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1、XII THE RETURN OF ULYSSES第十二章:荣归故里When it began to grow dark, the Rat, with an air of excitement and mystery, summoned them back into the parlour, stood each of them up alongside of his little heap, and proceeded to dress them up for the coming expedition. He was very earnest and thoroughgoing about

2、 it, and the affair took quite a long time. First, there was a belt to go round each animal, and then a sword to be stuck into each belt, and then a cutlass on the other side to balance it. Then a pair of pistols, a policemans truncheon, several sets of handcuffs, some bandages and sticking-plaster,

3、 and a flask and a sandwich-case. The Badger laughed good-humouredly and said, All right, Ratty! It amuses you and it doesnt hurt me. Im going to do all Ive got to do with this here stick. But the Rat only said, PLEASE, Badger. You know I shouldnt like you to blame me afterwards and say I had forgot

4、ten ANYTHING!天快黑了。河鼠面露兴奋而诡秘的神色,把伙伴们召回客厅,让各人站到自己的一小堆军械前面,动手武装他们,来迎接即将开始的征战。他干得非常认真,一丝不苟,花去了好长时间。他先在每人腰间系一根皮带。皮带上插一把剑,又在另一侧插一把弯刀,以求平衡。然后发给每人一对手枪,一根警棍。几副手铐,一些绷带和胶布,还有一只杯子、一个盛三明治的盒子。獾随和地笑着说:“好啦,鼠儿!这让你高兴,又于我无损。其实我只消用这根木棒,就能做我该做的一切。”河鼠只是说:“请原谅,獾!我只是希望,事后你不责怪我,说我忘带什么东西!”When all was quite ready, the Badger

5、 took a dark lantern in one paw, grasped his great stick with the other, and said, Now then, follow me! Mole first, cos Im very pleased with him; Rat next; Toad last. And look here, Toady! Dont you chatter so much as usual, or youll be sent back, as sure as fate!诸事准备就绪,獾一手提着一盏暗灯,一手握着他那根大棒,说:“现在跟我来!鼹

6、鼠打头阵,因为我对他很满意。河鼠其次;蟾蜍殿后。听着,小蟾儿!你可不许像平时那样唠叨,要不,一准把你打发回去!”The Toad was so anxious not to be left out that he took up the inferior position assigned to him without a murmur, and the animals set off. The Badger led them along by the river for a little way, and then suddenly swung himself over the edge i

7、nto a hole in the river-bank, a little above the water. The Mole and the Rat followed silently, swinging themselves successfully into the hole as they had seen the Badger do; but when it came to Toads turn, of course he managed to slip and fall into the water with a loud splash and a squeal of alarm

8、. He was hauled out by his friends, rubbed down and wrung out hastily, comforted, and set on his legs; but the Badger was seriously angry, and told him that the very next time he made a fool of himself he would most certainly be left behind.蟾蜍生怕给留下,只好一声不吭地接受指派给他的次等位置,四只动物便出发了。獾领着大伙儿沿河走了一小段路,然后,他突然攀住

9、河岸,身子摆动几下,荡进了一个略高出水面的洞。看到獾进了洞,鼹鼠和河鼠也一声不响地荡进了洞。轮到蟾蜍时,他偏要滑倒。扑通一声跌进水里,还惊恐地尖叫一声。朋友们拽他上来,把他从头到脚匆匆揉搓一过,拧了拧湿衣服,安慰几句,扶他站起来。獾可真火了。他警告蟾蜍说。要是下次再出洋相,准定把他丢下。So at last they were in the secret passage, and the cutting-out expedition had really begun!他们终于进了那条秘密通道,真正踏上了突袭的捷径。It was cold, and dark, and damp, and low

10、, and narrow, and poor Toad began to shiver, partly from dread of what might be before him, partly because he was wet through. The lantern was far ahead, and he could not help lagging behind a little in the darkness. Then he heard the Rat call out warningly, COME on, Toad! and a terror seized him of

11、 being left behind, alone in the darkness, and he came on with such a rush that he upset the Rat into the Mole and the Mole into the Badger, and for a moment all was confusion. The Badger thought they were being attacked from behind, and, as there was no room to use a stick or a cutlass, drew a pist

12、ol, and was on the point of putting a bullet into Toad. When he found out what had really happened he was very angry indeed, and said, Now this time that tiresome Toad SHALL be left behind!地道里很冷,低矮狭窄,阴暗渐湿,可怜的蟾蜍禁不住哆嗦起来,一半由于害怕前面可能遇到的不测,一半由于他浑身湿透。灯笼在前面,离他很远,在黑暗中。他落到了后面。这时,他听到河鼠警告说:“快跟上,蟾蜍!”便猛地往前一冲,竟撞倒了

13、河鼠,河鼠又撞倒了鼹鼠,鼹鼠又撞倒了獾,引起一阵大乱。獾以为背后遭到了袭击,由于洞内狭窄,使不开棍棒,便拔出手枪,正要朝蟾蜍射击。等真相大白后,他不禁大怒,说:“这回,可恶的蟾蜍必须留下!”But Toad whimpered, and the other two promised that they would be answerable for his good conduct, and at last the Badger was pacified, and the procession moved on; only this time the Rat brought up the re

14、ar, with a firm grip on the shoulder of Toad.蟾蜍呜呜咽咽哭了起来,另两只动物答应,他们将负责照看好蟾蜍,让他好好表现,獾才消了气,队伍又继续前进。不过这回换了河鼠断后,他牢牢地抓住蟾蜍的双肩。So they groped and shuffled along, with their ears pricked up and their paws on their pistols, till at last the Badger said, We ought by now to be pretty nearly under the Hall.就这样,他

15、们摸索着蹒跚前行,耳朵竖起,爪子按在手枪上。最后獾说:“咱们现在差不离到了蟾宫底下。”Then suddenly they heard, far away as it might be, and yet apparently nearly over their heads, a confused murmur of sound, as if people were shouting and cheering and stamping on the floor and hammering on tables. The Toads nervous terrors all returned, but

16、 the Badger only remarked placidly, They ARE going it, the Weasels!忽然,他们听到低沉的嘈杂声,似乎很远,但显然就在头顶上,像有许多人在喊叫,欢呼,在地板上跺脚,用拳头捶桌子。蟾蜍的神经质的恐惧又袭上心来,可獾只是平静地说:“他们正闹腾哩,这群黄鼠狼!”The passage now began to slope upwards; they groped onward a little further, and then the noise broke out again, quite distinct this time, a

17、nd very close above them. Ooo-ray-ooray-oo-ray-ooray! they heard, and the stamping of little feet on the floor, and the clinking of glasses as little fists pounded on the table. WHAT a time theyre having! said the Badger. Come on! They hurried along the passage till it came to a full stop, and they

18、found themselves standing under the trap-door that led up into the butlers pantry.地道这时开始向上倾斜,他们又摸索着走了一小段,然后,嘈杂声忽又出现,这回很清晰,很近,就在头顶上。“乌啦乌啦乌啦乌啦!”他们听到欢呼声,小脚掌跺地板声,小拳头砸桌子时杯盘的丁当声。“瞧他们闹得多欢哟!”獾说。“来呀!”他们顺着地道疾走,来到地道的尽头,发现他们已站在通向配膳室的那道活门的下面。Such a tremendous noise was going on in the banqueting-hall that there

19、was little danger of their being overheard. The Badger said, Now, boys, all together! and the four of them put their shoulders to the trap-door and heaved it back. Hoisting each other up, they found themselves standing in the pantry, with only a door between them and the banqueting-hall, where their

20、 unconscious enemies were carousing.宴会厅里的喧嚣响声震天;他们没有被听到的危险。獾说:“好!弟兄们,一齐使劲!”他们四个同时用肩膀顶住活门,把它掀开,依次被举了上去。他们来到了配膳室,和宴会厅只隔着一道门,而敌人正在狂欢作乐,毫无觉察。他们从地道里爬出来时,喧闹声简直震耳欲聋。The noise, as they emerged from the passage, was simply deafening. At last, as the cheering and hammering slowly subsided, a voice could be ma

21、de out saying, Well, I do not propose to detain you much longer(great applause)-but before I resume my seat-(renewed cheering)I should like to say one word about our kind host, Mr. Toad. We all know Toad!-(great laughter)-GOOD Toad, MODEST Toad, HONEST Toad! (shrieks of merriment).后来,欢呼声和敲击声渐渐弱了,可以听

22、出一个声音在说:“好啦,我不打算多占你们的时间,”(热烈鼓掌)“不过,在我坐下之前,”(又是一阵欢呼)“我想为我们好心的主人蟾蜍先生说一两句好话。我们都认识蟾蜍!”(哄堂大笑)“善良的蟾蜍,谦恭的蟾蜍,诚实的蟾蜍!”(尖声哄笑) Only just let me get at him! muttered Toad, grinding his teeth.“我非过去揍他不可!”蟾蜍咬牙切齿地低声说。Hold hard a minute! said the Badger, restraining him with difficulty. Get ready, all of you!“再坚持一分钟!

23、”獾说,好不容易才稳住蟾蜍。“大伙儿都做好准备!”Let me sing you a little song, went on the voice, which I have composed on the subject of Toad-(prolonged applause). Then the Chief Weaselfor it was hebegan in a high, squeaky voice“我给你们唱一支小曲儿,”那声音又说,“这是我为蟾蜍编的。”(经久不息的掌声)接着,那个说话的黄鼠狼头子就吱吱喳喳尖着嗓子唱起来Toad he went a-pleasuring Gail

24、y down the street“蟾蜍出门上大街 得意洋洋寻开心” The Badger drew himself up, took a firm grip of his stick with both paws, glanced round at his comrades, and cried獾挺直了身子,两手紧紧摸着大棒,向伙伴们扫了一眼,喊道The hour is come! Follow me!“到时候了,跟我来!”And flung the door open wide.他猛地把门推开。My!好家伙!What a squealing and a squeaking and a sc

25、reeching filled the air!满屋子的尖叫、吱喳、嚎啕!Well might the terrified weasels dive under the tables and spring madly up at the windows! Well might the ferrets rush wildly for the fireplace and get hopelessly jammed in the chimney! Well might tables and chairs be upset, and glass and china be sent crashing o

26、n the floor, in the panic of that terrible moment when the four Heroes strode wrathfully into the room! The mighty Badger, his whiskers bristling, his great cudgel whistling through the air; Mole, black and grim, brandishing his stick and shouting his awful war-cry, A Mole! A Mole! Rat; desperate an

27、d determined, his belt bulging with weapons of every age and every variety; Toad, frenzied with excitement and injured pride, swollen to twice his ordinary size, leaping into the air and emitting Toad-whoops that chilled them to the marrow! Toad he went a-pleasuring! he yelled. ILL pleasure em! and

28、he went straight for the Chief Weasel. They were but four in all, but to the panic-stricken weasels the hall seemed full of monstrous animals, grey, black, brown and yellow, whooping and flourishing enormous cudgels; and they broke and fled with squeals of terror and dismay, this way and that, throu

29、gh the windows, up the chimney, anywhere to get out of reach of those terrible sticks.四位好汉愤怒地冲进宴会厅,就在这可怕的一刹那,发生了一场大恐慌,吓得魂不附体的黄鼠狼们纷纷钻到桌子底下,没命地跳窗夺路而逃,白鼬们乱哄哄地直奔壁炉,全都挤在烟囱里动弹不得。桌子东倒西歪,杯盘摔得粉碎。力大无穷的獾,络腮胡子根根倒竖,手中的大棒在空中呼呼挥舞;脸色阴沉严峻的鼹鼠抡着木棒,高呼令人胆寒的战斗口号:“鼹鼠来了!鼹鼠来了!”河鼠腰间鼓鼓囊囊塞满了各式武器,坚决果敢;奋不顾身地投入战斗;蟾蜍呢,由于自尊心受伤而发狂,身

30、躯涨得比平时大出一倍,他腾空而起,发出癞蛤蟆那哇哇的怪叫,吓得敌人毛骨悚然,手脚冰凉。“叫你唱蟾蜍寻开心!”他大吼道。“我就要拿你们寻开心!”他向黄鼠狼头子直扑过去。其实他们才四个,可是那些惊慌失措的黄鼠狼觉得,整个大厅似乎满是可怖的动物,灰色的、黑色的、棕色的、黄色的,怒吼狂叫,挥舞着巨大无比的棍棒。他们吓得魂飞魄散,恐怖地尖叫着,跳出窗子,窜上烟囱,四面逃窜,不管什么地方,只要能躲开那些可怕的棍棒。The affair was soon over. Up and down, the whole length of the hall, strode the four Friends, wha

31、cking with their sticks at every head that showed itself; and in five minutes the room was cleared. Through the broken windows the shrieks of terrified weasels escaping across the lawn were borne faintly to their ears; on the floor lay prostrate some dozen or so of the enemy, on whom the Mole was bu

32、sily engaged in fitting handcuffs. The Badger, resting from his labours, leant on his stick and wiped his honest brow.战斗很快就结束了。四个朋友在大厅里上下搜索,只要一个脑袋露出来,就上去给它一棒。不出五分钟,屋里就扫荡一空。惊恐万状的黄鼠狼在草地上逃窜时发出的尖叫声,透过破碎的窗子,隐隐传到他们耳中。地板上,横七竖八躺着几十个敌人,鼹鼠正忙着给他们戴上手铐。獾劳累了一场,靠在大棒上休息,擦着他那忠厚的额上的汗。Mole, he said, youre the best of

33、fellows! Just cut along outside and look after those stoat-sentries of yours, and see what theyre doing. Ive an idea that, thanks to you, we shant have much trouble from them to-night!“鼹鼠,”他说,“你是好样的!劳你抄近道出去,瞧瞧那些白鼬守卫,看他们都在干什么;我估摸,由于你的功劳。咱们今晚不致受他们骚扰了。”The Mole vanished promptly through a window; and t

34、he Badger bade the other two set a table on its legs again, pick up knives and forks and plates and glasses from the debris on the floor, and see if they could find materials for a supper. I want some grub, I do, he said, in that rather common way he had of speaking. Stir your stumps, Toad, and look

35、 lively! Weve got your house back for you, and you dont offer us so much as a sandwich. Toad felt rather hurt that the Badger didnt say pleasant things to him, as he had to the Mole, and tell him what a fine fellow he was, and how splendidly he had fought; for he was rather particularly pleased with

36、 himself and the way he had gone for the Chief Weasel and sent him flying across the table with one blow of his stick. But he bustled about, and so did the Rat, and soon they found some guava jelly in a glass dish, and a cold chicken, a tongue that had hardly been touched, some trifle, and quite a l

37、ot of lobster salad; and in the pantry they came upon a basketful of French rolls and any quantity of cheese, butter, and celery. They were just about to sit down when the Mole clambered in through the window, chuckling, with an armful of rifles.鼹鼠马上跳窗出去。獾指示另两个扶起一张桌子,从地上的残渣中捡出一些刀叉杯盘,又叫他们看看能不能找到一些食物,

38、拼凑出一顿晚饭。“我需要吃点什么,真的,”他用惯常的平平常常的语气说,“动弹动弹,蟾蜍,活跃起来!我们替你夺回了宅子,可你连块三明治也没招待我们呀。”蟾蜍心里有些委屈,因为獾没有像对鼹鼠那样赞扬他,没有说他是好样的,战斗得很英勇。因为他对自己的表现颇为得意,特别是他冲那黄鼠狼头子直扑过去,一棍子将他打到桌子那边去了。不过,他还是和河鼠一道四下里搜寻,不一会,他们就找到一玻璃碟子的番石榴酱,一只冷鸡,一只还没怎么动过的口条,一些葡萄酒蛋糕,不少的龙虾沙拉。在配膳室里,他们发现了一篮子法式面包卷,一些乳酪、黄油和芹菜。他们刚要坐下来开吃,就见鼹鼠抱着一堆来复枪,格格笑着从窗口爬进来。Its all

39、 over, he reported. From what I can make out, as soon as the stoats, who were very nervous and jumpy already, heard the shrieks and the yells and the uproar inside the hall, some of them threw down their rifles and fled. The others stood fast for a bit, but when the weasels came rushing out upon the

40、m they thought they were betrayed; and the stoats grappled with the weasels, and the weasels fought to get away, and they wrestled and wriggled and punched each other, and rolled over and over, till most of em rolled into the river! Theyve all disappeared by now, one way or another; and Ive got thei

41、r rifles. So thats all right!“据我看,全结束啦,”他报告说,“那些白鼬本来就惊惶不安,一听到大厅里的叫嚷骚动声,有的就扔下来复枪逃之夭夭。另一些坚守了一会儿,可当黄鼠狼朝他们奔来时,他们以为自己被出卖了。于是白鼬揪住黄鼠狼不放,黄鼠狼拼命想挣脱逃跑,互相扭打在一起,用拳头狠揍对方,在地上滚来滚去,多数都滚到了河里!现在他们不是跑了就是掉进河里,全都不见了。我把他们的来复枪都弄回来了。所以,那个方面,全妥啦!” Excellent and deserving animal! said the Badger, his mouth full of chicken and

42、 trifle. Now, theres just one more thing I want you to do, Mole, before you sit down to your supper along of us; and I wouldnt trouble you only I know I can trust you to see a thing done, and I wish I could say the same of every one I know. Id send Rat, if he wasnt a poet. I want you to take those f

43、ellows on the floor there upstairs with you, and have some bedrooms cleaned out and tidied up and made really comfortable. See that they sweep UNDER the beds, and put clean sheets and pillow-cases on, and turn down one corner of the bed-clothes, just as you know it ought to be done; and have a can o

44、f hot water, and clean towels, and fresh cakes of soap, put in each room. And then you can give them a licking a-piece, if its any satisfaction to you, and put them out by the back-door, and we shant see any more of THEM, I fancy. And then come along and have some of this cold tongue. Its first rate

45、. Im very pleased with you, Mole!“太好了,顶顶了不起!”獾说,嘴里塞满了鸡肉和葡萄酒蛋糕。“现在,鼹鼠,我只求你再办一件事,然后就坐下来和我们一道吃晚饭。我本不想再麻烦你,可托你办事,我能放心。我希望对我认识的每个人都能这样说就好了。河鼠若不是一位诗人,我会差他去的。我要你把地板上躺着的这些家伙带到楼上,命他们把几间卧室打扫干净,收拾妥帖。叫他们务必扫床底下,换上干净的床单枕套,掀开被子的一角,该怎么做,你知道的。每间卧室里备好一罐热水,干净毛巾,新开包的肥皂。然后,要是你想解解气,可以给他们每人一顿拳脚;再撵出后门。我估摸,今后没有一个家伙再敢露面了。完事之

46、后,就过来吃点这种冷口条。这可是头等美味。我对你非常满意,鼹鼠!”The goodnatured Mole picked up a stick, formed his prisoners up in a line on the floor, gave them the order Quick march! and led his squad off to the upper floor. After a time, he appeared again, smiling, and said that every room was ready, and as clean as a new pin.

47、 And I didnt have to lick them, either, he added. I thought, on the whole, they had had licking enough for one night, and the weasels, when I put the point to them, quite agreed with me, and said they wouldnt think of troubling me. They were very penitent, and said they were extremely sorry for what

48、 they had done, but it was all the fault of the Chief Weasel and the stoats, and if ever they could do anything for us at any time to make up, we had only got to mention it. So I gave them a roll a-piece, and let them out at the back, and off they ran, as hard as they could!好性子的鼹鼠拾起一根棍子,把他的俘虏们排成一行,命令他们“快步走!”把他的一小队人马带上楼去了。过了一阵子,他又下来,微笑着说,每间房都准备好了,打扫得干干净净。他又说:“我用不着揍他们,总的来说,我想他们今晚挨揍挨够了。我把这话告诉他们,他们表示同意,说再也不骚扰我们了。他们很懊悔,对过去的所作所为深感歉疚,说那是黄鼠狼头子和白鼬的错,又说如果今后可以为我们出力,将功补过,我们只消言语一声。所以,我给了他们一人一个面包卷,放他们出后门,他们就一溜烟似的溜啦。”Then the M


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