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1、选修8 Unit 1 A land of diversity,课前10分钟 概括大意 Mirs setbacks are nothing,though,when we compare them with its accomplishments.Mir was a tremendous success,which will be remembered as a milestone in space exploration and the space station that showed longterm human habitation in space was possible.But it

2、s time to move on to the next generation.The International Space Station being built will be better,but it owes a great debt to Mir.,此段落的大意是:_,Undeniable Mirs Achievements.,漫画欣赏,画面描述,A hen,standing on the platform,is giving lectures on mathematics.An egg,placed on the desk,is listening.The hen is tr

3、ying hard to give lessons to the chick before it is born.,寓意理解,Nowadays the world is full of too many competitions.To guarantee their childrens future,parents are too eager to get them welleducated,even before they are born. 你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇120词左右的小短文?,课堂双基回归,.词义辨析 1Testing is still the usual _ by whic

4、h students progress is measured. Away Bmethod Cmanner Dmeans,D,2As we can see,in the nursing profession,women are in the _. Amajority Bnationality Cidentity DPossession 3What _ of babies die of this disease in African countries every year? Apercentage Bamount Cnumber Dquantity 4As the wages were low

5、,there were few _ for the job. Aenterprises Bapplicants Cpurchases Dprofits 5I saw in the paper that another earthquake had _ in Sichuan,causing few deaths. Aslipped Breacted Coccurred Doccupied,A,A,B,C,6The bell _ the end of the class rang,interrupting our heated discussion. Ainserting Bindicating

6、Cgoverning Dreflecting 7It was _ from her face that she was really upset.Better leave her alone. Aracial Babundant Cflexible Dapparent 8Having been given such a good chance,how could she let it _ away? Adrill Bclick Cscan Dslip 9He earned his living by _ himself out to whoever needed his services. A

7、dragging Badapting Chiring Dbanning,B,D,D,C,10She _ her key into the lock,turned it but the lock wouldnt open. Ainserted Badopting Cstressing Dabusing .短语填空 team up with;take in;keep up;home to;by means of; mark out;in addition;home to;occur to;feel like 1A good idea _ Jane while she was talking to

8、Mary. 2They _ the tennis court with white paint. 3People gain valuable work experience and,_, employers can afford to employ them. 4Do you _ going for a swim after we have finished the work?,A,occurred to,marked out,in addition,feel like,5The mountain is _ a good many wild animals and rare plants. 6

9、The woman was _ by the businessmans offers of marriage and stupidly gave him most of her money. 7You can _ one other class member if you want. 8As an educational center,the city of Belfast is _ Queens University. 9They eventually succeeded _ perseverance. 10I hope the fine weather will _.The crops n

10、eed much sunshine.,home to,taken in,team up with,home to,by means of,keep up,.完成句子 1In 1911 immigrants from Denmark established a town of their own,_ (它今天 仍保持着丹麦的文化)(keep) 2_(人们相信) before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no distinct major racial or cultural groups.(b

11、elieve) 3From the top of the hill I _ (看到壮观 的景色) San Francisco Bay and the city.(get) .单项填空 1People from Africa have been living in California since the 1800s,_ they moved north from Mexico. Awhich Bsince Cwhen Dwhile,which today still keeps up their Danish culture,It is believed that,got a spectacu

12、lar view of,C,2Two centuries later,the Spanish had settled in most part of South America and along the northwest coast of _ we now call the United States. Awhat Bwhich Cwhere Das 3However,some survived these terrible times and today there are more Native Americans _ in California than in any other s

13、tate. Alive Blived Cto live Dliving 4In more recent decades,California has become home _ people from Asia,including Cambodians, Koreans,Vietnamese and Laotians. Awith Babout Cto Dat,A,D,C,5_ in 1873,the cable car system was invented by Andrew Hallidie,who wanted to find a better form of transport th

14、an horsedrawn trams. ATo be built BBuilt CBuilding DHaving built,B,1means n. 手段,方法,工具 Television is an effective means of communication.电视是一种 有效的通讯手段。 We had no means of transport except for two bicycles. 除了两辆自行车以外,我们没有其他交通工具了。 识记by means of用,依靠 by all means一定,务必;好的,当然可以 by no means决不,并没有,知识要点整合,核心词

15、汇梳理,She could not speak,but made her wishes known by means of signs. 她不会说话,但她用手势表达了她的愿望。 By all means I must visit my sick friend.我一定得去探望那生病的朋友。 “Do you mind if I have a look?”“By all means.”“我看一眼行吗?”“当然可以。” I can by no means pretend to be pleased with this behaviour.我决不能假装对这种行为表示满意。 提示by no means放在

16、句首时,句子要用部分倒装语序。 By no means will he give up.他绝不会放弃。,2occur vi. 发生;出现;存在 Climatic changes have occurred at intervals throughout the millennium. 整个千年中,气候变化时有发生。 搭配 occur to sb.使某人突然想到 An excellent idea occurred to me when I woke up this morning. 今早起床时,我突然想到一个很棒的点子。 The possibility that she might be wr

17、ong never occurred to her. 她压根儿没想到自己可能会错。,句型 it occurs to sb.to do sth.某人突然想起要去做某事 it occurs to sb.that.某人突然想起 I suppose it never occurred to you to phone the police. 我想你压根儿就没想到给警方打电话吧。 It didnt occur to her to ask for help.她没想到请别人帮忙。,3indicate vt. 指出;标示;表明;暗示 The survey results seem to indicate a c

18、onnection between poor housing conditions and bad health. 调查结果表明,居住条件差与健康不佳之间似乎存在着某种 关系。 Research indicates that men find it easier to give up smoking than women. 研究表明,男人比女人更容易戒烟。 He indicated his willingness with a nod of his head. 他点头表示愿意。 Dont forget to indicate before turning. 拐弯之前别忘记指示车行方向。,4re

19、act vi. 作出反应;回应 搭配 react to对作出反应;回应 How did Wilson react to your idea? 威尔逊对你的想法有什么反应? She reacted to the insult by turning her back on him. 她受辱之后就不再理睬他了。 The patient reacted badly to penicillin. 病人对青霉素有不良反应。 拓展 react against反抗;反对 Feminists reacted against the limitation of womens traditional roles.

20、女权主义者反抗妇女传统角色的局限。 Children tend to react against their parents by going against their wishes. 孩子们通常以违背父母的意愿来反抗他们。,重点短语例释,1team up with 与合作或一起工作 I teamed up with Jane to do the job.我和简合作做这项工作。 He preferred to go into business alone rather than team up with anyone else. 他情愿独自经商,而不愿与人合伙。 2mark out 划线标出

21、界线 A volleyball court had been marked out on the grass. 排球场已经在草坪上画了出来。 We must mark the tennis court out ready for play these days. 这些日子我们必须把网球场地划好以备使用。,3take in 把拿进来或带进来 收容;留宿 理解; 体会;了解 包含;包括 欺骗;蒙骗 Please take the washing in,if it rains. 如果下雨,请把洗好的衣物收进来。 Japan refused to take in the refugees. 日本拒绝收

22、容那些难民。 Give me time to take in the whole situation. 给我时间好让我了解全盘状况。 The tour takes in some famous old castles. 这趟观光旅行包括参观若干著名的古堡。 Hes a clever talkerand good at taking people in. 他说话很狡猾,很会欺骗人。,疑难语句细解,1It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no majo

23、r racial or cultural groups, but simply a mixture of many races and cultures. 人们认为,要不了多久,多种国籍的混合将会如此之大,以致 不可能存在一种主要的种族或文化群体,而只是多种族、多文 化的混合体。 【要点指南】 It is believed that.是一个常用的固定句式,意 为“人们认为;据信”。与此类似的句式还有: It is said/reported/thought/considered/expected that.。 It is believed that the troops have alread

24、y crossed the border. 据信部队已越过了边界。,It is expected that the output of grain will increase by 10% compared with that in the previous year. 预计粮食产量比上年增长10%。 It is reported that this disease attacks the central nervous system. 据报道说这种疾病破坏中枢神经系统。 拓展 此句式可以改写为:(sb./sth.)be believed/said/reported/thought/consi

25、dered/expected to be/to do/to be doing/to have done/to be done/to have been done。 The book is believed to be the bestseller of this year. 据说那本书是今年最畅销的书。,The little boy is believed to be sleeping in the room. 人们认为那个小孩正在房间里睡觉。 The pilot was believed to have landed somewhere in this area. 相信那个飞行员降落在这一地

26、区的某个地方了。 The fire was believed to be caused by carelessness. 据说大火是由于粗心引起的。,2No one is known to have escaped.据说没有人逃脱得了。 【要点指南】 is/are known to have done sth.或have/has been known to do sth.意为“据人们所知做过某事;据说做过某 事”。 No one is known to have sailed across the ocean by canoe on their own. 据说没人能独自乘独木舟横渡大洋。 Th

27、is scientist is known to have been working on this problem for about ten years. 据人们所知这位科学家研究这一问题已达十年之久。 She has been known to take a small drink on occasion. 据说她有时也喝点酒。,突破阅读理解,怎样猜测词义(二),【方法技巧】 根据复述猜测词义。复述就是换用不同的词语重新表达同一内 容或含义。注意关键词语,如that is;that is to say;i.e.;or; and;likely,similarly,namely;in oth

28、er words或破折号、冒 号的使用。 【实例验证】 Early human beings used very fragile houses and boats.Often strong winds would tear roofs from houses or cause high waves that endangered travelers.Peoples food supplies were similarly,vulnerable.Even after they had learned how to plant grains,they still needed help from

29、nature to ensure good harvests.Therefore they feared and depended on the power of the wind,which could bring warmth from one direction and cold from another. The word “vulnerable” means _. Aimpossible to make use of Blikely to be protected Ceasy to damage Ddifficult to find 解析:文中的fragile意为“易损坏的(easi

30、ly broken or damaged)”,因此fragile houses and boats很容易被大风或大浪毁 掉。而人们的食物供应与之相似(similarly),故可知vulnerable与 fragile意思相近。 答案:C,【实践应用】 The coyote originally lived in the middle of the continent.One of its most obvious characters is its smartness,which has made the animal a notorious (臭名昭著的) pest.Hunters trap

31、ped,shot and poisoned more than a million coyotes in the 1900s.Its still one of Americas most hunted animals.Yet the coyote has survived.How has the coyote shown the extraordinary ability? “I guess if you wanted to use one word,itd be plasticity,” says Eric Gese,an expert at Utah State University.Co

32、yotes can live alone,in pairs,or in large packs like wolves;hunt at night or during the day;,occupy a small region or an area up to 40 square miles;and live on all sorts of food,from lizards and shoes,to ants and melons. The underlined word “plasticity” refers to _. Athe ability to fit the environment Bnotorious smartness Chunting ability Dbeing humantolerant 答案:A,点击此处进入 课后能力训练,


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