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1、Unit 7 How much are these socks? Section B (2a2c),. 单词拼写 1. clothes (n. ) 2. store (n. ) 3. buy (v. ) 4. all (adj. ) 答案: 1. 衣服; 服装 2. 商店 3. 购买; 买 4. 所有的; 全部的,5. very (adv. ) 6. price (n. ) 7. boy (n. ) 8. sell (v. ) (n. ) 特价销售; 出售 答案: 5. 很; 非常 6. 价格 7. 男孩 8. sale,. 短语连线 1. 服装店 A. in purple 2. 一双; 一对

2、 B. clothes store 3. 紫色的 C. at very good prices 4. 以非常优惠的价格 D. a pair of 答案: 14. BDAC,. 句型填词 1. 快来买衣服吧, 我们在大甩卖! Come and your clothes our great sale! 2. 我们以很优惠的价格出售我们所有的服装。 We all our clothes very good prices. 3. 对于女孩子, 我们有紫色的裙子, 仅售20美元。 For girls, we have skirts only $20. 答案: 1. buy; at 2. sell; at

3、 3. in purple for,Can I help you? What can I do for you? _ _ 答案: 不一定。服务人员或营业员主动询问顾客需要的常用语, 表示“你需要点什么吗? ”。如果顾客需要购物时, 可回答Yes, please. 否定回答可用: No, thanks.,1. at very good prices 以非常优惠的价格 【语境领悟】 *We buy them at a high price. 我们以高价买进它们。 *We can buy some nice clothes at very good prices. 我们可以以优惠的价格买一些好的衣服

4、。,【自主归纳】 (1) at very good prices意为“以合理的价格 (出售) ”。表示“某物在价位上”常用短语at/ for. . . prices。 at / for half/ full / a good / a low / a high price“以 (处于) 半/全/优惠/低/高价” (2) price为名词, 意为“价格”, 对某物价格提问用“Whats the price of. . . ? ”相当于How much +is/are+主语?,【温馨提示】 价格高或低只能用high或low, 而不能用expensive (昂贵的) 或cheap (便宜的) 。,【图

5、解助记】,【学以致用】 The price of the car is ¥200, 000. (对画线部分提问) of the car? 答案: Whats the price,2. in purple 身着紫色的衣服; 紫色的 【语境领悟】 *Whos the girl in red? 身着红色衣服的女孩是谁? *My pencils are in the bag. 我的铅笔在书包里。 *I can speak in English. 我会用英语讲。 *In the morning it can wake me up. 早晨它能叫醒我。,【自主归纳】 in+颜色名词, 表示“穿着颜色的衣服”

6、。 The girl in red is my sister. 穿着红色衣服的女孩是我姐姐。 介词in的不同用法,【归纳拓展】 介词in的不同用法,【学以致用】 穿黑色衣服的女孩是谁? Who is the girl ? 答案: in black,【备选要点】 1. a pair of 一双 【语境领悟】 *I want to buy a pair of white socks. 我想买一双白色的袜子。 *Pairs of birds in the tree are singing. 树上成对的鸟儿在唱歌。,【自主归纳】 (1) a pair of意为“一对; 一双”, 一般用来修饰由两部分构

7、成的单件事物, 如trousers (裤子) , shoes (鞋) , glasses (眼镜) , jeans (牛仔裤) 等。 (2) pairs of“成双的; 成对的”。,【温馨提示】 trousers; shoes; socks, shorts等用作主语时, 谓语要用复数; 若与pair (s) of连用, 谓语一般应与pair的数一致。,【图解助记】,【学以致用】 How much (be) those pairs of trousers? 答案: are,2. Come and buy your clothes at our great sale! 快来买衣服吧, 我们在大甩卖

8、! 【句型剖析】 (1) 此句为祈使句, 表示建议, 主语通常省略, 动词原形用于句首。 Come to Mr. Cools Clothes Store! 来酷先生的服装店吧! (2) buy意为“买; 购买”, 用作及物动词, 后跟名词或代词作宾语。 I want to buy some apples. 我想买点苹果。,【归纳拓展】 buy的用法小结 buy后面还可以跟双宾语, 即用于buy sb. sth. 或buy sth. for sb. 结构, 表示“替某人买东西”。 Please buy him a dictionary. =Please buy a dictionary for

9、him. 请给他买本词典。,【学以致用】 My mother buys me new clothes every year. (改为同义句) My mother new clothes every year. 答案: buys; for me,. 单项选择 1. Whats the of the sweater? Its 20 dollars. A. price B. color C. number D. store 2. students, we have some T-shirts. are only ¥10 each. A. To; They B. For; They C. To; It

10、 D. For; It,3. Who is the boy black? He is my cousin. A. to B. for C. on D. in 4. Here some great socks very good prices. A. are; for B. are; at C. is; at D. is; for,. 完成句子 1. 这件红色的裙子怎么样? the red skirt? 2. 我的朋友卖给我一台电脑。 My friend a computer. 答案: 1. How/What about 2. sells me,3. 来鸭鸭服装店买衣服吧! clothes at YaYa Clothes Store! 4. 她想买一双白色的袜子。 She wants to buy white socks. 答案: 3. Come and buy 4. a pair of,


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