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2、什么不早点停止行军。盖茨却淡淡地说?可惜我这次没有到达目的地。Mainz in sports and social activities also display this does not fall behind spirit. Once the summer vacation scout 80 kilometers hiking marching time is a week, he wore a pair of new tall canister boots, apparently not fit new shoes, every 13 km on foot, and mountain

3、climbing, is marching through a forest, make him eat Anna faris), the first day evening, his heels worn skin, toe up many bubbles. He clenched his teeth, insist. The next night, his feet redness badly, splitting the skin also shed blood. Companions all advise him to stop, but he shakes his head, onl

4、y to accompany team doctor points cotton-wool and gauze once again, should take some painkillers, to the road. So he has always insisted on the way to a checkpoint, when the leader found his feet inflammation serious, ordered to suspend the medical smelting, just this march. Gates mother from Seattl

5、e to come, see his legs fester appearance, sadly cry, why dont blame son straight stop early march. Gates has said simply? But I did not reach the destination.When Bill Gates becomes very rich, he is persuaded by his parents and wife to donate. When he realizes that more money means nothing to him b

6、ut a lot to the poor, he decides to donate. He donated to colleges, to the poor, to children, to the disabled, to African nations, to those in disasters. He finds every chance to donate. He even declares after death he would leave 10 million dollars to his children while the rest to the society. One

7、 might be shocked by this because Gates personal property has reached 30 billions dollars. That means he will give over 99% of his property to the society. What a great doing. In fact, it is not only Bill Gates donates, the other Americans also donate. In 1998, every American donates at least 1,000

8、dollars. That year the average income of every American is about 40,000 dollars. Thats to say 2.5% of the yearly imcome of every Ameican is donated. Donation is accepted by most Americans who are rich. 比尔盖茨是世界富翁。然而,让人意想不到的是,这位世界首富没有自己的私人司机,公务旅行不坐飞机头等舱却坐经济舱,衣着也不讲究什么名牌;更让人不可思议的是,他还对打折商品感兴趣,不愿为泊车多花几美元在

9、生活中,比尔从不用钱来摆阔。一次,他与一位朋友前往希尔顿饭店开会,他的朋友建议将车停放在饭店的贵客车位。比尔不同意,他的朋友说:“钱可以由我来付。”比尔还是不同意,原因非常简单,贵客车位需要多付12美元,比尔认为那是超值收费。 对于自己的衣着,比尔从不看重它们的牌子或是价钱,只要穿起来舒服就行。一次,比尔应邀参加由世界32位顶级企业家举办的“夏日派对”,那次他穿了一身套装,价格还不到歌星、影星一次洗衣服的钱。但比尔不在乎这些,很高兴地穿着这套衣服参加了这次会议。平日里,比尔会选择便裤、开领衫,以及他喜欢的运动鞋,但是这其中没有一件是名牌。 比尔与妻子都十分疼爱自己的孩子,但是比尔从不会给孩子们

10、一笔很可观的钱,当小儿子罗瑞总是抱怨父母不给自己买他最想要的玩具车。比尔认为在钞票中长大的孩子,他们的养尊处优终将会让他们一事无成。所以他公开表示,他不会将自己的所有财产留给自己的继承人。他说:“我只是这笔财富的看管人,我需要找到最合适的方式来使用它。”他认为每一元钱,都要发挥出最大的效益。Bill Gates is one of the worlds billionaires. However, make unexpected is, the worlds richest man without his own private driver, business trip to dont fl

11、y first class but flying economy class, and dress also dont pay attention to what famous brand; The more amazing is that he has for discounted goods interested, reluctant to spend a few dollars for parking. In life, bill never use money to putting on the dog. Once, he and a friend to Hilton Hotel me

12、eting, his friend advised will car in the hotel guests of parking. Bill does not agree, his friend says: money can be made by me pay. Bill still dont agree, the reason is very simple, clients parking need pay $12, bill that is overbalance charges. For their clothes, bill never regard their brand or

13、the price, so long as you wear in comfortable will do. Once, bill was invited to attend the 32-bit top entrepreneurs by the world held summer party, that he wore a suit, the price is less than singers, movie stars once wash clothes money. But bill dont care and happily in the clothes to attend the c

14、onference. Ferial, bill would choose and trousers, open collar unlined upper garment, and he likes sports shoes, but there no one is famous brand. Bill and his wife were very love their children, but bill never give their children an amount of money, when very considerable younger lorry always compl

15、ain about the parents dont buy himself he wanted toy cars. Bill assumed in money children who grow up in the privileged, they will let them nothing. So he openly, he did not take his own possessions to his own successor. He said: I just this wealth of the keepers, I need to find the most appropriate

16、 way to use it. He thinks that every dollar money, want to play out the biggest benefit.Spend time with the family of Bill Gates, and eventually someone will mention the water incident. The future software mogul was a headstrong 12-year-old and was having a particularly nasty argument with his mothe

17、r at the dinner table. Fed up, his father threw a glass of cold water in the boys face. Thanks for the shower, the young Mr. Gates snapped. The incident lives in Gates family lore not just for its drama but also because it was a rare time that Bill Gates Sr., father of his famous namesake, lost his

18、cool. The argument presaged a turning point in the life of a tempestuous boy that would set him on course to become the Bill Gates whom the public knows as co-founder of Microsoft Corp. and the worlds richest man. Behind the Bill Gates success story is the other William Gates. The senior Mr. Gates b

19、alanced a family thrown off kilter by a boy who appeared to gain the intellect of an adult almost overnight. He served as a quiet counsel as his son jumped into and thrived in the cutthroat business world. When huge wealth put new pressure on the son, the elder Gates stepped in to start what is now

20、the worlds largest private philanthropy. Bill Gates Sr., 83 years old, is now co-chair of his sons $30 billion philanthropy, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. He has avoided the spotlight. The public details of his life include little beyond his official biography at the foundation, which says he

21、 was a Seattle lawyer, World War II veteran, nonprofit volunteer and father of three. He has compiled his thoughts on life in a short book to be published next week. In interviews with The Wall Street Journal, Bill Gates Sr., Bill Gates and their family shared many details of the familys story for t

22、he first time, including Bill Gates Jr.s experience in counseling and how his early interest in computers came about partly as a result of a family crisis. The sometimes colliding forces of discipline and freedom within the clan shaped the entrepreneurs character. The relationship between father and

23、 son entered a new phase when the software mogul began working full-time seven months ago at the Gates Foundation. For the past 13 years, the father has been the sole Gates family member with a daily presence at the foundation, starting it from the basement of his home and minding it while his son f

24、inished up his final decade running Microsoft. They now work directly together for the first time. At six-foot-six, Bill Gates Sr. is nearly a full head taller than his son. Hes known to be more social than the younger Bill Gates, but they share a sharp intellect and a bluntness that can come across

25、 to some as curt. He isnt prone to introspection and he plays down his role in his sons life. As a father, I never imagined that the argumentative, young boy who grew up in my house, eating my food and using my name would be my future employer, Mr. Gates Sr. told a group of nonprofit leaders in a 20

26、05 speech. But thats what happened. The first stage - argumentative young boy - started about the time he was 11, Mr. Gates Sr. says in one of a series of interviews. Thats about when young Bill became an adult, says Bill Sr., and an increasing headache for the family. Until that time, the Gates hom

27、e had been peaceful. Bill Sr. and his wife, Mary, had three children: Kristi; then Bill, born in 1955; and Libby. It was a close family that thrived on competitions - board games, cards, ping-pong. And on rituals: Sunday dinners at the same time every week, and at Christmas, matching pajamas for eve

28、ry family member. While very involved in his kids lives, Mr. Gates Sr. was somewhat distant emotionally, which his children say probably reflects his generation. His stature, combined with a lawyerly bent for carefully choosing his words, also made him intimidating at times. Hed come home and hed si

29、t in a chair and eat dinner, but there was never any kind of warm, give-me-a-hug kind of thing, says Kristi Blake, his oldest daughter. Mr. Gates Sr. left much of the day-to-day parenting to his wife while he was building his career at a Seattle law firm. Daughter of a Seattle banker, Ms. Gates had

30、been an athlete and top student in high school and college, where she met Bill Sr. She became a full-time volunteer and served on corporate boards. Ms. Gates encouraged her kids to study hard, play sports and take music lessons. (Bill Gates tried the trombone with little success.) And she imparted a

31、 discipline that reflected her upbringing in a well-to-do family. She expected her kids to dress neatly, be punctual and socialize with the many adults who visited their home. For the most part, young Bill dutifully abided. She was the most engaged parent and she had high expectations of all of us,

32、says Libby Armintrout, Bills younger sister. Not just grades and that sort of thing, but how we behaved in public, how we would be socially. Bill Gates at an early age became a diligent learner. He read the World Book Encyclopedia series start to finish. His parents encouraged his appetite for readi

33、ng by paying for any book he wanted. Still, they worried that he seemed to prefer books to people. They tried to temper that streak by forcing him to be a greeter at their parties and a waiter at his fathers professional functions. Then, at age 11, Bill Sr. says, the son blossomed intellectually, pe

34、ppering his parents with questions about international affairs, business and the nature of life. It was interesting and I thought it was great, Mr. Gates Sr. says. Now, I will say to you, his mother did not appreciate it. It bothered her. The son pushed against his mothers instinct to control him, s

35、parking a battle of wills. All those things that she had expected of him - a clean room, being at the dinner table on time, not biting his pencils - suddenly turned into a big source of friction. The two fell into explosive arguments. He was nasty, Ms. Armintrout says of her brother. Mr. Gates Sr. p

36、layed the role of peacemaker. Hed sort of break them apart and calm things down, says Ms. Blake, the eldest sibling. The battles reached a climax at dinner one night when Bill Gates was around 12. Over the table, he shouted at his mother, in what today he describes as utter, total sarcastic, smart-a

37、ss kid rudeness. Thats when Mr. Gates Sr., in a rare blast of temper, threw the glass of water in his sons face. He and Mary brought their son to a therapist. Im at war with my parents over who is in control, Bill Gates recalls telling the counselor. Reporting back, the counselor told his parents th

38、at their son would ultimately win the battle for independence, and their best course of action was to ease up on him. Mr. Gates Sr. understood that counsel because of his own childhood, an hours ferry ride from Seattle in the working-class town of Bremerton. There wasnt a lot of structure to my grow

39、ing up, he says. I had an awful lot of discretion about where I went, what I did, who I did it with. His mother was doting and easygoing. His sister, his only sibling, was seven years older. And his father was a workaholic who sacrificed child-rearing to work at a furniture store he owned with a par

40、tner. His complete focus was on the store, Bill Sr. says. Mr. Gates Sr. early on built a life outside of his home. Next door, the Braman family had two boys for him to play with and a father who would become his most important role model. That man, Dorm Braman, had built his business and would later

41、 become a Naval officer, mayor of Seattle and a U.S. assistant secretary of transportation. In the late 1930s, Mr. Braman brought Bill Sr. on family road trips across the country. He was scoutmaster of Bill Sr.s Boy Scout troop, leading the boys on hikes through the Olympic Mountains and driving the

42、m in a beat-up bus to Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks. The troop spent two years building a log house from Douglas firs they felled themselves. Mr. Braman had no sense of personal limitations whatsoever, says Mr. Gates Sr. Bill Sr. and Mary ultimately took a page from that upbringing: They ba

43、cked off. They enrolled their son in a school that they thought would give him more freedom. That was the private Lakeside School, now known as the place where Bill Gates discovered computers. Mr. Gates says he began to realize, Hey, I dont have to prove my position relative to my parents. I just ha

44、ve to figure out what Im doing relative to the world. From age 13, he was given rare independence. He took off some nights to enjoy free use of the computers at the University of Washington. He spent chunks of time away from home - much as his dad had done as a kid. He lived for a time in Olympia, w

45、here he was a page in the state legislature, and in Washington, D.C. as a Congressional page. During his senior year, he took a break from school to work as a programmer at a power plant in southern Washington. And in what would become his first major collaboration with Paul Allen, his future Micros

46、oft cofounder, Mr. Gates designed the Traf-O-Data, a device for counting cars traveling over a section of road. His parents played supporting roles. They acquiesced when Bill quit Harvard and then moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico, to start Microsoft. It was a tough decision to back. Mary and I were

47、both concerned about it - I think she a bit more than I, Bill Sr. says. Her expectations and mine were very ordinary expectations of people who have kids in college - that they get a degree. The family support was one reason Mr. Gates decided to move Microsoft to Seattle, where he settled into a hou

48、se not far from his parents. Ms. Gates arranged to have a maid clean her sons house, and made sure he had clean shirts for his big meetings. She also insisted he kept observing the family traditions, including the weekly Sunday dinner at his parents house. Mr. Gates Sr., drawing from his own experie

49、nce as a lawyer guiding small companies, helped find Seattle businesspeople to serve on the Microsoft board. In 1980, Bill Gates brought his father along to dinner to help persuade college friend Steve Ballmer - now Microsofts chief executive - to quit graduate school and join Microsoft. The fathers law firm would also e


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