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1、典型“陷阱题” 50例续篇,(上),同学们在平时做题的过程中常常有这样的现象:有些题目看起来似曾相识,他们从原有的知识经验出发,机械地套用老方法,按某种固定的思路去思考问题,轻而易举地得出 “正确答案”,结果往往发现自己错了。误入了命题者所设置的“陷阱”中。 所谓的“陷阱”,实质上就是对正确 选项真正起到了干扰作用的那些干扰 项。下面是笔者精选和编拟的50道 “陷 阱”题,你们先做做看,看能否排除干 扰、避开“陷阱”。,1.Mary couldnt make herself _ attention to because her classmates made so much noise. A.

2、 paid B. to pay C. pay D. paying 2.Was it through Mary , _ was working at a high school , _ you get to know Tom ? A. who, who B. that, which C. who, that D. who, which 3.Every minute is made full use of _ our lessons. A. studying B. to study C. study D. being studied 4.I agree with most of what you

3、said, but I dont agree with _. A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing 5. Would you like _ , sir? No, thanks. I have had much. Asome more oranges Bany more oranges Csome more orange Dany more orange,6.He suggested the person referred _ put into prison. A. is B. be C. to be D. should be 7 .

4、 Well. I do think the rabbit is a beautiful, gentle animal which can run very fast. _. ASo it is BSo is it CSo does it DSo it does 8.“Is there _ here?” “No, Bob and Tim have asked for leave.” A. anybody B. everybody C. somebody D. nobody 9.“I think the teacher is wrong, _?” “No, I dont think so.” A.

5、 dont you B. dont I C. doesnt he D. doesnt she 10.Dont you know _, my dear friend, it is you that she loves? A. who B. which C. that D. what,11. He transplanted the little tree to the garden _ it was the best time for it. A. where B. when C. that D. until 12.If the weather is fine, well go. If _, _.

6、 A. not, not B. no, no C. not, no D. no, not 13.- Mum, why do you always make me eat an egg every day ? - _ enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up. A. Get B. Getting C. To get D. To be getting 14.Shes too thin. She _ gain some weight but she _ too little. A. would, ate B. will, eats C. w

7、ould, eats D. will, ate 15. What should I do with this passage? _ the main idea of each paragraph. A. Finding out B. Found out C. Find out D. To find out,16.She cant help _ the house because shes busy making a cake. A. to clean B. cleaning C. cleaned D. being cleaned 17. The prize of the game show i

8、s 30,000 and an all expenses _ vacation to China. A. paying B. paid C. to be paid D. being paid 18.Im examining the composition he has just finished _ the possible mistakes in it. A. correcting B. to correct C. corrected D. correct 19.He _ more than 5,000 English words when he entered the university

9、 at the age of 15. A. has learned B. would have learned C. learned D. had learned 20.The judge paid no attention to _ he had just lost his wife. A. that B. which C. what D. the fact that,21. _ a broken chair , the room is empty A. Except B. Except for C. Except that D. Besides 22. What should I do w

10、ith this passage? _ the main idea of each paragraph. A. Finding out B. Found out C. Find out D. To find out 23.The wonderful time they had been looking forward _ at last. A. to arrive B. to arrived C. to arriving D. should arrive 24. - What do you think made Mary so upset ? - _ her new bicycle. A. A

11、s she lost B. Lost C. Losing D. Because of losing. 25.He wrote a lot of novels, none of _ translated into a foreign language. A. them B. which C . it D. what,答案和讲解,1.Mary couldnt make herself _ attention to because her classmates made so much noise. A. paid B. to pay C. pay D. paying 答案解析:此题容易误选C, 其

12、实此题应选A。 pay attention to 是动词短语,起及物动词的作用,在句中作宾语补足语,与宾语herself构成被动关系。 2.Was it through Mary , _ was working at a high school , _ you get to know Tom ? A. who, who B. that, which C. who, that D. who, which 答案解析: 此题应选C, 但是许多学生刚好首先排除了C项,他们认为:(1)非限制性定语从句不用关系代词that引导;(2) 强调句型It be + 被强调部分 + that (who)中,who

13、 (that)前不能有逗号。 上述两点是对的,在此句中Was itthat也的确是强调句型,但句中的两个逗号不在强调句型中,它的作用是把非限制性定语从句who was working at a high school与句子其它部分分隔开来。整句话的汉语意思是:玛丽在一所中学工作,你是不是通过她认识汤姆的?,3.Every minute is made full use of _ our lessons. A. studying B. to study C. study D. being studied 答案解析:此题容易误选A,认为动名词作介词的宾语。其实此题应选B,此句是被动句,转换成主动句

14、就成为 we make full use of every minute to study our lessons.。是不定式作目的状语。 4.I agree with most of what you said, but I dont agree with _. A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing 答案解析: 此题容易误选B,生搬硬套不定代词用法规则:something用于肯定句,anything用于否定句或疑问句。其实此题应选A,注意前文的I agree with most of what you said(我同意你说的大部分

15、内容),其后的not与everything构成部分否定,意为“不是所有的都同意”,前后两部分用转折连词but连接,语气通顺、连贯。 ,5. Would you like _ , sir? No, thanks. I have had much. Asome more oranges Bany more oranges Csome more orange Dany more orange 6.He suggested the person referred _ put into prison. A. is B. be C. to be D. should be 答案解析:此题应选C. refer

16、red to 过去分词作定语,be put into prison是宾语从句的谓语部分。学生由于粗心,容易误选B或者D。,答案解析:选C。当用委婉的语气希望得到对方肯定回答的时候,疑问句中的some不能变成any。从答语中的much可判断出前面的名词应该是不可数的。此句话的汉语意思是:先生,还要点橙汁吗?不了,谢谢,我已喝了很多了。,7.Well. I do think the rabbit is a beautiful, gentle animal which can run very fast. _. ASo it is BSo is it CSo does it DSo it does

17、8.“Is there _ here?” “No, Bob and Tim have asked for leave.” A. anybody B. everybody C. somebody D. nobody 答案解析:此题容易误选A,认为这是一般疑问句,要用anybody。其实此题应选B,主要与上下文的语境有关。全文语境为:“大家都到齐了吗?”“没有,Bob和Tim两人请假了。”,答案解析:此题容易误选B, 平时同学们经常练习和so有关的倒装句:so放在句首,表示前面的肯定内容也适用于另一个人或物。其结构为:so +助动词+主语 。因此在未完全理解题意时,就主观地选择了B。其实最佳答案为

18、A。本题考查“so+主语助动词“结构,用来表示赞成前一说话者所说的内容,可译为“是的“、“对“或“确实如此“。此句话的汉语意思是: 哎, 我真地认为这兔子是一只漂亮温顺的动物,跑得很快。 确实如此。,9.“I think the teacher is wrong, _?” “No, I dont think so.” A. dont you B. dont I C. doesnt he D. doesnt she 答案解析:此题容易误选C或D,因为按照语法规则,I think后接宾语从句时,其反意疑问句与从句保持一致,但是退一步,即使按此规则,其反意疑问句也应是isnt he或isnt she

19、之类的,而不是像C或D那样用doesnt he和doesnt she。综合四个选项,最佳答案为A,dont you为dont you think so之省略。 10.Dont you know _, my dear friend, it is you that she loves? A. who B. which C. that D. what 答案解析:此题容易误选A或B,选A者认为这是指人的,故用who;选B者认为这是非限制性定语从句,两者都是误认为这是定语从句(注意没有先行词),其实此题应选C,that引导的是一个宾语从句(用做动词know的宾语),它只是被句中的插入语my dear f

20、riend隔开罢了。其实此句也可说成:My dear friend, dont you know that it is you that she loves?,11. He transplanted the little tree to the garden _ it was the best time for it. A. where B. when C. that D. until 12.If the weather is fine, well go. If _, _. A. not, not B. no, no C. not, no D. no, not 答案解析:此题应选A。If no

21、t, not.为If the weather is NOT fine, we will NOT go.之省略,全句意为“如果天气好,我们就去;如果天气不好,我们就不去”。该句的特点是:后句与前句的用词和句式完全相同,只是前句为肯定,后句为否定,为了简洁起见,于是将后句与前句相同部分省略,只保留否定词not。,答案解析:此题容易误选C, 把the garden看成是先行词,以为是where引导的表地点的定语从句。其实此题应选B。这是when引导时间状语从句。此句话的汉语意思是:他把小树在最合适的时候移植到花园。,14.Shes too thin. She _ gain some weight b

22、ut she _ too little. A. would, ate B. will, eats C. would, eats D. will, ate 答案解析:此题有些难度,许多同学不知如何分析。我们先根据题目所提供的选项将句意大致概括出来:她太瘦了。她会增加体重的,但她吃得太少了。根据句首Shes too thin这一所给信息可知,“她瘦”应是客观事实。按照一般的常识,“吃得少”就会导致“瘦”,“吃得多”就会导致“胖”,根据句首的信息,“她瘦”是客观事实,所以她“吃得少”也应是事实,因此第二空应填eats(即用一般现在时表示现在的事实)。根据上面的分析:“她瘦”和“她吃得少”均为现在的事

23、实,那么“她体重会增加”就应是假设(注意句中的转折连词but),所以第一空应填would,其实,此句可理解为其后省略了一个条件状语if she ate more (如果她多吃一点的话)。此题最佳答案选C。,13.- Mum, why do you always make me eat an egg every day ? - _ enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up. A. Get B. Getting C. To get D. To be getting 答案解析: 此处回答why, 因而答案选C. 作目的状语。,15. Wha

24、t should I do with this passage? _ the main idea of each paragraph. A. Finding out B. Found out C. Find out D. To find out 16.She cant help _ the house because shes busy making a cake. A. to clean B. cleaning C. cleaned D. being cleaned 答案解析:此题容易误选B,简单地套用cant help doing sth这一结构。其实此题应选A,注意以下两个结构均可用,但

25、是含义不同:cant help doing sth =禁不住做某事,情不自禁地做某事;cant help to do sth =不能帮助做某事。前者为引申用法,一般辞书均将其作为固定搭配列出来,许多老师对此也比较强调,从而就使同学们形成了思维定势;而后者为help表示“帮助”时的本义用法,因同学们平时对此不大注意,一看到上面的试题马上就联想到cant help doing sth这一结构,从而误选了B。,答案解析: 此题极易误选A。认为是动名词短语作do的宾语。其实我们把该答案代入原文,便发现不行。因为do finding out是绝对不能搭配的。其实此题应选C。考查祈使句。此句话的汉语意思是

26、: 我应该怎么处理这段文章? 归纳出每段的中心思想。,17. The prize of the game show is 30,000 and an all expenses _ vacation to China. A. paying B. paid C. to be paid D. being paid 18.Im examining the composition he has just finished _ the possible mistakes in it. A. correcting B. to correct C. corrected D. correct 答案解析:此题容易

27、误选A,因为习惯思维finish 后接doing. 但从句he has just finished为定语从句。答案选B,动词不定式作目的状语。,答案解析:选B。此句话的汉语意思是:“联众秀”的奖金是3万美元和一次一切费用全免的中国之旅。paid和expenses之间存在着逻辑上的动宾关系,过去分词作定语修饰expenses。整个all expenses paid又作定语修饰vacation。 多数考生没把all expenses paid看成一个整体,而认为all expenses和pay 存在着逻辑上的主谓关系;pay 和vacation存在着逻辑上的动宾关系;而误选答案A。,19.He _

28、 more than 5,000 English words when he entered the university at the age of 15. A. has learned B. would have learned C. learned D. had learned 20.The judge paid no attention to _ he had just lost his wife. A. that B. which C. what D. the fact that 答案解析:此题容易误选A或B:选A,认为to后应接一个that引导的宾语从句;选B,认为其后是一个定语从

29、句,介词后应用关系代词which。其实此题应选D。注意不能选A的原因是,在通常情况下,介词后不能直接跟that从句(极个别介词如except, but等除外),遇此情况,应在that从句前加上 the fact(此时the fact用做介词宾语,其后that从句用做the fact的同位语)。,答案解析:此题容易误选C, 学生见到过去时间点,就会依据平时的经验选择一般过去时。其实此题应选D。掌握了5000多个单词并非在15岁上大学时发生,而是早在之前就完成了,过去的过去, 所以要用过去完成时。此句话的汉语意思是:在他15岁上大学时,就已经掌握了5000多个单词了。,21. _ a broken

30、 chair , the room is empty A. Except B. Except for C. Except that D. Besides 答案解析:except所指项目,必须在主句内有所交代,except for 用来表示从某一细节方面来修正前面概括性说法,其后的宾语一般与句子所涉及的东西不同类。因此a broken chair 与 the room 不是同类,答案为B。 22. What should I do with this passage? _ the main idea of each paragraph. A. Finding out B. Found out C

31、. Find out D. To find out,答案解析: 此题极易误选A。认为是动名词短语作do的宾语。其实我们把该答案代入原文,便发现不行。因为do finding out是绝对不能搭配的。其实此题应选C。考查祈使句。 此句话的汉语意思是: 我应该怎么处理这段文章? 归纳出每段的中心思想。,23.The wonderful time they had been looking forward _ at last. A. to arrive B. to arrived C. to arriving D. should arrive 答案解析:此题迷惑选项为C,因受look forward

32、 to doing的影响,但此题主语为the wonderful time,后面they have been looking forward to 为定语从句,分析句子结构,找出句子的主干The wonderful time arrived at last.不难发现正确答案应为B. 24. - What do you think made Mary so upset ? - _ her new bicycle. A. As she lost B. Lost C. Losing D. Because of losing. 答案解析:此题迷惑项为D,这是犯了Chinglish之错,问句中的 wha

33、t只能用动名词短语Losing her new bicycle来代替。答案B为过去分词不作主语,答案A不构成主语从句。若将答语补充完整,全句为Losing her new bicycle made Mary so upset.因此缺少主语,正确答案为C.,25.He wrote a lot of novels, none of _ translated into a foreign language. A. them B. which C . it D. what 答案解析:同学们容易误选B,理由是none前没有并列连词 and 或 but,但B项是一个陷阱。此题的最佳答案应是A,注意此句不是

34、并列句也不是含有非限制性定语从句的复合句。逗号后面其实是一个独立结构。translated 不是谓语,而是一个非谓语动词(过去分词),所以假若在 translated 前加一个助动词 was,则此题应选(which),构成一个非限制性定语从句。所以做这类题要特别小心,千万不要想当然,更不要受思维定势的影响。,近年来,高考试卷中也常有这种“陷阱“题出现。当同学们遇到这种题时,既不可“轻易下手”,也不可不知所措,而应做到先三思而后行。首先,同学们要认真审题,发现“陷阱”。要灵活地运用语法规则,理顺思路,寻找“陷阱”。其次,要运用多向思维,分析“陷阱”。不要用习惯的、单一的、片面的思维去解题。再次,要去伪存真,识别“陷阱”。要抓住基本知识点及特殊现象,不厌其烦地归纳理解,认清选择题目中的“鱼目”及“珍珠”,避免落入“陷阱”。最后就是要加强验证,跳出“陷阱”。这就要求学习者要有良好的检查验证习惯,掌握验证的方法,即使落入了“陷阱”,也能在验证过程中,发现“陷阱”,并迅速地跳出来。,Thank you,


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