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1、,教学课件改进 富源县第一中学 高二英语组 李春,Unit 5 First Aid Warming-up & Reading,What is first aid?,First aid is the _ given to someone who suddenly _ or _ before a doctor can be found. Often the _ or _ is not_, but there are other times when giving _will save _ .,first kind of help,falls ill,gets injured,illness,inj

2、ury,serious,first aid quickly,ones life,First Aid,What has happened in each picture? What kind of first aid should be given?,Speaking (Pair work),She has cut her arm with some broken glass and is bleeding badly.,Put a bandage on the wound and apply pressure to reduce the bleeding.,First Aid For Burn

3、s,_ the three types of burns _ what to do if someone gets burned _ the functions of the skin _ the symptoms of burns _ how we get burns,characteristics n.,Skim the passage quickly and put the topics in right order.,First aid treatment,Causes of burns,Para. 1 :,What is the skin? What can the skin do

4、for our body?,skin,essential part largest organ three layers,Which of the following wont get the skin burned?, hot liquids chemicals mild weather steam electricity the sun fire radiation spring (温泉), mild weather, spring (温泉),Para. 2 :,How many types of burns are there? What are the characteristics

5、of the burns?,Para. 3-4 :,First degree burn,Third degree burn,Second degree burn,Affect only the _ layer of the skin.,Affect both the _ and the _ layer of the skin.,Affect all _ layers of the skin and any _ and _ under the skin.,top,top,second,three,tissue,organs,dry, red mildly swollen _ painful,ro

6、ugh, red, swollen Blisters _ painful,Swollen; tissue can be seen _ pain,mildly,extremely,little or no,Examples?,characteristics,True or false ?,1. If you get second degree burns, you will feel better in a day or two. ( F ). 2.If you get second degree burns, your skin will be white, black and charred

7、.( F ) 3.If you get third degree burns, you will feel extremely painful. ( F) 4.If you get first degree burns, you will see blisters on you skin. ( F ) 5.If you get third degree burns, you should go to hospital at once. (T ),Questions to think about: 1.Why should you put water on a burn? Thats becau

8、se cold water can stop the burning process, prevent the pain becoming unbearable and reduce swelling. 2.Why doesnt a third degree burn hurt? Thats because the nerves are damaged. 3.Why do you think clothes and jewellery near burns should be removed? Because they may stick to the burns. 4.If someone has a third degree burn, why might you see tissue? The third degree burns affect all three layers and any tissue.,Homework Have you ever got burned ? If so, write down the process you performed first aid to the burn.,


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