11、ery poor. It has changed a lot since 1978.,This village is nearly 100 families and about 500 people. It used to be very poor. , it has changed a lot since 1978 .,a small one with/which has,However,1. I opened the door. I went into the room. It was dark inside room. I walked to the window. I opened t

12、he window. I looked out. There are many old women doing morning exercises. I watched them for some time.,I opened the door, I went into the room. It was dark inside the room, I walked to the window and opened it. , I saw many old women doing morning exercises watched them for some time.,After,so,Loo

13、king out,and,After opening the door, I went into the room. It was dark inside, so I opened a window to let in some light. Looking out, I saw many old women doing morning exercises. I stood at the window, watching them for some time.,语意要合情合理,过渡自然,语句要有简有繁,随“意”而安,语法要结构正确,无懈可击,语言要地道流畅,书写规范,Homework:,以Ca

14、rs and Pollution为题写一篇120字左右的短文。短文必须包括以下要点: 现状:中国小汽车数量剧增,引起空气污染。 危害:形成烟雾,恶化环境,影响人类的健康,引起疾病和死亡。 解决问题的方法:开发使用干净的能源;完善公共交通体系;限制私人小轿车的数量。 总结:问题的解决要靠科技以及政府和公众的努力。,写作技巧,慢审快答 留心时态 语态 人称 提炼要点 句型多样 分段表达 有效连词 查漏补缺 认真修改 书写美观 争得高分 !,做一题,会一题,对一题, 题题关系未来 拼一分,得一分,高一分, 分分决定命运 进取比进步更重要!,Practice Makes Perfect,bye-bye,


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