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1、2013届第一次月考,参考答案,一完型填空:(共30分,每题2分) 1-5: CBBCD 6-10: ACBCB 11-15: ABACB 二语法填空:(共15分,每题1.5分) 16. added 17. richest 18. Although/Though 19. a 20. he 21. other 22. repaired 23. comfortable 24. on 25. who 三阅读理解:(共50分,每题2分) 26-30: CBDAB 31-35: BDBCA 36-40: ACDBA 41-45: ADBAC 46-50: FCBAE,基础写作:,仔细审题(确定写作的内容

2、、主要的人称和时态、单词和短语等) 联词成句(确定要使用的句型结构) 联句成篇(确定要使用的连接词) 复读检查(单词拼写、字母大小写、时态语态、人称、主谓一致、句数、标点符号),The children left behind Nowadays, more and more young parents seek jobs in big cities to earn money. Their children have to be left with their grandparents, some of whom are too old to look after the children.

3、Many children cant get necessary guidance and help when (they are) faced with difficulty. Whats worse, they may have to help with the,farm work in the fields, which leave them little time to study. Gradually, many of these children lose interest in school and they leave school at an early age. To im

4、prove the situation, both the government and the young parents should take action.,读写任务,一、认真仔细审题 写作时一定要审题,不能看见要点就开始动笔写,应先思考一下所给材料以及所给要点之间的内在关系,在动笔前一定要将写作内容和要求仔细看一遍,了解读写任务的原文体裁、话题、思想教育、写作体裁、要点数、是否要求自拟题目、写作的对象等,只有了解了这些项目后,你才能做到心中有数,从而避免乱写一通,造成离题、错误连篇、涂涂改改等。,二、写好概括是良好的开端 应用大约五分钟时间阅读所给短文,找出文章的几个要点。概括时要认

5、真阅读材料,概括材料的主旨将与任务要求密切相关的内容,用简洁的语言准确地“重组”出来。注意: 1.抓住中心,尽量写出关键词,就能得2分,但不能以自己的观点代替作者的观点或经历,即概括阶段并不需要加上个人的见解。 2.要用自己的语言“重组”与任务相关的主要内容,不要抄袭阅读材料中的句子;同,时要注意使表达的信息要与原文材料的内容一致。 3.概括要全面、完整,不能只写一半;还要避免表达错误太多,以免影响评卷老师对下面主题写作的评分。 4.关于字数问题,虽然试卷中明文规定是“约30字”,但一般写到40个词(不包括标点符号)都不会有问题。考试时没必要逐个字去数,大概三行到四行多一点;另外,最好不要只用

6、一个句子来写summary,对于大部分高三学生来说这是难以驾驭的,尽可能用2个或3个单句来表达。,三、写好主题写作是关键 概括完后要按内容要点进行主题写作,注意: 1.注意格式,概括和正文要分段,但不需要隔行,各要点最好也分段,这样给人的感觉就层次分明,条理清晰; 2.各段落要注意衔接和过渡自然,要有主题句。可以直接回答题目问题来作为主题句,也可以用设问句(即重复题目问题)来表达,这样更能突出重点、引人入胜。 3.谋篇布局方面要突出重点,紧扣主题。,4.表达时句与句之间一定要分明,既要学会断句,该用句号用句号,该用逗号用逗号,该用连词就要用连词,又要使用分词短语、并列句、从句将句子连接起来。

7、四、写好草稿和修改好草稿是得高分的保障。 五、注重平时书写的训练、保持卷面的整洁,也是得高分的保障。,The passage tells us a story the author once experienced, reminding us to help those in trouble like what the swans did in the story, which shows helping others is a good virtue. I was moved by what the swans did. Nothing is more impressive and unfo

8、rgettable than being offered help or helping others. Since we are living under the same roof, theres no doubt that we need to support each other and care about other, especially in hard times.,I still remember when Wenchuan was struck by a severe earthquake, many people, even beggars included, donat

9、ed money for people there. I also remember the scene of fourteen international rescue teams working in heavy snow after March 13th Earthquake in Japan. Such things always move us to tears.,Why not hold out your helping hand to those who are suffering? What you give is the best gift for whoever are w

10、aiting for help. Remember, to give is to receive. We will need help from others some day!,第二期读写任务,From the passage, we know its common that many teenagers bedrooms are in disorder like Kaylas bedroom. Some parents can accept it while some parents are annoyed about the situation.,My bedroom is always

11、 a mess. I seldom make the bed. Dirty clothes, shoes, books and newspapers are all over the floor and the desk. However, I also think that teenagers should try their best to make their bedrooms tidy and clean. A messy bedroom really does harm to both our bodies and mood. For example, the air in my b

12、edroom is not fresh and I can never find what I need very quickly.,I think parents should do something to help teenagers form a good habit of cleaning their bedrooms as the passage shows. In fact, it is because I am too lazy that I dont clean up my bedroom, which is really a bad habit. I believe som

13、e teenagers are as lazy as me. Therefore, we teenagers really need our parents help to make our bedrooms tidy and clean.,一、默写: 自从改革开放政策(the reform and opening policy)在我们国家实施以来,我们的生活已经发生了翻天覆地的变化。以交通工具(transport means)为例,在改革开放之初,人们以拥有一辆自行车为骄傲。但到了二十世纪九十年代,摩托车在普通家庭中已很常见(popular)。现在,随着我们生活的改善,越来越多的人拥有小汽车

14、,这给他们的生活带来很大的便利(convenience)。,二、翻译: 用It takes some time to do sth./ order sb. to do sth./ have sth. done/ This/that was a time when/ burn down等词组句型翻译下文。 国王不相信要花十年时间才能将他的宫殿建好,于是他下令工人们必须在两年之内建好。那时正值王国缺少食物,有时工人们不得不空腹干活。可是,不等宫殿完工,它就被一场大火烧毁了。,参考译文: The king didnt believe that it would take ten years to b

15、uild his palace and he ordered the workers to have the palace built within two years. That was a time when the kingdom lacked food/ was lack of food and sometimes the workers had to work without eating anything. However, the palace was burnt down by a big fire before it was completed.,实例分析1(2007年广东高

16、考基础写作题),上周,我们以“谁是你的偶像”为题,在2600名学生中进行了一次调查(survey),以下是调查数据:,写作内容 根据以上数据,写一篇短文,包括以下内容: 1.调查时间,调查问题以及调查对象; 2.男女生在以明星为偶像方面的差异; 3.父母在男女生偶像中的排序差异; 4.男女生在以伟人为偶像方面的异同; 5.你的偶像及理由。 写作要求 .只能使用个句子表达全部内容; .文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称 评分标准 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯,【技法指导】 本题要求学生根据表格的数据以及写作内容的要求完成一篇类似调查报告的短文写作,因此比较数据后要进行深层次的加工整合。

17、第一、信息整理。整理所提供的全部信息点,将它们分解成5个信息块。 1.调查时间,调查问题以及调查对象; 上周,我们以“谁是你的偶像”为题,在2600名学生中进行了一次调查(survey)。 2.男女生在以明星为偶像方面的差异; 50%(一半)的女生选择影视明星作为她们的偶像,而48%的男生喜欢体育明星。 3.父母在男女生偶像中的排序差异; 对女生来说,父母排在第二位,而对男生来说,则排在第4位。 4.男女生在以伟人为偶像方面的异同; 男女生都有18%的比例把伟人当作他们的偶像。或:男生把伟人当作他们的偶像的百分比和女生一样。 5.你的偶像及理由。 至于我,Thomas Edison 是我得偶像

18、,因为他的发明极大地改变了我们的 生活。,第二、组词造句。注意语法正确,句子结构正确,句子结构完整以求意义完整. 上周,我们以“谁是你的偶像”为题,在2600名学生中进行了一次调查(survey)。 Last week, we did a survey among 2,600 students on “Who Is Your Idol”. Last week, we made a survey among 2,600 students ,whose theme was “Who Is Your Idol”.,50%(一半)的女生选择影视明星作为她们的偶像,而48%的男生喜欢体育明星。 Half

19、 of the girls choose film and TV stars as their idols, while 48% of the boys favor/ prefer sports stars. Half of the girls think that film and TV stars are their idols, while 48% of the boys like sports stars better.,对女生来说,父母排在第二位,而对男生来说,则排在第4位。 “Parents” ranks the second for the girls, but the four

20、th for the boys. “Parents” comes (in) second for the girls, but the fourth for the boys.,男女生都有18%的比例把伟人当作他们的偶像。/男生把伟人当作他们的偶像的百分比和女生一样。 18% of both the boys and the girls regard “great people” as their idols. The percentage of the boys choosing “great figures” is the same as that of the girls.,至于我,Th

21、omas Edison是我得偶像,因为他的发明极大地改变了我们的 生活。 As for myself, Thomas Edison is my idol, because his inventions have greatly changed our life. In my opinion/ As far as I am concerned, Thomas Edison is my idol, because his inventions have greatly changed our life.,第三、连句成篇。将5个句子衔接成连贯的文段,常使用代词指称,词汇重复,连接词或过渡词语. La

22、st week, we did a survey among 2,600 students on “Who Is Your Idol”. The survey shows that half of the girls choose film and TV stars as their idols, while 48% of the boys favor sports stars. As the data shows, “Parents” ranks the second for the girls, but the fourth for the boys. However, The perce

23、ntage of the boys choosing “great figures” is the same as that of the girls. As for myself, Thomas Edison is my idol, because his inventions have greatly changed our life.,Book2 unit3 基础写作,Recently we surveyed 368 middle school students on how they spent the 2012 Spring Festival. 30% said they spent

24、 most of their time with their parents visiting relatives and friends while 25% went traveling with classmates or parents. 45% of all those surveyed said they just stayed at home to do homework. When asked how,they felt about the Spring Festival, most said they enjoyed it because of the holiday and

25、lucky money they got, but some felt unhappy because they were given so much homework that they got little time for fun activities. Many students hope that next year they will have less homework and more free time.,2013届第二次月考,参考答案,完型填空 1-5 DBCBD 6-10 BACBA 11-15 CDBAD 语法填空 16. but 17. better 18. with

26、 19. It 20. that 21. given 22. the 23. be eaten 24. chiefly 25. In 阅读理解 2630 CBBDC 3135 ADBDA 3640 BCCBD 4145 ABCAC 信息匹配 4650 CFBAE,基础写作 On May 1st, I participated in a five-day tour organized by our school to the Jinggang Mountain by train. After we got there, first we visited the Hope Primary Scho

27、ol, where we got to know the conditions of students study in the less developed areas. Soon, we were arranged to live in the houses of local villages to see what their real life,is. There we were able to have meals with them and work in the field to experience the farmers life. During the visit, we

28、were excited to find that farmers are living a better life and no children drop out of school because the government eliminates tuition fees and many warm-hearted persons unselfishly sponsor them.,读写任务 Belief Can Change Ones Fate This passage tells us that Monty Roberts, who had such strong belief t

29、hat he didnt give up his dream all the time, eventually succeeded in owning a horse ranch. For a person, belief always plays an important role in his life. As a saying goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way.” Anyone who has strong belief can enjoy a colorful life. Otherwise, he will lose himse

30、lf in his way of life.,Belief is so important that it can change ones fate. As a deaf man, Beethoven went on working with his strong belief in the last years of his life, though he was not able to hear his own fine music. Maries Curie, a famous scientist, also has set a good example. In 1898, Marie

31、found a new element in the pitchblende. In order to prove her discovery, Marie and her husband worked hard. At last they saw the dim blue light of new elementradium. Her dream had come true.,From my personal point of view, it can be seen that one with firmly-held belief is likely to be successful an

32、d master his own life.,读写任务(第七期) In the passage, educational researchers show us that a good reader is more likely to achieve academic success as reading can help readers develop reading competence. In my spare time I like reading some great works of literature, such as Red and Black, War and Peace

33、and so on. The delicate language, the,wonderful plot, and the vivid characters make me addicted to these works. Also, Im interested in books about science as I can learn more about the world by digesting them. Reading really help me a lot in my study, such as how to write a composition more attracti

34、vely. Whats more, I often come across some so-called new vocabularies in texts that I have already known from classic works.,However, the benefits that reading brings to me are far more than these. It also helps me build up my character, teaches me what is right and what is wrong and guides me to gr

35、adually become a man with great morals.,基础写作(第八期) Since June1,2008, in order to reduce white pollution and the waste of resources, a policy, which demands that no supermarkets, shops or market stalls provide customers with free plastic bags, has been carried out all over the country. Four years have

36、 passed and results of starting the policy are mixed. The use of plastic bags in shops and supermarkets is reducing while the enforcement in,market stalls is less and less strict. Most customers take cloth bags while shopping and have adapted to the policy. We strongly suggest that the public should

37、 raise their environmental awareness and that the government should take more strict enforcement.,读写任务(第10期),The passage mainly tells us that a father apologized to his 4-year-old daughter for saying words which hurt her feelings. After the apology, the father could sense her happiness. However, som

38、e people are always unwilling to apologize actively in our daily life, as they find it very awkward to do so, or maybe they are too embarrassed to admit they are wrong. Sometimes they think they lose face.,In fact, learning how to make a sincere apology is an important skill. A timely and sincere ap

39、ology is a great way to settle conflicts, to deepen mutual(相互的) understanding and to improve friendships. Here are three steps to make a good apology. First, say “I am sorry”. Admit the other persons feelings and express that you are sorry for the pain he or she is experiencing. Second,admit your fa

40、ult. If your behavior was the cause of the injury, say it again, “It is my fault.” The last step is to ask what you can do to make things better. By asking the others opinion on it, you have a much better chance of avoiding making a similar mistake again.,“脑残”的定义:,Your brain has two parts: the left

41、and the right. Your left brain has nothing right, and your right brain has nothing left.,少数民族:minority, national minority, ethnic minority, ethnic groups 汉族:the Han people, the Han ethnic group, the Han nationality,1. China has a population of 1.3 billion. The population of China is 1.3 billion. 2.

42、China has 56 peoples/ethnic groups in all. There are altogether 56 people/ethnic groups in China. 3. The Han people takes up 91.6% of the national population.,4. Other 55 peoples/ethnic groups are all called minorities. 5. The Han people live/spread all over the country. 6. Yunnan Province has more

43、than 20 minorities. There are more than 20 minorities in Yunnan Province. Yunnan Province is home to more than 20 minorities.,7. Yunnan is a province with the most minorities. Yunnan Province has the most minorities. Yunnan has more minorities than any other province in China. 8. Each minority has i

44、ts own living customs/lifestyle. 9. Its living customs are different from other peoples/ethnic groups.,五句话: 1+2、3+5、4、6+7、8+9,Dear friends, Welcome to China! China has a total population of 1.3 billion, with 56 ethnic groups. The majority of the population is the Han ethnic group, taking up 91.6perc

45、ent of the national population and spreading over many regions in China. Chinas other 55 ethnic groups are customarily referred to as the national minorities. Yunnan,Province, home to more than 20 ethnic groups ,has the most diverse ethnic groups in China. As for their customs, each minority group h

46、as its own lifestyle, different from other ethnic groups. Thanks for your attention. Wish you a good journey!,The passage gives some examples to show that current affairs affect our daily lives greatly, which most of us ignore . So we should get involved in the current affairs and form good habit of

47、 keeping up with them.,Every day we have the chance to witness history in the making, but most of us , especially children, let televisions, games, chat and other silly behavior get in the way. At the same time, some of us are busy with jobs and study, thinking current affairs are none of our busine

48、ss.,We should spend at least half an hour each day reading the news and exploring current affairs, which is very helpful for us to find ways to make our thoughts and feelings known. We can keep up with current affairs by buying newspapers and magazines, reading the news online, watching daily news o

49、n TV and so on.,As for me , I prefer to learn about the news from the Internet for it is free of charge. Whats more, it is convenient for us to exchange our views there .,月考(三)参考答案,完型填空:该部分考点:名词6个、动词6个(含非谓语动词2个)、形容词2个、副词1个。 1-5. BADBC 6-10. ACDBA 11-15. DBCCA 语法填空 16.but 17.looking 18.where 19.an 20.so 21.themselves 22.on 23.turns 24.to get 25.possibly 二阅读 26-30. DBACB 31-35. CDBDC 36-40. BACDA 41-45 A D B A C 信息匹配 46-50 FCABE,基础写作: A deba


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