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1、1,This Is English(3) Unit 5 Ambitions and Dreams 玉环电大 倪苒鑫,2,Objectives,In this unit you study language relating to personality and jobs; learn how to use the past perfect tense; learn to talk about jobs and careers; practise talking about the future in the context of hopes and plans.,3,Vocabulary,as

2、 soon as possible 尽快 aware (of) 知道,意识到 ballet 芭蕾 civil 公民的 classical 古典的 closely 密切的 counsellor 顾问 creativity 创造力 deck 甲板 dynamic 充满活力,education 教育 energy 精力 gender 性别 helicopter 直升飞机 in ones opinion 某人认为 injure 伤害 intelligence 智力,情报 intuition 直觉 involve 涉及,4,Vocabulary,logical 逻辑的 marketing 销售业务 pa

3、tient 有耐心的 positive 积极的 process 程序 psychiatrist 精神科医生 raise 筹集 rough 粗糙的 section 部分 simply 只不过 support 支持 wave 波涛,5,Session 1 (P. 66),In this session you learn how to use the past perfect tense; study language relating to personality and jobs.,6,现在完成时 (review),现在完成时:指的是动作发生在过去,一直延续到现在,有可能到现在说话为止动作结束

4、了,还有可能与继续下去。它不能与具体的过去时间状语连用。 (过去) (现在) (将来) They have made great progress in the past few years. 肯定句 (have/has + 动词过去分词) 否定句 (have/has not + 动词过去分词) 一般疑问句:Have you found your pen yet? Yes, I have. / No, I have not. 特殊疑问句:Why has she done a lot of training?,7,Language Focus (1) (P. 69),过去完成时: 1. 定义:描

5、述在过去某一时间以前完成的动作或事件。例如: One of the men couldnt move because he had broken his leg. (过去的过去) (过去) (现在) Man broke leg. Man could not move . Now I am reporting it. 说明:相比较现在完成时间而言,过去完成时指的是动作发生在过去的过去,一直延续到过去,有可能到过去说话为止动作结束了,还有可能与继续下去。,8,Language Focus (1) (P. 69),2.过去完成时四大句型 肯定句 (had + 动词过去分词):I heard she

6、had left the city. 否定句 (hadnt + 动词过去分词):He couldnt move because he had broken his leg. 一般疑问句:Had the children left home before their mum went to work? Yes, I had. / No, I hadnt. 特殊疑问句:Why had she done a lot of training before she sailed?,9,与过去完成时连用的时间状语,1)与by+过去时间引导的时间状语连用。 By the end of May, they h

7、ad produced more than5000 bikes. 2) 由when, before, after, until等引导的时间 状语从句中,如果主句谓语和从句谓语表示的动作在过去不同的时间发生,那么先发生的动作要用过去完成时,另一动作则用过去时。如: When I got there, they had already left.,10,3)在宾语从句中,如果主句用过去时,从句中的谓语动作发生在主句的谓语动词之前,则从句要用过去完成时。如: My mother asked me if I had had my lunch. 4)与for或since引导的时间状语连用,表示过去某一时

8、间前发生的动作或状态延续一段时间。如: He had taught english for 15 years before. He came to teach in this school.,11,Language Focus (1) (P. 69),3. 与过去完成时连用的时间状语 通常可以使用连词 after, before以及because 来表示其所连接的两个句子中动作发生的先后关系。 Before he visited Polly, he had called her. (call 先发生 visit 后发生) After she had trained hard, she left

9、 on the trip. (train先发生 leave后发生) She did a lot of training because she had never sailed. (never sail先发生 do training后发生),12,Exercise (P. 69 Activity 3 - 4),1. A. - (1), B. - (2) Why did she retire from show business? Because she had started a family. 2. A. - (2), B. - (1) Why did she decide to do th

10、e race? Because she had met some people who talked about the race. 3. A. - (1), B. - (2) Why did her husband think she was bored? Because her children had left home.,13,Exercise (P. 69 Activity 3 - 4),4. A. - (2), B. - (1) Why was her husband worried? Because she hadnt had any experience of sailing.

11、 5. A. - (1), B. - (2) Why did a sailor break his leg? Because a wave had smashed into the boat. 6. A. - (2), B - (1) Why did she go downstairs? Because a storm had started.,14,Exercise (P. 70 Activity 5) Part A,1. What did Molly do after she _ (to have) children? 2. What _ (to happen) before Molly

12、joined a pop dance team? 3. Was Molly bored after the children _ (to leave) home? 4. _ (Molly to do) a lot of training before she left on the trip? 5. Where _ (Molly to go) before the wave smashed into the boat? 6. How much money _ (Molly to raise) by the end of October last year?,had had,had happen

13、ed,had left,Had Molly done,had Molly gone,had Molly raised,15,Exercise (P. 66 Activity 1),Complete sentences using the words given. yacht 游艇,快艇 waves波涛 ballet dancer 芭蕾舞演员 helicopter 直升机journey 旅行 to take part in 参加 harbor 港口 charity 慈善机构 1. She was interested in dance as a child and so she trained

14、as a _. 2. Later she made a very long _ around the world. 3. She decided _ a race from England to Australia and back again.,ballet dancer,journey,to take part in,16,Exercise (P. 82 Activity 5) Part B,1. After she 2. Before Molly joined 3. No. She 4. Yes. Before 5. Before the wave 6. By the,had had c

15、hildren, she retired,from show business.,a pop dance team, she,had grown too tall for classical ballet.,wasnt bored after the children,had left home.,she left on the trip, she had,a lot of training.,smashed into the boat,she had gone downstairs.,the end of October last year, she,had raised 1,500.,17

16、,Exercise (P. 78 Activity 1),4. She sailed around the world in a _. 5. They gave the money they raised to a _ to help poor people. 6. It was a very dangerous trip. They often had very bad weather and the _ were very big. 7. A _ took some injured people from the yacht to hospital in Australia. 8. Aft

17、er all the storms they were happy to be safe back in the _.,yacht,charity,waves,helicopter,harbour,18,Text (P. 67 Activity 2),Useful words and phrases: 1. sail round the world 环游全球 2. raise money for 为筹款 She decided to sail round the world to raise money for charity. 3. train vi.接受训练 vt.训练 n.火车 He t

18、rained to be a lawyer . If I dont go now, I will miss the train. 4. toofor 太.不合 she is too fat for the beauty contest .,19,Text (P. 79 Activity 2),5. have children 生育孩子 6. bring up 抚养 Her parents died when she was a baby and she was brought up by her aunt 7. take part in 与join的区别 二者都有“参加”的意思,但用法有所不同

19、。join多指参加某具体组织,成为其中的一个成员。而take part in指参加活动 。 will never forget the day when I joined the Party We should take an active part in school activities,20,8. ten-month journey 十个月的航程 9. prepare sb for sth 使(某人)为(某事)作好准备 Ive prepared my son for this contest = I have prepared my son to participate in this

20、contest. 10. by the end of 不迟于(后一般跟完成时态 ) By the end of this year,they will have finished work on the new stadium 11. the same as “跟一样” Twins look the same as each other,21,Translation (P. 79 Activity 2),人生方向的一次不寻常的转变 身为母亲的莫里.威尔森许多年来一直就是舞蹈演员,她决定环球航行为慈善机构筹款。 小时候她就接受了芭蕾舞蹈演员的训练,15岁时她因为个子太高放弃了古典芭蕾,然后就成了

21、某支流行舞蹈队的成员。 婚后她有了孩子,然后她便结束了演艺生涯开始抚养孩子。孩子长大后,在18岁的时候便搬出去了。 她说,“当我决定要作环球旅游时,我丈夫认为我很无聊,因为孩子们都已经长大成人。他同样也非常担心,因为我以前没有航行过。我并不无聊,我结认了很多人,他们个我讲述了很多关于此次比赛的情况。他们只完成了一部分航行,比如说从新西兰到澳大利亚。我想完成整个十个月的全程航行。”,22,在莫里离开之前,她做了大量的练习,但是训练并没有为她作好遇到最糟糕的天气的准备。她讲了一个故事。“一天晚上,海面上波涛汹涌,天气也很冷。我走下楼。此时一股巨浪冲上了小船,甲板上的两个人都受了伤。期中一个人动也不

22、动,因为他的腿断了。他们被直升机运到了医院。那时真是糟透了”。至去年10月份,她已经为慈善机构筹到了50000英镑。 她说,“有时我也会问自己,我在做什么?应当怎么做?但后来我又想,这和当舞蹈演员是一样的,都要经过刻苦训练才能成功。旅行开始前,我努力地进行了训练。我的身体状况非常好,而且我也做好充分准备。在后来的旅行中我很容易就成为一名好的团队成员”。,23,Complete the sentences based on the text. (P. 68),1. She joined a pop dance team when she was _. 2. She got married and

23、 had children, so she _. 3. Her children left home when they were _. 4. The people she met told her about _. 5. She did a lot of _ before she left on the trip. 6. One of the men broke his _ during the trip. 7. They raised _ for charity. 8. The qualities she needed for the trip were the _ for a dance

24、.,15,retired from show business,18,a round - the - world race,training,leg,money,same as,24,Language Focus (2) (P. 83),travel, journey, voyage, trip, tour, 作为名词的用法 travel (不可数名词,也可作动词) ,泛指 “旅行”。 Travel by train is slow and difficult in some countries. Travel broadens the mind. 旅行可以开阔眼界。 journey: (可数

25、名词),指一个地方到另一个地方,表示“旅行,旅程”,常指陆地的长途旅游。 I made three journeys by plane last year. Molly wanted to do the whole ten-month journey.,25,Language Focus (2) (P. 71),voyage: (可数名词),指海上的长途旅行 She went on a long sea voyage 。 trip: (可数名词)指较短且有具体目的的旅行。 They planned to make a ten days wedding trip to Paris . tour:

26、 观光旅行 The tour included a visit to the Science Museum .,26,Exercise (P. 71 Activity 6),Complete the following sentences using travel, voyage, journey and trip. 1. How long is your _ to work? 2. Do you _ by train? 3. The Titanic sank on its first _. 4. I have a business _ to Frankfurt next week. 5. I

27、 must leave. I have a long _ home. 6. They have enjoyed _ very much since they retired.,journey,travel,voyage,trip,journey,travel / travelling,27,Exercise (P. 72 Activity 7) Part A.B,factors involved in getting a job. 1. age 年龄 2. gender 性别 3. appearance 外貌 4. family background 家庭背景 5. contacts and

28、connections 社会关系 6. educational qualifications 学历 7. experience 经历 8. intelligence 智力 9. personality 性格 10. references 资料证明,learn the following jobs. a. doctor 医生 b. teacher of young children 幼儿教师 c. university lecturer 大学讲师 d. company director 公司董事 e. police officer 警官 f. soldier 士兵 g. lawyer 律师 h.

29、 banker 银行家 I. advertising executive 广告主管,28,Exercise (P. 73 Activity 9) Part A,qualities needed for jobs. Intelligence Personality Working Practices,a good team worker (优秀团队工作者),an excellent memory (记忆力特别好),a good team leader (优秀团队领导),easy-going (随和的),Intelligent(有智力的),hard-working (勤奋的),a sharp mi

30、nd (思想敏锐),a good eye for detail (细致缜密),dynamic (有活力),a motivator (激励者),a good organiser (优秀组织者),charming (有魅力),bright (聪明的),calm (冷静的),moody (喜怒无常的),positive (积极的),patient (耐心的),29,Exercise (P. 73 Activity 9) Part B,To be + to be + to have + adjective noun phrase noun phrase patient a good team an e

31、xcellent calm worker memory charming a good team a sharp mind moody leader a good eye for dynamic a good organiser detail hard-working a motivator bright intelligent positive easy-going,30,Session 2 (P. 74),In this session you learn to talk about jobs and careers; learn how to talk about your ambiti

32、ons, hopes and plans.,31,Listening (3) (P. 87 Activity 11),Read and learn the list of jobs given below. accountant 会计 advertising executive 广告主管 banker 银行家 civil servant 公务员 counsellor 顾问 designer 设计师 doctor 医生 lawyer 律师 lecturer 大学讲师 librarian 图书管理员 manager 经理 police officer 警官 educational psycholo

33、gist 教育心理学家 researcher 研究人员 social worker 社会福利工作者 soldier 士兵 teacher 教师 translator 翻译 window dresser 橱窗布置人员,32,Exercise (P. 75Activity 12),Part A Read the quiz and answer the questions Yes or No. Part B Give yourself a score by listing the number of As and Bs you get. Note whether you have more As o

34、r more Bs in each section. And then read the advice in Activity 13.,33,Text (P. 76 Activity 13) Part A,Useful words and phrases: 1. care for 照顾,照料 Who will care for the house while the family is away 2. such as 例如 We have different pies, such as apple, cherry, and strawberry pies. . 3. involve 1) 涉及

35、,牵涉;2)使.陷入 Painting the room involved moving out the piano. . How should we involve ourselves in school life. 4. market n.市场 The market is rather depressed at the moment. Mr Smith takes care of marketing and publicity .,34,5. detail 细节, in detail 详细地 The policeman wanted the bus driver to tell him t

36、he accident in detail. 6. prefer to do 更喜欢 She prefers to do good by stealth. 7. in other peoples eyes 在别人眼里 Maybe my hometown is not a beautiful place in other peoples eyes, but it is in mine . 8. be aware of 知道, 意识到 John has been aware of having done something wrong .,35,Translation (P. 71 Activit

37、y 6),怎样进行评价? 个性 A越多:比起做决策和把握全局来,你对于关照他人更感兴趣。可以考虑教育、社会工作、医药、讲师、律师等方面的职业。 B越多:你可能更喜欢控制、业务、或者管理等方面内容的工作。可以考虑在营销或者财务方面的大公司或者某种组织,如警察或者军队方面的工作。,36,能力和技能 A越多:你喜欢细节、逻辑性的过程以及在工作中的有序性。可以考虑在法律、银行、教育支持(如图书馆管理人员和研究员),翻译或者公务员等方面的工作。 B越多:你喜欢创造,具有决策的直觉。你更喜欢描绘大的计划而不会专注细节。可以考虑艺术方面的工作,如设计师、广告人、橱窗设计人员。,37,能力和技能 A越多:你喜

38、欢细节、逻辑性的过程以及在工作中的有序性。可以考虑在法律、银行、教育支持(如图书馆管理人员和研究员),翻译或者公务员等方面的工作。 B越多:你喜欢创造,具有决策的直觉。你更喜欢描绘大的计划而不会专注细节。可以考虑艺术方面的工作,如设计师、广告人、橱窗设计人员。,38,Text (P. 76 Activity 13) Part B,Write something about yourself after you have done the quiz. Charles: According to the questionnaire I should be a manager in a creati

39、ve company, for example, arts or advertising, because I enjoy jobs that involve control, business or management. According to the questionnaire I should be a _, because I _.,39,Exercise (P. 77 Activity 14) Part A,Useful expression 1. I (dont) like meeting new people/ working on my own/taking respons

40、ibility. 2. I am hard-working/ easy-going. 3. I (dont) have a lot of experience in working on my own. 4. Im (not) good at working to deadlines. 5. I prefer working in teams to working on my own 6. Im (not) interested in taking responsibility. 7. Ive got a good memory.,40,Reading and Writing (P. 78 A

41、ctivity 15) Part A,1. make an appointment 预约 Please make an appointment with my secretary 2. as as possible 尽可能地 He is supposed to get to the company as early as possible. 3. take responsibility 承担责任 You have to take responsibility for your action. 4. on ones own 独立地 She prefers working on her own.

42、5.look forward to 期待,盼望,渴望 I look forward to hearing from you.,41,Translation (P. 78 Activity 15) Part A,亲爱的布莱克先生: 我给您写信是为了向您介绍萨莉.卡尔的情况.她希望能尽快见到你. 她想成为一名医生,我相信医生对她来说是一个好的职业,因为她勇于承担责任,也乐意与陌生人打交道.她很善于观察细节,记忆力也非常好.她喜欢独立性的工作.她聪明,有耐心,而且工作努力. 期待收到您的回信 您真诚的, 贝蒂.普奥,42,Reading and Writing (P. 78 Activity 15)

43、 Part B,Dear I am He would like to possible He wants to I look Yours Dear Mr Blake, I am writing to you to give you some information about Billy Byers. He would like to make an appointment to see you as soon as possible. He wants to be an accountant and I believe this is a good career for him becaus

44、e he likes working to deadlines and working alone. He has a good eye for detail and an excellent memory. He prefers taking responsibility. He is patient and dynamic. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Betty Pull,43,Language Focus (3) (P. 80),谈论将来 下列句式都可以用来谈论将来: 当说话者谈论的是意图或固定的计划时,可以

45、使用下列句式: Im going to get married next year. I plan/ Im planning to buy a new house this year. Im looking forward to meeting my girlfriend this summer.,44,Language Focus (3) (P. 80),当说话者谈论的是愿望和理想时可以使用下列句式: (一般能实现) Id like to visit/ I would not like to your university again soon. I want to go abroad to do a masters course. I hope to go to university next year. 当谈话者谈论的计划实现的可能性不大时,可以使用下列句式: I might apply for this job; I dont know yet. 我可能申请这个工作,但目前还不能肯定.,45,Exercise (P. 79 Activity 16),1. Hes planning to run 2. We intend to earn 3. Im going to go to 4


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