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1、MR. DAVID GREGORY: This Sunday: Shes logged 100,000 miles traveling around the globe as secretary of state, pushing President Obamas foreign policy goals as his top diplomat. This week in Asia she confronted U.S. adversaries, trading barbs with the North Koreans.(Videotape)SECY HILLARY CLINTON: Ther

2、e is no place to go for North Korea. They have no friends left.(End videotape)MR. GREGORY: .and warning Iran against its nuclear ambitions.(Videotape)SECY CLINTON: If the United States extends a defense umbrella over the region, they wont be able to intimidate and dominate as they apparently believe

3、 they can once they have a nuclear weapon.(End videotape)MR. GREGORY: From the wars abroad in Afghanistan and Iraq to the battle at home over health care, what influence is she having on her former political rival, now the president of the United States? Our exclusive guest for the full hour, the fo

4、rmer first lady of the United States, Democratic senator from the state of New York and candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.But first, here she is, the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Welcome back to MEET THE PRESS.SECY CLINTON: Thank

5、you, David. Its great to be here with you.MR. GREGORY: Glad to have you. And youre here for the full hour, so we have a lot to get to.SECY CLINTON: Well, with your preview into it, theres a lot to talk about in the world today.MR. GREGORY: Absolutely. So lets get right to it and talk about some of t

6、he hot spots around the globe that youre dealing with. First up is North Korea, and got tense this week. Here was the big headline: Clinton and North Korea Engage in Tense Exchange. It actually began on Monday during an interview that you gave to ABC. Lets watch a portion of that.(Videotape, Monday)

7、SECY CLINTON: Well, what weve seen in this constant demand for attention. And maybe its the mother in me or the experience that Ive had with small children and unruly teenagers and people who are demanding attention, dont give it to them. They dont deserve it. They are acting out, in a way, to send

8、a message that is not a message were interested in receiving.(End videotape)MR. GREGORY: Now, the North Korean reaction was rather personal, and The Washington Post wrote about it on Friday. Well put that up on the screen. The war of words between North Korea and the United States escalated with Nor

9、th Koreas Foreign Ministry lashing out at Secretary of State Clinton in unusually personal terms for vulgar remarks that it said demonstrated she is by no means intelligent.We cannot but regard Mrs. Clinton as a funny lady.Sometimes she looks like a primary schoolgirl. What were they thinking?SECY C

10、LINTON: Well, David, I think whats important here is the clear message that were sending to North Korea, and its one that is now unanimous. The Security Council Resolution 1874 made official that North Korea must change their behavior and we have to get back to moving toward verifiable denuclearizat

11、ion of the Korean Peninsula in a peaceful manner. Now, as you know and as youve reported, theyve engaged in a lot of provocative actions in the last months. But what we, China, Russia, South Korea, Japan and literally the unanimous international community have said is its not going to work this time

12、. Were imposing the most stringent sanctions we ever have. We have great cooperation from the world community. China and we are working closely together to enforce these sanctions. We still want North Korea to come back to the negotiating table, to be part of an international effort that will lead t

13、o denuclearization. But were not going to reward them for doing what they said they would do in 2005 and 6. Were not going to reward them for half measures. They now know what we in the world community expect.MR. GREGORY: But its interesting; if the posture of this administration was more engagement

14、, even negotiations with our adversaries, it struck me this week that this was a ratcheting up of the rhetoric against North Korea.SECY CLINTON: Well, we want to make clear to North Korea that their behavior is not going to be rewarded. In the past they believe that they have acted out, done things

15、which really went against the norms of the international community and somehow then were rewarded. Those days are over. We believe that the six-party talk framework which had everybody included is the appropriate way to engage with North Korea.MR. GREGORY: But they say-if I can just stop you, they s

16、ay were not playing in that group anymore.SECY CLINTON: Well, thats what they say. And I think they are very isolated now. I saw that when I was at the ASEAN meeting, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. I was in the same room with a representative from North Korea who launched a broadside at

17、tack on the United States, blaming us for literally everything that has ever gone wrong in North Korea going back decades. I listened; everyone else just didnt even look at him. I was struck by the body language. They dont have any friends left. And what weve seen even Burma saying that theyre going

18、 to enforce the resolution of sanctions. And when the North Korean representative finished, I just very calmly said North Korea knows what it must do and what we are expecting from it. I talked with my counterparts from Russia, China, Japan, South Korea at length during the time I was in Thailand. W

19、e are all on the same page and we are all committed to the same goal.MR. GREGORY: Can we say at this point-since its so difficult to deal with North Korea, going back to President Clinton, who said that he would stop them from getting a nuclear bomb-after these missile tests, after the belief that t

20、hey have seven or eight nuclear bombs, that an effort to keep them from going nuclear has failed?SECY CLINTON: No, I dont think so, because their program is still at the beginning stages, and there are several important factors here that has led to the unanimity of the international community. Its n

21、ot only that North Korea has, against the international norms, IAEA and other requirements, proceeded with this effort, but they also are a proliferator. We know that for a fact. So its not only the threat they pose to their neighbors and eventually beyond, but the fact that theyre trying to arm oth

22、ers. And then there is the reaction in the region. I mean, if youre sitting in South Korea and Japan, who are two of our strongest allies with whom we have very clear defense responsibilities, and you see North Korea proceeding, then youre going to be thinking, Well, what do I need to do to protect

23、myself? So it is destabilizing for Northeast Asia, which is why I think youll see a continuing pressure which we think will eventually result in some changes in their behavior.MR. GREGORY: Is North Korea a threat to the United States?SECY CLINTON: Well, at this time, you know, our military experts a

24、nd others say that in real terms, what they could do to us, thats unlikely. We have missile defenses that we can deploy. But they are a threat to our friends and allies, particularly Japan and South Korea. So therefore, they trigger a response from us to protect our allies and to make clear to the N

25、orth Koreans that they cannot behave in this way. And I want to just underscore that China has been extremely positive and productive in respect to North Korea. The big issue in previous times was well, how do we get China to really be working to change North Korean behavior?I will be starting, alon

26、g with Secretary Geithner, an intensive two days with Chinese high-level representatives tomorrow and Tuesday. But on North Korea, we have been extremely gratified by their forward-leaning commitment to sanctions and the private messages that they have conveyed to the North Koreans.MR. GREGORY: Fina

27、lly on this, two U.S. captives, Laura Ling and Euna Lee, two journalists in captivity now; is there a feeling that some of the tough talk that you had with the North Koreans this week, this sort of exchange of insults, does it make their situation more dangerous?SECY CLINTON: We believe that this is

28、 on a separate track. This is an issue that should be resolved by the North Koreans granting amnesty and allowing these two young women to come home as quickly as possible.MR. GREGORY: Are you making progress?SECY CLINTON: Well, we have-are certainly pursuing every lead we have. The messages that we

29、ve received from the young women both through our protecting power, the Swedish ambassador, and through the messages and phone calls theyve had with their families are that theyre being treated well, that they have been given the supplies that they need. But obviously, they want to resolve this, as

30、we do, and we work on it literally every day.MR. GREGORY: Let me turn to another hot spot, and that is Iran. A big headline this week, again, with your words: Clintons Defense Umbrella Stirs Tensions. The headlines goes on, Suggests U.S. Will Have to Protect Allies From Nuclear-Armed Iran. You were

31、in Bangkok on Wednesday, and this is what you said that got this started.(Videotape, Wednesday)SECY CLINTON: We want Iran to calculate what I think is a fair assessment, that if the United States extends a defense umbrella over the region, if we do even more to support the military capacity of those

32、 in the Gulf, its unlikely that Iran will be any stronger or safer, because they wont be able to intimidate and dominate as they apparently believe they can once they have a nuclear weapon.(End videotape)MR. GREGORY: Did you mean to suggest that the U.S. is considering a nuclear umbrella that would

33、say to nations in the Arab world that an attack on you, just like NATO or Japan is an attack on the United States, and the United States would retaliate?SECY CLINTON: Well, I think its clear that were trying to affect the internal calculus of the Iranian regime. You know, the Iranian government, whi

34、ch is facing its own challenges of legitimacy from its people, has to know that that a pursuit of nuclear weapons, something that our country along with our allies stand strongly against. We believe as a matter of policy it is unacceptable for Iran to have nuclear weapons. The G-8 came out with a ve

35、ry strong statement to that effect coming from Italy. So we are united in our continuing commitment to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. What we want to do is to send a message to whoever is making these decisions that if youre pursuing nuclear weapons for the purpose of intimidating, of

36、projecting your power, were not going to let that happen. First, were going to do everything we can to prevent you from ever getting a nuclear weapon. But your pursuit is futile, because we will never let Iran-nuclear-armed, not nuclear-armed, it is something that we view with great concern, and tha

37、ts why were doing everything we can to prevent that from ever happening.MR. GREGORY: All right, but lets be specific. Are you talking about a nuclear umbrella?SECY CLINTON: We, we are, we are not talking in specifics, David, because, you know, that would come later, if at all. You know, my view is y

38、ou hope for the best, you plan for the worst. Our hope is-thats why were engaged in the presidents policy of engagement toward Iran-is that Iran will understand why it is in their interest to go along with the consensus of the international community, which very clearly says you have rights and resp

39、onsibilities. You have a right to pursue the peaceful use of civil nuclear power. You do not have a right to obtain a nuclear weapon. You do not have the right to have the full enrichment and reprocessing cycle under your control. But theres a lot that we can do with Iran if Iran accepts what is the

40、 international consensus.MR. GREGORY: One of the big challenges here is preventing Israel from acting first; if they feel theres an existential threat, would they strike out at Iran to take out a nuclear program. And theres been various positions taken within the administration about that. Vice Pres

41、ident Biden just a couple of weeks ago said this on ABC: We cannot dictate to another sovereign nation what they can and cannot do when they make a determination, if they make a determination, that they are existentially threatened and their survival is threatened by another country. Meantime, Admir

42、al Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, said, Well, I have been for some time concerned about any strike on Iran by Israel. I worry about it being very destabilizing, not just in and of itself, but the unintended consequences of a strike like that. Where do you fall on the spectrum of the a

43、dministration views about the impact of a strike by Israel?SECY CLINTON: Well, let me say that I personally dont see the contradiction here. The vice president was stating a fact. Israel is a sovereign nation. Any sovereign nation facing what it considers to be an existential threat, as successive I

44、sraeli governments have characterized the possibility of Iran having a nuclear weapon would mean to them, is not going to listen to other nations, I mean, if they believe that they are acting in the furtherance of their survival. However, as Admiral Mullen said, you know, we continue to believe that

45、 very intensive diplomacy, bringing the international community together, making clear to the Iranians what the costs of their pursuit of nuclear weapons might be is the preferable route. So clearly, we have a, a long, durable relationship with Israel. We believe strongly that Israels security must

46、be protected. But we also believe that pursuing this path with Iran that were on right now, that frankly were bringing more and more people to see it our way-I thought the G-8 statement was quite remarkable in that sense-is the better approach for us to take. So we will continue to work with all of

47、our allies, and most particularly Israel, to determine the best way forward to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear weapon state.MR. GREGORY: Defense Secretary Gates is on his way to Israel this week. Is the message to the Israelis, You got to hang tight here?SECY CLINTON: Well, also, General Jones

48、will be there. We have a full panoply of a lot of our national security team that will be meeting with comparable Israeli officials. And our message is as it has been: The United States stand with you, the United States believes that Israel has a right to security. We believe, however, that this approach were taking holds out the promise of realizing our common objective. And we want to brief the Israelis, we want to listen to the Israelis and we want to enlist the support of all of our a


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