Unit1Topic3SectionD (2).ppt

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1、Unit 1 Playing Sports,Topic 3 The school sports meet is coming.,The modern Olympics started in Athens, Greece in _. Its motto is “Faster, Higher, Stronger”.,1896,Review,Talk about the Olympics,The Olympic rings are a symbol of the Olympic Games. There are five rings, and they stand for the five part

2、s of the world.,Talk about the Olympics,Review,The colors of the rings are _, yellow, _, green and _. You can find at least one of these colors in the _ of each country in the world.,blue,black,red,flag,Talk about the Olympics,Review,the mascots of the 2008 Beijing Olympics,吉祥物,The Olympics is excit

3、ing. The school sports meet is also exciting.,Read Kangkangs diary and mark T (True) or F (False).,录音-P23,Kangkangs school held a sports meet last week. ( ) 2. Kangkangs class was first in the boys relay race. ( ) 3. Yu Ting did well in the high jump. ( ) 4. Kangkang won the boys 400-meter race. ( )

4、 5. Kangkang wants to be a basketball player when he grows up. ( ),T,T,T,F,F,Work alone,Number the following sentences in the right order according to Kangkangs diary .,( ) Kangkang won the boys 400-meter race. ( ) Yu Ting did well in the long jump. ( 1 ) Our school held a wonderful sports meet. ( )

5、 Kangkang wants to be a soccer player when he grows up. ( ) Kangkangs class was first in the boys relay race.,4,3,5,2,1,Weer sorry that we did badly in the high jump.,do badly in .在做得不好.,eg:我在听力方面做得很差。,I do badly in listening.,be good at/do well in在做得好,eg:这次考试一班的学生考得很好。,The students in class one did

6、 well in the exam.,这个小女孩擅长跳舞。,The little gril is good at dancing.,finish line 终点线,finish v.,finish doing sth.做完某事。,eg:他没做完作业就不能看电视。,He cant watch TV until he finishes his homework.,School Sports Meet Michael the boys relay race Yu Ting the long jump We the high jump Kangkang the boys 400-meter race,

7、 the Olympic Games,Task,Retell Kangkangs diary according to the key words.,Retell,Task,Write a passage with the help of the following questions.,When did your school hold the sports meet? Who took part in the sports meet in your class? What did they do? What did you do in the sports meet? What can y

8、ou learn from the sports meet?,Future tense with will/shall,Summary,Grammar,Summary,Functions,is coming,make,Where,so,exciting,二、用所给动词的适当形式填空,注意句子时态。 1. It will be sunny on Saturday. What about _ (go) hiking? 2. When _ we _ (meet) tomorrow? Lets make it half past six. 3. He _ (visit) Beijing in Augu

9、st in 2008. 4. Beijing _ (host) the 29th Olympic Games.,going,shall meet,visited,hosted,Exercises,Complete the following notes.,The motto of the Olympic Games: A symbol of the Olympic Games: The five rings stand for: The colors of the rings:,Faster, Higher, Stronger.,The Olympic rings.,The five parts of the world.,Blue, yellow, black, green and red.,Exercises,Thank you !,


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