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1、SERIES 1200 - TRAFFIC SIGNS1200章 交通标识1201 Regulations, Sign Classification and Standards规章,标识分类和标准Regulations规章1) Subject to paragraphs 2 below, all traffic signs used (including retroreflecting road studs and road markings), whether permanent or temporary, shall be of the size, shape, colour and ty

2、pe prescribed for that use in GOST 23457-86 Technical Methods of Organising Traffic Movement and Amendment #3 to GOST 10807-78 and subsequent amending Regulations. All hardware and signposts shall be manufactured according to the following specification. 根据下列第二段,所有无论永久或临时的交通标识应按照格鲁吉亚标准“交通组织技术方法”及符合G

3、OST 10807-78和随后的修订条例的修正案#3来规定尺寸,形状,颜色和类型。所有硬件和路标应按照以下规范制造。2) Signs that are not prescribed in Regulations need to be specially authorised by the relevant authority. Where the Contractor proposes to use non-prescribed temporary traffic signs, he shall obtain the agreement of the Engineer to their int

4、ended design and location. Where the Contractor proposes to use prescribed temporary traffic signs, he shall obtain the agreement of the police and the relevant authority to their intended location. The Contractor shall obtain authorisation and approval from the Engineer for the use of the signs at

5、the specific locations proposed.在规程中未规定的标识应由相关权威机构特别授权。在承包商建议使用非指定临时交通标识处,承包商应对预期设计和方位获得工程师的同意。在承包商建议使用指定临时交通标识处,承包商应对交通标识在建议特定方位的使用获得授权及工程师的准许。Sign Classification标识分类3) For the purposes of the Contract the following classifications apply: 出于合同的目的,适用以下分类:(i)permanent traffic signs. Any of the traffi

6、c signs prescribed in the Regulations, or specially authorised by authorised by the relevant authority, or any part thereof, designed to remain in position at the completion of the Permanent Works or a traffic cone, cylinder or other traffic delineator to be retained by the Employer;永久交通标识。任何在规章中规定的

7、交通标识或由相关权威部门特别授权,或任意部分,预计在永久工程完工时维持原样或其他交通照明灯由业主保留。(ii)prescribed temporary traffic signs. Any of the traffic signs defined in the Regulations, or specially authorised by the relevant authority, or any part thereof, which, unless otherwise described, comply with the requirements of a permanent traff

8、ic sign but which will not remain in position at the completion of the Permanent Works;规定的临时交通标识。任何在规章中定义的,或由相关权威授权的,或任何部分,除非另作说明,遵循永久交通标识要求,但在永久工程完工时须拆除。(iii)temporary traffic signs. Any of the traffic signs defined in the Regulations, or specially authorised by the Engineer, or any part thereof, d

9、esigned by the Contractor, in compliance with Clause 1216 which will not remain in position at the completion of the Permanent Works.临时交通标识。任何在规章中定义的交通标识,或由工程师特别授权的,或部分,由承包商设计,符合条款1216的在永久工程完工时须拆除。1202 General Requirements for Permanent Traffic Signs永久交通标识的总体要求1) Materials for permanent traffic sign

10、s and their construction, assembly, location and erection shall comply with this Series.1)用于永久交通标识及其施工,装配,定位和安装的材料需符合本章节要求。2) Each complete traffic sign or part thereof shall be capable of passing the tests in the Regulations.2)每个完成的交通标识或部件应能够通过规章的测试。3) Not used.不适用4) Before the commencement of fabr

11、ication of any traffic sign, the Contractor shall submit for the Engineers approval:4)在开始制作任何交通标识前,承包商应先获得工程师批准:(i)fabrication drawings for directional informatory and informatory signs;(一)“方向提示”和“提示”标识的制造图纸;(ii)information about warning, regulatory and other traffic signs. (二)“警告”“监控”和其他交通标识的信息。5)

12、The backs of traffic signs shall have a location identifying mark. 交通标识后面应有方位识别标记6) Traffic signs shall be carefully handled to prevent damage, transported and stored in accordance with the sign face manufacturers instructions.6)交通标志应谨慎处理,以防止损坏,并按照标志牌制造商指示来运输和储存。1203Foundations for Permanent Traffic

13、 Signs and Signals永久交通标识和信号的基座1) The type and size of foundations for permanent traffic signs and signals shall be as described in, and unless otherwise stated therein shall comply with, this Clause.1)永久交通标识和信号基座的类型和尺寸应按照这一条款所述,除非另作说明也应遵从本条款。2) All excavations for foundations shall be carried out in

14、 compliance with Clause 604 and shall be cleared of all loose material before placing of concrete and backfilling.2)所有路基的开挖应遵从条款604执行,并应在混凝土摊铺和回填前清除所有松散材料。3) Traffic signs and signals supported by a single post placed in the ground shall have the post installed centrally in 300 mm diameter or square

15、 holes filled in compliance with Clause 2602 with mix ST2 concrete to within 150 mm of the ground surface.3)由置放在地面的一根杆支撑的交通标识和信号应将杆安置在直径为300mm或圆孔中间,根据条款2602在地表150mm中以混合ST2混凝土填充。4) Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, posts shall be supported for a minimum of 3 days after placing the concrete a

16、nd backfilling shall not take place until at least 48 hours after placing.4) 除非工程师另作指导,杆应在混凝土摊铺至少3天后竖立,且在摊铺至少48小时后才能进行回填。5) For traffic signals and illuminated signs provision shall be made for cable entry through the foundation by means of ducting.5)应以管道的方式通过基座对电缆引入装置提供交通标识和照明标识6) Where pockets are

17、 formed in concrete foundations their plan dimensions shall be sufficiently larger than those of the post to allow for positioning and bedding of the post and backfilling of the pocket.6)在混凝土基座形成小坑的地方,其计划尺寸应比杆的尺寸大得多,以供杆的定位和安置及小坑的回填7) All backfilling of foundations shall comply with Clause 611 except

18、 that where pipes or buried cable ducts are installed it shall comply with Clause 505.7)所有基座的回填应符合条款611除了安装管道和直埋电缆的应符合条款505。8) Reinstatement of existing surfaces above foundations shall comply with Clause 706.8)基座上方现有地表的修复应符合条款7061204Posts for Permanent Traffic Signs永久交通标识杆1) Posts for permanent tra

19、ffic signs shall comply with BS 873 : Part 7, the surface protection requirements of BS 873 : Part 6 and with the following:永久标志的杆应遵循BS 873:部分7,BS873中的路表保护要求:部分6(i)steel posts shall be tubular or rectangular hollow section complying with BS EN 10 210, joists, universal beams or columns complying wit

20、h BS 4-1, and shall be manufactured from steel complying with grade S275 JO or S275 J2;(一)钢杆应为符合BS EN 10 210的管子或矩形空腹型钢,符合BS 4-1的托梁 ,通用工字钢梁或圆柱,且符合等级S275 JO 或 S275 J2由钢铁制成。(ii)aluminium posts shall be of tubular or rectangular hollow section;铝制杆应为管状或矩形中空(iii)concrete for reinforced or prestressed conc

21、rete posts shall comply with Series 1700.2) Posts shall not protrude above the top of the sign unless supporting an external luminaire, in which case the protrusion shall be kept to a minimum.2)杆不得超出标识顶部,除非为了支撑外部照明,但这种情况仍需将超出部分控制到最小。3) Internally illuminated posts for pedestrian crossing beacons sha

22、ll comply with this Clause and where appropriate with BS 873 : Part 7.3)行人交叉路灯塔的内部照明标杆应符合此条款及适当情况下符合BS 873:部分74) Signs erected on a single post shall be positioned so that the post is in the centre of the sign.单一标识杆应固定使得杆位于标识正中间5) Flange plates shall have holes or slots to accommodate the attachment

23、 system.法兰盘上应有孔或狭缝留给附着系统1205Sign Plates for Permanent Traffic Signs永久交通标识的标识板1) All permanent sign plates shall comply with the Regulations, and with this Clause.1)所有永久性标志牌应当遵守本条例,并符合本条款。2) Plate signs not exceeding 1.2 m in height and 2.4 m width shall be made of a single sheet. Where more than one

24、 sheet is used to make up a sign, the number of sheets shall be kept to a reasonable minimum and the separate sheets shall be rectangular and of comparable size and shape.2)不超过1.2m的高度及2.4m的宽度的标志牌应由单一板做成。凡由不止一个板做成的标识,板的数量应保持在合理的最小值范围内,单独的板应为矩形且为相当的尺寸和形状。3) Extruded plank signs up to 4.8 m wide shall

25、have no vertical joints. Above this size, joints in extruded planks shall preferably be positioned at a vertical support; if not, then the vertical joints in adjacent planks shall not be less than 1.0 m apart and only one joint per extruded plank is permitted.3)超过4.8m宽的突出厚木板标识不得有纵向接缝。超过这个尺寸的,突出厚木板的接

26、缝更适合定位在垂直支撑上;如果不是,相邻木板上的垂直接缝不应少于1米,且每个突出木板只允许一个接缝。4) Fabricated plank signs up to 4.8 m wide shall have no vertical joints, but each plank may be constructed from a maximum of two pieces of sub strate material, producing one split line. Split lines shall be lined up vertically or horizontally. Above

27、 4.8 m wide, joints in the stiffening extrusions of adjacent planks shall preferably be positioned at a vertical support; if not, then the vertical joints in the stiffening extrusions of adjacent planks shall not be less than1.0 m apart and only one such joint per fabricated plank shall then be perm

28、itted.5) Where top and bottom light spill screens are required, these shall extend for the whole width of the sign and be fabricated out of the same material as the sign plate.5) 但凡要求顶部和底部溢出遮光板的,应延展到标识的全部宽度且使用与标志板相同的材料。6) Top and bottom light spill screens shall be considered as part of the sign pla

29、te and any stiffeners and mounting fittings shall be designed to accommodate the combined size.6)顶部和底部溢出屏幕应作为标志板的一部分考虑,任何增强板和装配配件应设计为适应组合尺寸的1206 Faces for Permanent Traffic Signs永久交通标识的面板1) Faces for permanent traffic signs shall comply with the Regulations and with this Clause.1)永久交通标识的面板应遵从本条例和本条款

30、。2) All plastics sheeting shall be fixed in accordance with the sheeting manufacturers instructions.2)所有塑料薄膜应按照片制造商的指示固定。3) Only vertical and horizontal joints shall be permitted and all joints in plastics sheeting shall be overlapped by not less than 6 mm. The overlap in the horizontal joints shall

31、 be from the top. Butt joints in plastics sheeting shall not be used, except between individual planks or in electro cutable overlay film, or as recommended by the sheeting manufacturer.3)只允许纵向及横向的接缝,所有塑料板材上的接缝应重叠不少于6mm。横向接缝的重叠应从顶部开始。但塑料板上不应有接缝,除非是在个别的木板或可切割的电镀覆盖薄膜中,或由板材制造商推荐的。4) All materials compr

32、ising the sign face, including the background, border and legends shall be carefully matched for colour at the time of sign fabrication to provide uniform appearance both by day and night. The sheeting manufacturers recommendations on colour matching methods shall be observed.4)所有组成标志牌包括背景,边框和图例的材料,

33、应在标识制造时仔细匹配颜色,以提供白天与夜晚都统一的外观。应遵守板材制造商对颜色匹配的建议。5) Letters, numerals, symbols and borders shall be clear cut, sharp edged and without cracks.5)字母,数字,符号和边框应剪裁明确,边缘锋利且无裂痕6) Any cut-out letters, numerals, symbols and borders shall be of material compatible with the sheeting to which they are applied. The

34、y shall be applied in accordance with the sheeting manufacturers instructions.6)任何剪下的字母,数字,符号和边框应与板材应用的材料相兼容。它们的应用应符合板材制造商的指示。7) Screen processed letters, numerals, symbols and borders shall be screen printed with materials in accordance with the sheeting manufacturers instructions. Any inks, pastes

35、 and finishing coats used shall be compatible with the sheeting material or the face panel of internally illuminated signs.7屏幕上加工的字母,数字,符号和边框应使用符合制造商指示的材料来印刷。任何使用的墨,浆和最后一道涂层应与板材材料或者内部照明标识的面板相一致。8) Sheeting materials including letters, numerals, symbols and borders shall be fully adhered and there sh

36、all be no air bubbles, creases, cracks or other blemishes. Where the sheeting manufacturer requires the assembled materials to be provided with a coat of clear lacquer, it shall be uniform and continuous. All lacquer shall be applied at the time of fabrication of the sign face and shall be of a type

37、 specified or supplied by the sheeting manufacturer.8)包括字母,数字,符号和边框的片状材料应全部粘合且不得有气泡,皱褶,裂缝或其他瑕疵。板材制造商要求装配材料提供涂层或透明漆的,应统一且连续。所有透明漆应在标识牌制造时涂上,且应是板材制造商规定或供应的一种类型。1207 Construction and Assembly of Permanent Traffic Signs永久交通标识的施工和装配General概述1) Construction and assembly of traffic signs shall comply with

38、the Regulations and with this Clause.交通标识的施工和装配应符合本条例及本条款2) All sign plates and planks, frames, purlins, posts and other components shall be de-burred prior to assembly.所有标志牌和木板,架,檩条,杆和其他组成部分应在组装前去毛刺。3) Where framing and stiffening are not an integral part of the sign plate their joints shall be wel

39、ded or joined with suitable brackets utilising nuts, bolts and washers.3)当框架和加强部件不是标志板的组成部分时,接缝应以适当的使用螺母,螺栓和垫片的托架焊接或连接。4) Where purlins are adopted they shall be attached to each vertical member of the sign frame and the sign stiffening and framing shall be continuous in the vertical direction. Purl

40、ins shall be spaced equally apart. Connections shall be made at every point where a purlin crosses a post.4)在采用檩条处,它们将被附着到每个标识框架的垂直构件处,标识的加强构件和框架应在垂直方向连续。檩条应相隔相同的距离。在檩条跨越杆的地方应在每点做出连接。5) Where purlins are not adopted the sign stiffening and framing shall be continuous in the horizontal direction.5)不采

41、用檩条的地方标识加强部件和框架应在水平方向连续6) Rivets and other devices used for fixing sheet sign plates to their stiffeners or framework, or in the construction of housings, shall be of a material compatible with the materials being joined. Spacing of rivets or other fixing devices shall be uniform and shall not excee

42、d 150 mm around the outside edge of any sheet or section of sheet, and shall not exceed 300 mm on cross braces. Hollow rivets shall not be used. Where sign plates need to be stiffened this shall be achieved in a manner such that the sign face material is not punctured or otherwise damaged to accommo

43、date the stiffening.6)用于将标识板固定到其加强部件或模板,或用于居民住宅建设的铆钉和其他装置应是能够和连接的材料兼容的一种材料。铆钉或其他固定装置的间距应是统一的且在任何板或板的任何部分的外部边缘不得超过150mm,在横拉条处不超过300mm。不得使用空心铆钉。在标识牌需要加强的部分应满足标志牌材料不被刺破或损坏,以实现加强。7) An additional washer of neoprene, nylon or other suitable material shall be used between the sign face and any metal nuts,

44、 bolts, washers and screws to protect it from corrosive or other damaging effects.7)附加的氯丁橡胶,尼龙或其他适合材料的垫片应在标志牌和任何金属螺母,螺栓,垫片和螺丝钉之间使用,以保护其不受腐蚀或其他破坏性作用影响。8) Where supports to traffic signs, including external lighting luminaires, are required to have flange plates these shall be secured by anchorages an

45、d attachment systems. The bolts shall be lightly greased before final installation and they and their anchorages shall be installed so as to achieve the manufacturers loadings and torque settings.8)包括外部照明灯的支撑和交通标识应有固定和连接系统加固的凸缘板。螺栓在最后安装前应稍稍涂抹润滑油,且应安装它们及它们的锚固以达到制造商的装载和扭矩设置。9) Sheet and plank signs sh

46、all be connected to posts by an appropriate method. Banding systems shall be of stainless steel complying with AISI Grade 201.9)薄板和厚木板应以适当的方法连接到杆上。封边系统应使用符合AISI 级201的不锈钢。10) Plank signs shall be assembled in accordance with the manufacturers instructions.木板标识应按照制造商指示来装配。11) Where ferrous components

47、are permitted any drilling of them shall be completed before the application of any finish.11)应在抛光之前完成含铁元件的钻孔。12) Any hole drilled in plates with plastics sheeting to accommodate a rivet or bolt shall immediately prior to the insertion of the rivet or bolt have a clear lacquer, recommended by the pl

48、astics sheeting manufacturer, applied to its edge to prevent the ingress of moisture. The surfaces of rivets or bolts exposed on the sign face shall be covered by a suitable material of a colour to match that part of the face.13) Prior to fitting any sign to any lighting column, the Contractor shall ensure that the sign is included in the technical approval of the lighting column in accordance Standard BD 26. No holes shall be drilled in the lighting column except those whose location and size are included in the technical approval.13)在在灯柱上固定任何标识前,承包商应确保根据标准BD 26标识包括在灯柱的


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