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1、第九讲 八年级(上) Units 910,复习目标导航,考点完全攻略,同步训练,1.nationadj.民族的;国家的 national 2.goldadj.金色的 golden 3.usual(反义词)adj.不寻常的;罕有的unusual adv.通常 usually 4.wellknown(同义词) famous 5.alive(反义词) adj.死的;去世的 dead 6.professionadj.专业的;职业的 professional,7.actn.演员 actorn.行动 actionadj.积极的active 8.over(同义短语)more than(反义短语) less

2、than 9.fit(同义词)adj.健康的 healthy municaten.交流 communication 11.buildn.建筑物 buildingn.建筑工人 builder,He is too young to join the army.He is not old enough to join the army.他太年轻了,还不能入伍。 车太贵,他买不起。 当it作形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式时,此时too相当于very,这种句式表示肯定意义。如: Its too important to learn English.学习英语很重要。,He is too young to

3、 join the army.He is not old enough to join the army.他太年轻了,还不能入伍。 车太贵,他买不起。,too.to.结构中若不定式的宾语与句中主语是同一人或物时,不定式的宾语应省去(反身代词除外);若不是,则不定式后的宾语要保留。 The water is too hot for me to drink. (不能用The water is too hot for me to drink it.) 不定式中的动词为及物动词,若是不及物动词,则应加上适当的介词。如: That house is too old for us to live in.,

4、2Im going to practice basketball every day. 我要每天练习打篮球。(Unit 10) practice意为“(不间断地)练习”,后面常跟名词或动名词作宾语。如: He practices the piano every day.他每天练习弹钢琴。 I always practice speaking English with foreigners. 我经常和外国人练习讲英语。,【拓展】 后面跟动名词作宾语的动词还有enjoy,finish,stop,start,begin,like,hate,remember,forget,mind,try,avoid

5、等。如: Mrs. Brown hates traveling by air. 布朗夫人讨厌坐飞机旅行。,3Im going to move somewhere interesting.(Unit 10) somewhere为不定副词,意为“在某处;到某处”,与其他一些复合不定代词一样,形容词及动词不定式位于其后作后置定语。如: The Whites are going somewhere warm for a holiday. Were looking for somewhere to stay. 我们正在找住宿的地方。,【拓展】 some和any的复合不定副词、不定代词的用法类似于some

6、和any。带some的一般用于肯定句,带any的一般用于否定句和疑问句中。,八年级上(910单元) (训练时间:60分钟 分值:100分),基础知识过关 一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(10分) 1The British n_ flag is red, white, and blue. 2You should be k_ to animals, and not hurt them. 3He has b_ quite a famous person. 4By doing that we could s_ a large number of money for the state. 5The e

7、arth here is r_ and plants grow very well. 6He has lived in Beijing o_ two years.,national,kind,become,save,rich,over,7Since then she has been in a d_ with fear always showing in her eyes. 8You must be good at a f_ language. 9Saul Bellow was an o_ American writer. 10Lets m_ this chair to the living

8、room. 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空(7分) 1I know your sister is a _ (violin) 2She is a kind and _ (love)grandmother. 3The girl is good at _ (skate) 4I want to be a _ (report)in the future.,dream,foreign,outstanding,move,violinist,loving,skating,reporter,5He was _ (bear) in 1960 in Shanghai. 6She was an _ (usual)gir

9、l. 7After a long walk,I want to stop _ (have) a rest. 三、根据汉语意思补全句子(13分) 1我太忙,不能同你一起去。 I am _ busy _ go with you. 2你们会参与首次实验吗? Are you going to _ _ _ _ the first experiment? 3我听说你妹妹主修英语。 I hear your sister _ _ _English.,born,unusual,to have,too,to,take part in,majors in,4火车晚点是由于有雾的缘故。 The train was l

10、ate _ the fog. 5你能同时看电视和做功课吗? Can you watch television and do your homework _ _? 6我想成为一名记者因为我喜欢和人交谈。 _. 综合能力提高 一、单项选择(10分),because of,at the same time,I want to be a reporter because I enjoy talking with people,1(2011百色)Those toys for children look _ and sell _. Agood;lovely Blovely;good Cwell;lovel

11、y Dlovely;well 【解析】look在此处是连系动词,后接形容词作表语;sell是实义动词,故用副词修饰。故应选D。 【答案】D,2Lucy dances best in our school. I agree. Ill never forget _ her dance for the first time. Aseeing Bto see Csee Dseen 【解析】考查forget的用法。forget doing sth.表示忘记干过某事,根据答语“我赞同,我永远都不会忘记第一次看见她跳舞时的场景。”可知,选A。 【答案】A,3Hi, Tom, why were you so

12、unhappy? I missed the exciting match _ the bad traffic. Ain order to Bsince then Cas a result Dbecause of 【解析】考查短语的用法。because of表示“因为,由于”符合题意,句意为“你好,汤姆,为什么你如此的不开心?”“由于糟糕的交通,我错失了精彩的比赛。” 【答案】D,4(2011清远)Im so hungry. Please give me _ to eat. Athree bread Bthree pieces of bread Cthree pieces of breads D

13、three piece of bread 【解析】考查可数名词与不可数名词的用法。bread为不可数名词,不加s,也不能直接用数字修饰,排除A和C。量词piece“片”是可数的要加s。 【答案】B,5(2011凉山)How was your day off yesterday? Perfect!It was my grandmas _ birthday. We had a big cake. Aeighty Beightieth Cthe eightieth 【解析】考查数词的用法。表示“某人多大生日”应该使用序数词,且不需要使用定冠词。 【答案】B,6When did you finish

14、_ your homework? Five minutes ago. Ado Bdone Cdoing Ddid 【解析】考查finish的用法。finish doing sth.表示完成了某事,句意为“你什么时候完成的家庭作业?”“五分钟以前。”,故选C。 【答案】C,7Your computer doesnt work now,there is _ with it. Awrong something Bsomething wrong Cwrong anything Danything wrong 【解析】考查不定代词的用法。anything用于否定句和疑问句中,修饰不定代词的词要放在不定代

15、词的后面。 【答案】B,8Lucy is leaving for a holiday. Really? Where _ she _? Ahas; been Bis; going Chas; gone Ddid; go 【解析】考查时态。根据问句可知,答语指现在进行的动作,用现在进行时,故选B。 【答案】B,9Lucy, have you send the email to your friend? Not yet. But I _. Adid Bdo Cam going to Dwont 【解析】考查现在进行时。句意为“露西,你给你的朋友发邮件了吗?”“还没有,但我正要发送。”故选C。 【答案

16、】C,10The potbellied pig is too big to sleep in the house,_ I have to make her a big one. Aor Bso Cbut 【解析】so引导结果状语从句。 【答案】B 二、完形填空(20分),(2011扬州)根据短文内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整。(每空一词) Youre standing with your classmates.E_1_ is talking except you. Perhaps youre afraid they will laugh at what you say.

17、Maybe you just arent b_2_ enough to speak. Shyness is like a snake that crawls(爬)into our mouth and s_3_ us speaking. But we shouldnt let it stay there. I am 29 years old. Even today,that snake still sometimes v_4_ me. When I was in high school,I was so shy that I wouldnt talk to anyone except my pa

18、rents and best,If you do these things for a while,the “shyness” snake will soon begin to l_10_ you alone. Itll look for another mouth to crawl into. 【答案】 1Everyone 【解析】由句意“除了你大家都在说话”知填Everyone。 2brave 【解析】由上一句“Perhaps youre afraid.”可以推测本句是说你或许只是不够勇敢。故填brave。 3stops 【解析】由句意“害羞就像一条蛇爬进我们的嘴里阻止我们说话”知,此处用

19、stop;因主语shyness是第三人称单数,故填stops。,4visits 【解析】由句意“甚至今天,那条蛇有时候还拜访我”知此处用visit;因主语that snake是第三人称单数,故填visits。 5way 【解析】the way to sp.“去某地的路”,是固定短语,故填way。 6job 【解析】由下段“This job taught me how to speak with people.”知,我在餐馆里找到了一份工作,故填job。 7much 【解析】花费“多少钱”常用how much来表达,故填much。 8chances 【解析】由句意“但是你可以寻找其他的机会跟人们

20、说话”知填chances。,9Or 【解析】由于前后句的内容存在着选择关系,故填Or。 10leave 【解析】leave sb.alone“把某人单独留下”,是固定短语,故填leave。 三、阅读理解(10分) We all dream about things that we would like to do and things we hope to achieve in the future. But are everybodys dreams the same? Here are some of the findings of a survey about dreams, in wh

21、ich thousands of students across China took part. Teenagers have all kinds of dreams. Some are more realistic than others. For example, many students said they would,1Thousands of students _ part in the survey “What are your _?” 【解析】由第一段最后一句话可知。 【答案】took; dreams 2The dream to be _ to fly one day is

22、not _. 【解析】由第三段最后一句话可知。 【答案】able; possible 3_ of the girls dreams is to sail across the Pacific Ocean in the _. 【解析】由第三段倒数第二句可知。,【答案】One; future 4_ are quite a few students dreaming to be _ people. 【解析】由第三段第二句可知,注意此处为“There be”句型。 【答案】There; famous 5It is _ to achieve the dreams without working _. 【

23、解析】通读全文并联系第三段第一句可知,不努力是很难实现梦想的。 【答案】difficult; hard,四、短文填空(10分) 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文意思通顺、完整。每空一词,每词限用一次,12选10。 My dad is an architect(建筑师) and he helps small bands get in a studio(工作室). We live in Miami FL and my dad is very _1_. We have a huge house in Miami and several _2_ summer houses up

24、 north and on Bourbon Street. In the _3_ few months my father bought a 2010 Bentley Continental Supersports,1successful 【解析】由下文的介绍可推知“我”的父亲十分“成功”,故用“successful”。 2smaller 【解析】从所给单词可知,修饰“summer houses”只能用“small”。此处与前面的“huge”形成比较,故用“smaller”。 3last 【解析】由“bought”可知是过去发生的事。“in the last few months”意为“在过去

25、的几个月里”。 4buying 【解析】由下文的“getting rid of her Audi R8”可知此处是指买入新车,think of后用动名词形式,故填buying。 5in 【解析】in the near future“在不久的将来”,为固定用法。,6if 【解析】联系下文可知,此处意为“昨天我问父母我们是否能够加入一个慈善组织”。if“是否”符合语境。 7get 【解析】get back into.“回到”,为固定用法。 8shouted 【解析】shout at sb.“对某人大喊”,注意此处应用过去时态。 9how 【解析】how fortunate we are“我们有多么

26、幸运”,修饰形容词“fortunate”要用副词“how”。 10And 【解析】由句意可知此句与前句是并列关系,故用“and”连接,注意首字母大写。 五、书面表达(20分),(2011河南)刘伟,无臂钢琴演奏者。他十岁时在一次意外中失去双臂,但他并没有放弃成为一名钢琴家的梦想。 经过刻苦用脚练习弹琴,他最终在“中国达人秀”(Chinas Got Talent)的舞台上实现了自己的梦想。请根据以上内容写一篇英语短文。 要求: 1简要描述刘伟的经历; 2谈谈从他的经历中得到的启示; 3词数80左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Liu Wei,an armless piano player,has a very special experience._,He lost his arms in an accident when he was 10,,


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