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1、Chapter 4 旅游观光SECTION I: 英译中1.1 话题扩充1. accommodations n. 膳宿;住房adjoining room n. 相邻的房间single room - a room with one bed for one person n. 单人房(一张床)twin room - a room with two beds for two people n. 双人房(两张床)double room - a room for two persons with a double bed n. 双人房(一张床)triple room - a room for three

2、 persons, usually consisting of twin beds (or double bed) plus a roll-away cot n. 三人房standard room n. 标准间deluxe room n. 豪华间luxury suite n. 豪华套房presidential suite n. 总统套房ocean front - a room directly facing the ocean n. 面朝海洋的房间ocean view -a room from which it is possible to secure a view of the ocean

3、 (usually located on the side of the hotel) 海景房wet bar小吧台 n. (旅馆房间里有自来水和水槽的小吧台)book/ reserve a room v. 订房booth n. 餐厅中的包厢或火车座bowling alley n. 保龄球场check in v. 入住check out v. 结账、退房close-circuit television n. 闭路电视deposit n. 预定金discotheque n. 迪斯科舞厅front desk; reception desk n. 前台gym n. 健身房hotel registrat

4、ion form n. 旅馆登记表karaoke n. 卡拉OKlobby n. 大堂make a reservation 预订massage parlor n. 按摩室, (挂按摩院招牌的)妓院pool table n. 台球桌stay at v. 在下榻2. air transportation n. 空运, 坐飞机旅行connecting flight n. 转接班机direct flight n. 直航 ( 不换飞机,但中途可能有停)electronic ticket n.电子机票non-stop flight n.直达航班baggage allowance n.免费行李配额coach

5、 class n.经济舱commercial carriers n.客运飞机,列车等first class n. 头等舱air mile n.空英里,空中飞行的长度单位,相当于一国际海里(6,076.115英尺)travel insurance n.旅行保险PAI (personal accident insurance) n.人身意外伤害险force majeure n. 不可抗力 (如风暴,战争等)3. car rental n. 租车van n. 厢式车; 商旅车compact adj. / n. 小型轿车mid-sized adj.中型汽车full-sized adj.大型轿车(六人坐

6、)sedan 四门轿车convertible 敞蓬车drop-off charge n. 甲地租车,乙地还车所收取的费用Value Added Tax (VAT) n. 增值税 (欧洲国家对货品和服务所课征的营业税, 一般可退还给游客)4. hotel n. 旅馆apartment hotel n. 酒店式公寓B & B - Bed & Breakfast 乡村小旅店(只包早餐与住宿)详析usually a quaint, country-style accommodation with a small number of rooms, that includes breakfast each

7、 morninghostel n. 小旅馆,招待所(通常较便宜)inn n. 客栈,小旅店lodge n. 山林小屋, (游览区的、靠山临水的)旅馆motel n. 汽车旅馆mountain villa n. 庄别墅posada n.西 乡间小旅馆, 客栈resort n. 度假胜地, 度假胜地宾馆5. major credit cards n.主要信用卡visa n. 威萨Mastercard n.万事通American Express n.美国运通6. meals 用餐Continental breakfast n. 欧陆式早餐详析 usually consists of bread, r

8、olls, butter, jam and tea or coffee.English breakfast n. 英式早餐详析 basic meal of cereal, juice, eggs, meats, and other beverages. Common with most hotels in the UK/Great BritainAP (American Plan) n. 美式配套 (住房+美式早餐+午餐+晚餐)CP (Continental Plan) n. 大陆式配套 (住房 + 欧陆式早餐)EP (European Plan) n. 欧式配套 (只供住房,没有附带任何餐点

9、)MAP (Modified American Plan) n. 简易美式配套(住房+美式早餐+晚餐)Full Board (Full Pension) n. 全套(住房+大陆式早餐+午餐+晚餐)Half Board (Demi-Pension) n. 半套 (住房+大陆式早餐,午餐或晚餐选一)A la Carte n. 照单点菜7. national park n. 国家公园美国最负盛名六大国家公园:Blue Ridge Parkway 蓝色山脊公园道Mount Rushmore National Memorial 罗斯摩尔山国家公园 (有总统头像)Grand canyon national

10、 park 大峡谷国家公园Great smoky mountains national park大烟山国家公园Yellowstone national park 黄石公园Yosemite national park 优胜美地、国家公园8. services (旅游)配套服务bellman / bellhop n. 旅馆服务员 (如搬运行李和当差)concierge / valet n. 旅馆看门人、为客人搬行李、停车等的服务人员driver-guide n. 司机兼导游dry cleaning n. 干洗laundry service n. 酒店洗衣服务local guide n. 当地导游p

11、orterage n. 行李服务tour escort/director/manager n. 领队(受旅行社委派,全权代表该旅行社带领旅游团从事旅游活动的工作人员)transfers n. 接送服务9. travel documents n. 旅游所携文件passport n. 护照visa n. 签证vouchers n. 代金券详析Documents issued by tour operators to be exchanged for accommodations, sightseeing and other services.10. types of beds n. (旅馆里)床的

12、类型double n. 双人床single / queen / king n. 单人床 / 大号床/ 加阔床或特大号床twin beds n. 对床 (相当于two singles)waterbed n. 水床long boy beds n.加长床rollaway n.滚动式折叠床hide-a-bed n.暗床1.2 相关词汇Aa must-see place/ sight 必游之地a nation living on wheels 生活在轮子上的国家altitude stress 高原反应, 高山反应Bbackpack n. 背包Bon Voyage! 祝你旅途愉快!business tou

13、r n. 商务旅游Ccab/ cabby n. 出租车;计程车camping n. 露营commuter n. (使用月/季票)乘车者; 经常来往于两地之间的人commuter flight n. 美短程定期往返飞机Ddebark v. 下船(飞机,车等)dining out n. 下馆子drive-in banks n.“免下车” 银行drive-through restaurants n.“免下车” 餐馆Eembark v. 上船, 上飞机,启程excursion n. 游览;短途旅行;不属于计划行程中的游览expressway n.高速公路F, Gfield trip n.实地考察旅行g

14、reyhound n.美国灰狗长途汽车group tour n. 随团旅游Hhigh season n.(旅游地区等的)旺季honeymoon trip n. 蜜月之旅Iin transit / en route adv. 在途中inbound tourism n. 入境旅游inclusive tour n. 全包旅行详析a package tour that bundles transportation, accommodations, transfers, sightseeing, possibly some meals, etcinternational drivers license

15、n. 国际驾照J, Ljet lag n.飞行时差反应landscape n. 风景;自然景观long distance coach n.长途汽车low season n.(旅游地区等的)淡季M, Nminimum speed n.最低限速monthly pass n. 月票mount police n. 骑警non-refundable adj. 不可退还的nonstop adj.(中途)不停的,直达的non-transferable adj. 不可转让的Ppageantry n.盛典parking lot n. 停车场parking space n. 停车位per diem (by the

16、 day)(游轮)adj. 按日计的petty cash n. 零用现金public transit n. 公共交通Rreceipt n. 收条, 收据return ticket n.回程票round trip n. 往返旅行round-trip ticket n. 往返票Ssea legs n. 抗晕船能力shuttle bus n. 美区间(公共汽)车shuttle flight n. 美短程定期往返飞机speed limit n. 限速subway n. 地铁Ttents n. 帐篷TGV n.(Train a Grande Vitesse) 法国高速列车the changing of

17、guards n. 皇家卫队换岗(典礼)theme cruise n.主题型游轮详析a cruise devoted to a specific interest, such as big bands, country western, Star Trek, exercise and weight-loss, cooking and cuisine, and many more. There is usually a theme cruise to suit just about any interestthrough passenger n.直达旅客tipping n. 给小费tour n.

18、旅游, 旅行tourist destination n.景点; 游客驻足之地; 游客向往的地方tourist season n.旅游旺季trailer n.拖车式活动房屋; 房车travel agency n. 旅行社Vvacation n. 度假, 休假vacationer n. 度假者, 休假者Wwaiver n. 放弃,免去 (如旅客放弃航空保险)white page n.电话簿白页 (for finding a person-居民住宅电话号码)Yellow Pages n.电话簿黄页 (for finding a business-商业类)1.3 世界部分旅游名胜1.(埃及) Aswa

19、n High Dam, Egypt 阿斯旺水坝2.(埃及) Pyramids, Egypt 埃及金字塔3.(埃及) Suez Canal, Egypt 苏伊士运河4.(埃及) The Nile, Egypt 尼罗河5.(埃及)Pyramids 金字塔6.(埃及)Sphinx 斯芬克斯狮身人面像7.(埃及)Suez Canal 埃及苏伊士运河8.(澳)Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁9.(澳)Sidney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院10.(百慕大) Bermuda Triangle 百慕大三角11.(北非) Sahara Desert 撒哈拉大沙漠12.(德)Berlin W

20、all 柏林墙13.(德)Checkpoint Charlie 查理检查站博物馆14.(德)Kolner Dom, Koln, Germany 科隆大教堂15.(德)Victory Column 胜利女神柱16.(俄)Red Square in Moscow, Russia 莫斯科红场17.(法)Arch of Triumph, France 法国凯旋门18.(法)Champs-Elysees 香榭丽大道19.(法)Chateau de Versailles 凡尔赛宫20.(法)Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔21.(法)Elysee Palace 法国爱丽舍宫22.(法)Louvre 卢

21、浮宫23.(法)Notre Dame de Paris 巴黎圣母院24.(法)Seine 塞纳河25.(加)CN Tower (CN=Canadian National)西恩塔,迄今为止世界上最高的建筑物26.(加)Gas Town 瓦斯镇27.(加)Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉大瀑布28.(加)SkyDome (多伦多) 天虹体育馆29.(柬埔寨)Angkor Wat, Cambodia 吴哥窟30.(肯尼亚) Nairobi National Park, Kenya 内罗毕国家公园31.(罗马)Colosseum 圆形大剧场32.(美) Times Square, New York

22、 City 纽约时代广场33.(美) World Trade Center, New York City 约世界贸易中心34.(美)Atlantic City 大西洋赌城35.(美)Beverly Hill 比华利山36.(美)blue ridge parkway 蓝色山脊公园道37.(美)Capitol Hill 国会大厦38.(美)Carnegie Music Hall 卡内基音乐厅39.(美)Central Park 中央公园40.(美)Chinatown 唐人街41.(美)Disneyland 迪斯尼乐园42.(美)Empire State Building 帝国大厦43.(美)Get

23、tysburg 葛底斯堡44.(美)Golden Gate Bridge 金门大桥45.(美)Grand canyon national park 大峡谷国家公园46.(美)Great smoky mountains national park 大烟山国家公园47.(美)Greenwich Village 格林尼治村48.(美)Hawaii Islands 夏威夷群岛49.(美)Hollywood 好莱坞50.(美)Honolulu 檀香山 / 火奴鲁鲁51.(美)Jefferson Memorial 杰斐逊纪念堂52.(美)JFK center for the Performing Arts

24、 肯尼迪表演艺术中心53.(美)Las Vegas 拉斯维加斯54.(美)Liberty Bell 自由钟55.(美)Library of Congress 国会图书馆56.(美)Lincoln Memorial 林肯纪念堂57.(美)Madison Memorial 麦迪逊纪念堂58.(美)Metropolitan Museum of Art 大都会艺术博物馆59.(美)Mount Rushmore National Memorial 罗斯摩尔山国家公园60. (美)National Air and Space Museum 国家宇宙航行博物馆61. (美)National Gallery

25、of Art 国家艺术馆62. (美)Palm Springs 棕榈泉 (旧金山)63. (美)Pearl Harbor 珍珠港64. (美)Pentagon 五角大楼65. (美)Redwood National Park 红杉树国家公园66. (美)Rockefeller Center 洛克菲勒中心67. (美)Sears Tower 芝加哥西尔斯大厦 (是世界第二美国第一高楼)68. (美)Statue of Liberty 自由女神像69. (美)UN headquarters 联合国总部70. (美)Universal Studio 环球影城71. (美)Waikiki Beach

26、夏威夷怀基基海滩72. (美)Wall Street 华尔街73. (美)Walt Disney World Theme Park 迪斯尼主题乐园 (奥兰多)74. (美)Washington Monument 华盛顿纪念碑75. (美)West Point Military Academy 西点军校76. (美)White House 白宫77. (美)Washington National Cathedral 华盛顿国家大教堂78. (美)Yellowstone national park 黄石公园79. (美)Yosemite national park 优诗美地80. (美)Zion

27、National Park 锡安山国家公园81. (摩洛哥)Monte Carlo, Monaco 蒙特卡罗82. (南非) Cape of Good Hope, South Africa 好望角83. (日)Biwako (Biwa lake)琵琶湖 (日本第一大湖)84. (日)Ginza 银座 (东京一繁华街道)85. (日)Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park 广岛和平纪念公园86. (日)Japan-China Friendship Monument 日中友好纪念碑87. (日)Mount Fuji 富士山88. (日)National Diet Buildin

28、g 国会议事堂89. (日)National Museum of Tokyo 东京国立博物馆90. (日)Rokuonji Temple 金阁寺91. (日)Sunshine City 阳光城(其主楼顶层的展望台高达240米, 居日本首位)92. (日)Tokyo Tower 东京塔93. (日)Tsukuba Science City 筑波科学城94. (日)Ueno Park 上野公园95. (泰国) Crocodile Farm, Thailand 北榄鳄鱼湖96. (泰国) Pattaya Beach, Thailand 芭堤雅海滩97. (土耳其) Mosque of St, Sop

29、hia in Istanbul 圣索非亚教堂98. (希腊)Acropolis 雅典卫城99. (希腊)Parthenon, Greece 希腊巴台农神庙100. (希腊)Temple of Athena Nike 雅典娜胜利女神庙101. (新加坡) Sentosa, Singapore 圣淘沙102. (亚洲)The Himalayas 喜马拉雅山103. (意)Colosseum in Rome, Italy 意大利古罗马圆形剧场104. (意)Etna Volcano 埃特纳火山105. (意)Leaning Tower of Pisa 比萨斜塔106. (意)Venice, Ital

30、y 意大利威尼斯107. (意)Vesuvio Volcano 维苏威火山108. (印度)Taj Mahal, India 泰姬陵109. (印尼) Bali, Indonesia 巴厘岛110. (英)Big Ben 大本钟111. (英)British Museum 大英博物馆112. (英)Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫113. (英)Downing Street 唐宁街114. (英)Hyde Park 海德公园115. (英)London Tower Bridge 伦敦塔桥116. (英)Madame Tussauds Waxworks 杜骚夫人蜡像馆117. (英)

31、Royal Botanical Gardens 皇家植物园118. (英)St. Paul Cathedral 圣保罗大教堂119. (英)Thames River 泰晤士河120. (英)the House of Parliament 英国国会大厦121. (英)Westminster Abbey 西敏寺, 又称威斯敏斯特教堂(英国名人墓地)SECTION II: 中译英2.1 上海1. 不夜城 sleepless city2. 沧海桑田 ups and downs of time3. 长江三角洲 the Yangtze River Delta4. 磁悬浮列车 maglev train (m

32、agnetically levitated train); magnetic suspension train5. 大都市 metropolis; cosmopolis; metropolitan city; cosmopolitan city6. 东方明珠塔Oriental Pearl TV Tower7. 东海之滨的明珠 the pearl on the coast of the East China Sea8. 高架公路 elevated highway; overhead highway9. 高架立交桥overhead viaduct10. 国际展览局 BIE Internationa

33、l Bureau of Exhibitions11. 历史文化名城 a famous historic and cultural city12. 龙华寺 Longhua Temple13. 内环线 the inner ring; the inner belt way; the inner loop14. 浦东新区 Pudong New Area15. 轻轨火车 light rail train; elevated rail train16. 上海合作组织 SCO Shanghai Cooperation Organization17. 上海五国第六次峰会 the sixth summit of

34、 “Shanghai Five”18. 上海五国机制 the Shanghai Five mechanism19. 上海合作组织Shanghai Cooperation Organization (a six-member group founded in 2001 that includes Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan)。20. 申博成功 successful bid for World Expo21. 投资热点 a hot/ popular investment destination22. 万国建筑博

35、览 exhibition / gallery of International Architecture23. 外滩 the Bund24. 信息港 infoport25. 黄浦江游cruise along the Huangpu River26. 玉佛寺 Jade Buddha Temple27. 豫园 Yu Yuan Garden28. 直辖市 municipality directly under Central Government29. 外高桥保税区 Waigaoqiao Bonded Zone/ Free-trade Zone30. 张江高科技园区 Zhangjiang High-

36、tech Park31. 金桥出口加工区 Jinqiao Export Processing Zone32. 陆家嘴金融贸易中心 Lujiazui Financial and Trade Zone33. 金贸大厦 Jinmao Tower34. 城隍庙 Town Gods Temple35. 上海国际会议中心 Shanghai International Convention Center36. (南浦,杨浦,徐浦,卢浦)大桥 Nanpu/ Yangpu/ xupu/ lupu (suspension) Bridge37. 交通一卡通 Metro pass38. (浦东)滨江大道 Rivers

37、ide Promenade39. 外滩观光隧道 Sightseeing Tunnel at the Bund40. 观光电梯 sightseeing (tourist) lift41. (浦东) 世纪公园 Century Park42. 上海体育馆Shanghai Stadium43. 上海大剧院 Shanghai Grand Theater44. 上海科技馆 Shanghai Science & Technology Museum扩展科普教育基地 a base for science education休闲旅游场所 a venue for leisure and tourism展区 exhi

38、bition area地壳探秘 Earths Crust Exploration生物万象 Wide Spectrum of life智慧之光 Light of Wisdom视听乐园 AV Paradise儿童科技园 Childrens Technoland科普商场 popular science shopping mall多功能厅multi-functional hall44. 虹口足球场 Shanghai Hongkou Football Stadium45.上海植物园Shanghai Botanical Garden46. 水族馆 aquarium47. 松江大学城 Songjiang C

39、ollege Town48. 上海星级酒店 star-rated hotels in Shanghai注: 黑体处为部分着名国际连锁星级酒店扩展Peace Hotel 和平饭店Holliday Inn 假日酒店Pudong Shangri-la 香格里拉Renaissance shanghai Pudong 上海淳大万丽Portman Ritz-Carlton 波特曼丽嘉酒店the Grand Hyatt 金贸凯悦Hilton Shanghai 希尔顿Four Seasons 四季大酒店Equatorial Shanghai 赤道大酒店Regal International East Asia

40、 富豪Marriott 万豪Radisson 雷迪森、瑞迪森Sheraton 喜来登Ramada 华美达Inter-Continental 洲际Sofitel Hyland 索菲特Westin 威斯汀St. Regis 瑞吉2.2中国旅游1) 旅游业tourism ; tourist industry /sector扩展中国国家旅游局China national tourism administration城市旅游功能 tourist functions of the city地方风味小吃local delicacy环保模范城市 model city for Environmental Protection经典线路classic travel route(旅游) 旺季 high season世界旅游日 World Tourism Day自助游 DIY tour纪念品souvenirs导游Tourist guide导游讲解员Guide interpreter旅行社Travel agency组团旅行Group tour包办旅行Package tour假日旅游Vacation tour蜜


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