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1、,Active reading 1: Resources,More,arouse v.,Use appropriate forms of “arouse” or “arise” to fill in the blanks.,Back,Her strange behavior my curiosity. He was from his nap by the doorbell. A new difficult problem has . This misunderstanding out of the lack of cultural knowledge in cross cultural com

2、munication.,aroused,aroused,arisen,arose,involve v.,Guess what involve means in different sentences.,This is a situation in which national security is involved.,include or affect sb./ sth. in its operation 包括,包含,牵涉,牵连,2. The job involves my living in a foreign country.,3. He was involved in a heated

3、 discussion.,4. The witnesss statement involves you in the robbery.,make sth. necessary as a condition or result 使某事物成为必要条件或结果,involve sb./ sth. in (doing sth.) 使某人 (某事物)参与某活动或陷入某情况,involve sb. in sth. 与等有关联,Back,embarrassment n.,embarrass v. embarrassing, embarrassed adj.,He used a joke to get all

4、the people out of the _ situation. 2. She was so shy that she felt _ when she could not answer the questions in class. 3. There is a distinct sense of _ between them.,Choose the appropriate words to fill in the blanks.,embarrassing,embarrassed,embarrassment,Back,perceive v.,Back,The noun form of rec

5、eive is reception. What is the noun form of perceive?,perception n. 感知能力;洞察力;看法,理解,Translate the Chinese information into English.,I _ (认为他的评论) as a challenge. The scientists had already _ _ (注意到全球变暖). Their analysis of this problem _ _ (显示出敏锐的洞察力).,perceived his comment,perceived the global,showed

6、great,warm,perception,The scientists had already perceived that the temperature of the globe was rising.,response n.,respond v. responsive adj.,usually the teachers questions. 2. The after-sale service of this car shop is very good. After I told them my brake was not very through email, they my emai

7、l with a phone call immediately.,Translate the expressions in red into Chinese.,积极应答的,反应热烈的班级,积极回应,反应灵敏的,回答,反应,1. A responsive class,makes active response,to,responsive,respond to,Back,click,click,click,click,inquire or enquire v.,Work with your partner to translate the following dialog with “inquir

8、e” or “enquire”.,inquiry n. 询问 inquiries 问讯处,A:你去问询问处(information desk)打听一 下去北京的火车票价。 B:可是我不知道询问处在哪里啊? A:你可以问一下保安(security staff)。 B:保安正协助警察在调查一个可疑(suspicious) 包裹的来由。,More,Back,A: Please inquire about (打听消息) the ticket price of train to Beijing at the information desk. B:But I dont know where the in

9、formation desk is. A: You can inquire of the security staff where the information desk is. (inquire sth. of sb.询问什么 ) B: The security staff is working together with the policeman to inquire into the source of a suspicious package. (inquire into sth. 调查,查问),tolerance n.,tolerate v. tolerant adj.,tole

10、rant, tolerance, tolerate, (in)tolerable Parents are often very _ of or towards their children. Sometimes the children are spoiled terribly because of this excessive _, so they make some _ acts without even realizing them. In fact, parents unconditional _ is not good for their children because nobod

11、y they meet after they enter the society will _ their rude behaviors as their parents.,Choose the appropriate words to fill in the blanks.,tolerant,tolerance,intolerable,tolerance,tolerate,Back,awareness n.,Back,aware adj.,Translate the Chinese information into English.,I (意识到) the fact that univers

12、ity life is not as exciting as I expected. She (意识到) something unusual had happened. We should (提高民众的意识) of the danger of drug abuse.,am aware of,became aware that,raise public awareness,carry on,他们决定不管天气好坏都坚持跑完马拉松。,They decided to carry on with the marathon/ carry on running the marathon in spite o

13、f the weather.,Trans,Translate the following Chinese sentence into English.,Back, Useful Expressions,激起了我的兴趣,1. arouse my interest,More,2. 整个地区,到处,2. the length and breadth of,3. come to a conclusion,4. walk backwards,5. step forward,6. carry on,3. 得出结论,4. 往后退,5. 靠前一步,6. 继续下去, Useful expressions,7.文

14、化碰撞,8. get sb. into trouble,9. show strong agreement,10. Dont mention it.,11. You are welcome.,12. look thoughtful,13. good appetite,7. cultural bump,8.给谁带来麻烦,9.表示完全同意,10.别客气,11.不用谢,12.看上去若有所思,13.好胃口,More, Useful expressions,14.听起来太美国化了,14. sound very American,15. reserve right,16. get tired of doin

15、g sth.,17. collect information,18. show cross-cultural understanding,19. come to an end,20. serve coffee,15.具有或保持权利,16.厌烦做什么,17.收集信息,18.表现出对文化差异的理解,19.结束,20.上咖啡,Back,Words to note,subscriber impact whereas resist extend speculate interfere distract,1. end up,Active reading 1: Resources,subscriber n.

16、,subscrib(e) + er subscriber,Active reading 1: Resources,subscribe (sth.) ( to sth.) 认捐,捐助一笔款项,Could you work out what subscribe means and how to use it from the following sentences?,1. How much did you subscribe to the disaster fund?,2. Which journal do you subscribe to?,subscribe (to sth.) 订阅,订购报刊

17、等,Back,3. The professor subscribed a few remarks at the end of the essay.,subscribe sth. (to sth.) 在文件下面签名,签字,impact n.,Active reading 1: Resources,Translate the following sentence.,Back,新方法和新技术对现代工业起到了巨大的影响。,Trans,New methods and technologies have made tremendous impact on / upon modern industry.,C

18、an you recall any other words that have similar meaning and usage to impact?,effect and influence Expression: have an effect or influence on sb. or sth.,resist v.,Match the word resist with its meaning according to the expression in which it is used .,Back,1. 对抗,抵抗 2. 抵制,抗拒 3. 抗、耐 4. 经得住,不屈从某人或某事物,1

19、. resist damp 2. resist temptation 3. resist an attack 4. resist the call for reform,Active reading 1: Resources,extend v.,Active reading 1: Resources,More,exten(d) + sion extension (n.) exten(d) + sive extensive (adj.),extend v. make sth. longer or larger (in space or time) lay or stretch out offer

20、 or give sth. of space, land or time) reach or stretch,expand v. cause sth. to become greater in size, number or importance spread out, unfold (of a person) become more friendly or talkative,extend, expand,Active reading 1: Resources,Choose the appropriate word to fill in the blanks. Change the form

21、 when it is necessary.,Back,1. Metals when they are heated. 2. I would like to my warmest welcome to all of the guests present here. 3. Can you _ your visit a few days longer? 4. The petals of the flowers in the sunshine. 5. The gymnast _ _ her arms to keep balance. 6. The road _ as far as the eye c

22、an see.,expand,expanded,extend,extend,extended,extends,speculate v.,Translate the Chinese information in the brackets into English.,speculate on / about/ upon sth.: 思考,思索,推断,推测 speculate in sth. 投机,做投机买卖,speculate about his own future,This is one of the peculiarly dangerous months to _ (投机股票). He ha

23、s grown up. He should start to _ (预测他自己的未来).,speculate in stocks,Back,interfere v.,More,Figure out the meaning of the colored expressions with the word interfere. Put the letter “A” , “B”, “C” or “D” in the brackets.,A. concern oneself with or take action affecting sb. else affairs without the right

24、 to do so 干涉,介入,干预 interfere in sth. / between sb. and sb.,B. handle, adjust, etc sth. without permission, esp. so as to cause damage(未得允许)摆弄;尤指弄坏 interfere with sth.,C. prevent sth, from being done or carried out properly 阻碍,妨碍,妨害 interfere with sth.,D. distract or hinder sb. 干扰或妨碍某人 interfere with

25、 sb.,1. I am afraid the unexpected incident will interfere ( ) with my plan. 2. Its wise not to interfere ( ) between husband and wife.,C,A,Active reading 1: Resources,Dont interfere ( ) in the business that does not concern you. Dont interfere ( ) with your father when he is doing his experiment. Y

26、ou may interfere ( ) with his equipment.,B,D,A,Back,Figure out the meaning of the colored expressions with the word interfere. Put the letter “A” , “B”, “C” or “D” in the brackets.,A. concern oneself with or take action affecting sb. else affairs without the right to do so 干涉,介入,干预 interfere in sth.

27、 / between sb. and sb.,B. handle, adjust, etc sth. without permission, esp. so as to cause damage(未得允许)摆弄;尤指弄坏 interfere with sth.,C. prevent sth, from being done or carried out properly 阻碍,妨碍,妨害 interfere with sth.,D. distract or hinder sb. 干扰或妨碍某人 interfere with sb.,distract v.,Active reading 1: R

28、esources,Choose the appropriate words to fill in the following blanks,Back,distract sb. (from sth.) 使某人分心 distracted adj. (with / by sth.) 精神不能集中的 distracting adj. 分散注意力的 distraction n. 注意力不集中;使人分心的事物,The unexpected news _him from his work. He couldnt go on with his work because of the_. He was _ wi

29、th great anxiety, so he turned on the TV, hoping the _ program can calm himself down.,distracted,distraction,distracted,distracting,end up 最终,Translate the Chinese information in the brackets into English.,If you continue to steal you will _ (终归得进监狱). At first, he refused to accept any responsibilit

30、y, but he _ (到头来还是道了歉). If he carries on driving like that, he will _ (终究要送命).,end up in prison,ended up apologizing,end up dead,Back,1. the biggest factor of change in everyday behavior,Useful expressions,More,2.手机用户,3.著名的旅游景点,4.在可获得的范围 之外,1.改变人们日常行为 方式的最主要因素,5.开机/关机,6. 短信 / 发短信,2. mobile phone sub

31、scriber,3. famous tourist sights,4. go (be) beyond the reach of ,5. switch on/off the mobile phone,6. text (message) or send text messages,Useful expressions,7.打我的座机和我取得联系,7. reach me on my landline,More,8.紧急地打我的手机,8. call me urgently on my mobile,9.最后感到非常愤怒,9. end up quite angry,10.(使)慢下来;(使)缓行,10.

32、 slow down,11.不到最后一分钟不做打算,11. dont make plans until the last minute,12.从有利方面看,12. on the plus side,13.凭一时冲动,13. on (an) impulse,Useful expressions,Active reading 1: Resources,14.电脑坏了,15.安排社交生活,16.必需品,17.奢侈品,18.大惊小怪,19.心灵治疗,20.干扰我的日常生活,14. computer isnt working,15. make arrangements for my social life,16. essential,17. luxury,18. make a fuss,19. therapy for the soul,20. interfere with my daily routine,Back,


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