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1、VOA慢速英语Agriculture Report农业报道听力最近更新31、In the Garden: Growing Your Own Lettuce(10-10-12)3菜园:自己种生菜32、US Considers First Genetically Modified Animal for Food(10-10-5)5美国考虑首次将转基因动物列入食品供应53、Many Farmers and Gardeners Turn Away From Tilling(10-9-28)7农民和园丁们转向保护式耕作74、World Leaders Urged to Meet Development

2、Goals by 2015(10-9-21)9世界各国领导人推进2015年实现千年发展目标95、Pretty Flowers Lead Two Scientists to a Discovery(10-9-14)11科学家发现野生基因变异油菜品种116、Want Sweaters That Feel Like Home? Try Raising Your Own Goats(10-9-7)14养羊以产羊毛147、Test Your Word Knowledge With a Quiz About Farm Terms(10-8-31)16动植物相关术语168、Housing Plan Thre

3、atens Seed Bank in Russia(10-8-24)18房产开发威胁种子银行189、Phone Call About Fertilizer Could Be a Big Help to Philippine Rice Farmers(10-8-17)20施肥电话系统助力菲律宾农民2010、Ideas for Getting a Firm Grip on Weed Control(10-8-10)22严格控制杂草生长的办法2211、Slaughterhouses on Wheels Come to the Aid of Small Farms(10-8-3)25移动屠宰场帮助小农

4、户2512、Got Baboons in Your Crops? Offer Them a Snake Sandwich(10-7-27)27粮农组织编制缓解人类与野生动物冲突工具包2713、Uncooperative Goat Becomes the Mother of an Invention(10-7-20)29适合小型农场的挤奶机器2914、Growing Trees in the Desert, With the Aid of a Waterboxx(10-7-13)31使用Waterboxx在沙漠中种树3115、Farming in the City: The Joys of Gr

5、owing Food(10-7-6)33城市农场:种植之乐3316、In the Garden: Getting the Most Out of Mums(10-6-29)36园艺:如何种植菊花3637VOA慢速英语Agriculture Report农业报道听力最近更新1、In the Garden: Growing Your Own Lettuce(10-10-12)菜园:自己种生菜This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.这里是美国之音慢速英语农业报道。Some people like to start their dinner

6、 with a salad of lettuce or other leafy greens. Ancient Egyptians and Romans also liked to have lettuce with their evening meal. But they served it at the end.有些人喜欢晚餐中用生菜沙拉或者其他绿叶蔬菜做开胃菜。古埃及和古罗马人也喜欢在晚餐中吃生菜,但是他们把生菜放在最后。There are hundreds of kinds of head and leaf lettuces. The most popular ones include

7、 head lettuces such as iceberg, Boston, bibb and romaine.球叶生菜的种类有几百种,最常见的结球生菜如:卷心生菜、波士顿生菜、比布生菜和长叶生菜。Experts say lettuce is one of the easiest vegetables to grow in your garden. The best time to plant the seeds is during cool weather. Advisers at the University of Illinois Extension say the best plan

8、ting temperature is fifteen degrees Celsius.专家称,生菜是菜园里最易种植的蔬菜之一,阴凉天气是播种的最佳时间。伊利诺伊大学的顾问表示,播种的最佳温度是摄氏15度。Lettuce seeds are small, so do not place them too deep in the ground. If you plant some seeds every week or two, you will have harvests ready to eat one after another.生菜的种子小,所以不要在土里埋得太深,如果每一到两周播一些种

9、子,你将会源源不断的生菜供应。You can use a seed tray to start the seeds indoors. The container should be deep enough to hold at least three centimeters of soil.你可以用播种盘在室内播种,容器的深度要至少可以盛下3厘米高的土。There should be about one centimeter of space between the soil and the top of the container. The container should have hol

10、es in the bottom so extra water can flow out.在土壤与容器口要有1厘米的空间,容器底部要有小洞,以便多余水分排出。Drop the seeds over the surface and cover them lightly with soil. If the soil is not already a little wet, give it some water. But not too much - you do not want to drown the seeds.在土壤表层撒上种子,然后轻轻盖上一层土。如果土不够湿润就洒点水,但别洒太多-不要

11、把种子淹没。Next, cover the seed tray with paper. Remove the paper when the seedlings have grown up far enough to touch it. You can transplant the seedlings into the garden when they are about two to three centimeters tall. Do this when the weather is not too hot and not too cold.然后,用纸把播种盘盖上。当幼苗长到快接触到纸的时候

12、把纸拿掉,等幼苗长到2到3厘米高的时候就可以移栽到菜园里了,但是移栽时温度要适宜。Take out as much of the soil as you can with the seedlings. Plant them in the ground in a hole that is bigger than the lettuce roots. Keep the plants watered, but not too heavily.移栽幼苗时尽量多带些土,在地上挖个比生菜根大一点的洞,将幼苗种下。要勤浇水,但是不要太多。Harvest leaf lettuces when the leav

13、es are big enough to eat. Pull the leaves from the outside of the planting so the inside leaves will keep growing. Or, you can cut off the whole plant. Leave about two or three centimeters above the ground so the plant will re-grow. Cut off head lettuces at ground level.当叶子长到能食用的时候,就可以采摘叶生菜了。把生菜外面的叶

14、子摘下来,这样里面叶子能继续生长。或者,你可以把整个生菜割下来,在地面上留2到3厘米的根茎,这样生菜也能继续生长。如果是结球生菜,就沿着地平面割下来。Lettuce is best when served fresh. Store the remainder in the refrigerator in a plastic bag. It will last a few days and sometimes longer.新鲜的生菜是最好的,多余的生菜用塑料袋装好放入冰箱保存,可以保存几天甚至更长时间。2、US Considers First Genetically Modified Anim

15、al for Food(10-10-5)美国考虑首次将转基因动物列入食品供应This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.这里是美国之音慢速英语农业报道。Farmers in the United States have grown genetically engineered crops since the late nineteen nineties. Now, a federal agency is deciding whether to let a genetically modified animal into the food

16、 supply for the first time.美国农民从19世纪90年代末就已经种植转基因农作物。现在,美国食品药品监督管理局正在考虑是否首次将转基因动物列为食品供应行列。A company, AquaBounty Technologies, has developed the AquAdvantage Salmon. The fish is an Atlantic salmon that contains genes from two other kinds of fish: ocean pout and Chinook salmon.AquaBounty Technologies公

17、司开发了AquAdvantage鲑鱼,这是一种拥有来自大洋鲶(ocean pout)和奇努克鲑鱼(chinook salmon)这两种鱼类基因的大西洋鲑鱼。With these genes, it can grow twice as fast as a wild Atlantic salmon. The company says the fish does not taste or smell any different from other salmon.有了这些基因,这种鲑鱼的成长速度是野生大西洋鲑鱼的两倍。该公司称,这种转基因鲑鱼味道与其他鲑鱼并无差异。The Food and Drug

18、 Administration says there would be no need for special labeling if the salmon is found to have the same basic contents as other fish. But critics say the genetically changed salmon is different from other fish. They say if the FDA approves it for sale, people should be told what they are buying.美国食

19、品药品监督管理局(The Food and Drug Administration,以下简称FDA)表示,如果这种转基因鲑鱼与其他鱼类并无差异,就没有必要贴注特别标签。但是,反对者称,转基因鲑鱼和其他鱼类是不同的,如果FDA批准这种鲑鱼上市销售,就应该告知人们,他们买的是哪种鱼。Americans eat mostly imported seafood. Last year that included a billion dollars worth of imported salmon, one of the top imports.美国人食用的海产品基本都是进口,去年进口了价值1亿美元的鲑鱼

20、,是主要进口产品之一。Most of the wild salmon caught in North America comes from Alaska. That state banned farmed salmon from its waters years ago.北美捕获的野生鲑鱼大多是来自阿拉斯加州,多年前该州就禁止在它的水域养殖(转基因)鲑鱼。Alaska Senator Mark Begich is leading a group of other United States senators, organizations and businesses to try to sto

21、p the FDA approval process.阿拉斯加州参议员马克贝基(Mark Begich)正领导一个由其他美国参议员、机构和商业组织组成的团体,试图阻止FDA的认证程序。Wenonah Hauter of the activist group Food and Water Watch says the AquAdvantage Salmon has not been studied enough for food safety.维权组织“食品和水观察”的薇诺娜豪特(Wenonah Hauter)称,AquAdvantage鲑鱼在食品安全方面并没有被充分研究证实。WENONAH H

22、AUTER: Why are they using three studies with very small samples that the data is not available to the public, and one of the studies is nineteen years old?豪特:“为什么他们采用了三项标本非常少的研究结果,且研究数据不对公众公开?同时其中一项研究结果已19年之久?”Ms. Hauter worries that the farmed fish could escape into waterways and reproduce with wil

23、d populations. And she says the idea could spread to other countries.豪特担心养殖的(转基因)鱼类会逃离并进入自然水系,并且同野生鱼类杂交繁衍后代。她称,这种(转基因鱼类的)想法也可能流入其他国家。WENONAH HUNTER: We know there are fish farming operations in China, in Asia, that are very interested in this, that have a poor record regarding regulation. And were v

24、ery concerned that there will be escapees.豪特:“我们知道中国有水产养殖,他们对转基因鱼类也非常有兴趣,在监管上他们也存在不良记录。同时,我们也非常担心(转基因)鱼流入大自然。”But the company says most of its fish are raised at inland fish farms. And it has promised the Food and Drug Administration that it would only market female salmon unable to reproduce.但是,该公司

25、称,这种转基因鱼类大部分在内陆渔场养殖。并且该公司向FDA承诺,他们仅出售没有繁育能力的雌性鲑鱼。David Edwards at the Biotechnology Industry Organization says the genetically modified fish is just a new technology.生物技术工业组织(Biotechnology Industry Organization)的大卫爱德华(David Edwards)称,转基因鱼“只是一项新技术”。DAVID EDWARDS: As the public has the opportunity to

26、learn about it and the public has the opportunity to taste it, I think its something that theyll appreciate. If the FDA says its safe, and the data certainly does indicate that, then Im certainly willing to go out and eat the fish.爱德华:“由于公众有机会了解它,品尝它,我想,他们将来会感谢这个东西。如果FDA称这是安全的,并且数据确实能证实这点,我肯定愿意吃这种鱼。

27、”3、Many Farmers and Gardeners Turn Away From Tilling(10-9-28)农民和园丁们转向保护式耕作This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.这里是美国之音慢速英语农业报道。Farmers and gardeners have turned the soil for centuries. But many now believe in no-till or reduced tillage, a method also called conservation tillage. The Co

28、nservation Technology Information Center says forty percent of American cropland used this method at last report.农民和园丁们耕作了几个世纪,但是现在他们中很多人开始采取少耕或免耕方法,也称保护性耕作。环保技术信息中心(Conservation Technology Information Center)在最新的报告中称,美国40%的农耕地采取了保护性耕作。Tilling can remove weeds and the waste from last seasons crops a

29、nd help break down old plant material into fertilizer. But it can also increase the risk of soil erosion by rain or wind.耕作可以清除杂草和上一季的农作物残茬,并且有助于将原来的农作物残茬分解成化肥,但它也会增加因风蚀、水蚀造成水土流失的风险。Tilling also releases carbon dioxide from the soil into the atmosphere. No-till keeps carbon in the soil and avoids th

30、e release of heat-trapping gases from motorized equipment. It also keeps water in the soil and protects helpful organisms like earthworms. And it saves money on labor, machinery and fuel.耕作还会将土壤中的二氧化碳释放到大气中,而免耕能够保持住土壤中的碳,并且避免机械设备释放吸热气体。免耕还能保持土壤中的水分,保护像蚯蚓这样的有益生物。而且免耕节省了人力、机械和燃料成本。A recent study repor

31、ted on almost twenty years of different tillage methods in the American states of Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska.一项最新的研究报道了近20年在美国科罗纳多,堪萨斯和内布拉斯加这三个州不同的耕作方法。The researchers say tillage makes soil less resistant to being broken apart by raindrops than plowed soil. They say no-till stores more soil carb

32、on, which helps the soil particles stick together. They found that the first two and a half centimeters of topsoil are up to seven times stronger against rain than plowed soil.研究者称,保护性耕作的土壤比传统耕作土壤更易渗入雨水。他们称,免耕土壤碳储存量更多,有助土壤颗粒黏在一起。他们发现,免耕土壤表层2.5厘米厚的表土抗雨水侵蚀的能力比传统耕作土壤强7倍。The study also noted that when t

33、illed soil particles come in contact with air, soil organic matter is lost through the process of oxidation.研究还发现,当耕作的土壤颗粒在与空气接触时,土壤有机质就会在氧化过程中流失。The findings appeared in the Soil Science Society of America Journal. Humberto Blanco-Canqui from Kansas State University and Maysoon Mikha from the Agric

34、ultural Research Service led the study.该研究发表在美国土壤学会期刊(Soil Science Society of America Journal)上。来自堪萨斯大学的Humberto Blanco-Canqui和农业研究局(Agricultural Research Service)的Maysoon Mikha领导了该项研究。Another recent study found that a single tillage does not harm yield or soil structure in land that is normally not

35、 tilled. Charles Wortmann at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln says a one-time tillage may be used to correct a problem like aggressive weeds. His five-year study appeared in the Agronomy Journal.另一项最新研究发现,单独一次耕作不会对通常不耕作的土地产量或土壤结构造成破坏。内布拉斯加大学林肯分校(University of Nebraska-Lincoln)的Charles Wortmann称,一次

36、性的耕作可以解决类似杂草猖獗等问题。他为期5年的研究发表在农学期刊上(Agronomy Journal)。Fabian Fernandez, a soil and plant nutrition expert at the University of Illinois, says no-till means less intensive labor. But he also says it does not mean an end to preparing the ground for planting.来自伊利诺伊大学的土壤与植物营养学专家Fabian Fernandez称,免耕意味着减少密

37、集劳动,但是,并不意味停止土地种植预处理。Jimmy Wagner works at the American Plant garden center in Bethesda, Maryland. He says hand tools like tilling forks, shovels and thatching rakes require more work than a rotary tiller, but they work well and cost less.在马里兰州贝塞斯达美国植物园林中心工作的Jimmy Wagner称,像耕叉,铲子和草耙这种手工工具比翻转式耕耘机工作量大,

38、但效率高成本低。If you till, wait until the soil is warm and dry enough. If the soil stays together in a ball, it is too wet to till.耕作要等到土壤充分温暖干燥。如果土壤还黏成球状,意味着土壤太湿不能耕作。4、World Leaders Urged to Meet Development Goals by 2015(10-9-21)世界各国领导人推进2015年实现千年发展目标This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.这里

39、是美国之音慢速英语农业报道。World leaders are meeting in New York to discuss progress on the Millennium Development Goals they set ten years ago. Five years remain to meet eight goals to reduce hunger, poverty and disease and expand education.世界各国领导人在纽约会面讨论他们10年前设定的千年发展目标。达到千年发展目标中设定的减少饥饿、贫穷和疾病,以及普及教育等8大目标,只剩下5年的

40、时间。On Monday, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon opened a three-day summit meeting of one hundred forty presidents and prime ministers. Mr. Ban called for renewed efforts to meet the goals, saying there is much more to do. He said the economic crisis cannot be an excuse for limiting develo

41、pment efforts. 周一,联合国秘书长潘基文召开了有140位政府首脑参加的为期三天的峰会。潘基文呼吁继续努力以实现这些目标。并表示,我们要做的还很多。他说,经济危机不能成为限制发展努力的借口。A U.N. report says the world had more than one billion undernourished people last year. That followed the food crisis of two thousand seven and eight.联合国一份报告称,去年全球有超过10亿人营养不良,紧随2007、2008年粮食危机。This ye

42、ar, improved economic conditions are expected to reduce the number of hungry for the first time in fifteen years. The number is predicted to drop by almost one hundred million to nine hundred twenty-five million.今年,经济状况的改善预计可以减少饥饿人口数量,这是15年来的首次。饥饿人口数量预计将从近10亿降低到9.25亿。Jacques Diouf, head of the U.N.

43、Food and Agriculture Organization, says that is still unacceptably high.联合国粮农组织负责人雅克迪乌夫(Jacques Diouf)称这仍然是令人“极其无法接受的”。JACQUES DIOUF: The expected decline in world hunger in two thousand ten is primarily the result of better access to food as the global economy recovers, and food prices remain below

44、 their peak level of mid-two thousand eight.迪乌夫:“2010年全球饥饿问题的预期下降,主要是由于全球经济复苏,以及全球粮食价格持续低于其2008年峰值导致的粮食更容易被获取。”But wheat prices rose after Russia halted grain exports in August because of a severe drought. That ban is now extended until next years harvest.在俄罗斯由于干旱8月停止粮食出口后,小麦价格开始上涨。这一出口禁令现在已延续至明年丰收前

45、。In Mozambique, thirteen people died in recent riots over higher prices for bread, electricity and water. The cost of bread rose by thirty percent after the government ended price supports. After the protests the government said it would halt the price increases.在莫桑比克,13人在最近一次由于食物、水电价格上涨的暴动中丧生。在政府停止

46、价格维持通常由政府采取措施对预定的价格标准的维持后,食物价格上涨了30%。在这次抗议之后,政府表示将扼制价格上涨。This Friday, officials from FAO member countries will meet in Rome to discuss current supply and demand for grains and rice.本周五,粮农组织成员国官员将在罗马会面,讨论当前粮食供应和需求。 A top FAO official recently said on the agencys website that a new food crisis appears

47、 unlikely. Hafez Ghanem said there is no cause to worry, unless there is another shock to supply. He gave examples like more bad weather or government policies that shake the market.粮农组织的一位高级官员哈菲兹加尼姆(Hafez Ghanem)最近在该机构网站上表示,不太可能出现一次新的粮食危机。他说,没有理由担心新的粮食危机,除非再次出现“对供应的冲击”。他举例说,像更恶劣天气或政府政策冲击市场。The U.N.

48、 says two-thirds of the worlds undernourished people live in seven countries. These are India, China, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Ethiopia.联合国表示,世界2/3的营养不良人口生活在印度、中国、孟加拉国、印度尼西亚、巴基斯坦、刚果民主共和国和埃塞俄比亚这7个国家。5、Pretty Flowers Lead Two Scientists to a Discovery(10-9-14)科学家发现野生基因变异油菜品种This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.这里是美国之音慢速英语农业报道。Not all research begins with a plan. Some studies begin by accident. Meredith Schafer says that is what happened with her and Cynthi


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