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1、A ability (to do/ of doing) about prep. be about to do when adv. 到处= around abroad (study 留学) absence - absent adj. be absent from 缺席 absolute -absolutely absorb be absorbed into doing 专心做某事 accent accept acceptance n. access have access to - accessible adj. accident by accident 偶然,accompany vt. (co

2、mpany n. U 陪伴) be accompanied with account n. 账户;解释说明 on account of 由于 = because of on no account 绝不 take sth into account = take sth into consideration 把考虑进来 account for 解释、说明 accurate adj. accuse sb of sth accustomed adj. be/ get accustomed to +n. / doing 习惯做 achieve vt. ones goal achievement n. a

3、cquire vt across prep,act. / v. action n. active adj. be active in play an active part in an activity actor / actress actual actually adv. adapt 1. 改编( from) 2. 适应( to) add vt. add A to B add up to 总计是 - addition in addition (to)此外 addicted be addicted to doing 沉溺于 address n./ v. 向讲话 adjust to 调整以适应

4、 admire admiration n.,admission admit -tt- admit having done 承认做过 adolescence adopt v. 收养 adult advance v./ n. In advance advantage (take of 利用) adventure advertise vt. advertisement n. advice U advise v. afraid be afraid of affair affect vt. / effect n. afraid (of +n. / doing),again adv. against pr

5、ep. press against the wall 挤压在墙上 aged adj. (at the age of) of an age 到了的年龄 eg: Shes of an age to get married. agency n. agent n. aggressive adj. 有侵略性的;挑衅的 agree with sb/ on sth/ to a plan ahead adv. 向前 go ahead / ahead of time aid first aid come to ones aid 帮某人,aim n. V. aim to do 打算做 be aimed at +

6、n. aircraft 单复数同行 alarm n. / vt alarmed adj. 警觉的,惊恐的 album alcohol alike adj. / adv alive adj. 活的(做表语) / 区别于living: 作定语;live 现场直播的 allow sb to do / allow doing aloud adv. Read aloud 大声读 alone adj./ adv 区别于lonely adj. altitude at an altitude of altogether adv. 完全地,amaze vt. amazed adj. be amazed at /

7、 amazing adj. 令人 ambition ambitious adj. ambulance although (while放句首=although) amount a great amount/ deal of + U n. amounts/ quantities/ masses of + n. + v. 复数 amuse vt. amused adj. / amusing adj. - amusement (同amaze) analyse vt. analysis n. ancestor ancient,anger n. angry adj. angle anniversary n

8、. 周年纪念日 announce vt. announcement n. annoy vt annoyed adj. annual adj. 每年的 another adj. / pron another 4 weeks 再四周 (区别于one more word) one after another 一个又一个 one another 互相 answer n. / v. answer for = be responsible for anxiety n. - anxious adj. be anxious about 担心、焦虑 be anxious to do 渴望做,anyhow adv

9、. 不管怎么说;无论如何 = anyway apart adj. / adv. 分开, 分离 take apart 拆开 apartment apologize to sb for sth - apology make an apology for sth appeal to appear - appearance n. appetite n. 胃口、欲望 have an appetite for 对有欲望 applaud application n. applicant n. 申请人 apply apply for 申请得到 apply to 适用于,appoint vt. appoint

10、sb as 任命为 appoint a time / a place for meeting 约定 - appointment (这个约会区别于date,date指关系很亲密两人之间的约会) appreciate appreciation approach an approach to + n. 做什么的方法、通道 May Day is approaching. appropriate adj. 适合的 反义:inappropriate be appropriate for 对适合 approve vt. / vi approve of 赞同、认可 architect n. architect

11、ure,area cover an area of argue argument arise vi. Another problem arises. arm 武器、手臂 armchair army join the army 参军 arrange - arrangement around adv. / prep. arrest 1. 逮捕 2. 吸引 arrive arrival n. article art / artist ash ashamed adj. be of 为感到羞愧,区别ashamed 和shame n. Its a shame that + 句子 asleep adj. 睡

12、着的 I found a man lying , asleep. aspect assess vt. assessment n. assist assist sb with sth assist to do sth assist in doing sth - assistance U n. = aid assistant n. 助手 an assistant to sb 谁的助理 association associate v. astonish vt astonished adj. / astonishing adj. - astonishment n. astronomy,athlete

13、the Atlantic Ocean attach v. 附在上,认为有重要性 attach great importance to 认为有重要性 attempt n. / v. attempt to do make an attempt to do= try to do attend v. attend on 服侍 attend to 护理、照看;处理、对待 pay attention to attitude (towards/ to) attract attractive adj. attraction n. audience,author n. authority n. 权力、权威;官方

14、 automatic available avenue n. average on average 平均起来 avoid doing 避免做= escape doing awake v. / adj. - awoke awoken award aware be aware of 意识到 - awareness n. awful awkward adj. 1. 笨拙的,不灵巧的 be with sth 2. 棘手的,难对付的 an problem,B(1),backache backward adv./ adj bad 比较级:worse 最高级:worst badminton baggage

15、bake v. bakery n. balance keep ones balance balanced adj. diet 平衡膳食 balloon bamboo ban -nn- n. 只用单数 a ban on doing 严禁 be put/ place under a ban 被禁止,band bank bank account 银行账户 bar 1. 酒吧 2. 杆 barber bare adj. bare-foot adj. / adv 赤脚 bargain n. 便宜货 v. bargain with sb bark base be based on basis n. - b

16、asic adj. 基本的 baseball basin bat bath take a bath 洗澡,bathe v. battery battle bay bear bore borne bear n. 熊 v. - bearable adj. 承受得住的 反义:unbearable beard beast beat beat - beaten beating heart beauty beautiful adj. because beef,beer 啤酒 become became become beg for 祈求得到 bee 蜜蜂 busy as a bee before It i

17、s + 时间段+ before .过多久后发生 behave v. behaviour n. behalf on behalf of 代表,为了的利益 being come into being 产生、形成 Belgium belief n. 信念、信仰 - believe vt. 相信某人说的话 - believe in 信奉、信任 belong to (无被动、现在进行时),below belt safety belt 安全带 bench bend bent bent beneath benefit n. get benefit from. vt. Laughter benefits us

18、. - beneficial adj. be beneficial to 对有益 besides 区别于beside:在旁 bet make a bet on 在上打赌 better a better one beyond beyond ones reach 在某人够不到的地方 be touched beyond words 感动得无法言语,bid v. / n. billion 7 billion biography biology birth give birth to 生产 birthday birthplace biscuit bit a bit 放形容词、副词前作状语,也可做宾语、表

19、语 如She is a bit tall. I know a bit. not a bit = not at all 如He is not a bit tired. 他一点都不累。 bite bit bitten bitter,black n. / adj. blame be to blame 应受责备 blame sb for sth blank blanket bleed bled bled bless God bless us. blind adj. 盲的,盲目的 block n. / vt/ vi block (up) the road 堵塞 blood blood pressure

20、血压 blouse blow 1. 击,打击give sb a blow 给某人一击 2. 吹 blow blew blown,blow up 1. 吹胀、打气 2. (使)爆炸 blue adj. 忧郁的 / n. board n. / v. boarding gate 登机门 boating boil v. boiling water 开水 boiled eggs 煮蛋 bomb book book a ticket 订票 bookcase bookmark bookshelf boom boot 靴子 booth telephone booth 电话亭,B(2),border borin

21、g / bored born adj. (bear的过去分词) both adj. / pron bottom at the bottom of bow v. 鞠躬 n. 弓; 鞠躬 bowl bowling box n. boxer boxing brain use your brain 动脑筋 brake,branch brand brave bravery n. break n. take a break 休息 break broke broken breakthrough breath n. out of breath 上气不接下气 take a deep breath breathe

22、 v. brick bride / bridegroom brief brilliant bring brought brought bright adj. - brighten v. broad adj. broadcast (变型一样),brochure n. 小册子 broom brush Buddhism budget build built built building n. burden be burdened with 背负着 burn burnt burnt burn down to the ground burial burst burst burst burst into

23、tears = burst out crying bury buried be buried in = be addicted to doing,bush business n. Its none of your business. 不管你的事。 busy busy doing butcher butter butterfly button buy bought bought by by far 很多,最(修饰比较级、最高级、强调程度等)His handwriting is clearer by far. 清楚多了 by the way bye,C(1),cab cabbage caf caf

24、eteria calculate calculation calendar n. 日历 calm adj. / v. calm down/ calm sb down camel camera camp go camping campaign can 情态动词 could cant help doing 情不自禁 n. 罐头,cannot too 越越好;再怎么样都不过分 如:You cannot be too careful. We cannot praise him too much. 再怎么称赞他都不为过。 Canadian canal cancel cancer candidate n.

25、 候选人 candle candy canteen cap capital captain,carbon care n. take care of v. care about 关心、担心 care for 1. 照顾、关心 2. (否定句和疑问句中)喜欢、想要= care to do 如:I dont care to go there. 我不愿去那里。 Would you care for a cup of tea?你想喝茶吗? careful - 反义:careless adj. career carpet carriage carrier n. carry carry out 执行 car

26、rot cartoon carve,case n. 1. 盒、箱 2. 情况 3. 案例 in case (of ) 以防万一 case + where + 句子(情况) cash pay in cash cassette cast be cast down (常用被动)沮丧 castle casual cater cater for ones taste 迎合 catch caught caught be caught doing 被抓时正在做 cattle + v复数 (同people, police, folk) cause cause and effct 因果关系,caution -c

27、autious cave ceiling celebrate celebration cell cent centigrade centimeter center central adj. century ceremony certain for a certain某个reason certificate n. chain chain shops 连锁店 chairman chalk n. 粉笔 vt. 用粉笔写;记下,challenge n. challenging adj. champion chance have the chance to do change v. / n. chang

28、eable adj. channel chapter character 特点;角色 characteristic adj. / n. 特性 charge n. 1. 费用 2. 责任、管理 be in charge of 管理 be in the charge of sb 被某人管理 vt. 1. 要价、要人支付 2. 使负责 chart chase,chat with sb -tt- cheat check check in / out 登记、检票/ 办清手续后离开 cheek cheer cheer up 振作起来 cheerful adj. cheers cheese chemical

29、 adj. chemist n chemistry n. cheque chess play chess 下棋(无冠) chessman C 棋子 chest,chew chick chicken chief adj. N. 首脑 child children childhood chemistry chocolate choice n. have no choice but to do choose chosechosen choke choke up 1. 噎住,说不出话来 2. 阻塞 chopsticks Christian Christmas Christmas Eve,C(2),ch

30、urch go church 去做礼拜 cigar cigarette cinema circle n. / vt circulate circulate the culture 传播文化 citizen /citizenship 公民身份 civil civil war 内战 civilization class 1. 班级 2. 等级 first-class 一流的 claim classic 1. 第一流的 2. 典型的 3. 经典著作(n.) classical 传统的、古典的(注意和classic意义上的区别),clear make it clear that clerk click

31、 climate climb clinic close adj. be/get close to adv.区别于closely(close两者位置上的接近;closely指两个抽象事物之间的关系紧密) close vt. closed adj. cloth U 布 C有专门用途的布 a table cloth 桌布 clothes + v.复数 clothing 没复数形式+ v单 an article of clothing 一件衣服 cloud cloudy adj.,club coach 教练;长途车 coal coast coastal adj. coat coin Every coi

32、n has two sides. coincidence by coincidence 碰巧地、巧合地 coke n. 焦炭 vt. 使成焦炭 cold-blooded collar colleague collect - collection college n. 学院 colour column,comb n. / v. combine combine A with B come came come come doing 怎样的状态进来 comedy comfort comfortable command + 虚拟语气 comment make an comment/ comments o

33、n = remake commercial commerce commit tt- 1. 犯罪 2. 委托 commit to suicide 自杀 committee common have sth in common communicate - communication,communist communism 共产主义 community companion company compare compare A with B 比较 compare A to B 把A比作B - comparison compass compete competition competitor compete

34、nce complain v. complaint n. complete complex,composition comprehend v 理解 comprehension n. computer concentrate on = focus on concern be concerned about 担心 be concerned with 与有关;涉及 as far as sth/ sb is concerned concerning 介词 = as to / for concert conclude - conclusion n. make a conclusion condition

35、 on condition that 以为条件 in good/ bad condition,conduct conductor conduction conference confidence confident confirm vt 证实、确实 conflict confuse confusing 令人困惑 confused 自身感觉 congratulate Congratulations!祝贺 connect A with B connection conscious consciousness consequence conservation -conserve, consider

36、1. 认为 consider sth (to be) + adj. / n. 2. 考虑 consider doing - considerate adj. 考虑周到的、体贴的 consist consist of (无被动) eg. Our class consists of 25 boys and 25 girls. = be made up of constant constantly constantly与现在进行时连用可表示埋怨、责备等口气,同always doing constitution construct construction consult consume,C(3),c

37、ontact contain 区别于include, contain+所有内容;include+其中一部分 container contemporary content be content with = be satisfied with contest continent continue contrast n. / v. 对比、对照 contrary on the 相反 contribute to 1. 做出贡献 2. = lead to,contribution control be in control of 控制 be in the control of 被控制 (同possess

38、ion/ charge) convenient - convenience it is convenient for sb to do conversation convey convince convince sb of sth 使某人信服 cook v. / n. 厨师 cooker n. 炊具 cool cooperation cooperate v. copy,corner be around the corner 即将到来 如Easter is around/ round the corner.复活节要到了。 corn corporation correction correct a

39、dj. / v. 纠正 cozy cost cost cost cotton cough count vt. / vi. 有重要性 counter countryside county couple courage,course take courses 上课 court courtyard cousin cover (关注多种意思) be covered with cover an area of cow crack crash crayon crazy be crazy about 对狂热 cream create- - creation n. creature credit to one

40、s credit 值得赞扬,crew crime criminal 罪犯 crisp criterion - criteria 复 critical adj.关键的 criticism criticize crop cross adj. 脾气不好的、易怒的 crossroad 十字路口 crowd crowded adj. cruel cry n. / v.,culture cultural adj. cupboard cure a cure of (n.)治疗的方法 cure for (v.)医治 curiosity out of 处于好奇 curious be curious about

41、current adj. / n. curtain cushion custom customer customs 海关、关税 cut cut cut cycle cyclist,D(1),in our daily life dam damage do/ cause damage to damp danger be in danger/ a danger to - dangerous dare 情态动词:dare do - 否定dare not do 实意动词:dare to do - 否定dont dare to do eg. She didnt dare to walk at night.

42、 I dare say (that) .我想、我认为是 dark at dark darkness,dash data database date make a date with sb 约会 daughter dawn at dawn 拂晓时 Dawn breaks. 破晓 daylight dead adj. the dead 死人 deadline deaf turn a deaf ear to 充耳不闻 deal dealt - dealt v. deal with n. a big deal 大交易 how to deal with sth dear,death cause/ lea

43、d to 200 deaths debate with sb on sth debt be in heavy debt 负债累累 decade 十年 decide to do make a decision declare decline vt./ vi. / n. 下降、减少 decorate sth with sth decoration decrease / increase deed do a good deed 做件好事 Deeds are better than words. 行动胜于言论。 deer,defeat enemies 打退敌人 defend vt. defend ag

44、ainst.保卫以免受伤害 - defence n. define vt. - definition 定义 definite adj. degree 1. 学位 2. 程度 to some degree 在某种程度上 delay n. / v. delay doing delicious delight n. to ones delight - delighted adj. deliver vt. 1. deliver letters 分发信件 2. deliver a baby 接生 3. deliver a speech 发表演讲 - delivery n.,demand sb to do

45、 demand that + 虚拟 dentist department depend on - dependent 依赖的 - 反义 independent独立的 depress vt. 使消沉, 使绝望 - depressed - depressing 令人忧郁的 - depression n. depth describe - description n. desert n. 沙漠 / vt. 遗弃 deserve vt. deserve a reward/ to be done design n. / v. be designed for 为设计 desire n. / v.,dess

46、ert destination destroy - destroyed - destruction n. detail n. explain in detail 详细地解释 - detailed adj. detective determine to do = make up ones mind to do - determination n. develop 1. 发展 2. 形成develop a habit of doing 3. 洗(照片) - development n. With the steady development of society devote to doing b

47、e devoted to devotion n.,D(2),diagram dial the numbers dialogue diamond diary keep a diary dictation dictionary die (die的词组) die away (声音)渐渐消失 diet be on a diet 节食 differ from difference make a difference (to) 有意义、有影响 difficulty have difficulty in doing,difficult adj. dig dug - dug dig out 挖出 dig into 挖进;调查=look into digest v. / n. 领会 - digestion n. 消化 digital adj.


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